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Name: Debate

Lesson Number: 6
Date: April 2
8.3.4 How did the Aztec civilizations worldview influence the
Aztecs choices, decisions and customs?
8.3.4 What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec
civilization prior to contact with the Spanish?
8.3.1 Appreciate how a societys worldview influences the
societys choices, decisions and interactions with other societies.
-Students will understand the cultural aspects of the Aztecs
-Students will understand the cultural aspects of the Aztecs
worldview influenced their choices, decisions and customs.
Where the Aztecs a great or lesser civilization?
Length of
80 minutes
1) when student walk into class the desks are organized for the
debate- the debate seating plan (which team sits where is on the
2) Review debate rubric, explain the professionalism of debate- it
is formal and you cannot speak out of turn, teams who speak out
of turn will be penalized, each debate team is written on the
board every time one of their team members speaks out of turn a
mark will be added to their team these marks will count against
them when I choose the overall best debate team, also tell them
that we will go through the break today
3) Hand out T-Chart to the jury, remind them to take good notes,
write down arguments that they find convincing, I will be
collecting the sheets at the end of the debate to see who they
voted for and to make sure they filled out the sheet (there were
participating) this will count towards the engaged and
respectful portion of their rubric
3) Review the debate format
4) Begin debate- Groups 1 and 2 debate first while groups 3 and
4 act as the jury
-this debate must be done by the break
6) Brain break- Simon Says
5) repeat process for the second debate (between teams 3 and 4)


6) chose the best debate team based on the quality of their

speeches, rebuttals and , teamwork, and professionalism,
Graphic organizer for jury- also have a list of all students names
and make notes about engagement by rating 4-0 next to their
Speeches and engagement/professionalism are marked on a

rubric (summative)

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