Archimonde: Death Brand

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(Ark-i-mond, not fucking arscheemonday)

100% - Phase 1
Death Brand
Huge shadow damage to the tank
Spawns Hellfire Deathcaller
Hellfire Deathcaller
Applies stacking dot to the tank
Shadow damage to several players, leaves a debuff that increases
damage taken by 25% for 30 seconds
Doomfire Spirit
Spawns underneath the boss & draws a fire line towards the player
they are fixating. Fire lasts until late phase 3 (kill quickly)
Allure of Flames
Relocates the fire on top of raid members
Knocks up a player and anybody within 8 yards. Raid below has to soak
Spawns pillars underneath him that do ticking damage to the entire
When Yrel destroys them orbs come out giving immunity to shadow
damage and 30% increased movement speed. Tanks only.
70% - Phase 2
Death Brand
Allure of Flames
Shackled Torment
3 random players. Run 30 yards away
Healers call out who is breaking
Wrought Chaos
Applied to random players
Raid stacks on boss, debuff moves out
55% (1 overfiend, 3 dreadstalkers)
Each time their health is reduced by 25% they do a burst AoE to the
raid. Passively cleave.
Consume Magic
o Teleports them on top of a player, then does aoe around them
40% - Phase 3
Shackled Torment
Wrought Chaos
Demonic Feedback
Shadow damage to each raid member and additional damage to
anybody 6 yards of them. Spread out.


Nether Banish
Tank debuff lasts 5 seconds. When it expires it will drag the tank and
anybody nearby into the twisting nether, leaving behind a pool.
o Shadow nether caller
Interrupt Touch of Shadows
o Void Star
Fixates on the closest player, if it reaches the target it will
explode and knock you off, slow it.
Players take ticking damage, organize 2 groups of players to go inside.
Living Shadows
Explodes when it reaches its target, dealing damage to the target and
reducing healing/absorbs to the target.
Rain of Chaos (spawns doombringers)
Spawns several meteors to slam down; further you are, the less
o When they are stacked, they heal nearby doombringers by 8% a
Max energy
Raid damage

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