Surrealism: STARTER - Read The Text Below

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Surrealism Cover Lesson

STARTER - Read the text below.
In the 1920s, a group of artists, writers and poets gathered in Paris; they were attracted to the
ideas of the poet Andr Breton, the founder of Surrealism. These artists dedicated themselves to
revising the standard definition of reality, creating fantastical images, recounting dreams and
exploring the subconscious.
Sometimes the surrealists used metamorphosis to create art works; this involves morphing or
changing an object or person into something else, like an animal or an object. In one painting,
Dal morphed one of his favourite artists into a table.
Copy out the TRUE statements in your sketchbook or onto the piece of paper youre
working on.
Surrealism was formed in Paris in the early twentieth century
Surrealists focused on making art that was realistic, like photographs
The Surrealists dealt with making art that was surprising and unexpected
Surrealists painted objects exactly how they saw them
The Surrealists used dreams and the subconscious in their paintings

TASK 1 - Metamorphosis
Rene Magritte was famed for transforming one object into another. You can see this in The
Explanation below, where a carrot is transformed into a wine bottle. Use the images of a Tomato
and a Bowl and create your own metamorphosis image in your sketchbook.

The Explanation Rene Magritte

Extension Task
Use this image of a cross section of a tomato
and try to incorporate it into your original metamorphosis drawing,
or recreate another drawing which uses the cross section and the bowl.

Surrealism Cover Lesson

Task 2 Melting Clocks

One of Salvador Dalis most famous pieces is The Persistence of Memory, in which he painted
his famous melting clocks. Use the image of a modern watch and try to draw it as though it has

The Persistence of Memory Salvador Dali

Task 3 Surreal Landscapes
The little train appears in several of the paintings by the Italian Artist Giorgio De Chirico. Its
precise meaning is not clear but that is often the case with Surrealist Art. Using your two previous
designs, produce a landscape of dream-like ideas and images entirely from your own
imagination. Make sure you include a little train in your image some where.

Extension Task
See if you can try to create your landscape using perspective, so that the image gradually
vanishes the further away it gets.

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