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Alternate Dispute

Resolution/ Alternative
Dispute Resolution

Alternate Dispute Resolution

ADR refers to any method of
resolving disputes through any mode
other than litigation in the court of
law. In other words it is out of court
settlement of disputes.

Parties in Disputes
Disputes may arise between:
Individual to individual
Business to Business (Firms,
Citizens and Governments
Nations and Multinational Companies
Disputes may be in domestic or
international scenario

ADR - Advantages
Arbitrators are well versed with
practical and technical knowledge,
leading to creative and innovative
solutions of disputes
Flexible procedures can be employed
Time effective
Cost effective

ADR Environment in

Arbitration Act, 1940

Wafaqi Mohtasib (Federal Ombudsman)
Tax Ombudsman
Banking Ombudsman
Ombudsman for Provinces
ADR in Taxation statutes
(Income Tax Ordinance 2001, Sales Tax
Act 1990, Central Excise Act 1944, and
Customs Act 1969)

ADR Global Environment

ICC Rules of Arbitration (2012) ;
ICC stands for International
Chambers of Commerce.
ICC Rules for Documentary
Instruments Dispute Resolution
Expertise. (DOCDEX)
United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law. (UNCITRAL)
ICC International Court for Arbitration

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