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Hatari Method of Operation

Hatari GS is set up to operate in such a way that the Society can function as a selfperpetuating operation. And to this extent, here is our method of operation:
Plan for a Year
At the start of a playing season, Hatari members, who belong to other Societies/clubs, send a
list of events planned by their affiliated clubs to the Hatari-Web-publisher. These events are then
be published on our web as Affiliates diary
This diary enables Hatari Competition sponsors to plan ahead the dates for their sponsored
events so that Hatari members can participate, whenever possible, in both Hatari and Affiliate
events throughout the year.
All our competitions are sponsored by our members.
A sponsor is fully responsible for his sponsored event. He &/or his nominee (called the
Organizers) organizes and manages his Competitions events and the evening dinner and
We hold nine monthly competitions. A month or so before the event, the organizers of a monthly
competition sends out possible date/s for the event and canvasses support for the event.
We start off the playing season with a round-robin KO Competition; this, on completion, is
followed by a straight KO Competition, if there is sufficient time to hold one. The organizers of a
KO competition kick-start their competition with a draw and set the time-table for it.
If for any reason a KO competition cannot be arranged (e.g. lack of time), the competition is
organized as a day-event, similar to our monthly competitions.
We hold an annual awards ceremony to present Trophies for: Player of the Year, FedEx
Champion, KO competition/s awards, Home Courses Champions, External Courses Champion
and Most Improved Player Of the year. The presentation ceremony is organized by the
sponsors of these Awards.
Funding of Events
Events will be funded with sponsors contribution and the participation fees.
Sponsors will confirm their sponsorship each year in January. If a sponsor withdraws, Hatari will
offer sponsorship opportunity to other Hatari members; if the offer is not taken up, the event will
be funded by the participation fees.
Sponsors will contribute whatever they deem appropriate (eg trophies, subsidize the days
events) but a minimum of 25 (Annual Sponsors: winners trophy) + the cost of inscription.

The participating fees for events will be:

1, Members: 10 (including knockout competitions)
2, Non-members/guests: 15 (cannot participate in knockouts)
3, FedEx: 1 of each participation fee above will go towards FedEx
Approximately half participation fund will go towards the events costs and purchasing prizes
(not cash and maximum 100) and the other half will go towards the events presentation meal
(not drinks). The FedEx collection will be donated to winners choice of charity.
The organizer of an event will be responsible for collecting the participation fees and will
produce a final breakdown of how the funds were utilized. No monies will be carried forward
and NO annual accounts! Every event is self-standing.
Other Fees
There are no Hatari joining fees, nor annual fees, and members only ever pay for the events
that they wish to participate in.
Even a hole-in-one is a participating event, as all Hatari members are always in it; anyone who
gets a HIO, gets a trophy. Hatari members will contribute a nominal amount (currently 1.50) for
purchase of this trophy. The collection and purchase of the trophy will be organized by the
previous HIO achiever and any residue after purchase of the trophy will go towards the Trophys
presentation evening.
Competition Rules
The rules are specified in our Rules but the sponsor & his nominee may, if they so wish, suggest
a different format and seek consensus from all Hataris via the core-group as long as the
proposed changes do not override Hatari Competition Rules in respect of eligibility.
Other Golf Events
We usually kick off the start of our playing season by arranging a weekend outing.
Any Hatari member, who would like to arrange this or any other event (or an outing), any time of
the year, may do so, by raising a Hatari Proposal. Once approved, he (&/or his nominee) will
then manage and organize the event/outing.
Weekly Tee-offs
Each week, the t-off organizer (or in his absence, his nominee) will book three t-offs at our home
courses, usually Wed, Fri and Sun but this may vary to allow for weather or unforeseen
circumstances. The t-offs will be published on the Hatari web-site and members should book
their games there; should they change their mind then they should update the previous booking
in good time (at least, a couple of days before the t-off) so that unrequired t-offs can be

Submission of cards and handicaps

Members must submit their cards to the handicap-analyst each time they play with Hatari group
but they have an option to opt out as per our handicap-rules. All competition scores, including
external competition scores) must be submitted.
The handicap-analyst will publish the latest handicaps and inform everyone by bcc soon after
receipt of the scores of a day.
Consensus Decision Making
Hatari GS is a consensus society and not a hierarchical one- all decisions are made
by consensus. Hatari decision making Process is such that everyone is given an opportunity to
contribute whenever a decision is to be made.
There will be no elections for any position except the Ryder Cup captain.
Any member wishing to apply for a position will use of the decision making Process for
consideration by core group. Note: Position is defined as a task or responsibility being
Hatari Membership
Anyone can apply for membership via the Hatari membership application form. Which will be
processed by the core group.
Hatari name, logo, trophies, content, results, webpage, website, photos, exact handicaps,
playing handicaps, constitution are the property of Hatari Golf Society and not of any individual
Any tools, software, products developed or obtained by member(s) to assist with processing of
Hatari data or information is the property of those member(s).

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