Grade: 7/8: Drawing Unit/Self Portrait

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7/8: Drawing Unit/Self Portrait

Unit Summary:
Students will begin by exploring different drawing materials and experiment with
line properties, value, movement, texture, etc. Students will practice line studies and value
scales to gain a better sense of how each material transfers to paper. Next students learn
about portraits, stylistically and structurally. Students will then create four self-portraits in
each of the materials using what they have learned about value, line, gesture/realism, and
facial characteristics.
Lesson 1: Material Exploration 4 - 49 minute classes
- Newsprint
- Value Scales
- Graphite (Penicls 2B-6B)
- Charcoal (Compressed and vine)
- Conte (White and black)
- India Ink
- Brushes
- Water Buckets
- Still Life Objects
Learning Objectives
- Students will experiment with line weight, texture and shading using a variety of
drawing materials
- Students will understand the different properties/characteristics of each drawing
- Students will practice drawing from still life
- Have still life objects ready to go
- Have example line and value studies available
- For value scales, have strips of paper already divided and ready to start
Introduction (Day 1-7 min)
- Show images of different drawing materials and how they can be used
- Have images of self portraits in these various materials up for discussion
What do you notice about each drawing material? How are they
different? How are they the same?Two Examples..



For each material, the students will make a value scale to become comfortable with what it
takes to differentiate the value.

For each material, the students will sketch a still life shape, using the value scale made for
that day.

Day 1 March 18th Graphite 49 min.

! Goal: Students will explore graphite
! Materials: Newsprint, graphite, erasers, sheets for value scale, still life shapes
Activity #1 Experimentation

5 min. Students will experiment with graphite on their newsprint.

5 min. Students will do a short gallery walk.
Activity #2 Value Scale

15 min. Students will create a value scale on the divided sheets provided for them.
Activity #3 Still Life

15 min. Students will refer to a shape (spray-painted grey) that has been placed in
front of them. They will sketch the shape in their sketchbooks, focusing on
value. This is a very short time so they will be told to focus on the shape, the
shadows and the highlights.
2 min. Clean up
Day 2 March 19th Charcoal 49 min.

! Goal: Students will explore charcoal

! Materials: Newsprint, charcoal, erasers, sheets for value scale, still life shapes
! Prep: Have charcoal and newsprint already set up for students. Also have an image
of a charcoal study on the smart board to remind students of its properties.
Activity #1 Experimentation

5 min . Students will experiment with charcoal on their newsprint. I will be walking
around making suggestions about line weight, texture, shape, space etc.
5 min. Students will do a short gallery walk. I will tell them to look for interesting
applications that they especially like or hadn't thought of.
Activity #2 Value Scale
17 min. Students will create a value scale on the divided sheets provided for them.
Activity #3 Still Life
20 min. Students will refer to a shape that has been placed in front of them. They will
sketch the shape in their sketchbooks, focusing on value. This is a very short time so they
will be told to focus on the shape, the shadows and the highlights.

2 min. Clean up
Day 3 March 20th Conte 49 min
! Goal: Students will explore conte
! Materials: Newsprint, conte, erasers, sheets for value scale, still life shapes
! Prep: Have conte and newsprint already set up for students. Also have an image of
a conte study on the smartboard to remind students of its properties.
5 min. Discuss with students the properties and techniques to keep in mind when working
with ink. If you use pure ink it will be very dark, the more water you add the lighter it will
Activity #1 Experimentation
5 min. Students will experiment with conte on their newsprint. I will be walking
around making suggestions about line weight, texture, shape, space etc.
5 min. Students will do a short gallery walk. I will tell them to look for interesting
applications that they especially like or hadn't thought of.
Activity #2 Value Scale

17 min. Students will create a value scale on the divided sheets provided for them.
Activity #3 Still Life

15 min. Students will refer to a shape that has been placed in front of them. They will
sketch the shape in their sketchbooks, focusing on value. This is a very short time so they
will be told to focus on the shape, the shadows and the highlights.
2 min. Clean up
Day 4 March 21st Ink 49 min

! Goal: Students will explore ink

! Materials: Newsprint, ink, brushes, water buckets, sheets for value scale, still life
! Prep: Have ink, water buckets and newsprint already set up for students. Also have
an image of an ink study on the smartboard to remind students of its properties.
Activity #1 Experimentation

5 min. Students will experiment with ink on their newsprint. I will be walking
around making suggestions about line weight, saturation, texture, shape,
space, etc.
5 min. Students will do a short gallery walk. I will tell them to look for interesting
applications that they especially like or hadn't thought of.
Activity #2 Value Scale

17 min. Students will create a value scale on the divided sheets provided for them.
Activity #3 Still Life

20 min. Students will refer to a shapeThey will sketch the shape in their sketchbooks,
focusing on value. This is a very short time so they will be told to focus on the shape, the
shadows and the highlights.
2 min. Clean up
Lesson #2: Portraits Proportion and Structure 4 - 49 minute classes
*these will be done only in graphite
- Graphite value scale
- Graphite (Pencils 2B-6B)
- Mirrors
- Sketchbooks
- Erasers
Learning Objectives:
- Students will understand and recognize the proportions of the face
- Students will sketch their own face as well as someone elses in realistic
- Students will identify the difference between what they think they see and what they
actually see.
-Have photocopies of a generic face gridded into proportions

Day 5 March 25th - Proportion 49 minutes

! Goal: Students will understand the general proportions of the face in order to create
a realistic portrait
! Materials: Reference picture, pencils, erasers, sketchbooks, Self Portraits for
! Prep: Have portraits on board for discussion, reference pictures ready to hand out.

Unknown (conte)

Man Ray (ink)

10 mins.
Have students look at each of these self-portraits separately. Ask questions such as
- What do you notice about the composition?
- How has the artist used the foreground and background?
- What materials are used? Etc...
- What do you notice about the value used in the portrait
- * In order to get students thinking in the right direction, I will prompt them
to think of questions that I think they should talk about
Activity #1: Proportion

20 min. Students will draw a generic face in their sketchbooks using the proportion
guide. Before beginning point out certain characteristics, EX: how the eyes are
exactly in the middle of the face between the forehead and the chin and how
corners of the mouth line up with the inner corners of the eyes.
*** I will tell students to draw the placement of features first before getting
too much into details (i.e. the eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.)
5 min. Gallery walk to check out other students portraits.

12 min. Return back to their drawing or start a new one. During this time I will
ensure that I have talked to each student about his or her drawing.
2 min. Clean up.
Day 6 March 26th Details 49 minutes
! Goal: Students will understand that features such as eyelashes and eyebrows
are not manicured naturally, they are imperfect and vary between people.
! Materials: pencils, erasers, mirrors.
! Prep: Mirrors ready for students to grab.
Activity #1: Eyelashes and Eyebrow observations

5 min. Show images on smartboard. Have students discuss what they see. Give students
hand held mirrors to look at their own eyelashes and eyebrows. Discuss further.

Activity #2: Sketchbook Study

20 min. Students will practice drawing their own eyes in their sketchbooks
making sure to remember what we have said about eyebrows and
20 min. Students will apply what they have learned to the faces they drew
in the previous class.
4 min. Clean Up
Day 7 March 27th Drawing a Partner 49 minutes
! Goal: Students will practice drawing portraits from a live model, keeping in mind
the strategies we have previously learned
! Materials: Sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, gray scales

5 min. Explain to students how the day will work. They will be in pairs and take
turns drawing one another. Discuss with students behavior expectations.

Activity #1: Portraits

40 min. Students will have 20 minutes each to draw their partner. I will be walking
around and will attempt to meet with each student briefly to mention parts
that are working and provide feedback.
4 min. Clean Up.
Day 8 March 31st Practice Self-Portraits 49 min
! Goal: Students will spend this period familiarizing themselves with their own faces,
looking in the mirror and transferring their reflection to paper.
! Materials: Pencils, erasers, sketchbooks, mirrors, graphite value scale
Activity #1: Self Portraits

35 min. Students will work independently and will draw their self-portraits in
their sketchbooks.
Activity #2: Gallery Walk

7 min. Students will take 3 or 4 minutes to walk around the room and look at
their peer's portraits. I will ask them to try and guess which drawing
belongs to which artist. We will then have a quick discussion about the
success of the self-portraits. I will ask students to share which ones they
thought came out the best and why they believe that to be the case?
2 min. Clean Up
Lesson #3: Multimedia Portraits 8-10 49 minute classes
- Graphite value scale
- Graphite (Pencils 2B-6B) and sticks
- Charcoal
- Conte
- Ink
- Mirrors
- 8 x 11 paper, white and grey
- Erasers
Learning Objectives:
- Students will understand and recognize the proportions of their own face
- Students will sketch their own face in realistic detail
- Students will create 4 self portraits, each in a different medium
! Have value studies and sketchbooks available for reference
Day 9 April 1st Graphite Self-Portraits 49 min
! Goal: Students will begin drawing their self-portraits in graphite as a part of their
final project. They will focus on highlights, shadows and details.
! Materials: Graphite value scale, pencils, paper, erasers, mirrors

Introduction (Day 9 only)

5 min.
! What did you notice about drawing from a mirror?
! How did you like using pencil? What were you able to do? What did you find
difficult to do?
Activity #1: Graphite Self-Portraits

25 min. Students will begin their good copy self-portrait in graphite. Go over
important aspects.
Activity #2: Pair/Share

5 min. Students will share their portrait with a partner. The partner will then give
suggestions or comments that could help the artist with their piece.
12 min. Back to Activity #1
2 min. Clean Up.
Day 10 April 2nd Graphite Self-Portraits Cont. 49 min
! Goal: Students will finish drawing their self-portraits in graphite as a part of their
final project.
! Materials: Graphite value scale, pencils, paper, erasers, mirrors
Activity #1: Graphite Self Portraits Cont.

40min. Students will spend the duration of the class working on and ideally
finishing their graphite self-portraits. Meet with each student individually to
discuss their project.
Activity #2: Gallery Walk 5 min.

2 min. Clean Up
Day 11 April 3rd Charcoal Self-Portraits 49 min
! Goal: Students will begin drawing their self-portraits in charcoal as a part of their
final project.
! Materials: charcoal value scale, compressed and vine charcoal , paper, erasers,
5 min. Review charcoal value scales and different portraits. Discuss techniques.

25 min. Students will begin their good copy self-portrait in charcoal.

Activity #2: Pair/Share

5 min. Students will share their portrait with a partner. The partner will then give
suggestions or comments that could help the artist with their piece.
12 min. Back to Activity #1

2 min. Clean Up.

Day 12 April 4th Charcoal Self-Portraits Cont. 49 min
! Goal: Students will finish drawing their self-portraits in graphite as a part of their
final project.
! Materials: Graphite value scale, pencils, paper, erasers, mirrors
! Prep: None
Activity #1: Charcoal Self-Portraits Cont. 49 min.`

40min. Students will spend the duration of the class working on and ideally
finishing their charcoal self-portraits.
Activity #2: Gallery Walk

5 min. Students will spend five minutes going around and looking at the other
students work and checking out the advancements that have been made.
2 min. Clean Up
Day 13 April 7th Conte Self-Portraits 49 min
! Goal: Students will begin drawing their self-portraits in conte as a part of their final
! Materials: conte value scale, black and white conte, grey paper, erasers, mirrors
! Prep: None

5 min. Review conte value scales, black and white conte, and techniques involved.
Pre-Assessments Questions:
! What do you recall about using conte?
! Why do you think the artist used white conte in certain spots?
Activity #1: Conte Self-Portraits

25 min. Students will begin their good copy self-portrait in conte. Before
beginning I will ask students to remind me what the important things to
remember are when doing a self portrait, as well as what technical skills
they should keep in mind.
Activity #2: Pair/Share

5 min. Students will share their portrait with a partner. The partner will then give
suggestions or comments that could help the artist with their piece.
12 min. Back to Activity #1
2 min. Clean Up.

Day 14 April 8th Conte Self-Portraits Cont. 49 min.

40min. Students will spend the duration of the class working on and ideally
finishing their conte self-portraits.
Activity #2: Gallery Walk

5 min. Students will spend five minutes going around and looking at the other
students work and checking out the advancements that have been made.
2 min. Clean Up
Day 15 April 9th Ink Self-Portraits 49 min.
! Goal: Students will begin drawing their self-portraits in ink as a part of their final
! Materials: ink value scale, ink, paper, brushes, water, mirrors
! Prep: None
5 min. Discuss ink value scales and techniques. Bring up examples.
Pre-Assessment Questions:
! What do you notice about the lines? The shadows? The highlights?
! How do you think the artist created variation in his or her values?

25 min. Students will begin their good copy self-portrait in ink. Before
beginning I will ask students to remind me what the important things to
remember are when doing a self portrait, as well as what technical skills
they should keep in mind.
Activity #2: Pair/Share

5 min. Students will share their portrait with a partner. The partner will then give
suggestions or comments that could help the artist with their piece.
12 min. Back to Activity #1
2 min. Clean Up.
Day 16 April 10th Ink Self-Portraits Cont. 49 min.

40min. Students will spend the duration of the class working on and ideally
finishing their ink self-portraits.
Activity #2: Gallery Walk

5 min. Students will spend five minutes going around and looking at the other
students work and checking out the advancements that have been made.
2 min. Clean Up

Final Days: Display and Critique 49 min

10 min. As a class we will talk about what a meaningful/useful critique sounds like.
We will brainstorm elements of art that we can comment on. I will also ask
students to come up with some ideas about what a meaningful critique is
not. I will be splitting them up into groups of about 5 to do small group
critiques, so we will have a discussion about things to keep in mind for this.
Activity #1: Small Group Critique
20 min. Students will spend twenty minutes critiquing one anothers work. I will
ask them to keep a record of at least two thoughts for each persons piece
in their sketchbooks so that I can assess their critique as I wont be able to
listen to each group at the same time.
Activity #2: Class Critique
19 min. For the remainder of the class I will be asking each group to talk very
briefly about what was said during their group critique. Either something
that they brought up, or a point another student made that they found
interesting. They could also mention which portraits or medium in general
they found to be successful.

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