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Plans for a Dobsonian telescope

Plans for a homemade Dobsonian telescope

Since you are reading this, you are probably considering

to build your own Dobsonian telescope.
This page provides detailed plans and instructions how to
build one.
You can buy some ready made parts, or you can make
everything on your own, including the mirrors and
You can follow the instructions strictly, or make
modifications to suit your needs, available materials, and
The design described here works very well for more than
40 telescopes I have built either for myself, fellow
astronomy club members or educational projects.

What is an Dobsonian?
It is an Newtonian optical tube, mounted on a very simple, yet very stable and easy to use alt azimuth mount. The mount works via friction, just little enough to
easily move the telescope, but yet enough that the telescope remains pointed. It is held together by gravity alone. This mount was invented by John Dobson, a
member of the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers. It was first referred to as the "sidewalk telescope". Its main goal was to make astronomical observations
affordable to anybody, by using this cheap, easy to make telescope.
What size should I choose?
Presented here, are the 2 most common sizes, 150 mm (6") and 200 mm (8") primary mirror diameter.
Besides the primary mirror diameter, there is another important parameter : the focal length.
Commonly available are 150 mm primary mirrors at f8 (1200 mm), f 6.7 (1000 mm) F5 (750 mm),
and 200 mm mirrors at f6 (1200 mm) and f5 (1000 mm)
The mount presented here can not accommodate the 200 mm f 8 (1600 mm FL) tube.
Most popular are the 150 mm F8 and the 200 mm F6. Both are universal telescopes, equally good both for planetary or deep sky observations. Going for a shorter
focal length will give you a shorter, more compact tube, easier to transport. On the other hand, the faster focal ratio will want more expensive eyepieces, and is
more demanding on collimation. The 150 mm will be cheaper and lighter, but the 200 mm gathers more light and will show more deep sky objects.. for a higher
price, and more bulk and weight.
Materials and tools needed:
The most important components are the optics, primary and secondary mirrors. Buy those first. For a 200 mm F6 primary, a 40 mm minor axis secondary is
needed. For the 150 mm F8, a 32 mm secondary.
You will also need at least one eyepiece, and a finder scope.

Besides that, the rest of the telescope are boards, a tube, a handful of screws and couple more easy to find items. You might buy a ready made focuser, spider and
primary cell... or make your own. Same with eyepiece's and finder scope.
A drill, jigsaw, and some simple hand tools is all that is needed.
Lets start with the MOUNT:
The mount is made from standard 19 mm particleboard. It is cheap and commonly available. In most shops, you can bring a cutting list, and you receive ready cut,
square pieces. Pick any color you want, or, you can buy the small cutting leftovers very cheaply. You will get boards in a few colors and patterns... but all it takes is
one can of spray paint to paint it. You have to paint it anyway, to make it moisture resistant. Out there, at night, it can get very wet. You can also make this mount
out of 19 mm plywood, or laminated wood.
Cutting lists :

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Plans for a Dobsonian telescope

150 mm mount

200 mm mount

At this point, you can also buy the tube, and the altitude bearings. For this telescope, you need a PVC drain tube.
If you have a 150 mm F8 mirror, a 200 mm OD tube is needed. Unfortunately, the standard sizes are 1 and 2 meters in length.
If you can find a scrap piece about 120 cm long, that would be just right. The f6.7 and the f5 focal ratio fit the 1 meter tube.
Same goes for the 200 mm mirror, only here you need the 250 mm OD tube. Also, around 120 cm long. The f5 will (barely) fit the 1 meter tube.
Assembling the altitude bearing box
Lets start with the easiest part, the altitude bearing box. Simply, it is a frame that is holding the tube, and the altitude bearings are mounted on it. First, mark your
drilling holes. Since the board is 19 mm thick, draw 19 strips on the wider side of the board :

Mark 3 drilling holes per strip, 30 mm from the edges, and one in the middle. Use a 4 mm bit for the holes. You also need to sink in the screw heads. There is a
special tool for this... but you can do it with a 10 mm bit, with your hand. Do the same on both boards. The even sided boards do not need drilling.
For assembling the box, right angle clamps would be handy, but not necessary. Use 4x50 mm wood screws, and some carpenters glue in-between the contacting
surfaces. Done :)

You can paint the box, and mount the altitude

bearings. It is important that the center of the PVC
plug is mounted at the center of the even sided square
of the box. Usually there is a mould mark at the center
of the plug already. Drill a 4 mm hole in the center,
and find the center of the even sided boards by
drawing diagonal lines, corner to corner. The
intersection is the center of the square. To attach the
PVC plug, use 4x16 mm wood screws, 3 per plug is
This is how a finished altitude bearing box
looks like :

Preparing the sideboards

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Plans for a Dobsonian telescope

First, we need to draw a line across the middle of the

board. This line enables us to draw the altitude bearing
cutout, and later, to align the mount on top of the
altitude bearing. PVC plugs are cheap and work very
nicely as altitude bearings. Either the 125 or 150
diameter plugs will work nicely on both mount sizes.
The alt bearing cutout should be slightly larger than the
PVC plug itself, about 3 mm, to provide space for the
felt pads, which the PVC plugs ride on. For a 125 mm
plug, use 64 mm RADIUS.

After making the cutout, draw a 19 mm strip , 45 cm

long, on the further side of the sideboard (refer to
picture above) Again, use a 4 mm drill bit, and sink in
the screw heads. But, here you have one left side and
one right side board. The bearing cutout is the same,
drilling holes too... only sinking in the screws is done
on the opposite side. Put both your board on the table,
or floor like on the image:
Now sink in the screw heads , and you will get one right side and a left side board.
Preparing the azimuth bearing boards (ground boards)

First we need to find the centers of the boards. This is easily done by
drawing diagonal lines. The lines are not only to find the center, they will
be used to align the top piece of the mount on the azimuth bearing, so
draw them in full length. In the center, drill a 8 mm hole. It is very
important that the hole is vertical relative to the board, since this is the
axis of the azimuth bearing. A drill press would be nice, but it can be done
freehanded if you are careful. Next, we improvise a large compass.
Take a old ruler, or a piece of wood, drill the same 8 mm hole at one end,
put the M8x60 screw trough and drill a small hole (4 mm is fine) at the
outer edge of the board. Draw the circle and you are ready for cutting. A
router with a compass would be perfect for this job, but it can easily be
done with a jigsaw too.

Assembling the mount

First we need to assemble the top part of the mount. Two sideboards, and a front
Again, use 4x50 mm screws and carpenters glue.

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Plans for a Dobsonian telescope

Take one azimuth bearing board, and put the upper part of the mount on
top, aligning the marks on the boards you draw earlier.

Draw the outline of the upper part of the mount on the azimuth bearing board. Mark your drilling holes, as per sketch above. You also need to sink in the screws, do
it well on this board, because the azimuth bearing will not be able to rotate if the screw heads are sticking out. You should sink in the screws on the OPPOSITE side
of the outline drawn. To put everything together, place the upper part of the mount with the altitude cutouts downwards, and put the azimuth bearing on top. Apply
some glue, align the azimuth board and screw everything together with 4x50 wood screws.
We have one last remaining azimuth bearing board.

On one side of the board, put 5 felt pads, the same one
used on furniture feet.
Put 3 on the outer edge of the disc, 120 deg apart, and 2
near the 8 mm axis hole (green dots on sketch above)
On the other side of the board, attach 3 rubber feet, near
the edge, 120 deg apart.
They need to be at least 25 mm tall to provide enough
clearance on uneven ground. The upper part and the
ground board are rotating around a M8x60 screw that we
put trough the center holes.
Use oversized washers on each side, and a self-locking
(Nylock) nut.

The bolt head should face the ground. The tension should be just a little that the boards are connected together.. but not too tight.. so they can rotate freely. This
can be adjusted at any time... and will probably be necessary after a couple of months of use, because the felt pads will compress under the weight of the telescope.

To provide a bearing surface for the altitude bearings,

4 more felt pads are needed. (picture on the left)
This is how your brand new, finished Dobsonian mount looks like.
The hole in the front board is optional, this way it is easier to carry the mount.

If you are handy with the jigsaw, and want your mount to be lighter and
easier to transport, you can cut out the mount like on the picture below. Also,
installing a handle on the altitude bearing box will make transporting and
setting up your telescope much easier.

Now that we have a nice and stable mount, we can continue building the
optical tube assembly (OTA)

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Plans for a Dobsonian telescope

1999-2005 Berislav Bracun

Amateur telescope making, star charts, planisphere, astronomy software, eyepieces, findescopes, observing accessories

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Building the optical tube

The optical tube assembly (OTA)

This is the raw PVC sewer pipe , originally intended for a job not
so glorious , but you can give it a much more noble purpose by
turning it into a precision astronomical instrument :)
PVC tubes are tough, easy to work with and relatively cheap.
They are also a thermal insulator, your telescope will be much
less sensitive to dew than the one with a metal tube.

Start with cutting off the wider part of the tube. This is easily done with a jigsaw. Mark your line around the tube, drill a 10 mm hole next to the line (on the part that
is wasted!) put the blade in the hole and cut the tube. Use flat black spray to paint the inside of the tube and let it dry.
Dimensions :

150 mm F8 primary mirror

100 mm
90 mm
100 mm
1200 mm

focuser height
mirror face to focuser hole
mirror cell height (2)
focuser to front of tube (3)
total tube length

200 mm F6 primary mirror

100 mm
993 mm
90 mm
120 mm

The parts dimensions listed here are more or less typical. If you make your own mirror cell by the plans provided here, and your mirror is 20 mm thick, the mirror cell
height (including mirror) will be 90 mm. If your mirror is 30 mm thick, you will have to add 10 mm to the "mirror cell height" All other dimensions remain the same.
But if your focuser is different as the 2" , 100 mm tall Meade DS described here, you will have to alter the "mirror face to focuser hole" dimension.
Example : A low profile helical focuser is typically 50 mm tall, this means you need to ADD the difference of 50 mm into the "mirror face to focuser hole". As a
consequence , your tube total length has grown by 50 mm. If your focuser is taller, 120 mm for example, you need to subtract the 20 mm difference from the "mirror
face-> focuser hole" dimension. The part of the tube pass the focuser (labeled 3 on the drawing) is not critical.. but you will want at least 100 mm here, or even
better, 200. This prevents a lot of stray light that comes from streetlamps etc to interfere with the light coming from the stars. If your cargo space is tight, you can cut
the tube just behind the spider vanes.... but it is recommended to make a removable dew and light shield out of cardboard or similar that you can attach on the
telescope at the observing site.
The focuser, commercially made

This is the focuser I used on most of the telescopes I built. It is a Meade 2" DS series focuser. It comes with adapters
for 2" and 1.25" eyepieces. At 19$, it is a good value for the money, although it is not a high end product, but it will
serve its purpose very nicely. Highest quality products like JMI can easily cost a couple hundred $. Alternatively, you can
buy a 1.25" or 2" rack&pinion metal focuser at the Orion website

Homemade focuser

This is a 2" helical focuser made out of common plumbing parts. This particular item is called "toilet flush valve"
and it will cost you around 6$. If the saved 10$ is worth the effort, it is up on the telescope builder to decide. An
even simpler focuser form is the drawtube focuser. Basically, it is made out of 2 tubes, usually plastic, that fit
into each other, and the top tube has 1.25" ID. It can even be made out of cardboard.
Another alternative is the PVC focuser

Mirror cell , commercially made

Commercially made, fancy, high tech mirror cells are very expensive.
The one in the picture, 200 mm mirror size, will set you back 220 €!

Homemade mirror cell

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Building the optical tube

This is a homemade mirror cell. Basically, it is made of 2 particle board discs, 6 screws and nuts, 3
compression springs and 9 felt pads. How much does that cost? 10$? :) This is one of the parts that really
saves money if homemade! And it works the same! A typical 150 or 200 mm mirror is thick enough not to
require a floating mirror cell like the one above.

Spider, commercially made

A commercially made spider can cost you anything in-between 20 and 200$. But it can also be easily made.

Homemade spider

Hmm... what do we have here? A short piece of plastic tubing cut at 45 deg, a plastic
hexagonal male-female adapter, 3 small woodscrews, 3 hacksaw blades and 3 screws :)
Voila, a spider ! This is how it looks like mounted in the tube.
The curved spider vanes give a spike-less image

Eyepiece and finder scope

To observe with your telescope, you need at least one eyepiece.

If you are in doubt which one to buy, you can't go wrong with a 26 mm
Plossl. This is a good, primary, low power eyepiece for your telescope.
It will give you 50x magnification with the telescopes described here.
And to observe, you also need to aim the telescope at the object you
wish to see. I would recommend a 8x50 finder scope, (esp. for the
200mm scope) but a smaller one, 6x30 will also do.
If you are on a tight budget, you can make both eyepiece and finder
scope from surplus lenses

Drilling the focuser hole

The best tool to make the focuser hole is the hole saw. For the Meade 2" (and
most other 2" focusers) you will need to make a 60 mm hole. Measure carefully.
For 1.25" focusers, you typically need a 40 mm hole. The "mirror face-> focuser
hole" distance from the table above refers to the CENTER of the focuser hole, not
the edge!
Also, make sure to secure the tube FIRMLY with a clamp to your workbench.
Drill SLOWLY (low RPM) and GENTLY (the weight of the drill is too much.. hold it
up, the saw should barely glide on the tube)
This way you will make a clean cut hole, with a low injury risk.
Alternatively, you can draw a 60 mm circle, and drill many small holes along the
line. You can make this "toothy" hole clean with file and sandpaper
In addition to the main hole, you will need 3 or 4 small holes, for the screws to
mount the focuser on the tube. Their number and position depend on your
particular focuser.

Plans for the primary mirror cell

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Building the optical tube

Top view

Side view

Rear view

This is how our simple, but fully operational mirror cell looks like. Basically, it is made out of 2 particle board discs, the top, smaller one having the same diameter as
the mirror, and the larger, that will cover the rear of the tube, has the same diameter as the inside diameter of the telescope tube. You can see 3 bolts with springs.
These are used to adjust the aim of the mirror, or collimation.
This is essential for good quality images in the eyepiece.

Lets cut the particle board discs first. Optionally, you can
cut out a 80 mm opening in the "tube board" and install a
12 V cooling fan, from a PC power supply for example.
The fan speeds up the cooling down of the mirror. Now is
a good time to check if the "tube board" fits inside the end
of the tube snugly.
If its too large, work the edge with rough sandpaper. If its
too loose, you can wind a couple of turns of electricians
tape around the edge until you have a snug fit.

For this part, you can use any flat piece of metal, at least 3 mm
thick. On it, you need to drill two 4 mm holes, so you can
attach it to the mirror board with 4x16 woodscrews. On the
other end, drill
a 5 mm hole, and tap in a M6 thread. You need 3 such pieces.

Attach the 3 plates to the "mirror board" with screws, 120

degrees apart. Make sure that the part of the metal plate does
not stick out more than the diameter of the "tube board"!
Example :
Mirror board diameter 150 mm
Tube inside diameter 190 mm
Max overhang
15 mm (you need some clearance)

Now, put the "mirror board" on top of the "tube board" , center over center. Trough the M6 threads, mark the drilling holes for the collimation bolts. Try to be as
accurate as you can. Remove the mirror board and drill 7 mm holes on the marks. Use a drill press if you have one. Paint the mirror cell parts flat black.
Assembling the mirror cell

Installing your mirror is the LAST thing to do!

Take a collimation bolt (M6x60) , put a washer on
it, slide the washer to the bolt head and put the
bolt trough the hole on the "tube board".
Now put another washer on it, and the
compression spring on top of it.
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Building the optical tube

Take the mirror board, and screw the collimation

bolt in the thread, just a few turns.
Do the same with the remaining bolts and springs.
Now tighten the collimation bolts so that the
springs get about 1/3rd compressed.
Try to tighten them evenly, check if the boards
are parallel You have just made yourself a mirror
cell :)

Homemade spider (secondary mirror holder)

These are the "raw components"

for our telescope spider. Missing in
the picture is a compression spring.
PVC tube diameter should be the
same, or slightly smaller than the
secondary minor axis.
Hacksaw blades can be "cut" to
length by holding the blade at the
point where we want to shorten it
in a vice or pliers and simply brake
it off.
This is easy, hacksaw blades are
very brittle.

After we cut a piece of PVC tube at 45 degrees, we need to close the tube openings. You can, for example, use a empty CD box, cut approximately sized (larger)
pieces, glue them with epoxy resin on the PVC tube and then sand off the excess plastic. But, before that, epoxy a M6 bolt on the center of the part that is cut
perpendicular. This holds the center bolt and the spring so you can adjust the "vane holder --> mirror holder" distance. The 3 collimation bolts tilt the mirror holder, so
the telescope can be collimated.
On the hexagonal adapter, drill three (picture below) 3 mm holes in the corners and tap in a M4 thread. This is very easy in plastic.
Attach the spider vanes (hacksaw blades) to the flat surfaces of the hexagon (vane holder) with the 4x16 woodscrews, trough the holes already in the blade. Secure
with a drop of epoxy resin.

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Building the optical tube

Inside life of the spider assembly

Now we have all the parts needed to assemble the telescope! :)

----> Assembling and finalizing the telescope

1999-2005 Berislav Bracun

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Finalizing the telescope

Almost there :) A few more steps and you will have a complete, working Dobsonian telescope!
Mounting the focuser

This is a fairly simple affair. Align the focuser over the center of the focuser hole, mark the
drilling holes and drill 2 mm holes for the screws, if you use woodscrews (works very well
on PVC) Or, you can drill larger holes and use bolts and nuts to attach the focuser.

Mounting the mirrors

A word of caution: NEVER touch the aluminized surface of the mirror!
Lets start with the primary mirror. Put your mirror cell on a table, or other leveled surface. Use 9 felt pads to provide a soft surface for the mirror to rest on. Then make 3 blobs of aquarium grade silicone on
the surface of the cell. Carefully unpack the mirror and place it centered over the mirror board. Cover your mirror with cotton or a soft cloth to protect it. Leave the silicone to cure for at least 24 hours.

Mounting the secondary mirror

Place the secondary holder that the surface for the secondary mirror remains in a
horizontal position. You can clamp the spider assembly in a vice or similar. Apply a
coin size aquarium silicone blob at the center of the mirror holder, and place the
secondary mirror carefully and centered over the holder. Adjust if necessary.
Again, leave the silicone to cure for at least 24 hours

Mounting the spider

This is a typical commercially made spider.

Basically, you need to drill 3 or 4 holes (3 or 4 vane spider) to be able to attach it
to the tube wall.

But where?!

You need to measure the distance from the center of the

secondary mirror to the spider vane. Now, measure the
same distance from the center of focuser hole, towards the
front end of the tube. Dill your holes here.
This way, when you mount the spider , the center of the
secondary mirror will be exactly, or very nearly centered
under the focuser. You can make adjustments for this with
the center bolt on the spider assembly.

Mounting the homemade spider

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Finalizing the telescope

No holes. No bolts. The spider you made is a self holding, self

centering, curved vane spider. As most observers agree, it is
optically superior to a classic, straight vane spider, especially when
observing the planets or double stars at high power.
All you need to take care of is that the spider vanes are touching
the tube wall at 120 degrees apart.
You can remove it in matter of seconds. The spider is held in
position by the tension of the bent spider vanes alone.
I have such a spider in my telescope for over 2 years now and it
has not moved since.
But, if you feel uncomfortable about this, apply a few drops of
epoxy resin on the contact points with the telescope tube once you
have adjusted the position of the spider vanes.

Mounting the primary mirror cell

Homemade or commercial, you need to attach the mirror cell to the

back side of the tube. To attach your homemade cell, all you need to do
is to drill three 4 mm holes, 120 degrees apart, 9 mm from the edge of
the tube. Sink in the screws heads. Put the mirror cell inside the tube,
and place the collimation bolts away from the holes you drilled to attach
the cell to the tube. Use 4x 20 mm woodscrews to fasten the cell.
For a commercially made cell, refer to mounting instructions of the

You now have a complete OTA.

Now, you can attach your finder scope, and put the tube inside the altitude bearing box. Also put the eyepiece in the focuser, choose a middle one (as per weight) if you have more eyepieces. This is
necessary so you can balance the telescope. Balancing is done by simply sliding the telescope tube inside the altitude bearing box. When you found an optimum balance point, you can fasten the telescope
tube by drilling a 3 mm hole trough the bottom of the altitude bearing box and the tube, and drive in a 4x20 mm woodscrew.

Next step is collimating the telescope. A telescope is like a musical instrument. If badly tuned, it
cant play nice music. If the optical axis of the mirrors are not adjusted, the image contrast and
detail will suffer tremendously.
To do this, we need a collimation tool. There are many variations of this on the market, from
simple sight tubes to holographic lasers, costing anything in-between 19$ and 200$. But you don't
have to spend any money on it :)
You can make a simple collimation tool in matter of minutes. Get a empty Kodak film canister, cut
off the bottom, and drill a small hole (2 mm typically) in the lid center. What this tool does is to
force you to place your eyeball at the center of the focuser if you wish to look inside....

When you assemble your telescope, and take your first

look trough the collimation tool, it will probably look
something like this, a complete mess :)

Start with centering the secondary mirror under the focuser. You can adjust the distance relative to the primary mirror
with the center bolt of the spider assembly, and the tilt with the 3 collimation bolts. The secondary holder can also be
rotated around the center bolt if necessary. At this step, you wish to see the entire primary mirror reflected in the
secondary. You will also see a black ring around the mirror , that is the mirror cell. The ring and the mirror should
appear concentric. The small reflection (secondary in primary) is adjusted in the next step

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What is what

Now we have to "put" the reflection of the secondary mirror in the

center. This is done by adjusting the collimation bolts on the primary
mirror cell. You will note how big your new telescope is because you
can't reach the bolts and observe trough the focuser at the same time.
So, do it in small steps, 1/4 turn, one bolt at the time, and check what
happened. Slowly bring the reflection in the center. You now have a
collimated telescope ready for first light!

Finalizing the telescope

Collimation can be compared to shoelaces. When you do this for the first time, you can spend as much as 10 minutes, and it looks so frustrating and impossible. But, with little practice, collimation is a 30
seconds process. Check your telescope collimation before every observing session, especially if it was transported a long way and bumped around.

The finished 150 mm Dobsonian telescope

1999-2005 Berislav Bracun

Amateur telescope making, star charts, planisphere, astronomy software, eyepiecs, findescopes, observing accessories

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