Grey Street Casbah Recipes - 3

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Lemon Butter Prawns

1 kg large pink prawns
150 g butter / margarine
250 ml fresh cream
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon aromat
1 teaspoon portuguese spice
1 teaspoon peri peri powder
2 teaspoons white sugar

Add butter/ margarine and rest of ingredients and boil till mixture thickens slightly.
Fry prawns in a little butter / margarine till done. Add to sauce and cook, for 10 minutes.


For this dish, I prefer to use butter.

Sheekh Kebaabs


1kg chicken or mutton mince

4 onions grated (all water removed)
3 eggs
4 slices brown bread (soaked in water)
2 green chillies crushed or chopped
2 cloves of garlic crushed
2 tablespoons dhania/jeera powder (I use course)
1 cup green dhania
Salt to taste


Squeeze all water out of the onions and the bread, add this to the mince.
Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well till all ingredients are
well blended. Shape into balls. These kebaabs can be put onto skewers & braaied,grilled,
fried in a little oil or airfried.

Lemon butter sauce:

3 tablespoons butter
Juice of one lemon
Melt butter and add lemon juice, pour this sauce over the kebaabs
before serving.


Soya mince can be used in this recipe.

Soak mince in a little water, and make sure all water has been squeezed out before
adding the rest of the ingredients.

Trotters (Paya)
and Beans Curry
dozen trotters (boil until it comes off the bone preferably in a pressure cooker)
500g sugar beans (boiled)
cup cooking oil
1 large onion (sliced finely)
2 medium tomatoes (chopped or grated)
6 small to medium potatoes (peeled)
1 teaspoon ginger/garlic
2 whole cinnamon sticks
3 4 whole cloves
4 whole black peppercorns
3 whole elachi
1 teaspoon whole jeera seeds
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
2 tablespoons of tomato sauce (optional)
3 teaspoons curry powder
2 - 3 teaspoons chilli powder
teaspoon turmeric powder
3 green chillies (slit)
Curry leaves
cup shallot (chopped)
cup dhunia (chopped)

Nobody likes chewing on whole seeds when eating so the cinnamon sticks, elachi, cloves and
peppercorns can be dry roasted in a pan, left to cool and then ground in a masala/coffee grinder.
Add cooking oil to pot, heat. Add chopped onions and whole jeera seeds and braise until golden
brown. Add ginger/garlic, tomatoes, salt, sugar and spices including ground or whole seeds. Allow this to fry +- 10 15 minutes on a very low heat until you get a lovely aroma of braised spices.
Now add your potatoes, boiled beans and trotters and allow to simmer on a medium to low heat
until potatoes are done and curry thickened. Add tomato sauce and gently shake the pot (stirring with a spoon may break the potatoes). Garnish with greens and serve with roti or rice.
NOTE: Even though the sugar and tomato sauce are optional, they give a delicious flavour to
the curry.
You can substitute the sugar beans for gram dhall for a delicious variation.

Grated Mango Pickle

This is a family favourite and very quick and easy to make.

1 kg mangoes (grated) or remove pith and roughly chop in a blender
2 tablespoons crushed garlic
2 teaspoons crushed red chillies
2 tablespoons freshly crushed green chillies or crushed red chillies
1 tablespoons roughly crushed mustard seeds
1 tablespoon whole mustard seeds
1 tablespoon roughly crushed jeera seeds (roast and crush)
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
cup vinegar
cup cooking oil
Salt to taste
A few sprigs curry leaves

Peel, wash and dry mangoes. Grate or
cut chunks off seed and chop roughly in
a blender. Place in a large dish and add
salt, red dried chillies, turmeric powder,
crushed mustard, crushed jeera and (if
using) dried crushed chillies.
Add oil to a pan and heat. Now add the
crushed garlic. When this turns pink, add
the crushed green chillies (if using), curry
leaves and whole mustard seeds. Remove
from stove when mustard seeds start to
splutter. Pour the hot oil mixture over
your mangoes, add the vinegar and toss
well. Bottle when cool. Leave to rest at
least 1 weeks and will be ready to eat.
Keep refrigerated.

NOTE: Please make sure that the pickle is topped with oil as it will spoil.

Green Mango Pickle

(Methi Masala)

It is that time of the year again Mango Pickle season! I have chosen to do a methi pickle
recipe which can be quick and easy if you choose to buy the ready made methi pickle masala
which is available in all spice shops or you could choose to make your own pickle masala
which is much tastier and more rewarding. I prefer using young mangoes which are soft
centered and easy to cut, these also soak up the pickle masalas quicker
3 kgs green mangoes (washed and cut into quarters)
500 g Methi Pickle Masala (use ready Methi pickle masala or follow recipe below)
Cooking oil

Place mango pieces in a large bowl and top with 4 to 5 tablespoons of rough salt. Leave
overnight. This helps remove excess water from mangoes.
Drop the mangoes into a large colander and leave to drain. Now place the mangoes on an
old tablecloth to dry, preferably outside in direct sunlight (for a whole day). The longer
your mangoes dry, the longer your pickle will last.
Place dried mangoes into a bowl, top with the methi pickle masala and about a cup of
cooking oil. Toss well and bottle. Leave overnight to settle. The next day you can press the
mangoes tightly down with a spoon and add more oil to the pickle, ensuring you top it up,
covering the mangoes completely with oil (allowing at least1 2 cm of oil over mangoes).
Leave to pickle at least 2 3 weeks. It is now ready to eat and can be refrigerated.
NOTE: I prefer Acklewayas oil methi pickle masala when I am lazy to make my own



500g methi seeds (roughly crushed)

1 cup rough salt
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
cup jeera seeds (roasted and roughly crushed)
cup dhunia seeds (roasted and roughly crushed)
500g dried crushed red chillies
100 g hing powder (asoefaetida powder)
4 tablespoons roughly crushed garlic
3 to 4 sprigs curry leaves
750ml cooking oil


Place salt on an oven tray and leave to dry in oven for +-10 minutes at 100C.
Leave to cool and then crush slightly in a mortar and pestle or with a rolling pin.
Heat oil in a deep pan and when it starts to smoke, lower the heat and add the methi. Toss
until golden brown then add the crushed dhunia and jeera seeds and salt. Stir well. Lastly
add the rest of the ingredients except the hing and leave to braise (15 to 20 minutes), stirring continuously until it becomes a deep red colour. Remove from stove and add the hing.
Leave to cool. Bottle and keep refrigerated until needed.

Garlic Butter
Tandoori Naan


2 cups self raising flour

2 tablespoons oil
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk & water mix
Garlic butter

Mix flour, oil, sugar and salt in a food processor. Make a soft dough
with milk & water mix. Cling wrap and leave to rest for an hour.
Divide dough into 8 balls, roll out into triangular shapes. Fry on a non stick pan,
And brush with melted garlic butter. Once cooked wrap in kitchen towels.

Ginger Lemonade
With the Summer season soon approaching, this refreshing
drink is a sure thirst quencher!

Fresh ginger 3cm, peeled and sliced
1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup castor sugar
Fresh mint leaves and lemon slices


1. Place ginger, lemon juice and sugar in a heatproof jug,

and pour 1 litre boiling water over this.
2. Mix well and allow to infuse for 2 - 3 hours.
3. Chill well before serving.
Decorate with lemon slices and mint leaves.


Butter Biscuits

250g butter
125ml sugar (100g)
2 eggs
10ml vanilla essence
625ml cake flour (350g)
10ml baking powder
2ml salt

1. Cream butter and sugar together
2. Add eggs one at a time,beating well after each addition. Add essence.
3. Add sifted dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Mix well.
4. Press dough in a biscuit maker, and press onto a greased baking tray.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 10 minutes. Cool and store.
Decorate as desired. Makes about 80.


Substitute the 10ml of vanilla for either strawberry or lemon essence.

For Chocolate Biscuits

Add 30ml cocoa powder to dry ingredients. When biscuits are cool,
drizzle with melted chocolate


If no biscuit maker is available, roll teaspoonfuls of dough in

the palm of your hand, place on a greased baking tray, and press lightly
with a fork.

Cinnabon Cup Cakes

125g butter
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 cup plain yoghurt
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup self raising flour


1 cup pecan nuts

100g grated Cadbury's dairy milk chocolate
2 teaspoons cinnamon


125g cream cheese

120g butter
3/4 cup icing

Method (for the batter):

Beat butter and sugar till light &fluffy. Add eggs one at a time.
Add yoghurt and beat well. Add dry ingredients.

Method (for filling)

Mix all ingredients together

Method ( for topping):

Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy.
Add cream cheese and mix wel, till all
ingredients are well blended.

Fill a greased muffin pan with the batter 1/4 of the way.
Add a teaspoon or two of filling. Continue this once more,ending
with with filling.
Bake in a 120C oven for 20 mins.
Once cakes haved cooled, add the topping.


Jalebis need early planning as the yeast batter has to ferment for 24 to 36 hours depending on weather
and temperature.


3 cups cake flour

1 tsp Instant dry yeast (5ml)
7.5 ml Egg Yellow Powder
Oil for deep frying
1 cup Gram flour
12.5 ml sugar
+-500 ml tepid water
5 cups sugar
12.5 ml lemon juice
3 or 4 thin slices of lemon
12.5 ml rose water
4 cups water


Sift cake and gram flours in a large bowl.

Add powder colouring and sugar.
Sprinkle the yeast over.
Add water a little at a time to make a smooth pancake like batter.
Cover the bowl with cling wrap (but prick holes in the wrap) and leave in a warm
cupboard to ferment. Make sure it is not in any direct draught.
Allow to ferment for 24 to 36 hours.
It will start to bubble and pop, releasing gas bubbles
Stir batter well to create a smooth batter like consistency
Make syrup following directions below.
Pour mixture into a sauce bottle (cut the tip off the nozzle to the desired thickness)
Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan. Test by dropping a drop of batter in the oil. It
must immediately pop up to the top of the oil.
Squeeze the sauce bottle gently and with a quick twist of the wrist, make circles
(from small to large) in the hot oil with the batter. Must look like a curled up millipede
or moorkhoo
Fry batches of 6 to 8 at a time. Turn over and fry till crispFry 3 5 minutes per side.
Remove using a slotted spoon and dip into thick syrup. Remove when jalebis look
glossy and fully soaked.
Place on a wire rack to drain.


Put water and sugar into a deep pot. Add lemon juice and lemon slices. Boil for 20 to 30
minutes until you get a thick, heavy syrup. Switch the stove off but leave syrup on hot plate.
Add rose water.

Note: Fry until crisp or it will become soggy after it is dipped in the syrup.
Syrup must be thick and glossy.

Coconut Paak
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
teaspoon elachi powder
tin condensed milk
1 tin nestles cream (155g)
500g desiccated coconut

Make a thick syrup with sugar and water (must spin a thread). Mix the coconut with the
milk and cream and pour the hot syrup over and mix thoroughly. Add the elachi powder and
mix well. Set in a greased glass casserole and cut into squares when set.

Note: You can tint it in any colour. If you want a double layer of colour, then tint half
the mixture in your chosen colour. Press that into your casserole, then press the remaining
(white) mixture over and leave to set.

Christmas Cake
(with non-alcoholic variation)
Best when prepared at least 2 to 3 months in advance


175g raisins
350g glace cherries, rinsed, thoroughly dried and quartered
500g currants
350g sultanas
150ml sherry or orange juice (non-alcohol), plus extra for feeding
Finely gratedzest of 2 oranges
250g butter, softened
250g brown sugar
4 eggs
1 tablespoon black treacle or molasses
75g blanched almonds, chopped
75g self-raising flour
175g cakeflour
1 tsp mixed spice
To finish and decorate
About 3 tablespoons apricot jam, sieved and warmed
Icing sugar
675g shop-bought almond paste or marzipan
Royal icing (1 quantity)


Put all the dried fruit in a container, pour over the sherry or orange juice and stir in the
orange zest. Cover with a lid, and leave to soak for 3 days, stirring daily. Grease and line a
23cm (9inch) deep round tin with a double layer of greased greaseproof paper. Preheat the
oven to 140C for thermo fan oven or 120C non thermo fan oven.
Measure the butter, sugar, eggs, treacle and almonds into a very large bowl and beat
well. Add the flours and mixed spice and mix thoroughly until blended. Stir in the soaked
fruit.Spooninto the prepared cake tin and level the surface.
Bake in the centre of the preheated oven for 4 to 4 hours or until the cake feels firm to the
touch and is a rich golden brown. Check after 2 hours, and, if the cake is a perfect colour,
cover with foil. A skewer inserted into the centre of the cake should come out clean. Leave
the cake to cool in the tin.
When cool, pierce the cake at intervals with a fine skewer or kebab stick and feed with a
little extra sherry or orange juice. Wrap the completely cold cake in a double layer of grease
proof paper and again in foil and store in a cool place for up to 3 months, feeding at intervals
with more sherry/ orange juice. (Don't remove the lining paper when storing as this helps to
keep the cake moist.)
Decorate with almond paste (marzipan) and royal icing.

To prepare the Christmas cake ahead:Prepare the fruit and soak in sherry or orange juice 3 days
ahead - this is essential to plump up and flavour the fruit. Make the cake and wrap as in stage 4. Store
in a cool place for up to 3 months, following stage 4. You could also freeze the cakebefore decorating,
for up to 3 months; defrost atroom temperature and then decorate.

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