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CSIT 101 | Assigment 4

June 13, 2015

What will I look like in June 2020?

Super Time Stopper

If I could have any super power, it would be the ability to

control time, so that I can have more time to enjoy the good
moments, fast forward through the bad, and maybe rewind
and rerecord over a mistake or two.

Most Important Lesson Ive

Learned in School

Management is the most

important lesson that I have learned in

Time management is vital to every aspect of my

life from work, to school, to my personal life.

Long Term Goal

In the long term, I would like to work for
myself as a real estate investor think
HGTV Flip or Flop

What does my boss say

about me?

Personal Development
There are two things that have really helped
me to grown over the past few years:

a personal relationship with

God by actively serving in church, and
studying the Bible in depth

back to school

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