Feldman Straits of Magellan

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FELDMAN THE STRAITS OF MAGELLAN for Flute, Horn, Trumpet, Amplified Guitar, Harp, Piano, Cont Score (flute, horn, trumpet, oml ified guitar, harp, plano, contra-basa) Watts Mabiom Bach box 19 equal to XM 68. Numbers indicate the amount fof sounds to be nlayed within the duration of each box, Inileare single sounds for all the instruments 2 may ‘be used for an ceeastonal open sound using the Smmboln occurring tn THE STRAITS OF MAGELLAN: P Plutter (on one tone) Double tongue (on one tone) 7 Upward s1ide in any register \ Downward atide in any register 7 Sane sound repeated seven tines PANO Fingers down without sounding, using sustaining pedal combinations tn any register Mite notes 7 0 3 mack notes . J Sane chord reppated seven tines SONTRA-BASS. Munbors not prefaced with a letter are clayed pie. A keoo, P Fonts, L con lomo, Qharnonte, P Font. tremolo, & seme sound repented atx tines, @ tremolo (hamwonte) Copyrisht @ 1962 by C.F. Peters Corp., 373 Park Aves Sov, MeYs 16, NeYs cet one mens Q @ 9 9 q coprmenr® 1962 by CR PETERS ConPoRAriM, 379. PARK AVE-S0, My. Mm. HHAMAAAADE ? f ° e ECOUEEEC ECO CORE ECC oe HN -ELE TTT GES LO Bl TL LL ti oe ECC SCOCCREEEECCLOCOE CFE « Wn CTEECHEEERCEET PRERTEEEE 7 7 we CRETT VL CASE EE= TE EURETL LAA LEA TL) m CO ne a EERE GEE ETO «. CCPC OHA TST TTT OEELPLBEOCE Fae AEEERDEE 373] 2 ° ° ° ? ° Peal TORE COCO ec HoCKyEE= Hoos t CCCP EEE t TESCO me. [ xh LLG EWS E PEEFI TEE LLCTA er. t if il T ro Toe HA CEE] ECO COREE ot OCCA «. CUCBLOA Core CROCCO EEE PEE TTA “ nannaannanaaal Ve CuUUvuuuUULULLLLEULULUE TET FE EAD AN AR ARAARAAARARAAAAAAN NH ou EE J TOO @ om am] 6 ECR I ITT : I f t OL, io KO al GELB [yl . HEE E A H . I T+ iz el WCECCEEE TET al oy TOTES =O x sa Ea if H ; AHA OO > > > > > > > > alfa SCF EE TELS PEERS eS P= a. GEEEEEE BE ZI “ECCT THREE ECR mm le ae x NI ii LI | Ti TCE vee CECE TH eq oI TELE e« CST] TEE E I co ia EL KHOA AANAMAAMAAMAAAMAARAARARA

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