Internship Goals

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Plan of Work

Goal: The survey will be created to get an idea and a sense of the culture through out the school.
The survey will also gauge if parents and student understand and believe schools meeting all
goals and objectives. The survey will also capture feelings about the school, staff and content.
Create and pass out a survey to all staff detailing school culture, students, parent involvement,
and expectation. We hope to gain perspective on next steps in improving student achievement
and school improvement.
Goal: Create and pass out a survey to all staff detailing school culture, students, parent
involvement, and expectation. The survey will give us a glimpse of what the hidden and
underline culture is like. We hope the to gain understanding and information for the facilitation
of Professional Development.
Standard 1.0: A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of
every student by collaboratively facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and
stewardship of a shared school vision of learning through the collection and use of data to
identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and implement school plans to achieve
school goals; promotion of continual and sustainable school improvement; and evaluation of
school progress, revision of school plans supported by school-based stakeholders and local
agencies. In so doing, the building level leader ensures effective and ample use of technology in
establishing, implementing, evaluating, and improving a vision of learning.
Activity 1: Research ways to approach staff with survey. I was prompted to search the internet
for best practices to research staff members. I was asked to find best practices to get teachers and
staff to buy into new ideas and concepts.
Once the research was done I was asked to create a plan of action and implementation. My
Mentor and I sat down to discuss the different concepts I found and she voiced if she agreed with
the practices and my plan of action.
Activity 2: Informally ask teachers if they are aware of the the school goals and objectives. I
began to create relationships with he staff. Most staff members were reluctant to share true ideas
and feelings, but once I built trust , they began to share. I took out time to talk to individual
teachers to help build rapport. We began to discuss their own personal goals and the goals of the
Support Needed:

Time allowed to complete research

Survey types
Standard 2.0: A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of
every student by sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student

learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high
expectations for students; creating and evaluating a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent
curricular and instructional school program; developing and supervising the instructional and
leadership capacity of school staff; and promoting the most effective and appropriate
technologies to support teaching and learning within a school environment.
Goal 1: Better understand school culture. Along with the informal and somewhat formal surveys,
we had a desire to have everyone better understand the school culture, as well. We talked to the
staff individually and collectively to gain understand of the culture. We pulled the information
together to share with the staff. We took the information in hopes to compare the collective
findings with the vision and mission of the school and the special education mission.
Goal 2: Planning and Delivering Professional Development. The information received was very
intriguing and we were solicited to deliver a PD regarding the information to help the staff better
understand the present and future of Hope Academy. I will led the team in PD.
Activity 1: Study Standard 1.0 outcomes. I was tasked to research the history of the school.
While discovering the history, I was was intrigued by the Mission and Beliefs of the school.
Mission Statement
The mission of Hope Academy is to provide a positive, nurturing, and collaborative educational
environment where we ensure the intellectual, social, and physical development of every
Educational Beliefs
High Expectations produce achievement.
Learning occurs best when each student is active in a positive, academically challenging
All children have value and are able to learn with appropriate support.
Learning is maximized through the development of self-worth and pride and achievement.
Self-disciplined students are productive students.
A successful teacher motivates, encourages, and values the worth of every student.
Instruction should motivate, encourage curiosity, develop interests, and foster a positive attitude
Goals and expectations need to be clear and consistent for staff and students.
The school environment should be caring, comfortable, and safe.
The school improvement occurs when the faculty, parents, and community are committed to
quality education.
I asked different teachers if they were familiar with the mission and beliefs, also where they fit
with in the mission and beliefs.

Activity 2: I had to determine if the results affect student achievement. The collection of the
data gave me a idea of how the teachers felt about the work they do, the mission/beliefs, student
achievement, and the correlations.
Activity 3: I shared the data and we discussed the results during Professional Development. I
facilitated dialogue to understanding Culture and student achievement when it pertains to the
mission/belief of the school.
Support Needed:

Allotment of time to compile all information
Standard 3.0: A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of
every student by ensuring the management of the school organization, operation, and resources
through monitoring and evaluation of teachers, school management and operational systems;
efficiently using human, fiscal, and technological resources in a school environment; promoting
and protecting the welfare and safety of school students and staff; developing school capacity for
distributed leadership; and ensuring that teacher and organizational time is focused to support
high-quality instruction and student learning.
Standard 6.0: A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of
every student by understanding, responding to, advocating for student learning, and influencing
the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context through advocating for school
students, families, and caregivers; acting to influence local, district, state, and national decisions
affecting student learning in a school environment; and anticipating and assessing emerging
trends and initiatives in order to adapt school-based leadership strategies.
Goal 1: Better understand school/department budget. Find time to meet with the principal.
Setup meeting time. Brief the principal on internship and resent finds.
Goal 2: Participate in the interview and hiring process. After finding time to meet with the
principal look resumes and sit in on a long term sub interview.
Activity 1: Sit down with my mentor, principal, or finance director to better understand the
budget and the working parts. I as given access to the entire school budget, however, I was given
the chance to look at the budget of a professional development meeting with teachers and staff. I
saw the break down of salary within the the PD time, supplies, and resource.
Activity 2: Look over qualified teachers and staff candidates resumes. I sat down with my
mentor to go over resumes and what she usually looks for in a candidate. I wanted to meet with
the principal, however, the principal was unable to meet with me due to their hectic schedule.
Support Needed:

Time with the principal

Discussion of budgeting and overall school budget
A position on the of the hiring committee
Access to the hiring rubric
Understand of school fundraising

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