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Tale ofTw o Cities


138,575 people were homeless

in Chicago in 2014
19.4% increase from the
previous year

House Bill 4501 (2014) was


Allows unaccompanied youth to consent

to their own medical care for nonemergency illnesses and injuries

22. 144 Chicago Public School

Students were homeless during
the 2013-14 school year
98.2% were children of color
20% were disabled
2,647 were unaccompanied

New York

20,000 homeless people 24 years

old and younger
39% were 18 years old and
42% were younger than age 5
40% identified as LGBT
46% escaped a home where
physical abuse took place
17% escaped a home where
sexual abuse took place
75% of homeless youth self
medicate and abuse

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