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Sex on fire

Music video evaluation

The setting of the video is set in a derelict

warehouse place. Through the use of miseen-scene this therefore gives the band a
rustic look highlighting the ideology of many
rock/indie bands. The setting creates a dark
lighting effect which creates mystery and
creates an enclosed environment
suggesting that there is entrapment .
The use of this setting also adds to colour design, presenting the video with dark
colour such as blacks and browns. This therefore contrasts with the orange colours
with create the fire as the main feature for this video . This is evident in making sure
that due to the title of the song it is able to focus on this concept . Due to this setting it
also presents the ideology of indie music as do it yourself due to the cheaper
approach of production and the focus on music rather than everything else happening
around in the music video presenting the independent concept.

The fast pace aspect of the opening within this music video gives a sense of
delusion for the audience, and could further highlight how the characters
within this video feel. Due to the screen time being with the singer on the bed
and the crosscutting being between him and the setting around him
highlights Andrew Goodwins theory of the main singer being focused on
therefore allowing him to develop his own star iconography and make him
the star image in order to attract audiences towards the band.

Throughout the video is a verity of close up shots of the main singer this therefore
enables the audience to see his facial expressions and can tell that he seems distressed
from this. Also the POV shot from the main singer, gives an insight into him and what he
is seeing around. This therefore highlights Andrew Goodwins theory of a demand on the
part of the record company for lots of close ups of the main vocalist. Therefore sex on
fire conforms to this theory as during the whole video we are shown a verity of shots of
the main vocalist and when they are singing as a band the long shot focuses on him due
to the shot composition as he is seen in the middle and at the front of the scene.

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