Category: American Society and Culture Group: 9. Travel Topic: 1. Travelling

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Topic: 1. Travelling
Traveling by air these days is more complicated than it used to be. You must arrive
very early at the airport before your flight, and there are many restrictions. You must
prepare and plan well in advance before flying.

Choi has been looking forward to a trip back home to Korea for the past few months.
He booked a flight leaving at 10:00 am on Thursday, June 10th. Today is the 10th and
Choi has overslept and missed his flight. Now he is at the airline desk at the airport.

Airline agent: Good morning sir. Can I help you?

Choi: Yes, please. I have a big problem. I missed my flight to Korea this morning. But
it wasnt my fault. There was a blackout at my house. Our power went out
during the big storm last night and my alarm clock didnt work this morning. What
can I do?
Airline agent: OK, sir. First, do you have your tickets?
Choi: Yes. Here they are.
Airline agent: Thank you. Can I also see IDs and passports for all passengers who
were supposed to travel? How many people were traveling?
Choi: Three. My two sons and me. I have my drivers license, passport, and passports
and social security cards for my sons. Will that work?
Airline agent: Yes, that will be fine. Just a moment while I check in the computer So, I
see you were booked on the 10 oclock flight to Seoul, Korea this morning.
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Choi: Yes, thats correct. Can I just take the next flight going to Korea instead?
Airline agent: Let me check our systems for the next available flight. OK, there is one
leaving at 4:00 pm this afternoon. However, there will be a $500 service fee to
change the flight.
Choi: What?!? $500 dollars? I thought it would be free to just switch the time to a later
Airline agent: No, sir. Unfortunately, our policy states that there is a $500 service fee
for all missed flights that must be rescheduled. This policy was clearly written in
the fine print on the back of your ticket.
Choi: Well, I didnt read all of that.
Airline agent: Im sorry sir, but what would you like to do?
Choi: Well, I have to get to Korea today, so I guess Ill just have to pay the fee.
Airline agent: OK, let me check the availability for the 4:00 pm flight. Oh, actually sir, it
appears that the 4:00 pm flight is already overbooked. We cant put you on the
flight right now. The only option is going to be to try to fly standby.
Choi: Standby? What is that?
Airline agent: Right now, the flight is full. But sometimes there are people who miss
their flight, so seats become available. Standby means that you wait at the gate
while the flight boards, and if someone doesnt show up, you can travel in their
Choi: So there is a chance that I wont get to make the 4:00 pm flight?
Airline agent: Yes, you never know until just before the plane takes off whether you can
get on or not. Also, you can only bring carry-on luggage. You cant check any
luggage on a standby flight.
Choi: But I have four suitcases here.
Travel agent: Unfortunately, youll only be able to bring on three small bags that could fit
under your seat or in the overhead compartments.
Choi: But that is ridiculous. Im going to be in Korea with my two sons for three weeks.
We need all of our clothes.

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Airline agent: Im sorry sir, but this policy is for the safety of all passengers aboard the
Choi: No, no, that wont work. Is there another open flight?
Airline agent: The next available flight is tomorrow at 1:00 pm. But after 24 hours from
the time of your original flight, you no longer have the option to switch your flight
time. If you want to take the flight tomorrow you will have to purchase another
ticket, which will be $1345 each.
Choi: I cannot pay that much again. This is a nightmare. I guess we will have to try to
fly standby. Ill just buy new clothes once we get to Korea.
Airline agent: OK, sir. Just wait at gate 12 and let the agent at the desk there know you
are flying standby. Here are your tickets. Just show these to the agent and
theyll tell you what to do.
Choi: OK.
Airline agent: Is there anything else I can do for you today?
Choi: No.
Airline agent: I hope you make it, and Im sorry for any inconvenience.
Choi: This is crazy. Next time Im going to set three battery-operated alarm clocks.

looking forward to something: anticipate something with interest, happiness
to oversleep: to sleep past the time you wanted to get up
a blackout: a time when the electricity goes out
fine print: the small words written on documents that explain the details
overbooked: the number of tickets sold is more than the number of seats available
standby: a cheaper plane ticket that allows you to fly in place of another person who
does not arrive on-time
carry-on luggage: luggage that you carry with you onto the plane and place below your
feet or above your head
aboard: on

Discussion questions:
1. When was the last time you went to the airport? Why did you go?
-The last time I went to the airport was in May. I went to the Atlanta airport to
pick up my aunt and uncle. They were visiting me from California for two weeks.
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2. Describe your worst trip.

-My worst trip was when I went camping in North Carolina. It was a bad trip. I
went with three friends. We got lost on our way there, so it took us eight hours to
find the place. Then, it was freezing and raining the whole time. It was awful.
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
-I would go to Japan because it is somewhere I have never been. I also have
friends who live there that I can visit. It is a culture very different to that in the
United States, so Im very interested in learning more about it.
4. What is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
-The most interesting place Ive visited is the Philippines. It is such a diverse
place with interesting places to see, and interesting food and people.
5. Have you ever had problems traveling before?
-I have had lots of problems. When I was flying across America one time, I had
to stop at a different airport because of bad weather. I had to buy standby tickets
and then wait more than 24 hours before I could find a plane with an empty seat
to continue my trip.
6. What countries have you been to? Which was your favorite? Where would you
like to go?
-Ive been to England, France, Germany, Austria, Australia, Mexico, the
Philippines, Singapore, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Canada, and
more. I dont have a favorite, I like many different places. Id like to travel more
in Asia.
7. What do you think is the hardest thing about traveling?
-I think the hardest part about traveling is taking long airplane flights. Short
flights are not bad, but when you are stuck in a tiny seat on an airplane for 12
hours, it is awful. It gets really uncomfortable after a time.
8. What are the popular tourist destinations in your country? Which do you
recommend? Why?
-The United States is a big country so there are many tourist destinations such
as the casinos in Las Vegas, the beaches in Florida, the monuments in
Washington D.C., and many mountains. I would recommend the beaches in
Florida and Biltmore Estates in North Carolina because both are very beautiful.
9. If someone was taking a vacation to your city, what things would you tell them to
-Well, in my city, we have lots of museums, parks and a big zoo to see. I would
also say come watch a baseball game or see the circus if it is in town.

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10. Do you like camping, staying at motels, or staying at luxury hotels when you
-I dont like camping or motels. I prefer to stay in a nice, clean place. I cant
afford luxury hotels, but if I could, I would stay there while traveling.

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

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