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Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand Newsletter June 2014

"I do not consider the proposal to be consistent for the

conservation purposes of the land, or the area's World
Heritage status"....Hon Nick Smith

Fiordland Saved for Now

Writing on the wall for Haast Hollyford Hotchpotch
The Minister of Conservation's recent decision on the monorail
project is being celebrated throughout New Zealand's outdoors
community. Federated Mountain Clubs contributed strongly to
the campaign led by Save Fiordland. Robin McNeill has passed
our congratulations to Save Fiordland's Chairman, Bill Jarvie, "on
behalf of all of our 17,000 members, please pass on my heartfelt
thanks to all of your members, supporters and helpers. We
couldnt have won without you and Save Fiordlands leadership."
We are impressed not only by the Minister's decision but by his
reasoning and the process that has gone into his final
consideration. The Minister considered the purpose for which the
land is held and the likely effects of the application, and also, in a
different approach from earlier decision makers, realised that it
was not merely enough to assess the proposal against the legal
status of the land, but that it must be considered against the
Statement of Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage
Area of which it is a part.
The Minister also reasoned that the purpose of the Conservation
Act required that he consider the financial viability of the project.
In his letter to Riverstone Holdings he wrote that, he had to

Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand Newsletter June 2014

consider "whether a development on public conservation land especially one involving significant infrastructure - is likely to
succeed, is consistent with the purpose of the Conservation
Act,which is to promote the conservation of New Zealand's
natural and historic resources". We agree!
Durham Havill needs to carefully reread the reasoning before
becoming optimistic about his proposed Haast-Hollyford Road.

FMC AGM 2014: Visions and Resolutions

Action: Attend FMC AGM: June 14th Wgtn: St Johns

Hall. Formalities start from 9am. Visitor arrivals from
10am. Click for Details

AGM Speakers include: Hon Dr Nick Smith, Eugenie Sage MP

and Ruth Dyson MP. Workshops are scheduled on Stewardship
Land, the Battle for the Birds, Conservation Partnerships,
including the Community Conservation Partnerships Fund,
and Kauri Dieback. Stand up and speak for the back-country.

Royal Honours for Backcountry

Paul White, QSM
Many of our members who enjoy tramping and hunting in our
backcountry will have enjoyed the services of the Canterbury
Mountain Radio Service. Paul White, who received The Queens
Service Medal in the recent Queens Birthday Honours, has
made an unbelievably huge commitment to this service since the
1970s. Forty years later, his voice can still be heard over the air
providing weather forecasts and checking field parties welfare.
We congratulate Paul on his well-deserved award.

Sir Richard (Hannibal) Hayes, KMNZ

A very occasional member has appreciated Hannibal rescuing
them from Fiordland, the Sub-Antarctic waters, or the lower
Southern Alps. Rather more have journeyed into or out of the

Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand Newsletter June 2014

backcountry in his squirrel helicopter on enjoyable, mishap-free

tramping or hunting trips. Hannibal ranks as one of our countrys
best helicopter pilots. We congratulate him on his appointment as
a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

FMC would like to
remind readers of the
new oppportunities
for access in the
Kaimanawa. Let us
know how your trips

Survey Available
DOC has outsourced a survey about
ReadFMC policy here.
(click the image above
to have your say)

Track News
DOC have confirmed
that although a new site
has been identifed for
the Whitbourn Bridge, it
will not be funded at the
current time.

The Forest and

Mountain Trust
supports the work of
FMC. Donate here.

FMC Executive
Member David Barnes
has beenappointed to
the NZCA.

Safety in the Mountains

is a must have for all
trampers. Find it here.

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