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Correlation coeffficient

The interrelationship beween two or more variable is the correlation or covariation. The
correlation may by mutual dependence, direct cause and effect or indirect cause and effect.
The correlation is positive, when the two variables move in the same direction or negative, the
two variables move in the opposite direction. A measure of the correlation between two
variables, x anf y, is called correlation coefficient.
Karl Pearsons coefficient of correlation
Karl Pearson suggested a mathematical method to measure the closeness of or the
relationship between the variables, which is the most widely adopted method of measuring
correlation. It is denoted by the symbol, r. The value of r lies between -1 and +1. If it is -1,
the correlation is perfect negtive, if it is between -1 and 0, the correlation is negative, if it is 0,
no correlation, between 0 and +1, positive correlation and if it is +1, perfect positive correlation.
To find out the correlation coeffiecient between the length and width of 25 bivalve
The length and width of the 25 bivalve shell are measured individually using a scale and the
data is recorded. The correlation between the length and width of the shell is calculated by
using the following steps:

Found the mean of the variables X and Y separately, i.e., X and Y separately.
Took the deviations of X series from the mean, i.e., X X = dx.
Square of the deviation is taken and obtained their sum, i.e., dx2
The deviation of the Y series is taken from the mean, i.e., Y Y and denoted as dy.
Square of the deviation is taken, dy2.
Multiplied the deviation dxdy and calculated dxdy.
Correlation is calculated by applying the following formula,


dx 2 x dy 2

The correlation coefficient of length and width of ---- bivalve shells is ---------------- and the
relation is -----------------.

Correlation analysis helps in measuring

the degrees of relationship betweent he


The relationship between the variables can be verified and tested for significance with
the help of t-test.

The correlation coefficient is a relative measure and can be compared the relationship
between the varables, which are expressed in different units.

Sampling error also be calculated.

Correlation is the basis for the concept of regression, an ration of variables.
Correlation analysis between the length and width of ___ bivalve shells


Length X

dx= X-X



X = --


Width Y

dy = Y Y


Y =


X =
X =



dx dy


Y =

Correlation coefficient


dx 2 x dy 2
= --------- cm

Inference = It is --------------- correlation and tthe two variables x and y are


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