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Man Chajter 7. Integrals ovr Paths and SurGaces $45 Ave Length Pare, Cue R————-s ¢ IR” Hey Cet) = the txt) mabyix -[e| Mo = (Be ,.., MH) a, 246) , Ai, ++ Ant) Noles EG) ts “the Kargent> veclay be the park ab the Pout 2c), If Cay vepresenits “the path oft a mtovrney pavkrche, ther ats velouty vector 1s Per = SH). Differeutintim Rules let Bu 9 2a) be diPrentrable path wm Raut (Pto & Guy be difiventialle scalar functions. (sum) 2 LPH +2H1 = Buoy (Seadar muttrrle) el par @ur] = bo Say + prea (Cot priut) fe [Be Cw] =P. Par + By - 2a) (Gass prods) fe LBiax 2) =P x2a + BarxZay (Chas Rules fe OCGuy) = Sd Ye Example! (€ 2) fs a vetlasudethat Mull i's constant, the 2G) L CH Cperpeudreutar) frr aU 6. (Pop) aot = Su -2a) = constants a. {6} lc} ja patte 2) = Cat yy, 2d) ts ar Huu 0 = de leomstaus ) = 24-2) + Saye 20) 2tw.2ums0. Ths eH 1 eu, | uy 9 Feat Coy velocity )= Oe). Bu = Se Ui) = Bay te calleg the acccleratirn 6f the cure. (6 The uve ts Cty= Gi,yu, 2m), th the accelerabrey ot Tet fs given by Au) = WHR + yp +2HR | The Leregth of the path Cov are leaath) ts a L(@w) = ‘ ‘Leaoy ae -{" Ca) % Cyn) (Ha) to ko [the diforentrad of Arc feng Am infimrbesimal clisplacemeie oF 2 pavérche Followineg ida” = oV at +a =( Me + Zp w) de land bs i aT ae =VB9s (GU at le the, difivenbead of ae Lemgth. Thus tho are Rensth fs (Sas. bo | Ave Bough va IR” Say Pe +++» | te ty t Ste) Zar Let @w be a plecowtix C!—path. Tks heugth is clefmen tbe " ; Li@=), ellae | J Gers) (aan) s+ Chew)” bt, Te ts common to introduce, Che are feng. fundiirnr st Assocvdhed, _ a path “Ab given by Sw) = ° Neo) to So tha sy = MEI ana i sla dk = Sth) - Sa), Example oe J=Fo IL soc iter Cu) = Ch fH) $7. a Co a b b Le2) =f Sr@aye ae =f Vv I stot ax The path. Initegrall Defln. Path, Imteprad or the inbeqral of fonya cing the path Cay, 1's dofireot when. @®2@: T=C4b1 IR? ts ofcass c! oy SM SR? PAIR ts conbromeous om Ty orn thrs unteqral by : $dh =" £( 2a) 1 eel tt =ff “Ela, yin ew ) UEC lla if Za is ody Piecewise Cl mv F(Sth) fs plecewrse cobimucus We. defies {. Fa. by breaking Fab inte piecewrrn over LWhrdv cee) 12st ts Conbiuous ane Suming Che viteyls ovine the, reves . hg Note 1f -=l, we hwe the definition of the are | Length of ©. 1 Sr beet) PIR}, defuicor by Sraujel Lat © bathe helrx + | Ole) = Cook, Smt, t) aud Let foxy nd = aey ees “Sveluats ( fouyer de | oC Soh Le) = (3b, Corb) | PE = Vf site eeort sve $2) = Gost) Coit) Me = et S far =f cee ie at i c ° Path. vntesral nap) Subdivide L=Cé,bJ by means of & parbttron @akoR> is | Wovk done by the force Freed FE =f? Rew). Peat, | (Tustifecetion by the theory ef Riemann Sun) aN VeEtot) a tb tet pp z j eek) | AS = Beret) -2) Uy She ZH =-20 g Bay, Ba Leta Boye Swat i ae ciiy he Wore dme vn gong Frow Eu) tf Tlerat) (Ss approniustel, esx | Work deme = E cu). a? x E@w)-(etoat] tui Ca,b} ute mn efual parts: Gil.) If we subdivide aebh ie S/eh7 Grample| Lat 2a) = (smb, cose 4) with ost sen, | Suppose Foy) =C49,8). Conpite f Ped? Dehn AS = (_ Athan = eee), Yoon Jue), 20001) - 2060) ) i a =( dx, ay, de) [Rem @ ={ GiFa Fy) oCax.ay de) 2 9 =f Fidvt hay the ), =(%G +A KB) at Geanple 2 Evaluate : Trav txyay t de whe 2d SsiR? ts grven by Cay a(tre%1) Thetis, xmat, ym = br, 2H, sh fe oe ae +{lereydpae ("1 diac : Seanple 2 Cvabuite fo Cm dx +(Paay , whe S sth) ‘a Slofineat by St = Cott, 36H), Gs) Cie 4 Svabuct, f. Pa whe Ps (4-4, ay pt8,-2ey) laud @ ts apath prow C0009 bh (-3,5,2) (Assume a stare | Brive Sormimy toro Points), Ans : -34 eo Suppose Fits the face vetloy freld given by ata | Foanies = (PLY, 2). Paramelerrze the civcle of vadtus & lus the Y2-plane i O(6) =(0) Acose, Asme), OL GS2U. (show {Fa =O, nok E-P= P-Cws0o m te Cc civele . Yew 1B) Repavameterr5adron s IF Gia Gave the diferent paths a RR, We shalt see thet § Pag =+f P-d3 fy every c Co Vedhiy fred Eouy,e Bf ots a vepavameterrsattonef C. of th. Same Curve, Defm feb hi: DL be a C! reak-vabuet buncton that ts a one & ome map of om hired D=Ca,bI cots Disly bd. et 21 TR? be a proce wee C! path, Then we call Pa Sebi a reparamelew'gakron fe, ks Ca, bt oR We. destingersh two types of representaltons . b t bi eu) ss ass a a Covteritation Preserving ) & b i ae ) aw x CGrentadro a Fever sing ) Shy le. 7 Lt @: Lab] > R* be a piecewise C!~parh. Th G) The path Sop i Cab IR? ,defrnet bY Oct) = Slath~£) is arveparamebarigakion of & cewesponding fe the map hs €4a,b] —> La,b7 sone by his atb-t We cable Ey, che oppostla park of 2. ) The pate “Ps bert) SIRE, cafe by Parra O( a+ Goo) Pe onoilakton- preserving Yeparametenrzahion of Cowesponding to a Change ef Coovelinites fe Lostd > Labt, definen by Aw = atta. then) (Change of Pavamdtenisatiia Fir Line (ategrals ) Let FE be @ vectsr Frekd that is Cmtimuus on « Chpaik 2: Lab —> IR fF 7 ana Ps Cab] > R be a veparaneterrsation it Pe 7s ovienttation—preseremmngy [PB =JFR P IEP is ofentabtn Reversing, i. a-[ Pe 2 Example Ler Playa) = ye saap xy auc 2 og oe by bce). Evaluate (Ba ond (OER © Cop Nabi co tepash integral of Pey,2) alloy th parr 2:04.43 —s> R ts f fat = s° F(Z) NEI AE ce a G) The Line Emtiqnal of Fo aly a Ch pam E: 06h) >I? daarar pees b oo oF 6 {rae =| Flew) Cat [Gas wt «Roe Jae the Line integral is am ortentad, Gitegral , ve which a change of oe occurs if the ovieutabens ofycuve is Veversed. { “Ao The path ivitenra2 does ret have. thts propevty . Thea es pee changing “Ete ning orientation) just Chango the rpm of SA) , nok Y br. Therom2, (Change of Pavamekerrzcdion fur Path criteqrals ) . we Precowr'se, oe Lat £ be a critimuses (oad —ilera) femdom an the, vnage of S, amt Let P be auy parameter’ gation of Ss The i fda = § fae @ P fc1 Lame Imteqvals of Gradient Frelds . A veclay fiedd Fo ts a_qradient fretd (conservative fictt) cf Po =VE fer some veal —vallad (uncer fF, MS) 3 ; P= & d af 7 2b . G) Suppose LEI =3 , SPgoror= [avo]? = 4-4 hus the Value of the integral. oft J depends on the value of @ ab the eudpomty of ee cee. @ueskion) 18 (VFAP cletermumed by the Value of ab é the end pourts CCR) ae Gin thernem3, (Line mtegral of Gradrat veetiy frelds ) Suppose chat f: RJ IR rs of class C! ame that Sr Labt —R® ts a piecewise Cl_path. Then fae do = £Ouw) -H@) . Raf Apply the chaun vile te The crupsila. Cunctun ! F3 Cab) a> IR he 2 Fe) =£(2a), Fe) = VF (Gm). 2%. By the Pundameutad thuoren of cabeulus, (PE Fae = FIN~FH = Hed) - fea). Houce, b ae fp ved? =f 2 vE(2m). 2 ae =f, Prate = Ecu- Fa) = £tPms\ —-CPm) \huy = od, ele ry. i | a > Ccampled Lt 20= CF, sw | Gualuake. J Saxtady | = (Sil) Nota that if f=2y4, thn vf= 92? +AP coke | a = $02) ~ PCP). Thaes Si saeveey =f ve eds f¢2@) ~-PCP@), =F(4, sia ,0) - Flow) = ¥ 101 Lime Imteqrals over Geometvic Cuwes We have seon how te dolrre path ovitegrals Clubeqrals of Sealar Functions) and Lime itegrals C rnikeqrals of Vecta field, ) oven pavamelenzed cuwes Defrrmu tion A simple cave C ts the Unage of @ Cl-nap 2:I=>R thar ts ore te me om L, Pies cates ao pavamelorizatim of A simple cawe fs one that does not caitersect Msebf . Cc. 2eay 2a) 2, UA, eH, pon aciaat a b Ch) % b Simple Cavve, Not & simple curve. the simple curve C together writ asewe @a ros of divecteam ¢s called “am ovverited simple e oy Ghyedted simple Cuwe P Pefmrtron if @ sobs frew the Emde Car=eKy but not necessavihy ome & Mme om Cab), we ca Ur image a closet cuwe . te ie. ‘i as (Net simple Qosast Caw e By a simple closed cuvve we mean ‘meap Cr CarbI > IR? the a rthe Omaze 6f a plecewir Cima me tome mla, b> amt salis(yes 2a) =e). uy Cline tnlegrals ant Path rikegrals over Onuiteot simple cuwes ana Siruple Clocee Cuwes C; (Rae =f Pe & ple (fae Cc 2 c 2 whe Cv any Ovieubobuu~ Preser Bug parameter dabei fC, (Lime vategqral Over Cumes witite Opes ovrentaterns ) Lat C7 be the same cuvve as C, buck with The oppoouls, oyredet Me | pat af RR (Lime intosrate re Cuwes consisting, oft Several exupancettr) bet CH Gt +Cy, Then oe =[Pa+fea +f Pe q cy SoQ Qi Ow = Cht,n , oStsy Cas Qh = Cot), osess, Semple Ferd the work dme by the frce Feld Pond) = Cee, YY, At) on & pavbrele “chat moves alg tle Cine Seyret From Cl,2,10 te €0,3,-5). Avs: The wore dme =f P.dg = ~39% ce ‘i Example, Cvabuthe The Urine Cnbeyrat of Ps (y,yt-2), ovr the Lime Feamente frm CSv-1) t (S/2) and frmw (5,2) t (052). ' boy 87.3 Parameterized Surfaces We covstdw intervals Slav funding and (Vector functions oven Surfaces. (AJ) Surfaces thab are not graphs of « functum z= fey Vln ye jostey' SI, z athe graph of 2= ftw) me La. DN “7 Not @ qraph of a Funchun IB] Paramstavized, Suvfaces as Mappings Petagetua PO Pavaméterisatun of a swfaw ts & Fancher >: DCR — > R, whe Dis some domaur wm IR>. The swface S corresponding to the func DB ts rts image SOD. ween en | Caw) = Chew, yun), Cer) ) af ts diféveutrable Cor ci. of Class Ch), we catl Sa dnveabmble Coy a C!) cuve. Exauple We can thine of & as tusting oy bending che Yegrm ID om “cha. plane te ‘eed the) suv face 3” i z Pu = Geum, yu, 20 v d uf Gott kK 9; x Example — Pavanvelevirze. the uppey half of he sphuw Ae So) a) Solving fv BZ, we have Zale xKryr Yar Siwy = Cy View ) augue polis ev seus v re 6 S ne OS “fae &) Beded = ( sinh ene, sinh smo, cor ) Ofbser os eh Lol Tangout- veclis te paranieterizge. surfales Suppose that B i's @ paramelerzec surface that ts difeventmble at Cus,ve) EIR. Frama u at Uo, we got RR grew by tis Glue,v) ~ whore buage os a cuwe on the Surface. Blue. Eluvey + u-curve The Veter Hangort “te thes cume ab the print whrob- we clanttha. by aly ts 2 SE = Muyo l +35 wl +3 Mowe (fF we fix V aud consider the curve t—> Bet,v0), we opti, the tanges vectr te This cuwe at B Ubve) SH OY on be oy ae Te = Se ae Grom , Salto) , BE luv). (01 Regular Surfaces a Because the Tangent vectiys Ta amaTy To the twe Cowes on the surface aba given point, the vecley Bix) is normal te the surface at the same pod. The surfewe Sts yegutar or Smooth ab BlUoiry) provi deat Text #O at Blow). (6 chin the, Surface S is calladt Yegubar AL th ts regular af Q ports Blume S. Example2 Comsider the surface given by the Qpuatrons AnuUcsv, Yousmv, =u , USO Is this surface reputar ze Goh) Buy = (Uc, usmv, a) , FEAT = C-uesy, usin 4) = 0 2 (Hv) (oe), | Heua th ts nat vepalar. [EF], Tange plane te « parametrre Surfice. | ene can Use cha tee Ee Fe eh ts ce 6G gent Plane. Defimikion (the tangent plane to a surface : (fF a parametivized surface Bi OCIR> — RK ts regula ad Blto,ve), we cle fowe, 7eke. “tay lane of: The Surface — at Elton.) te be the plane determined by tthe Veitors Te amet ; | An equator of nyew plane a Cor4o.%) om the surfaw a Cx¥eyJ—Yo S80) © CTT (Hae) =O Lei Bb: Rs R? be given by Ae Ucesv, Yaron, | Example 5 Fuad the. target plana at Bd:0) Z= ut, 874 Arar of a Suvfawe tA} Defimiturr of suvfau Area. We assume the, surface we cevisider ts plecumie is wv Suefales Chak ave Unroms of Vimages of Paramelevized suvfaus £2. Dz — IR Fev whred Gy De fs an elementary region vin the plane cli) 3, ts oft elas cl diy Sz) A of. g., ts vegubar , excep possibly at a finite, number of porits- - Defiinitron (Aven of & Pavamelen'zed suv Pace ) [Wedebine the suface ayea ACS) of « paramelerized Surface bo » 2 | AGS) =f WTaxTy Ul duav a | Dp hu I Teel fa a. Meme af the vecdic Thx, Nf S = Sc, mr aneact S = sum of aren of Se | ce Oey | sees BiG = \ BOP a fawwp 4 [2a abe... [Text Sum) *13a5) *CSaa) | @ | ox Bh ox ax ate) x olye) _ (24 24 sh [jokes AB) a ia a) a 8 i su ay BB. Be 38.34 Th a1) becewes Thus » ford 0) becenies | Acs) = ff Ves Bgey + Baap auav 6) IAL Suskificotun of Che Area Fovuula . We cane justif: The leFims'bign of Surface area b amabyying he Cubeqral [fu Thx Til duty vin teyms oft : URtemann Sums. ® ay Suppose Ds Lab xle dd, a reclangle Drs pavévbroned cute . mt rectangle “Rey JN Rey = Suxav i fav aT Cea Yisrd a deg) Chen 4p) é (Ry) eprops ej) (2 che 6) Let Rey bethe oth vectarngle wa the pavertan wri verttens ~ Cue Wi) Cdgayye) , (wen, Ya, Ue, Ya) « oscem, os jew. O) Deg athe yabuer of Te ame Ty at Cuouz) by Tae ame Tey ea ond auly are tanger “te The surface at B.wy) = OL Igy By), whue du = Ucu-Ue, > ~ Avi = VnaVp G) au Thc amet Av Tey Forme a ‘parallelogvane Poy that Gres vie the plome Hangent bo che surface ak Cry, diy, ery). ©) SL Ry covers the surface BOD), Fr a Lage n, spent ACR) Ws a good appoyinati ty tha Area 4 (Bt). GC) Sma ACR) = (l y= (Tex Ty | oucv, An = SE ACR 7 # Fe ) SEE WG ATyllevev @) Lim An = Lim LE WT, || ovev Wate nee J 3 eal (Fe x Tell duav 5 pP angle ter Ded(no! osoeen, oeverf & i TD IRD fs definan by Aevuse, Yavoue, 22 7 etn ts & Pavamelerrzatih off acme S © Rag ete 80d ta aa es 20M = i gun = i aoe yeu s ae Von. UReRy = Cyt ertad te t¢) % yX tol) = Cys + y*ese tytG) = VET AS) a Rrdvae =U. Example? A helrcerd v's sefet 8 d= where AaVOooe a { 4 ame ou eA £=6 (Seeam claw (<] Surface Area of a Graph A surface Sea Ue thy Ror B= $064), whe Gay ED, admits the parameteizabiin Neu gv fev (mv) €D ZRJuyuy The Blu) = Cv, gtww) — amol_ hence R= eJu) , ge Orde) ea | =(-#, 38.1) shes. any “| 10 3 ile a (RAT = VQ CR | PACs) = SVCD aay. @) Exauple S te the portion of the surfeee 2= Vary bounded. | oY the plamess L=l, xed, YR0,B JRl. Fel ACS) (Ans =(iG3 ~B)/ai ) Ses th. povkran of the cme x =V¥Y%er cabot (Ans =z) Exouphe by the cyYtindes CY tel, Fua ACs) Ww), Surfaces of a sie c) 8 @ = eae Suvfece area gonewakicl by veucQuimg Oe Faph of y= Fe about A~Aavrs 7 green by ACS) = an (h (-PoalV Hey” ax =) G) if Re graph ts vevelvest abot th Y-axts, he surface <> At QS= anf” 1 AV tt (F%G]” oy @) ms. | ene To devive (5) Frew foymula(s), we must give a paraweteri atron of S. Define the parameterization by a=u, { j= = feu conv B= feu sum ove the vey TD gtven by Asukb , 0] (+B oy ara, S D 22 chy Gkawplea, Lat S beth Surface device by aay, whe. 1D is the Kepem Of4S1, 14951. Evaluste, {ff rds. I Ss Gxanple> Evaluate {f 2%dS, whee Sis he umk splore 3 xy tate. 308 BCP, 4,6) = (con® sinh , smb simp, corp): DS whe D ts vr ep plane gion by o

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