Experiment 1 Application of Statistical Concepts in The Determination of Weight Variation in Samples

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Experiment 1

Application of Statistical Concepts in the

Determination of Weight Variation in Samples

1. Give the significance of the Grubbs Test.

A common result for error in instrument calibrations is when a measurement in the data is
completely off or there is an outlier, a person or thing situated away or detached from the main
body or system. To avoid such errors certain tests must be performed, and the Grubbs test is one
of the most common tests used for detecting a single outlier in a data set.

2. Give the significance of the mean and standard deviation.

The mean and the standard deviation are important factors for performing the Grubbs test.
They are crucial and important measurements for identifying the outlier.

3. Give the significance of the confidence interval.

Confidence intervals show how valid the estimate of the population is based on the sample
of the population. Obtaining data for the whole population is difficult for most experiments, that is
why taking a representative sample of the whole population is helpful.

4. How do the statistics calculated from data set 1 differ from those obtained from data set 2?

The results in data set 1 are closer to the Qtab than those in data set 2. The more values
there are in a population the higher the chance of having an outlier.

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