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tel, He ee [Fan > Make Om paje Nok GrkowltH OF ConeTITUTIon UNDER @ HE COMPANY RULE Crag - 18587) The Regulating Achy 943 2 | > Feataree - + Designated Grovernar of Bengal oe Govenat- Genctal of Beygal Bust Goverot ~Creneal wos Losd Warten Hastings 2 Po + Mode Grovernas of Bombay #. Madsag. pierce Sub- asdiinade 46 Goverrat~ Grenecal g Beygal : Provided for eghaWlhned- f SC at colada (174) Competing ane Chict Tuehew & dheee obvet Tec ee sm exgahy in ory pile ace Paohibthed Company Seavart ¢ : a membed to anti Grove Crake the Executive Council of fou Coomeat Bopp => Pitk India Ady 17845 ~ i i ib $973, Bulesh 3 Te uedify He difeds of te B ng : Pidiomed- me the Amending Ack 13a), alge Kmawn of Ad- f belHemed * > Peaster (Pit Ace) + 4} bles Commercial £. palitical fumclions of Pe Grpong | © Uy allowed the Cont of Diseckag Jo ravage He Commmlal offais bi Created new) Dedly called Boord of Cortial ty Ynanoge palitical offaig Thus, established a system of © Distr guise close. apvernmnnd - > Significance — . a eee ite in India wee Called Burgh Pasteltions in India-” «Qiks? Gowl- Was giver dhe Supreme Corttial over Compary's Offai 2S adlminhahon jn India > Ghosker Act» 1833 3- ® 3 Pinal step fowords certraligabon in Butsh India: > Peakures : + Made Croveeriag Grenetal of Berga af Croveenat Goneeal of Inch “4 (yitliam Banbele lat fact Govanos (noneial of Tedia’ + Depsive the Grvernes of Bombay £ Medrag 2 Grovenat (nenval of Irotlo une giver ewclusive Segiefalive Power for We enhve Buheh Jno» + Ub endecl the ackivisies of Ered Idi Gmpory a @ Commercial bedy » urbich became a purely adminitakve body * Attempt + intioduce open syshom compiihition fox celesbions Civ! seavards penvin F ~~ f SD Chade, cb 1853.3- > fectines : * Inboduce on open compelition system gf celeckion L Fecuibyoent of Civil sowarts Cracaulay Committee In 1054 J + at find Hire Sepchaed the legishohie £ execubive function of the GovanaGeneal® Couneif- ao plovicled, fos odds Hae f Gx pew membet cabled Segichabive Couneillak tr tre council +B ddsodure fikt Hore, Socal Sepresertation vv Inctiaw (Conte!) Lepittative Council Cou of & membed YU wehe Oppolndeat by ocak (provinuial ) Goreenmmerk of Mada» Bombay Borgo! & Aye “The Crown) RULE. @ (1058 -1843J DS Govennmentof India Ach, 1858 :~ > Abe Known at “Aol fas the Groad Goveament of India .? % Ababithed the Beet Ind'a Cor, dral borsfened the powew of hot, tenitovee 2 Bevenues to the Buitihe Gouin: > Peder + *Grorged the designalton of te Gaveinss General of Incliy +2 the Nicey of India. peony was the Aled sSepresertative of Bultich Grown in Indid- Led Going Ghee became He pet Vieeray of drei * Ended syshon of double Grvesnenent by Obalighirg dhe Boo of Grtal 2 Cath P Disectsy + * D cheated a new office > Sectcbasy of Stabe for India, Vecheal with Complde Qutharily £ Control over Iudisn adminichahon * Leectablizhd 0 15 membea Council of India fa auelc+ Sectchoy for India: He taiog also Chaitman of the Council > Lotgely confined to dhe impurvement- af dhe odmmnetiaton i Uskith tre Indio God wag 4B be supetulied £ contialte in Exgford a ~ © Pm See Tinea Biel F DV Gn impadord Sondmask. in the Conttabonel & Pabitead fury g india > fecbeter t 4 Mode beginning Ff opesertative ingtdubo nd by axgociahing Indlong with the ois mating plored” Lb Hu panied that Vieesay Show nominate Some Inllane af non offiet members of ALL exparded Coumeid- e TWitimted proce af decentialisahon by Westatig the egitlalive Poweu fo the Bombay L Madsar presidendier: thug | fovected the Covrtiabising Fendevey hated fiom 1793. © PetobUcled tee neug depitabic Couneile fou Bengal, Nadi ed Corten (nioiee) £ Purjab- + Hhempowerd Viceroy to make Jules 2 oder far tre more Convenient honsachion of busines jn the counail- + B empowieral the Viceroy to dgue aidllorer, without te Concursence of thea degietahve Counelf, ahainieg he emeigeney + Ufe of erdinorce wat 6 monthy- : =D Andlon Council Act, 1e92 2~ > Fealowes ¢ + Enaiged Ye Size avd finctione of contial £ Pevineial Courile- + Incteated! the furobous of Seg itakve Council 4 gave ies the power of Aixcusting budget adokedt ig quer Honk to He executive - 3 Indian Couredl Ac 1909 3~ ® SU id alta Kroun as Maley- Nido Refit (loud Marky uas He Seo & Laid Mido ear Viceroy’) F ” “Y D> Peder . ‘ona Size Ff the depiclative countile, both Central @ = U Provided far atteciaben of Indliane Wit the executive comets of the Virewy 2 oven mat (Salyendia Psaxad Sinha becomerhe fil wat appointed at Sow rember) se * * Guve Sepotahe clcbiale to Muslina- § Lepielendation « nde Grbac syctem of communal Je Lat tke wos Known of“ fables of Gommural lectuse:” + Beginning gf non officiat getalubiond in the Coureil- Ra ay > Grovanmert of sods Roky jag + > id algo Keown a Momlagu- Chelmifaral Refaume« > Feadater 3 + Peon te Certial cmbal over the provinces by ornavcabiny 1 gepssabey doe ceontial L povivelal Subyeok - + Divided Pusvinclal subjeds lida two pods = Tronsferted £ Reserved Subjedk » The tianaf ested gubjecte were 42 be odminictacks by the Govemind witlr He oid Ff mnittet egret ponsiole 4a the vfeg iwabve. Council: The nedemved Subjecks » Wee A be administered by the Grovanah Sryificonce + + Simon mmission pf 1924 Wot owcome of ere + Route Act — Aathadied Grevii to impuson any peiton witha sal & Comichon in a Gut of Sows 3s wTidy tier, idenilesh af 0.Lhp douiadké Cm gevenrved é plete secponsible the Cort Gott’ te 2 The vieesay rousever achiined Contal of “alah vrajwakead gale g the moetty elected bicarrerall Odvitasy - © Division Subjects tajere Wart sabefoctay - SS Government of Irdia Ady 1995 ¢= @ SU Wat second milectore touods completely soaporsi ble govern > Frabunes +B piolided for cttabbishment of on All India Federation Gusistya g Plovineds £ “peinely ctedee ag unite - a ¢ «The Aeb divided the power blu Qrbie ad unite In ume g 4 Siete - fadonal Uist ( Fai Corte with 59 Heme)» Blavinelal Let ¢ Far Provbrer, wilt Su Heong) & Amero Set (do both, with 36 reme)- + Db abalithed dyencly in the provinees & indoduced * Provineiat patomany * iva rs poce 2 + Dt fuovided for action of clyatahy ab the Conde « Cmtepronbly te Federal subjects were divided inte uecered £ Honefeued subjects. © inboduted bicameraliem in gix out of eleven Plowineeg = Heukvet, mary eebichors wee ploceal on them « + Sepasate electorate fo epson clotted (803), women £ Lobou- + Ue erlendrcl the fuenehise » Mave Jhon lot of PRL population go te alin vit . 4 A povielal for ertobtishrrn’= of R09 fo Cottal the Casterey £ Chet of the Courday * federal Pub Semice 2 Th panied for exlabtichrenss: F rot only Comm buk-alto @ Peovinelaf Pub: Servo Comm © & Joint Pabotie Geiice Comm” oD pivided Pp extablithr ot of feferal Corts Wwhielr wag gel UP In 1939- > Pualuakon/ Bioabeete § @ . — s the gee f Butch Gmmitmerd be dominion + Ne Bull of vlghts . means ro wights were given « © Numecous Sofequacats 2 Special Lesponsibiliter of te gowemat- gered Waited ag Bake jy, pucper farcbonieg of Ad s dp puovirreds Aer oka had extensive Powe - « “The eelension of systers of Crmural edhacalee promerah aeporaich Fendendes tudo teditle in pasion of Indio. + + The fd proviceal 0 wigicl qnatitubion with ne pautibidty of fe indenal gow Right oe amerdment wad Seketved With Bai Hh Poliamert > Comet i- + To ncuparabe Becommendab'ous of Simon COommiton > (1920) . Im pack of Civil Beobedierre Movement Gr Salt Salyapahra Loyneled by Candthi C1930): + fallowirg He secommenctabione of Hee Round able Grfoene (19307 193) 11932) «To Incasposale te puoultions f Gadi - poovisions gf Pons pack ruse po - j aed . © TH ingaxporok the = fivnbedécat =} Indian Ledeperdence Naby 199 2 ® > Gute? © toil tlat 2 Bit Iroblgence in ide ushicls Weakned Bulan ecovrornically « « Rabe of INA uiside Inds oe well og tr India Gaipps Proposal » bu Quit India Movern ed Sesaralrect by Gaondhi In 12 Cabinet Mittion Plow Ive, ushich provictea! fo maliny oF Cut Htucrdd Adtombly * Reyall in Indian Novy & Indhiaw Atmy against Buitghet- > Provisions § « Bided Quilts duule te Dole L souelgn ‘Stoke pom jth August » INF « «fet provided fox gestion of two ‘ole pordet Aamintaed — Torably & Pakislans oe Abad” pst of Secretory tf Stabe of Arobta- a The Grovetrar Gavel £ provineial gover do ok of Qualtesion Heoels * £ declated Jeol a an indlepemotet wp dis onknued the Appointment do dvil suvices £ Uesewation of Posts by Secrclay of State ff Ino - vcitidued Acemblies of the Arulo demi ntons 4o_foare £ adept ory Consttubon for Hike Leipective vasons gto vepeat ony ok of me Buirigh Pabiawerd . ineludirg the Indeperdene Ad itedf « « Grows Centeal 4s Ibe the Source f austhnastly - Dominion stados wind given: eu em pouleteol the & oe > Laid Mourtbatern — Lost Quilch Govanar Creneial of Tretia / PAGE Goverat-Groneal of India wx Co Rofageplachad — Last Govainas Geral of “andia / fig) Chackion Crovernar General > Shadteom int) Outicem, 4 ted badepnclione igigSaded: tele Ae praleet ag much delayed © © India indepen detee ca «for pulneely Claes, the pr wot made ed they were flee ty jot the Dominion of India @ in depended - Pareletom a emair

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