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Im the second speaker from affirmative side to

resolve That former Priminister Yingluck should be

impeached and imprisoned my second point is
about the rice subsidy scheme Puer thai party
support government the Rice scheme that the
government said they will pay farmers rices for 50
percent more than world market prices. Which
caught Thailand ministry of finance lose a lot of
money , and our country will owe for 10 years. The
government believed the plan could make
Thailand, then the world's largest rice exporter, but
the scheme, costing over $19 billion dollars as
Thailand, unable to sell its rice at the higher prices,
was left with millions of tons of the grain in
warehouses, while the government was allegations
of widespread corruption. It isnt fair that yingluck
promised farmers to give them more money for
rices but
she leaving hundreds of thousands of farmers
Also About 20 farmers are alleged to have
committed suicide because of financial distress,
while others took to the streets in protest in
Bangkok pleading for their money
Yingluck shinawatra claimed that the program was
for earning Thai farmers income
But the only purpose was a central policy of
Yingluck's government and key to the Pheu Thai
party's to win the next election

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