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Aira Matsushita


1 What is the relationship between the development of

computers and programming?

Computers are mainly functioning because of programming. So with

this said, if computers do evolve, then surely programing will as well.
These two come hand in hand. They are reliable to each other so that
means if one progresses, the other will also follow. Programming is
used to better the computers and its functions. And since we are now
living in the 21st century, there is no doubt that maybe in 10 years time,
there would be a new technology innovation that is surely composed
by programming in the first place

2 How the evolution (history) of programming did improve the

use of technology today?

Before, computers were only mainly used for computing number

problems and were only able to perform one task at a single time. Now,
computers are for multi-purpose use. We interact through social media
using computers, we are able to use the internet for research and also
for school/office/work purposes, and most importantly, it helps us better
our everyday living. Computers do so much for us; I really do believe
that the earth would be such an unrecognizable place without it.
Computers and programming has come a long way since it was first
invented. We too have evolved and developed with it through time.

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