1905 Britain

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1905 Britain - Michael, Lucas, Spencer, Jayden

The South African War

- Also known as Boer War
- In 1899, fighting erupted between Great
Britain and two small republics in South Africa
- The war they argued, pitted British freedom,
justice, and civilization against Boer
- Over 7,000 Canadians supported British,
including 12 women nurses
- The Boer War inflicted heavy losses on the
- Britain refuses to surrender, the Boers turned
to a guerilla war of ambush and retreat
- In this second phase of fighting, Canadians
participated in numerous small actions

The Aliens Act

- Was the first act passed in the 20th century by the government that
controlled and regulated immigration
- The act was used to keep out bums and criminals from the country
- Also used to control immigration of jewish people from Eastern Europe
- There were four categories of people that were not permitted to enter the
- 1.if they could not show that they had enough possessions or money to
live on their own
- 2.If they were a lunatic or had any mental disability that would put charge
upon the public rates
- 3.If they were sentenced to a crime in any other country
- 4.If an expulsion order has been made under the act

Japan and Britain Agree to Peace Talks

- Britain and Japan revitalize an alliance for another 10 years and
create a NATO like agreement where if one was attacked the other would
provide support

Chelsea football club is established.
The British Isles beat the US five nothing in wimbledon for the fifth davis cup.
Edward the seventh states that his oldest daughter Princess Louise, the Duchess
of Fife, the princess royal, the Lady Alexandra Duff and the Lady Maud Duff are to be
dubbed as Princesses of the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland and
designated Highness.

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