抓住彩虹的男人 The Cage Of Love EPISODE 32, 33, 34 REVIEW, Summary, And Highlight

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EPISODE 32, 33, 34 REVIEW,

June 16, 2015


Ive watched a lot of dramas in my life and there are very few dramas
that I actually dislike. I mean, yeah there are ones which I roll my eyes
during some scenes and cringe, and complain but thats what us dramawatchers do.
But this drama Man. I was just waiting for the roller-coaster to drop the
whole time and I was waiting to be really, really in to it, and the roller
coaster ended up levelling off, and there was literally no climax at any
point. I didnt feel excited I didnt feel attached to any characters, I just
really didnt care. Especially that the endings been out for so long, Ive
just put off watching it and doing its recap.
SO AGAIN, due to my very indifferent and unattached feelings (to say the
least) this recap will probably be very brief, and full of angst and
frustration with the lack of development with these characters.
Is it Zheng Shuang?! I have never felt so annoyed, other than with this,
and Love Weaves Through A Millennium.

Jiang Yu, realizing that Cai Hong was so brave to face her feelings,
decides to come clean about his feelings towards her, and confesses his
love towards her.

FINALLY Cai Hong wakes up after being a coma for literally half an episode
(ok, fine, its a drama) and Shao Tian goes to tell Jiang Yu.
At this point, Shao Tian has accepted that Cai Hong likes Jiang Yu (even
though Cai Hong has expressed it very terribly in the drama where I could
not even tell), and was looking to set them up together.

Jiang Yu looks troubled after hearing the fact, and Fei Fei tells him to go
find Cai Hong.
Fei Fei directly tells Jiang Yu that shes giving him her blessing, and that if
Cai Hong is what makes him happy, he should go for it.
I just love Fei Fei. If I could pick my favourite character from this drama
(other than Jiang Yu of course) it has to be Fei Fei. I would definitely watch
any drama that shes in. She probably is the most well-liked second
female lead ever since they always try to make the second female lead

seem like such a bitch. Shes so understanding, not catty, not

manipulative, and pretty. SIGH.
Well spoiler alert, this is really the last few times we see Fei Fei in the

And suddenly the sweet moments come to a sudden halt, where their
conversation is interrupted by Mama Jiang, pretty much piping in and
saying Uh how about no because she cant get over the fact that Cai
Hong is Wu Hong Das daughter.
OK CMON Mama Jiang, as much as I dislike Cai Hong, she saved your
f*cking life and you pretty much owe her at this point.
Mama Jiang threatens Jiang Yu by telling him that she will take her own life
if he decides to continue his relationship with Cai Hong.

Up next, we have this way-too-long cringe-worthy scene where Lu Man

literally writhes semi-naked in nice fabric.
She suddenly oddly gets up from the fabric, stares at it, and says But its
not the same as the ones from the secret method.

Suddenly, General Lu shows up at her steps and beats her up (which was
pretty hard to watch). He was angry that she didnt heed his warning
about not starting trouble, and now shes done something even worse
committing arson to the Jiang mansion especially when Jiang Yu is such a
well-known man in Hu Zhou.

In the next scene, its insinuated that Lu Man was raped since shes barely
clothed and crying about being bullied by people. I feel pretty bad for her
even though I dont like her character I guess some people cant pick
their circumstances, and they cant always pick to be high and noble like
Cai Hong right?

Jiang Yu has not visited Cai Hong at all along during this time. Cai Hong
sneaks away while Shao Tian is gone to visit Mama Jiang to see if shes ok.
Mama Jiang sees her and acts like the biggest a*shole (especially
considering that Cai Hong had saved her from a fire) and tells Cai Hong to
GTFO. Cai Hong kneels outside the door.

Meanwhile, Shao Tian is outside telling Jiang Yu that he only wants the
best for Cai Hong, and even though that he knows that he can protect her
and treat her well, Shao Tian acknowledges that Jiang Yu is the only one
that can truly make Cai Hong happy.

Jiang Yu returns to the hospital and finds Cai Hong kneeling in front of
Mama Jiangs room. He cornily (but in an oh-so-manly manner) picks her
up and carries her back into her hospital room.
I mean it really wasnt necessary to pick her up it was a very dramaesque thing to do.

He picks her up and holds her closely and puts her down onto the bed (Im
sure doctors and nurses passing by are like Uh ok thats against our
safety policies and we have wheelchairs available if she cant walk) and
holds her hand.
Cai Hong in this scene shyly says If you do this, I will misunderstand, to
which Jiang YU responds with There is no misunderstanding, what you
think it is, is correct.
Long story short, Jiang Yu asks Cai Hong to be with him, and bravely face
the challenges that Mama Jiang may bring and Cai Hong finally agrees.

Even though she has verbally and directly agreed to be with him, I really
still do not feel the chemistry or the love from her to him :/.

Sorry bro
Poor Shao Tian is outside hearing the whole thing.

As our new couple happily spend the first few days of their relationship in
the honeymoon stage, Jiang Yu decides to step out to buy Cai Hong a gift.

Cai Hong takes this opportunity while no one is watching her to be a

(direct translation as a little troublesome gremlin) and decide to go find
Mama Jiang to plead for forgiveness again.

HONESTLY though if Cai Hong was a real person if we knew in real life she
would be damn annoying.

WELL as the plot would coincidentally have it, Mama Jiang was in the
midst of getting kidnapped at the same time.
These kidnappers were Lu Mans men. It was Lu Mans last resort to
kidnap someone that was important to Jiang Yu in order to blackmail him
for the secret method.
Since the self-sacrificial Cai Hong had discovered the kidnapping at the
same time, Cai Hong had volunteered herself to the kidnappers so that
they wouldnt take Mama Jiang. Since the kidnappers trusted Cai Hong
and took her instead, they are probably one of the most gullible and
trusting kidnappers on the face of this earth (seriously, youre about to
commit a crime and you decide to switch from kidnapping a key figure to
another person that youve never seen before).

\Before they leave, the kidnappers

knock out Mama Jiang.
When Jiang Yu and Fei Fei find out, they find Mama Jiang unconscious and
bleeding. By the time Mama Jiang wakes up, she starts crying and tells

them what happened to Cai Hong.

Shao Tian get mad at Jiang Yu for some dumb reason ok Cai Hong selfvolunteered can you blame her instead? She is a full adult that is
capable of making her own decisions and if she likes to always do these
things where she will be subjected into danger, you cant blame anyone
else. Its like blaming Primrose from the Hunger Games for causing Katniss
to volunteer as a tribute.

Lu Man admits to killing Wu Hong Da to Cai Hong (FINALLY, in the last


And she tortures her for the secret method just to make sure that Cai
Hong doesnt have it. Obviously Lu Mans form of torture is sticking pins
into Cai Hongs hands for once I would like female forms of torture in
dramas for the female lead to be more realistic and less dainty.

FINALLY the start of Episode 34 (I told you, this is very concise). Shao
Tian is walking around and he is stunned by the revelation that Jiang Yu
was the child that had given Shao Tian that coin once when he was a child
when his father was dying.
Now, I have rewinded it a few times to watch the last two episodes more
carefully but I couldnt find any scenes where the actual revelation was
happening, only flashbacks of the scene and Shao Tian being
stunned afterwards. Is it because Im watching the cut version???
Anyways, I was so disappointed on how they made the coin exchange
such a big deal in the beginning of the drama and it literally does not add
to the plot at all. Cmon they couldve done so much with that revelation
or built up to it or something.

Anyways, we move onto the night where Jiang Yu and Shao Tian save Cai
Hong from Lu Man. Shao Tian has dinner with his mom and pretty much
tells her how much he appreciates her for having dealt with his shit for all
these years. They have a sweet mother-son moment and you know,

whenever theres a sweet moment between two people before one person
embarks on a dangerous mission, that very person is going to die.

Jiang Yu meets at Lu Mans men at a secret meeting spot alone as

instructed, and they take him off to a secret place.
Jiang Yu comes up with this genius and very fabulous idea of leaving a trail
of glitter behind so that Shao Tian and the police chief would be able to
find where he is.

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