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Hard and Soft Engineering

Match the following types of flood management with the

correct definition

High walls built close to river

banks which prevent property
being damaged.

Flood walls-

Planting trees means that

rainwater is intercepted and does
not hit the ground.


Using boats to remove sediment

from the river bed, so that river
capacity is increased.


A large reinforced concrete wall

which is able to control the rate
of flow of the river.


This reduces the risk of flooding

as there is less concrete and
sewage systems.

Stop building on a flood plain-

Raised man-made river banks

that increase the capacity of the


Managing building on a floodplain

so that high value buildings are
away from the area that is liable
to flood.

Artificial levees-

Allowing the river to flood and

using the floodplain to store
flood water

Floodplain restoration -

Large moving barrier gates that

prevent floods

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