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Plan Title
Set Goals
Content Area(s): CI 212: Applications of current

Author: Abdulaziz A Alfayez

information and communication

technologies in education
Time Required: 2 lessons, each lesson 3 hour

Grade Level/Audience: College level: Sophomore

Content Standard(s): Based on Ohio Technology Integration Filter: Strategies that Integrate Technology Tools/ Applications, Digital

Resources and the Design Process:

Learning Objectives:

Use technology purposefully to support learning and productivity, achieve goals, create, communicate, and
collaborate; locate, evaluate, manage, analyze, synthesize and use information to build understanding and knowledge;
and become a knowledgeable, critical, ethical, and responsible participant in the technological world and engage in the
design process used to create this world.

Technology integration uses an original strategy to effectively target identified concepts and skills that align with
Ohios New Learning Standards and strategically use included technology to make most of its capabilities to support

Digital resources and technology tools/applications are well designed, function correctly, and are very easy to use.

Digital resources contain high quality interactive materials, and navigation is straightforward and intuitive and links
Big Ideas or Key Concepts

Understand the power of using

Web 2.0 tools and its applications
in education.

Knowledge and Skills

- To explain the importance of integrating

Web 2.0 tools in education.
- To analyze the contemporary issues that
relevant to the challenges facing the use of
these applications in education.
- To identify which Web 2.0 tools is the
most appropriate solutions to an
educational problem.

Dispositions or Attitudes

Appreciate the power of

integrating Web 2.0 tools in

Analyze Status
ETPT 6/8150 Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners (Summer 2013)
University of Toledo, Dr. Judy Lambert

Analyze learners
(List at least 3
different kinds of

18 Sophomore learners
3 students with strong memory ability
5 students with strong spatial intelligence
2 students with strong linguistic intelligence
5 students with strong interpersonal intelligence

(How will you
determine what
learners know
before lesson?)

Short survey on Web 2.0 tools to identify the students prior knowledge for a set of tools that will be taught.

- Content:
Teacher will use mind mapping to display the units content at the beginning of the lesson for students, who have
What will you
strong memory ability. Also, he will provide images and video tutorials for spatial intelligence students as well as
text and some articles for linguistic intelligence students.
(Content, Process, or
- Processes:
Teacher will provide some options for writing application papers and some resources for collecting information.
- Product:
Teacher will ask students to choose a topic and use Web 2.0 tool to demonstrate their understanding of the topic.
- Readiness:
Teacher will use two methods to measure the students readiness: (1) filling out an online short survey on Web 2.0
tools, and (2) filling out Know Want Learn (KWL) chart (
How will you
- Interest:
At beginning of the academic year, teacher will ask students to fill out an online survey to identify their interest as
(Readiness, Interest, well as writing a paper (one page) to know what they are interested in.
Learning Profile)
- Learning profile:
At beginning of the academic year, teacher will ask students to take Multiple Intelligences (MI) test:

Apply Status
ETPT 6/8150 Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners (Summer 2013)
University of Toledo, Dr. Judy Lambert

Identify UDL
Methods and

Representation (Content)
(Give learners options for
acquiring information)
Teacher will provide the content,
which is the use of Web 2.0 tools
and its applications in education,
through multiple means including
using pre-made mind mapping,
YouTube video tutorials, and
related website (articles).

Engagement (Process)
(Tap into learner interest, need for
challenge, and motivation)
Teacher will give the students the
opportunity to choose how they will
demonstrate their undersigning of the
units content. For example, students, who
have strong memory ability, can use
Mindmeister application to show what
they have learned. For another example,
students, who have strong linguistic
intelligence, can use Google Docs
application to write a paper cooperatively
to demonstrate their understanding.

Action & Expression (Product)

(Give learners options for
demonstrating what they know)
Teacher will ask students to work
in groups to create a product or
projects to demonstrate what they
had learned in the unit by using
one of Google applications such
as Google Docs, Google Slides,
and Google Sites. Students will
be allowed to use outside sources,
such as academic articles,
websites, images, and videos to
create their projects.

Teach UDL Lesson

The first step is that the teacher will introduce the topic: what are Web 2.0 tools? And what are its uses in education?
The second step is that the students will sit as groups and discuss the importance of integrating Web 2.0 tools in
education. The third step is that the teacher will provide students with some video tutorials and instruction handouts
on how to use Google Docs application, Google Slides application, and Google Sites application. The fourth step is
that the teacher will (1) divide students into groups with similar interest, (2) ask each group to choose a topic, and (3)
use one of the Google application to demonstrate their understanding of the topic. Each group is allowed to use the
Internet to find related images, texts, videos, and websites to use in their project in a period of one week. Finally,
when the projects are completed, each group will display their project in class on the following week.
The teacher will create a rubric that will be used to assess students understanding of the presented topic. The rubric
will contain several important elements, including project completion time and choosing relevant images; videos; and
appropriate tool. In addition, each group will write a pager (maximum three pages). The paper will contain (1) the
(How will you evaluate
role of each member in its project, (2) evaluating other group work (peers evaluation), and (3) what did you learn
learners and success
from the presented materials. The teacher will give two extra points to each member of the group who will provide
of lesson?)
the best project based on peers evaluation. Peers evaluation or comments will help to students to revise their
assignments as well as motivate them to get two extra points.
(Describe steps of
lesson including
methods and learner

ETPT 6/8150 Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners (Summer 2013)

University of Toledo, Dr. Judy Lambert

Web 2.0 Tools:

- Google Docs (
- Google Slides (
- Google Sites (
- Prezi (
- Mindmeister (
YouTube Video Tutorials:

Websites Used in
this Lesson/Unit

Instruction Handouts:

- What is Web 2.0? (
- Teaching with Web 2.0 Technologies: Benefits, Barriers and Best Practices

- Integrating Selected Web 2.0 Tools Into the High School Curriculum to Enhance Student Engagement and Promote
Learning Among the Millennial Generation

- Preparing teachers to integrate Web 2.0 in school practice: Toward a framework for Pedagogy 2.0

ETPT 6/8150 Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners (Summer 2013)

University of Toledo, Dr. Judy Lambert

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