We Must Face Challenges With Courage

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2. We must face challenges with courage.

John displays great courage by attempting to meet his doppelganger again.

He could have been seriously harmed in the process as no one knows what his double is

Overcoming fear, he tries to meet his doppelganger again because he knows there must
be a good reason why his doppelganger appears before him.

His courage pays off when his doppelganger saves Andrea and Kati from the explosion.

3. We must be diligent in our work.

Andrea, John and Zsolt work diligently at their jobs.

Andrea is a hardworking language teacher who juggles many classes.

Zsolt is a diligent businessman who works hard to improve his business.

John works hard and shows his potential until he is selected to handle an important
project in Hungary.

4. We must be responsible.

John and Andrea are responsible parents.

Kati's interest and safety come first.

John's first thought in receiving the note from Andrea is his wife and child's safety.

His sense of responsibility to protect them makes him disregard his own safety when he
tries to enter the cellar after the explosion.

5. We must be kind and compassionate towards others.

Mrs Fischer is a very compassionate woman.

This is especially evident when she relates the story of Janos Szabo to John.

She cries as she tells the story because she feels pity for the family.

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