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To Kill a Mockingbird Adversity Essay

In the town of Maycomb, Alabama. There was a family called the Finches. Atticus, Scout,
and Jem Finch were all good people who helped out everyone and anyone they could. In this
time there was a trial going on over Tom Robinson, who was believed to have raped Mayella
Ewell. This was not true, but because Tom was an African American, they believed the white
people over him.
A fine example of adversity is when the lynch mob came for Tom Robinson under Mr.
Ewells order. They came either ready to harm Tom, or kill him. The Finches are good people and
were not willing to step out of the way or back off under any intimidation they faced. They were
very courageous and werent scared of the mob.
In the book, and movie it tells of how Scout stood up to the lynch mob at such a young
age. She was very courageous and wasnt ready to let anyone get hurt. No matter race or skin
color. She stood up and made the mob calm by telling them what was wrong with the situation.
Scout evidently has no idea what is going on but still manages to calm the mob.
Scout notices Mr. Cunningham and says Hey Mr. Cunningham. Hows Walter. In the
book it tells about Atticus telling scout to talk to people about what they are interested in, not
what she is interested in. So Scout manages to single-handedly call off the mob by embarrassing
them, completely on accident.
The Finches showed so much adversity throughout the book, whether it was by Scout
fighting Walter after he called her dad an N****r lover, or helping her dad and Jem in so many
different ways. Atticus showed adversity by doing what he knew was right even if the whole

town disagreed; this is why this book means so much to a lot of people because it shows that
they can overcome anything.

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