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Soccer Warriors

One day there were 12 friends, they loved to play soccer. Their names were
Miguel, Diego, Alexis R., Ediel, Silvestre, Danny, Juan, Omar, Alexis, Elijah, Juan L, and
When they went to the park to play soccer Ivan said let's make a soccer team", "but
where are we going to find a soccer league" Ediel asked.Diego said,"we could join pizza
league?". "We're not talking about pizzaJuan said. Silvestre and Alexis said we could
join the crystal soccer league.If we do good we go to Las Vegas for the
tournament",said Juan .We could go to the finals",said Omar.So do you guys want to
do it",said Ivan. "Yes we all want to make a soccer team"said Alexis m. Miguel said
wait what is going to be are soccer name and also what are we going to wear". Are
name should be SOCCER WARRIORS".said Ivan. Elijah said". Are soccer uniform
should be blue and red stripes","ya"said Jeremy.okay let's do it.
The Positions
Ivan said "Okay, these are the position Ediel,Juan and me are forwards and
midfielders is Juan L,Miguel,Diego and silvestre and the defence are
Alexis,Danny,Omar and the goalkeeper is Alexis r.
Our first game in the league
Are first game was In the morning. While we were waiting for the the other team we
were watching the champions. Miguel said "man there good",but not as good as we
are"said Diego."its time for our game" Ediel said. The game started.The other team
started with the ball. They passed the ball and they shoot and Alexis Rizo jumped and
got the ball with his hands. He passed it Omar. Omar passed it to Juan.then Juan
passed it edi edi passed it to Ivan and we scored. Then they scored four times on
us,then two more goals they scored. It was halftime.
Alexis said"we lost the game already"."I know"said Jeremy. "We still don't lose we
could score goals on them it doesn't Matter if we win or lose, but I want to win,still let's
go and win",said Ivan.
We started with the ball Juan shoot and the ball went over the goalie and we scored.
Eli,Jeremy scored. Then Miguel scored. Also Omar and Alexis. The score was six to
seven we were still losing and the game was about to end. Silvestre shoot but the goalie
saved it and it went out. Danny shoot the corner kick and Ediel did a bicycle kick and
scored. Eli ran to the goal and there defender kicked his in the leg. It was a penalty. Ivan
shot and he scored.And the game ended it was 8 to 7.

We went to see if we did make it to the tournament. We were so nervous. Ivan

said"you guys we made it". "Yes "said Diego.
The Tournament
We went in a giant red and blue bus to Las Vegas. It was a long trip. When we got
there we all bought new soccer shoes. Then we went to our game. In the tournament
there there was the best team of California. Our first game we won was 6-3 then 6-0,82,5-3.
We went to the semi-finals. We started with the ball. Ivan shot the ball high and the
goalie saved it. It was a corner kick, Omar shot the ball,Miguel shoot and there defender
shot up to are goalie and Alexis shoot from the goal and scored a amazing goal. At the
second half there forward shouted the ball Alexis Rizo and he saved it with one hand. It
was amazing. The game ended,it was 1-0. We celebrated. Alexis Rizo was the man of
the game. Miguel said I can't believe we're going to the finals.
The Finals
We went to the finals vs the flash they were the best team in California. We got
ready.they started with. The ball, and they shoot from there and it hit the post. Silvestre
said" man were lucky". Silvestre shot the ball up, he passed it to Ediel. There diffens
slide tackle and shot the ball. The defender shot it to the forward and Alexis Martinez
slide tackle and shot far, Ivan got the ball and shooted and the goalie saved it. It was
half time. Ivan said" we are doing good we could win and be champion, and now let's go
and score". We started with the ball. Ivan passed it to Juan, Juan passed it to Eli, Eli
shooted and it hitted the top post and hit the goalie in the back and the goalie scored for
us. But they scored on us. And the game was about to end and the ball went out it was
corner kick. Juan shooted it. And Ivan did a bicycle kick at the last second and scored.
The game ended. The score was 2-1. Alexis Rizo said" we won we are champions". We
went and got our trophy and celebrated.
We went home to tell our parents and they were proud. We still love to play soccer.
And we all had a good time.

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