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Lesson Plan and Reflection Form
Candidate: Breen McDonald
Grade Level: 9-12

Date: 2/25/2015
Subject: Earth Science

Number of Students: 5

Central Focus
The focus learner will learn how different
processes of erosion change the landscape of
the Earth.

Core Standard/Content Standard:

Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g. texts, experiments, simulations)
into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving
conflicting information when possible.

Learning Objective(s):

Primary: The focus learner will identify ways that erosion changes the surface of the
Earth using text, video and graphic organizers.
Secondary: The focus learner will volunteer two examples of erosion processes that
change the surface of the Earth.

Learning Experience Plan

Anticipatory set/Introduction:

-The students will receive graded chapter tests from Ch. 7 Volcanoes and review
any questions
-The students will watch a short video on erosion from Bill Nye the Science Guy
-The students will discuss the definition of erosion from the video and volunteer
examples from previous content that relates to changes on Earths surface.
-The students will receive new chapter workbooks for Chapter 9: Erosion &
-The students will review the essential question for the chapter (How do erosion and
deposition change Earths surface?)
-The students will review section 1 objectives and key terms.
>The students will receive colored sheets of paper with key terms and
>The teacher will read definitions aloud and instruct students on how to use
definitions sheet throughout the chapter

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Strategies/Methods: (describe steps in instruction)

-The students will take turns reading paragraphs from a short passage entitled
Changing Earths Surface.
>When reading, the students will underline sentences that define key terms
and explain processes of erosion, as modeled by the teacher on the Elmo.
-The students will review a graphic organizer with visual cues related to the cycle of
weathering, erosion and deposition.
-The students will complete a graphic organizer comparing speed and slope of
different forms of mass movement.
-The students will watch a short video on types of erosion from
-The students will answer and review multiple choice questions related to content in
the video

Why have you chosen these strategies/methods?

This lesson is the students first exposure to content from a new chapter
on erosion and deposition. I introduced the lesson with a short video on
erosion to incite students interest in the new content and establish a
general definition of erosion as a process that changes the Earths
surface. I asked students to name examples of processes that change the
Earths surface in order to connect previous learning to new content on
I also incorporated the focus learners accommodations into my teaching
strategies. I pre-taught vocabulary using the introductory video and
definitions sheet to familiarize the student with material and provide a
resource for her to reference definitions throughout the chapter. This will
hopefully increase her understanding of the content and increase her
comfort in participating during class participation. In addition, I
incorporated video and visual supports in the graphic organizer to
support the focus learners preference for visual cues in comprehension.
Students follow an adapted Earth Science curriculum packet with
frequent repetition of information and opportunities to review and
reinforce information. I followed the curriculum packet while adding
picture and video supports to show the students the application of
concepts in real life and provide multiple methods of accessing content,
as supported by Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligences.
Lastly, I modeled writing and answering questions using the Elmo to
ensure that students are following along with the material, and to
demonstrate how to properly complete activities in the curriculum


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-The students will review definition of erosion and mass movement

-The students will receive a link to Quizlet flashcards for section 1 key terms
-The students will review how to use the definitions sheet and where to keep it in
their curriculum packet.
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

The students receive instruction in Earth Science within a pullout Resource Room
environment as required by student IEPs. The textbook is modified to focus on
targeted reading skills in students IEP goals, such as section summaries, guided
reading, review and reinforce, and an adapted reading section. The instructional
methods focus on frequent, multimodal repetition of information to solidify
understanding of content.
The focus learner sits in the front row of desks to accommodate a receptive language
disorder. Other classroom accommodations incorporated into instruction include:
simplified oral directions, graphic organizers, pre-taught vocabulary, and breaks as
3. Supporting Learning:

Materials /Resources needed:

-Chapter 9 adapted curriculum packet, including reading passage and worksheets
from Prentice Halls Earth Science textbook (2009)

Grouping for Learning:

This lesson takes place in a Resource classroom with five students who receive
specialized educational services through their IEPs. All students are seated at
individual desks facing the front of the classroom in order to maintain a learning
environment as close to the typical high school seating arrangement. Students may be
working individually or with the teacher at any point during the lesson.

Language Demands: (vocabulary demands/other communication demands)

Vocabulary Demands:

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Mass movement
Communication Demands:
Following directions
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

The students receive instruction in Earth Science within a pullout Resource Room
environment as required by student IEPs. The textbook is modified to focus on
targeted reading skills in students IEP goals, such as section summaries, guided
reading, review and reinforce, and an adapted reading section. The instructional
methods focus on frequent, multimodal repetition of information to solidify
understanding of content.
The focus learner sits in the front row of desks to accommodate a receptive language
disorder. Other classroom accommodations incorporated into instruction include:
simplified oral directions, graphic organizers, pre-taught vocabulary, and breaks as


Assessment/Monitoring Learning:

Type of Assessment (describe):

This lesson is the first introduction to content from a new chapter, and therefore this
lesson will focus mainly on direct instruction. I will complete a checklist with
categories that assess participation and following directions. See addendum.
Several students in the class require daily data collection measuring progress towards
their IEP goals for behavior. This is completed using individualized Google Docs
with multiple-choice questions corresponding with their displayed behaviors.

Monitoring of Progress: (describe)

I will observe and ask questions to check for student understanding and intervene
when necessary. For example, I will check to see whether students are attending to
their appropriate materials and maintaining eye contact to demonstrate that they are

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following the lesson. I will also take anecdotal notes on individual students
participation throughout the lesson in order to accurately complete their Google Docs
after class.
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

The students receive instruction in Earth Science within a pullout Resource Room
environment as required by student IEPs. The textbook is modified to focus on
targeted reading skills in students IEP goals, such as section summaries, guided
reading, review and reinforce, and an adapted reading section. The instructional
methods focus on frequent, multimodal repetition of information to solidify
understanding of content.
The focus learner sits in the front row of desks to accommodate a receptive language
disorder. Other classroom accommodations incorporated into instruction include:
simplified oral directions, graphic organizers, pre-taught vocabulary, and breaks as

Why have you chosen this approach for assessment?

This lesson is the first time students are introduced to a new chapter of
content on erosion and deposition. Questions will help me determine
whether students understand the content or need additional instruction.

Self-assessment/Reflection of the Lesson (analysis and rationale)

1. Central Focus:
This lesson was students first introduction to new content, but I tied in students
previous learning to the introduction. I also focused on vocabulary and the objectives as
an entry point, which I will reinforce in later lessons.
2. Learning Experience Plan:
The students engaged well with the lesson because I tried to make it more interactive
and more exploratory with the initial video. The focus learner needed prompts to
engage with this type of learning but I worked with her individually during the lesson to
clarify questions and directions.
3. Supporting Learning Plan:
The students engaged well with the Bill Nye video and asked more questions when they
came up with their own definition of erosion first. I also thought that the definitions
sheet made sense to the students, and I will continually check on their engagement with
this support over the next few lessons.

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4. Assessment/Monitoring Learning:
I assessed this lesson with questions, which helped me track their learning throughout
the lesson. They participated more in this lesson because I introduced with an
interactive exercise, which made it easier to ask them questions during the lesson.
5. Special Accommodations or Modifications in the Learning Experience Plan, Supporting Learning, or
Assessment/Monitoring required by the IEP or other student needs.
Accommodations were appropriate as discussed with the classroom teacher.

Candidate: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Mentor: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________

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