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Design Document for EDUC 767 (Designing CBT)

By: Sydney Kapitany

Purpose of the Course The purpose of this online training module, will be to teach incoming students of the athletic training education
program (ATEP) at UW-Eau Claire how to correctly input hardcopy medical documentation into the SportsWare
Online database. This includes correct transfer of documents such as pre-participation physicals, insurance
cards/information, health screens, injury evaluations, progress notes, treatments, equipment check-out, and physician
Audience Description

The target audience for this training consists of male and female level II athletic training students who have been
recently accepted to the ATEP to begin in the fall of 2015. Additional audience members might also consist of newly
hired athletic training staff members and/or intern athletic trainers. The target audience must be capable of typing at a
computer and have a basic understanding of general computer systems. Learners should have minimal background
experience with SportsWare Online specifically, but should have an overall understanding of the types of hard copy
medical documents used in the clinical setting at UW-Eau Claire. The audience will have already completed and
signed HIPPA and FERPA training on student-athlete medical confidentiality prior to completing this course.

Major Course
Demonstrate the ability to navigate the home/opening page and relevant tabs in SportsWare Online (SWOL).
Objectives (Terminal)
Identify the correct steps to enter various hardcopy medical documents into the SportsWare Online database.
Course Enabling

Login to SportsWare Online

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of site layout
Choose appropriate icons relative to their function
Correctly enter all forms of medical documentation into the appropriate area on the SportsWare Online Database



RLO Enabling

Students will demonstrate the ability to enter the following forms of medical documentation into SportsWare Online:
1. Patient Health Screens
2. Injury Evaluations
3. Treatments/Progress Notes
4. Physician Referrals
5. Equipment Sign-Out

Learning Assessment
for Course

There will be a mastery quiz/check for understanding at the end of each module.

Learning Assessment
for RLO

There will be knowledge checks for mastery of content after each module (type of form to be entered in SWOL).
These assessments will include multiple choice, marking/matching, and true/false style questions which the learner
will select with the mouse. The assessments will allow for multiple attempts, should the learner answer incorrectly,
until the learner answers all knowledge checks correctly. Once the knowledge check is complete, the learner may
move on to the next module. Feedback for incorrect responses will be made available to encourage learner retention
and understanding of the material. Upon completion of the entire RLO, the instructional designer will receive
electronic notification of the participants completion/status.

Instructional Delivery Self-paced, online training modules which will focus on mastery of content for a variety of data entry scenarios.
method for Course
Ideally, students will attend a brief, in-class discussion about the types of medical documents they can expect to see
during their clinical rotations before they complete this online training (which focuses on these documents
specifically). There, the students will also be able to create a SWOL account and practice logging in to the database. I
will be available to answer any questions that might come along, as I will be continuing my graduate assistantship at
UW-Eau Claire through the 2015-2016 school year.
Instructional Strategy Interactive lecture and informational slides combined with tutorial video/instruction on how to navigate each element
for RLO
of SWOL and appropriately enter the information from the original hard copy document into the SWOL database.

Animation, text, graphics, and audio.

508 Accommodations

Text options will be available for any areas where voice instruction is utilized. Simplified course design and use of
buttons to be clicked with the mouse will eliminate the need for keyboard use.



Course Structure

Introduction, Overview, and Course Objectives

Module 1: Entering a New Injury
Module 2: Entering Treatments & Progress Notes
Module 3: Entering Physician Referrals
Module 4: Recording Equipment Sign-Out/In
Module 5: Entering Physicals/Health Screens
Conclusion, Take-Home Points

Seat Time of Course

Self-paced, each module should take 5-10 minutes to complete (5 total modules, one for each type of document to be
entered). Estimated total time to complete all training modules and mastery exercises = 45 minutes-1 hour.

Seat Time of RLO

30 minutes-1 hour total (estimated)



RLO Outline

Procedural Analysis:
1. Target Audience Objectives
a. Log-In to SWOL
b. Navigate appropriate areas of SWOL
c. Accurately enter the following medical documents in SWOL:
i. New Injuries
ii. Treatments & Progress Notes
iii. Physician Referrals
iv. Equipment Sign-Out
v. Physicals/Health Screens
2. Logging in to SWOL (taught in-person)
a. Go to
b. Create Username/Password
3. SWOL Dashboard Outline and Procedures (RLO for this Course)
a. Visual Cues: Icons for each area (Titles appear as you mouse-over each image)
i. Athlete Information (1st Image-Running Person Icon)
1. Demographics, Insurance Info, Emergency Contact, etc.
2. All Athlete information is completed by the student-athlete
ii. Adding a New Injury
1. Select the Injury Icon (2nd Image-Ambulance Icon)
2. Narrow By: Type Student-Athletes Name
3. Click Add Tab on Left Side of Page
a. Under General tab, fill in the following information:
i. Status: Injury Date, Return to Play


ii. Action: AT (your name), Action Taken, Referred (if applicable)


RLO Flowchart

A detailed flowchart may be found in appendix A and/or as PDF attachment.

Screens/Pages in RLO Estimated number of screens: 40

Knowledge Checks or Estimated number of knowledge checks or other interactions
Other Assessments or
4 Dichotomous (T/F, Y/N, etc.)
3 Multiple Choice
1 Matching

Rollovers/click events
Course and Project


10 Click Events
A majority of images will be authored utilizing the authoring tool and will be captures taken from SWOL via
Snipping Tool. Navigation items will also be utilized through authoring tool availability and options (basic


Screen Layouts



Development Tools

Primary Authoring Tool: iSpring and/or Udutu

Graphics Tool: Snipping Tool
Audio Tool: Audacity
Storyboarding: Microsoft PowerPoint


Sydney Kapitany will develop the initial course, and maintain the course. The course is being developed for the
undergraduate Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) at UW-Eau Claire.

Development Time

Depending upon the software to be used, this course will take approximately 2-3 hours per module to create (about
15-20 hours total).

Support requirements No additional support is needed at this time.

Sign-off [optional]

Please sign below indicating agreement with the proposed course plan and approving start-up of the storyboard and
development phases.

Sydney L. Kapitany
Instructional Designer


Appendix A: Course Flowchart





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