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The Antarctic Treaty- Lets Protect it.

19 June 2015
Mr Ice Cold
4321 First Street
Anytown, State ZIP

Dear Minister of the Environment,

I would like to stress my great concern for the lack of attention towards the Antarctic Treaty. I am
afraid that there may be many consequences if this is not closely monitored. I am writing to
convince you that this must be an important part of your policy in the next election. Here are some
reasons why.

Military Activity
One reason this treaty needs to be in place is to prevent military forces from roaming Antarctica
and to claim territories. If military forces were allowed to build bases there, this could tip the
delicate balance between the environment and the animals living in it. This could cause devastating
effects to the food chain and could call the extinction of many unique and diverse species!
Militarists are also free to use Antarctica as a weapon testing ground! This may also damage many
species living there.

Littering and Nuclear Waste Distribution

Another reason why this treaty must be held is the condition where no country can dispose of
Nuclear waste in Antarctica. If this rule becomes disbanded, then it will cause devastating
consequences for the precious life of Antarctica. This may also lead to further melting of the ice
caps. Nuclear waste cannot 'decay' for thousands of years! Secondly, if we were allowed to litter
then some creatures may choke. Litter does not decompose for a very long time and can pollute the
water as well. This could kill turtles and many types of fish.

Scientific research and respecting territorial claims.

Scientific research is crucial in discovering more about antarctica and its many mysteries. We may
learn a large amount of information from scientists. If the treaty is not upheld, the current
scientists jobs could be lost. Respecting the territorial claims is also very important. This means
that one scientist from one claim cannot wander into another claim that is not owned by his/her
country unless an agreement is made. This protects the individual claims from trespassers.
Antarctica is of precious scientific value, home to many unique animals and has a significant role in
our environment. Any damage to Antarctica could have irreversible and catastrophic
consequences. Lets do something before its too late.

Sincerely yours,
Mr Concerned Citizen

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