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Philisha Reid

Information Literacy

1. A-C) Keywords used to find the journal articles I used was ethics. I used all
databases available to give a better variety on the scope of ethics to choose from.
D) Brostner, Bojan, and Smiljana Gartner. TEACHING ETHICS AND CRITICAL
THINKING IN CONTEMPORARY SCHOOLS. Problems of Education in the 21st
Century 61 (2014): n.pag.web.

Chakrabarty, Subrata, and Erin Bass. THE


Ethics 126.3 (2015): 487-512.web.


Back in 2013 news broke that 110 million suvillians were affected by what was
said to be the hack of the season. This couldnt have come at the worst time for all those
affected as well as for Target stores, do to the holiday season.
Apparently some immoral hackers hacked into the companys payment system. They
were able to steal login info from a heating and air conditioning company that was at the
time used by Target. This helped them to get access to over 40 million credit card
numbers and other personal information.

Goldman, David, and Jose Pagliery.Target. CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 5 June
2015. web. 05 June 2015
Keywords used to find articles were: technology, ethics, hackers, worst hacks.
2nd article- Goldman, David, and Jose Pagliery. Anthem. CNNMoney. Cable News
Network, 5 June 2015. web, 05 June 2015.
Keywords were searched in Google and Bing search engines as well.

From the site I could not tell when the article was originally written however, it was
updated on June 5, 2015. I believe it relates to my topic choose on the ground of
morality. Even though this people were taught ethics or maybe they werent but
regardless they chose not to abide by those principles.

The authors of the article were David Goldman and Jose Pagliery. Whether they are
qualified to report on these topics I honestly couldnt say yes or no. I believe we all
have a moral compass so its not hard to know when something happening should or
shouldnt be. However, they have made a career of journalism so I would say they

would have to be competent in that especially having to practice professional ethics as a

part of that career.
The information is accurate and has evidence to support is authenticity.
The article was written with the intent to inform without bias or objectivity.

As far as access for the general public I think it would be harder to access the DB
journal article because in order to get into our library database our student user name
and password are needed. Since I am a student it was easy for me to access. I did
however, have a bit of a challenge getting all the info I needed from the internet article.
The timing of both articles were different. My DB Journal article to me focuses on
ethics over time and previous events. Whereas, the internet article gives specific current
events. It tells of a particular unethical event happening in todays society.
The authors of these articles are different in that the DB Journal article
researched other information written by others. Their info was put together through their
thoughts of what they had researched. With the internet article the research was done
directly. They went to the source, did interviews to get the info and reported it to us. I
then used their article as the authors of the DB Journal article had done.

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