Managing School Operations Q&a

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Managing School Operations & Resources

~ Leadership Dimension #6 ~
1) How does the administration define and balance the managerial and educational
leadership aspects of the role?
Recognizing that managerial pieces can end up taking precedence over educational
leadership, much of the managerial work is done outside of school hours. That allows
time for daily walk-throughs. If the managerial work does start to monopolize the day
at the school, then walk-throughs and instructional leadership activities are specifically
scheduled. This said; discipline issues do take priority as they are time-sensitive.

2) What processes are in place to ensure alignment of educational resources to

achieve student success?
In order to ensure alignment of educational resources to school goals (literacy,
technology, inclusion and numeracy), it is important to ensure that the budget is
supporting those goals. Items that are purchased need to create access for more student
success. Professional development opportunities that focus on those goals are also
supported by the school budget where possible.

3) How does the administration ensure the school is fiscally responsible? What
processes are in place to monitor financial resources?
Regular referral to the budget through the Budget Manager Inquiry allows for continual
monitoring of the school budget. Depending on the time of year, this is done at least
monthly and sometimes daily. It allows for a check and balance system.

4) How does administration ensure timetable/teacher assignments contribute to

optimal student learning?
Teachers are expected to organize their timetables using the Alberta Guide to Education
for the recommended percentage of allocated time. Those timetables are reviewed by
administration at the beginning of the school year.
When trying to ensure optimal student learning through teacher assignments,
administration is very specific about the job requirements and thorough interviewing
processes by having a practical component as well as a formal interview component.

Once staff is hired, a willingness to shift staff placement in addition to on-going

supervision & evaluation is important to optimizing student learning.

5) How does administration ensure school operations align with legal frameworks
such as:
Provincial legislation, regulation and policy (School/Education Act, Guide to
School Authority Policy
Directives and initiatives
Administrative procedures
Administration ensures that school operations align with legal frameworks, by first
knowing what the legal frameworks are, and then knowing how to access them for
reference. It is important that administration stays up-to-date on any changes and
refers back to them when considering items in relation to these frameworks.

6) How is Occupational Health and Safety addressed in the school to ensure a safe
working environment?
Occupational Health & Safety has been delegated to the Assistant Administrator. She is
responsible for checking that staff is following procedures for a safe working
environment. Regular building walk-throughs and hazard identification are key to the
schools safe environment. Conversations with staff (whole staff or individually) are
part of keeping the school safe.

7) How is Teacher Professional Growth, Supervision and Evaluation addressed in

the school (Alberta Education Policy 2.1.5)?
Teachers are expected to have their TPGP (Teachers Professional Growth Plan) handed
in to administration by Sept. 30 for that school year. It is reviewed at that time. The
TPGP is used, when necessary, to address staff issues. At the end of the year,
administration touches base with teachers related to the success of their TPGP.

8) How is the hiring of teaching and support staff managed? Which specific
practices are followed to ensure the highest quality staff is hired?
For Teaching Staff:
An advertisement is posted that has the specific qualities that the
administrators are looking for. Once resumes have been short-listed, reference
checks are made prior to interviews. The interviews are two-part. Applicants are
expected to take part in a traditional interview where administrators specifically look
for interpersonal skills, teamwork, assessment knowledge and how they plan to meet
students needs. The second part is the practical application where applicants are
expected to prepare, present and reflect upon a lesson in the grade level that the
interview is for. During the practical piece, administrators are looking for
preparation techniques, clear directions, lesson pacing, assessment practices and the
teacher-student relationships.
For Support Staff:
The Assistant Administrator and the Inclusion Coach are part of the selection
process. After reference checks, applicants are interviewed. Questions relate to
scenarios that are given. Those questions include how to ensure confidentiality and
how a support staff would deal with a situation where they disagree with a teacher.

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