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Tat EDT on=the aeiGiioee cars, trucks, ships, planes & more duy nguyen Duy Nguyen Jp Sterling Publishing Co., Inc New York Design by Judy Morgan. Edited by Claire Bazinet Library of Congress Cataloging in- Publication Data Naive Crag on the move : cars trucks; hips, planes & more Day Nguyen Inclides bibliographical references and index: ISBN 1-4027-1933-7 alc paper 1 Origami 2. Transporation in art. 1 Bazinet Chie 1, Tie . Duy TT870N4875 2005 736'982-de22 2005001459 w98 765 43 1 Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 © 2005 by Duy Nguyen Distributed in Canada by Sterling Publishing c/o Canadian Manda Group, 165 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6K 3H6 Distributed in Great Britain and Europe by Chris Lloyd at Orca Book Services, Stanley House, Fleets Lane, Poole BH1S 34], England Distributed in Australia by Capricom Link (Australia) Pry. Ltd. PO, Box 704, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia Printed in China All rights reserved Sterling ISBN 1-4027-1933-7 For information about custom editions, special sales, premium ‘and corporate purchases, please contact Sterling Special Sales Department at 800-805-5489 or specialsales @ Contents i - B*. s Preface 4 Basic Instructions 4 Symbols & Lines 5 Basic Folds 6 kite fold @ valley fold @ mountain fold @ inside reverse fold @ outside reverse fold @ pleat fold # pleat fold reverse @ squash fold | @ squash fold Il @ inside crimp fold outside crimp fold Base Folds 10 base fold 1 @ base folkd Il @ base fold Ill Creative Projects Russian MiG-21 14 Apache Helicopter 38 Snowmobile & Trailer 68 F-16 Falcon 18 Side-Panel Truck 46 Submarine 74 Phantom 22 Container Truck 5+ Spanish Galleon 80 B-2 Bomber 26 Car 58 Aircraft Carrier 86 Space Shuttle & Booster 30 Minivan & Trailer 62 Carrier Jets 90 Transport Vehicles 94 Index 96 Contents Basic Instructions Preface Years ago, when I began to fold origami, it was a struggle. I would look at even the simplest folds given at the beginning of the book again and again. Bur | also looked ahead, at the diagram showing the next siep of whatever project I was folding, to see how it should look. That was the right thing to do. Looking ahead at the “next step,” the result of a fold, is a very good way for a beginner to learn origami You will easily pick up this and other Jeaming techniques as you follow the Basic Instructions Paper: Paper used in traditional origami is thin, keeps a crease well, and folds fla. Packets of specially designed sheets, about 6 and & inches square (15 and 21 em), are available in various colors. A few of the projects given here call for rectangular size paper, but this shouldn't be a problem. You can use plain white, solid-color, or even wrapping paper with a design only on one side and cut the paper to size. Be aware, though, that some papers strech slighty in length or width, which can cause folding problems, while others tear easily Beginners, or those concemed about getting their fingers 10 work tight folds, might consider using larger paper sizes Regular paper may be too heavy to allow he many tight folds needed in creating more traditional, origami figures, but fine for larger versions of these intriguing projects. So sit down, select some paper, and begin to fold and enioy the wonderful art that is origami. step-by-step directions given here for making over a dozen vehicles of all kinds, from a space shuttle to an aircraft carer with a full complement of carrier jets. Wherever your interests lie, the variety of projects here will both challenge and satisfy And with these under your belt, there's nothing to stop you from tying to create your awn original cars, trucks, planes, ships, and whatever other mode of transport you see or can imagine. Duy Nguyen Glue: Use an easy-flowing but not loose paper glue. Use it sparingly; don’t soak the paper. On delicate projects, a lat tooth- pick makes a good applicator, Be sure to allow the glued form time to dry. Avoid stick glue which, if it has become overly dry, can crease or damage your figure Technique: Fold with care, Position the paper, especially at comers, precisely and line edges up before creasing. Once you are sure of the fold, use a fingernail to make a clean, flat crease For more complex folds, create “construc- tion lines,” Fold and unfold, using simple ‘mountain and valley folds, to pre-crease. ‘This creates guidelines, and the finished fold is more likely to match the one shown in the book. Folds that look different, because the angles are slightly different, can throw you off Don’t get discouraged with your first efforts, In time, what your mind can create, your fingers can fashion. Fold lines mountain Cut line ‘Tum over or rotate Sumbols & Lines valley === COON Pleat fold Fold then unfold (repeated folding) Crease line 1 Take a rectangular sheet of paper and valley fold it diagonally to opposite edge. is, Zz Cut off excess on long side as shown. 3 Unfold, and sheet is square. Sumbols & Lines a Basic Folds Basic Folds if 2 3 Fold and untold a square Fold both sides in to the This is a kite form. diagonally, making a center center crease, crease. 1 2 1 2 Here, using the kite, This fold forward is fold form toward a vallley fold. you (forwards), making a “valley.” Here, using the kite, This fold backwards fold form away is a mountain fold. from you (back- wards), making a “mountain.” b \ 1 2 3 Starting here with a kite, Valley fold as marked to Pull tip in direction of valley fold kite closed. crease, then unfold. arrow, / a 5 Appearance before You've made an inside completion. reverse fold | Using closed kite, Fold inside out, as Appearance before You've made an valley fold, unfold, shown by arrows. _campletion outside reverse fold. Basic Folds Am & ) Here, using the kite, Valley fold back ‘This is a pleat. You've made a : valley fold. again Valley fold in half. pleat fold } r , F i 2 i 3 4 | f Here, using the kite Valley fold back Mountain fold form This is a pleat fold form backwards, again for pleat. in half, reverse. - valley fold. ae 4 Using inside reverse, valley fold one side. This is a squash fold L 1 iB, 4 Using closed kite Open in direction Appearance before You've made a form, valley fold. of the arrow. completion squash fold IL - i \ 1 2 I 2 Here, using closed Pull tip in direction Here, using closed Fold mountain and kite form, pleat fold. of the arrow: kite form, pleat valley as shown, fold and unfold. both sides. 3 3 This is an inside crimp fold. This is an outside crimp fold. Basic Folds Base Folds Base folds are basic forms that do not in themselves produce origami, but serve as a basis, or jumping-off point, for a number of creative origami figures—some quite complex. As when beginning other crafts, leaning to fold these base folds is not the most exciting part of origami, They are, however, easy to do, and will help you with your technique. They also quickly become rote, so much so that you can do many using diflerent-colored papers while you are watching television or your mind is elsewhere, With completed base folds handy, if you want to quickly work up a form or are suddenly inspired with an idea for an original, unique figure, you can select an appropriate base fold and swifily bring a new creation to life 1 Fold and unfold in direction Fold both sides in to center _—_ Fold both sides in to center of arrow. crease, then unfold. Rotate. crease, then unfold. Pinch corners of square Completed Base Fold I together and fold inward I Valley fold. a a 2 3 Valley fold, Squash fold. a" a +f 5 6 ‘Tum over to other side. Squash fold Completed Base Fold IL Base Folds cow N Valley fold. Valley fold. Squash fold cON Tum over Squash fold Valley fold, unfold. it 8 9 Valley folds, unfold Valley fold, unfold. Pull in direction of arrow, folding inward at sides. » CON Ad AZ Appearance before completion of fold % Valley fold, unfold, A ‘Appearance before completion. Fold completed. Tum over. 14 Repeat, again pulling in direction of arrow. ve Completed Base Fold Ill. Valley folds, unfold. Base Folds eS Russian Mi@-21 1 Start with Base Fo Make cuts as shown. L D Outside reverse fold all four comers, Valley fold both sides, owes 7 Valley fold both sides. Valley folds. Valley fold both sides. Valley folds. 8 9, Valley fold both sides. Valley folds, Russian MiG-2I fe 10 Valley fold both front and back. Valley fold both sides. Valley fold both sides Valley folds. TON ile! 15 Rotate Valley fold wings front and back to balance < w ——— Valley fold and balance wings to sides. Add coloring if you wish. 18 Completed Russian MiG-21 S Front View Russian Mid-21 Overhead View wo9|e4 9 old. Valley fe Valley fold in half Me My Pull in direction of arrow, squash fold. Tum over to other side. Valley folds. Inside reverse folds. Inside reverse folds. +> + Make cuts to front layers only, then valley Valley fold both sides. fold cut parts. F-16 Falcon =e s = 2 io = ee } 10 11 Inside reverse folds, left and right, as shown. Turn over to other side. 12 13 Cuts to front layer only, as shown, and Valley fold in half (mountain fold cut flap). Valley fold tal fin, Rotate 14 15 Cuts and valley fold cut parts. Valley fold outward, balancing sides. aga. 16 Li. 18 Valley folds to side Valley fold to balance wings. Add color 19 Completed F-16 Falcon. Bites SideView Overhead View EES ES F-16 Falcon Phantom Start with a full sheet (8.5" Valley fold. Squash fold. Valley fold in half Phantom by 11°) a Tum over wo other side. Squash fold Valley folds. Cut front layer, valley fold in Rotate Valley fold both sides. half (mountain fold cut fap) SC -w- Valley fold out to sides. Squash fold to sides. Mountain fold both sides. Phantom 13 14 a: . Cut as shown, both sides. Mountain fold both sides. Valley folds. nt Mountain folds both sides, Loosen folds to balance. and apply give to hold. sD 9 20 Valley fold to balance Add color wings 16 Valley fold both sides. Zi Completed Phantom ee et Fk Phantom bed Front View , Side View Overhead View = Phantom B-2 Bomber 1 PA Start with square, and valley Valley fold S zo € Ss a N a NOXVO “Turn over. Squash fold. Valley fold (enlarged follows) pees reverse fold both Valley and squash fold at Appearance before fold same time. completed A e Valley folds. Valley folds. Mountain folds. B-2 Bomber SSy 13 14 1D) Mountain folds. Inside reverse folds. ‘Tum over to other side. 16 UA 18 alley fold Mountain fold, then valley Valley fold, fold. NZ fe pb 19 20 ZL Valley fold in halt, Valley fold both sides. Valley fold both sides 4 ft 22 23 Open out Press lighily on the existing creases, folding as shown, Ay RN Front View > ls Completed B-2 Bomber (over head view). Ground View B-2 Bomber Space Shuttle & Booster Part 1 ZON™ /\ 1 2 3 a Start with 8.5" square. Work Valley fold. Fold and unfold. Base Fold Ill to step 11 Turn over. eam Space Shuttle 4& bbe hoe —— Ee Ss a a 2 Ss s A Ei Space Shuttle Valley fold Valley fold. Cut and mountain fold. Valley fold. Pleat fold. 7 Valley folds. Valley folds. oN 22 23 24 Tur over to other side, Pleat folds. Mountain fold in half Zo i 25 26 27 Valley fold both sides to Inside reverse fold Add color and detail to tail, balance. Turn over. See NEXt slep. 3 ae 28 29 30 Rotate, Add color and detail. Completed part 1 of shuttle. ES = a A 3 8 3s a ws 1 2, 3 Start with 5" square. Work Valley fold. Repeat Base Fold Ill to step 6, then. valley fold Valley fold Valley fold. Repeat Valley folds to center. Valley fold. Valley fold Valley fold Repeat. 12 13 14 Valley fold Valley fold. Completed part 2 of shuttle. 1 2 3 4 Start with full sheet of paper (8.5" by 11"). Valley fold. Repeat. K D) 6 Unfold and rotate. Valley fold. Inside reverse folds. es ie Space Shuttle 9 Game as Valley folds. Pleat fold eee Gael 9 10 Squash folds. Add detail 1) Ss D2 EES Valley fold in half. 13 —s Completed part 3 (booster rocket) i Join part 2 and the two part 3 boosters and apply ghue to hold Add detail Note: Make second booster rocket for shuttle, 2 Completed shuttle booster. 1 Fly shuttle onto booster as shown. Apply slue to hold —if you wish an Helicopter Apache Helicopter 9909 Valley fold. Valley fold. Cut as shown. Valley fold. Valley fold. Valley fold fold. Guta chown, | s = | oS — } S | 12 14 13 | 3 Tum over to other —_Yalley fold. Valley fold Turn aver to other side, side. om Ss s = <= + I 16 17 Cut as shown through all layers. t $ 18 Valley fold both sides. 19 Valley fold both front and back. j | 20 Tuck fold beneath lower flap. a Mountain fold both sides to center. ' f 22, Valley fold both front and back. 23 Inside reverse fold both sides. Valley fold both front and back, \ A Det 2 Valley fold both sides. Inside reverse fold both sides. 26 27 Cut as shown. Inside reverse fold. 4 A 28 29 Repeat inside reverse fold. Cuts as shown and valley fold both sides. 4 4 30 oi Cut, and valley folds to level wings and Inside reverse fold both sides. tail flaps. Fe ee a Apache Helicopter 32 shown (see arrow) to od dsl — es Valley fold front and back 1 3 4. level flaps. Add color or detail. 35) Completed part 1 of helicopter. 1 2 3 Start with step 6 of Base Cut as shown, Valley fold. Fold L. Valley fold. £ a Ss Ss 3S = 2 = 3 S = —— _ % 9% Valley fold all sides. Valley folds. Cut as shown and valley fold all sides. Cuts as shown. Valley folds. -- Inside reverse folds. 10 el 12 Cuts as shown, Mountain folds. Valley fold. Repeat behind. Apache Helicopter 13: 14 1S: Valley folds both front and Inside reverse folds. Cuts as shown. back. Note: Make a second, smaller-ize propeller ee a for tail rotor 16 Life 18 Mountain folds Cuts, valley folds, and open Completed part 2 of all four sides helicopter. ee eS 1 Apply glue to outer part cof a small tube (or roll a section of paper into a small tube). Insert ube into top of helicopter as shown and let dry. This | will allow propeller to cum. Join parts together Glue tail rotor onto tail to hold. 2 Completed Apache Helicopter. s = s S 3S = = 2 S 3 2 = Overhead View Side-Panel Truck PEE EEE 1 2 Cut an origami square in half Side-Panel Truck Valley fold to edge, then unfold DX 5 4 Repeat at other angle Valley fold where creases cross. 5 6 Inside reverse folds. Valley fold then unfold. “ i 8 Mountain fold then unfold. Mountain fold front and back to sink. CO~ g) 10 Tum over to other side Valley folds. = 3 = = 3s = S oe 3 = a pT Side-Panel Truck 11 Tum over to other side. Valley fold 1 Valley fold then unfold LS: Valley fold. 16 Mountain fold. Life Valley fold. Valley fold. Valley fold then unfold. 19 Valley fold 21 Mountain fold. 23 Valley fold 25 Valley folds. i 20 Valley fold in 22 Unfold. 24 Unfold. mn Side-Danel Truck 26 Inside reverse folds, opening sides to form boxlike shape at same time. a4 Side-Panel Truck 2h 28 Appearance before completed. 2, Apply glue to hold cab in position. 30 Unvalley side flaps to vertical position. 24 | Completed truck body. Mountain fold both tips together and apply glue to hold 2 J Cut remaining half square into three equal Valley fold 4 3 = Squash fold. 4@ 5 4 Valley fold then unfold to crease. Distance of Valley fold. crease indicated should be width of vehicle. > GS Co 6 7 B Cut as shown, Squash fold. See close-ups for detail r “ / \ 7 \ \ : | \ \ - \ t ik a Valley fold, then Unfold. unfold, Mountain folds Retum to full view. (valley comers) Side-Panel Truck 13 By Repeat steps on other end is Tum over to other side. eee 6 Le Valley folds eb 18 Valley folds. Tum over to other side oe || = 19 Mountain folds. Zt Completed sets of wheels. You'll need 2 sets to complete this side-panel truck—3 sets for a 6-wheeler. Jum over to other side Valley folds. parts together as shown and apply glue to hold 2 Completed Side-Panel Truck Side-Panel Truck Note: Add another set of wheels as shown } for a heavy-duty 6-wheeler ity > eee? Container Truck Part 1 1 Work throu; é rack (see pages 46-48). Valley fold 2 Valley fold. . on . Tuck flap behind end layer . oe Mountain fold a Valley fold. Mountain fold. Dake 8 Valley fold in direction of arrow. x_— Valley fold. 10 Tuck flap behind end layer. Unfold outward as shown. | a a, ae Ber oS = (= Ss = = = Ss v 11 ie Valley fold, then unfold 5 13 Valley folds ,e— Inside reverse folds, opening sides to form boxlike shape. 15 Appearance before completion. oo Apply glue to tips. Mountain folds. Rotate. Completed part 1 of container truck 1 Z Start with full sheet of paper (8.5" by 11" Mountain folds Valley folds. em! Appearance before completion. —_ Valley folds, tucking sides into each other. ——_—Rotate to front. 6 10 Valley fold. Repeat. Valley fold. Repeat. Completed part 2 of container truck, Note: Make 3 sets of wheels (to match width of truck). See pages 51-52, I “ Join all parts together as shown and ves Se apply glue to hold. Completed Container Truck =x oS = = Ss = = = Ss vu Part 1 1 Start with 4" by 10" paper and valley fold both ends Pam Car a> Valley fold and glue, Valley folds Valley fold and glue. Valley folds and glue Valley fole. Valley fold and glue. Valley fold Mountain fold ends to sink, Pull to open as indicated, pushing inward aos 13 Push down and in to fold, Completed part 1 of car. lowering front end of car = 2 ‘t a Angled View Ss Vv Start with Base Fold Il, using 3° square. Push down, mountain folding all around as indicated to open all sides. a2 a Add color and detail to completion. Completed part 2 (cab) of car Note: Make two sets of wheels for your car: Instructions on pages 51-52 5 a Add wheels and apply ghae to hola 3 Completed Car a Position cab si alue to hold Side View ion into place and apply Front View Car Minivan and Trailer Minivan Completed part 1 of ninivan Stan with 3" by 5" paper Valley fold Valley fold to crease, then Mountain fold unfold Insert flaps into each other. sl é TaN Valley fold, then unfold. Valley folds. Rotate to front = oe = = es 10 yi Repeat. j Valley fold Mi Repeat L ZZ 4 LZ LS: et Push and fold. Add color Add detail and windows. Completed part 2 of minivan, Note: Make two sets of wheels for your minivan, Instructions on pages 51-52 « <1 Join all parts together as shown and apply glue to hold. Completed Minivan. Side View Start with Base Fold land Valley folds. Valley folds. valley fold. | Mountain folds. Uniolds, Place tips into openings to lock. Appearance before Valley folds and glue to hold. Valley fold as shown. ‘completion. > 12 IN 10 Minivan Valley fold. Valley fold. Valley fold 13 Ls LS Mountain fold. Unfold. Insert tip through opening 16 157, 18 Shown before completion. Valley fold. Valley fold. & 6080 19 20 21 aD Repeat steps 10 to 16 Valley fold Valley folds. Valley folds. Rotate, and on the right side. and turn over scale up Ge=>- Ge 24 25 Blow into opening at end to inflate. Completed trailer comparment Make a single set of wheels (See pages 51-52) for the trailer oe Attach the set of wheels towards the rear of the trailer, glue to hold. Fold a small section of paper into a thin stip to join minivan and trailer together, glue to hold npleted Minivan and Trailer a Ss wmobile wit eet "), Valley § ———__—_____— Valley folds then unfold, 3 of paper (3" by fold and unfold Valley folds Snowmobile | + 4 5 Inside reverse folds & Push in and fold to sink & Mountain fold. “ON. 13 Tum over to other side. Valley folds then unfold. o 8 Valley fold = LY Valley fold. 14 Nalley fold. 4 Mountain folds then unfold. oO Valley fold Aly Mountain fold. Orth hs} | Valley fold. Valley fold. Tum over to other Squash folds side. ah => uz way 20 2 22 23) Route to side view. Pullland apply glue Pull and fold. Pull in direction of to hold. arrow. 7ON apn ae ae Valley folds. Rotate to rear view. Cut as shown 27 28 Valley fold back layer. Completed Snowmobile ee. Start with a rectangular sheet of paper Mountain folds. @" by 7"). Valley fold then unfold. 3 4 Valley fold Valley fold 5 6 Valley fold Valley fold Mountain folds. Mountain fold, then unfold to step 7 — = S = = Ss = aA Snowmobile ON g 10 Mountain folds and inside reverse folds at Apply glue to hold. Rotate to side view comers, Make and add two sets of wheels toward ‘Completed trailer. rear of trailer, glue to hold, Position snowmobile onto trailer. Completed Snowmobile with Ifyou wish, apply glue to hold. Trailer 3 Attach the trailer to a car, van, or an SUV (minivan cab and car body combo), and you're ready wo go! | ab, — Work steps | through 10 of Pull in direction of arrows, Completed chassis. Car (pages 58-59). At step _ opening all sides, Rotate 11, push inward and sink 4 5 Fold new 3" by 5" paper in matching color. Completed cab Follow Minivan par: 2 steps (pages 63-64) I i iy age S Attach wheels to chassis. Position cab and glue to hold. Completed SUV, Submarine iL Start at step 6 of Base Fold Valley fold. Valley fold. TL Valley and untold. ce Submarine ¢ ¢: Valley fold Valley fold Valley and squash folds. Valley folds. Valley fold E Make cuts as shown. @ 40 ® 1 Mountain fold. Bring back layer to front Repeat steps 9 and 10 on left side Tum over to other side. Submarine O44d Valley fold. Valley fold Valley fold Repeat steps 13 to 15, ! oN L7 18 q 20 Mountain folds. Valley folds. Valley fold to stand- Glue to hold, and | ing position (90°), orate. al.» «afi Ll. a> 24 Zi 22 23 Valley fold layers. Cut and mountain Push inward, open- Completed part 1 together and glue. fold cut parts. ing sub out slightly, of submarine. i > Start with Base Fold il and Mountain fold. Valley fold. valley fold. a a 6 Repeat steps 1 and 2 Valley fold Valley fold. i ZO 7 8 g ji Repeat steps 1 and 2 Valley fold and turn over. Repeat steps 1 and 2. ee es 11 12 Push tip, mountain Rotate. folding in to sink 10 Cut as shown. 13 Ty Valley fold fins outward. — Completed part 2 of submarine —2 1 Insert end of part 1 into part 2 as shown. Apply glue to hold 2 Completed Submarine. aulowgns Overhead View Side View Start with 8.5" square. Valley fold then unfold. Valley fold then unfold. Valley folds to center: oO Tum over to other side. Valley fold then unfold 4 =. Valley folds. Mountain fold Outside reverse folds. Untold to os 7 > oe 10 11 12 Tum over to other side. Valley folds, Valley fold 13 7 hi) Unfold Valley fold. Untold. ay Spanish Galleon g e < Le 18 Fold as marked, pushing Appearance of folds before Pull some paper outward 4 center inward at same time. _ completion. on both front and back. x « ( 21 Mountain fold both sides. Ousside reverse, then repeat. Mountain fold both sides. ( i) ( i) ¢ Dt | Inside reverse fold, Rotate Glue sections together on Punch 3 holes into form, as to twp view. each side as shown. shown by circles, for masts. | é ( A 22 26 Rotate 10 side view Once glue dries, pull ayers Completed part | of aside to open. Spanish galleon. Spanish Galleon Vier. Start with 4.25" square Valley fold near crease, Turn over to other side. Valley fold and unfold Add stick or tightly Pleat fold layers Valley fold. Cut as shown, rolled paper, and around mast to hold through both layers apply glue. 8 iO) 2 id 12 Valley folds. Cut as shown. Valley folds Uniold. Completed part front and back both sides. 2 of Spanish galleon. < = os Ss s = a K 2 Spanish Galleon 1 2 3 Start with 3" by 3” paper. Make cuts and open out. —_—_Valley folds. Work steps 2 through 9 of part 2 (page 83). FON Note: Make another sail this size. a 5 “Tum over to other side. Completed part 3. 1 2 Start with 4.25" square. Valley fold down. Valley fold up. Cut as shown and valley fold section. a 4 ) 6 Valley fold. Cut as shown. Completed part 4. Place 3 sails with masts (parts 2 and 3) into holes in part 1 as shown and apply glue to hold. Glue bowsprit sail (part 4) to front of ship and to first mast. 2 Completed Spanish Galleon Spanish Galleon Part 1 ~ Start at step UL, Invert. M ront and ba Aircraft Carrier 4 RA ca yY Valley fold. Valley fold Repeat Valley fold. Valley fold Push tip downward to sink, Be mountain folding front and back vy Valley fold both sides, Mountain fold tips to inside, front and back. Valley fold. s s Vv ‘S ie = Aircraft Carrier s 4» 4, 14 iLS} Valley fold. > Valley fold. Valley fold é 18 yy Valley fold 19 Valley fold 20 Inside reverse folds. 21 Valley fold both sides. t 2 Mountain folds and glue. : 23 Valley folds and glue. 24. Unfold back layer upward. Valley fold Unfold. CKD CX CX 25 26 27 Cuts as shown. Valley fold. Valley fold. > 28 29 30 Valley fold. Valley fold Valley fold cX> cb 31 32 33 Squash fold. Inside reverse fold. Valley fold. CE? CX why s s 34 35 36 = = is} Unfold to a right angle, 90°. Add color to tower, and Completed Aircraft Carer (2 rotate. Gee page 90 for jets) = Carrier Jets rf pe in | Valley fads am Carrier Jets ¢ Aen ye 5 6 Valley fold. A Valley fold o as 8 Valley fold 9 Valley fold. 2 Valley folds deh Tum over to other side. > 12 Valley fold. Valley fold Carrier vets Inside reverse fold. ae Carrier vets Add Add details: color and text. Fold in half Rotate Valley fold wings into balanced Completed Cartier Jet position. h h PE ated a . , dee PO a Pe Dew Dee Se 1 Place a piece of stiff cardboard against the cartier top, and cut to fit. Add dezail as indicated, then position the cardboard, and glue to hold Add as many carrier jets as you wish for a fully outfitted Aircraft Carrier: cy Carrier dets Transport Vehicles F-16 Falcon a Apache Helicopter Transport Vehicles Vee? Minivan SUV with Snowmobile Spanish Galleon Side-Panel Truck “ m, Na L ot B-2 Bomber Phantom Space Shuttle & Booster Carrier Jets Container Truck Transport Vehicles | Aircraft Carrier | Submarine Aircraft Carrier, 86-89, 93 Jets, 90-92 Apache Helicopter, 38-45 B-2 Bomber, 26-29 Base Folds 1,10 ma Ml, 12-13 Car, 60-61 Carrier Jets, 90-93 construction lines, 4 Container Truck, 54-57 F-16 Falcon, 18-21 folds, base, 10-13 folds, basic, 6-9 inside crimp fold, 9 inside reverse fold, 7 kite fold, 6 mountain fold, 6 outside crimp fold, 9 Index outside reverse fold, 7 pleat fold, 8 pleat fold reverse, 8 squash fold 1, 8 squash fold Tl, 9 valley fold, 6 inside crimp fold, 9 inside reverse fold, 7 instructions, basic, 4 kite fold, 6 Minivan, 62-67 mountain fold, 6 NASA Space Shuttle, 30-37 outside crimp fold, 9 outside reverse fold, 7 paper. + paper, squaring off, 5 Phantom, 22-25 pleat fold, 8 pleat fold reverse, 8 Russian MiG-21, 14-17 Side-Panel Truck 46-53 Snowmobile, 68-70 Spanish Galleon, 80-85 Space Shuttle & Booster, 30-37 squash fold 1, 8 squash fold II, 9 Submarine, 74-79 SUV, 73 symbols & lines, 5 technique, folding, 4 Trailer Minivan, 65-66 Snowmobile, 71-72 Truck Container, 54-57 Side-Panel, 46-53 valley fold, 6 wheels, 51-52 rae aEe, ce lee MM eM ae) itech ime nme CMe Ri aceite: realisticlooking. There's a sleek Submarine awesome NASA Space Shuttle, sporty Car, CR eae ne ese as and many other great projects. Now you can Colma ie emt h eta ort aca Seen nen eon 1-4027-193: 6. Sa mC moe NEVA ISBN 1933-7 | WM NUNN) ti

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