Suppl Tall Towh

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PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK Twelfth Edition with foreword by Paul Buthod Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma Eugene F. Megyesy PRESSURE VESSEL PUBLISHING, INC. P.O. Box 35365 + Tulsa, Oklahoma 74153 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DEFLECTION ‘Towers should be designed to deflect no more than 6 inches per 100 feet of height. The Weflection: due to the wind load may be calculated by using the formula for uniformly loaded cantilever beam. a FORMULA hyn PDH ODHY Ast SET \ hy NOTATIONS ‘hi yy = Maximum deflection a the opin ) DY = Wath ot the over wth inulin, \P |u| 2! = Modus of ease, psi Hr Length of vessel, ied si, TT Rete momento neta fx hia india shel (wen 10) 2 Mean aus ofthe tov, in fo Thickness of ek in b= Wind pressure, pat EXAMPLE Determine the maximum defection: dy, PD (aH eer . 30 x25 x 4802 x49) = §°% 30,000,000 x 123 x 3.14 x 0.3125 4 69 in, Since te actual deflection does not exceed this limit, the designed thickness of the skirt is satisfactory [A method Tor calculating deflection, when the thickness of the Tower fe not com] Slant, piven by S. §. Tang: “Short Cut Method for Calculating Tower Deflection Hydrocarbon Processing November 1968. DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS COMBINATION OF STRESSES ‘The stresses induced by the previously described loadings shall be investigated in combination to establish the governing stresses. Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), internal pressure and weight of ‘Stress Condition At leeward side ~ Stress due to wind + Stress due to int, press. = Stress due to weight 4 Stress due to wind + Stress due to int. press. — Stress due to weight Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), external pressure and weight of the vessel: Stress Condition At leeward side — Stress due to wind — Stress due to ext. press = Stress due to weight At windward side + Stress due to wind ~ Stress due to ext. press — Stress due to weight ‘The positive signs denote tension and the negative signs denote compression. The summation of the stresses indicate whether tension or compression is governing. It is assumed that wind and earthquake loads do not occur simultaneously, thus the tower should be designed for either wind or earthquake load whichever is greater. Bending stress caused by excentricity shall be summarized with the stresses resulting from wind or earthquake load, ‘The stresses shall be calculated at the following locations: 1, At the bottom of the tower 2. At the joint of the skirt to the head 3. At the bottom head to the shell joint 4, At changes of diameter or thickness of the vessel ‘The stresses furthermore shall be examined in the following conditions: 1, During erection or dismantling 2. During test 3. + ‘During operation Under these different conditions, the weight of the vessel and consequently, the stress conditions are also different. Besides, during etection or dismantling the vessel is not under internal or external pressure. For analyzing the strength of tall towers under various loadings by this Handbook, the maximum stress theory has been applied 0 n COMBINATION OF STRESSES (cont.) The bending moment due o wind i decreasing fom th Dotiom tote top of the tower, thus the plate thickness can alto be decreased accordingly one of ‘Table‘A'and Figure Bate convenient ads to fad the Sates down from the top of the tone for witch seas chose soease DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS ‘wt, [05 [06 [07 TOR [09 T1.0 [ia ]i2 ]i3 jis [ts [16 [LT m {1.0 |0.91| 0.86| 0.79] 0.74] 0.71 | 0.67 [0.64 | 0.62] 0.60 |0.58] 0.56 0:54] wi, [ES [ES [2.0 [22 [24 [26 ]28 3.0 33 [36 [a0 [as 150 m” |0.53}0.51] 0.50] 0.48] 0.46) 0.44 10.42 /0.41 | 0:39] 0.37 [0.35] 0.33 |032 TABLE A, VALUES OF FACTOR m Since the longitudinal stress due to internal pressure is one half of the circumferential stress, one half of the required wall thickness for internal pressure is available to resist the bending force of the a ‘wind, From Table A, using factor m can be found the distance X down from the top tangent line within which the thickness calcu a lated for internal pressure satisfactory also to resist the wind | pressure, Xo =Hxm {, ~The required thickness for internal pressure (Hoop Tension) in 4, = The required thickness for wind pressure atthe bottom head joint to shell, in EXAMPLE: f= 0.233 in, 4, = 0.648 in, 4/4, = 0.688/0.233 = 2.7 = 100 From Table m = 0.43 and X = mH = 0.43 x 100 = 43 f Figure B shows the moment diagram of a tower under wind | ressure. The diagram ean also be used to select the appropriate plate thickness at various heights, EXAMPLE: oa Ath height of 0.71 the required thickness is 0.5 =| times the thickness required atthe bottom, gloa. 1 da requited thickness is g for intemal pressure, = 0,250 in Blo {for wind load, 1, 625 in e atthe bottom required Sle { Bret, =0.750 in S| at height 0.71 Hs Elan 7 0.5 x 0.750 = 0375 in 2 thickness for intemal ow pressure 1/2 = 0125 in + required thickness at 0.71 H = 0.500 in, os. 10. O10Re3 080506070809 10 Fig B Ratio of plate thickness required at the bottom G2 * «) to thickness required at the consid- cfed height. EXAMPLE - A Required thickness of cylindrical shell under internal pressure and wind load, DESIGN CONDITIONS D. = 2ft.0 in inside diameter of vessel Dy = 2 ft 6in, wiih of ter wit inslaon, ete B' = 085 efficiency of welded joints fe 48 tcOin length of tower fhe = 4140 in distance ftom the base fo the bottom ead to shell joist 2 = Bp nenal paw P= 30 pel wind presure BO The inside rade of vessel $= 15t0ops sues valve of SA 285 C imate at 200°F temperature v= Toa shear [No allowance for corrosion. ‘Minimum required thickness for internal pressure considering the strength of te long seams PR 250 x 12 3,000 _ 9998 in "= SE oer ~ 1ST00x 085 — 06 x 250 ~ 13,195 “Minimum required thickness for intemal pressure considering the strength ofthe girth seams: PR 250 12, "956 + O4P ~ 2% 15,700 x 0.85 + 04 x 250 [Required thickness for longitudinal bending due to wind pressure, Moment at the base (M) PLXD, XH = VX hy = 38 x 2.5 x 48 = 3,600 x 24 = 86,400 fb, Moment at the bottom seam (Ms) My = M.~ hy (V — 0.5 P, Dy hy) = 86,400 ~ 4 (3,600 ~ 0.5 x 30 x 2.5 x 4) 86,400" 13,800 = "72,600'R. 1b. = 72,600 "12 = 871,200 in, Ib. ‘Required thickness: 3,000 = 55.799 7 0-112 in M, 871,200 871,200 s Me, 871200 871.200 gy i, Ria SE™ 12 x 318 x 15,700 x 0.85 ™ 6,037,135 “The required thickness celeulated with the strength of the bottom girth seam: For wind pressure 0.145 in. Forint pessufe 0.172 1 isis greater than the thickness calculated with TOTAL 0.254 the strength ofthe longitudinal seam therefore, this ‘minimum thickness 0.257 in. shall be used For simple vessels where the moment due to wind is smal, the above etleultion is satisfactory Vessels which are subject to larger loadings may need closer investigation with respect also to tconomical viewpoints, See pages 76:86 for skin, base and anchor bat design, 2 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE B Reuedthckness of ysl shell under combined loadings of ineral press, wind and Weight of tower EXAMPLE B (CONT.) “Te preliminary caleslation ofthe required wal thick- iat Shows tht at the bottom approumatey 0.73 i, plate is equled, to withstand the wind loxd snd internal Presse, while at the top the wind lsd isnot factor fn for intemal pressure (hoop tension) only 025 pate 76 5 = fo; DESIGN DATA D = 38. 0%n, imide dameter Dy = 3.1 6 in. with of veal wit ination, allowance for ping, et. OS eieency of welded seams = 41. Din distance fom the bate to the boom head to shell join. 100 f. 0 i. length of tower 150 pantera presse 30 pit wind pesswe 18, inside ais of vere 15700psi ses ue of SA-285C material x 200°F temperature = Teal shear 221 seams eles Circumference of shell onthe mean diameter, a (Gonesion allowance not required) a oe Minimum que Wickes former press considering te beg of he anginal ‘seam of shell. . ¥ PR 150 x18 SE — 06 ~ 15700 x 0.85 — 0.6 150 ~ 0204. Use 0.25 in, plate “Minimum required thicksess for internal pressure considering the strength of the cicumferen- tial seam of shel PR 130 x18 ear 25E + 04P ~ 2x 15700 x 085 + 04 X 150 = “Minimum required thickness for head PD. 150 x 36, eae 0.203 in 2% 15100 x 0.85 — 02 150 Wind Lood Px Dy x H vo x hy Vessel 30x 3.5 x 100 = 10.500 x3) Platform 30 x Blin. ft 240 x96 Ladder 30 X 98 in, f 2.340 x 49 Total shear 13,680 = 692,108. Ib, moment at base Moment tthe bottom head seam (4p) My = M ~ hy (V = 05 P,Djhy) = (692,100 ~ 4 (13680 ~ 015 x 30% 3.5 x 4) = 638,220 fb. pe BM, 12 x 638,220 = 258.610 Rew SE ~ 1X 3.14 x 15700 x 0.85 ~ 13,583,556 = 0564 ‘Try 0.750 in, plate forthe lower courses FOr it. pressure 0.101 0.665 in, i satitactory. For economical reasons Its tdvistble 0 Use ferent plate thicknesses at various heights of the tower, ‘The thickness required for hoop tension (0.25 in.) serves to rest also the wind load toa certain distance down {tom the top. Find this distance (X) from table A, Page 70 tw/tp = 0.5640.204 = 2.7 then X= 0.89 x H= 43 ft From diagram B, Page 72. can be found the required thickness and lebgth of the intermediate shell sections Using 8 f. wide pate, the vessel shall be constructed from: (5) 0.25 thick 8 ft. wide courses 40 ft. (@) 0.50 thick 8 {€ wide courses, 32 ft G) 0.75 thick 8 ft. wide courses 24 ft. Total 56% WEIGHT OF THE TOWER (See tables beginning on page 374) Shell 40 x 97 380 ‘Skit 4 x 195 32 x 195 240 Base ring 24 x 294 7035 Anchor ring Head top 0.3125 nom. 160 Anchor lugs bot. 0.8125 nom, 393 Int. plate work 300 + 6% ‘Tay suppors 0 Insulation rings 20 Sy Opening 500 F Tass _‘sulation Platform + 6% alisg Plato 20983 Ib. Piping say 21,000 say 10,000 1. TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT: 33,000 Ib Trays 600 Operating liquid 2400 ' 300016, + Erection Wt. at ‘TOTAL OPERATING WEIGHT: 36.000 Ib, ‘Test water 42,0001. + Erection Wt 33,000 Ib. TOTAL TEST WEIGHT: 75,0001. ‘For weight of water content, sce Page m 15 EXAMPLE B (CONT,) EXAMPLE B (CONT.) (Checking the stresses withthe preliminary ealclated plate thicknesses ‘Stress in the shell at the bottom head to shell joint: Pate thekness 0.75. Pout Stee deo itm esnare 5 = 22 a 80 23625 «i937 pg, iba, 2 x 628.200 Stress due to wine s-2 - eee ,632 psi Siete Gs a Remt 18.375? x 3.14 x 0.75 eae Soo Teresina $= Gar Tiss x 075 7 358 mH Sooo in opening condition oy = eg COMBINATION OF STRESSES WINDWARD SIDE LEEWARD SIDE IN EMPTY (ERECTION) CONDITION. Stes due to wind + 9,640 | Stress de to wind 9,640 Sires dc to weight "S58 | Stes ue foweaht = "958 + 9.282 psi "9.998 psi (No int. presure ducing sxetion) TR OPERATING CONDITION, Tiss dae fo a pro Sires due to wind > 9640 Stes due to wind Stier due fo weight =” '392 ~10,032 Sires due to weight uss due to int. pres. 5/1837 8.195 pst ‘The tensile sires 11,085 pst in operating condition on the windward side governs. The allowable stress for the plate material with 0.85 joint efficiency is 13,345. Bsk Thus the selected 0.75 in. thick plate at the bottom of the Vewel is eatisfectory. Stress in the shell at 72 ft. down from the top of tower, Plate thickness 0.50 ia, ‘Suess due to wind, x Px Dx X= Vx SoM, Shell 30. 35 x T2= 7,560 x 36 = 272,160 Platform 30 Blin-ft, = 240 x 68 = 16,300 Ladder’ 30 x 70linsft, = 2.100 x 35 = 731500 ‘otal Moment, = 361380 fb 2M, 12 x 361,960 So Reet ~ iBase x 3.14 x 050 ~ $508 si ‘Suress due to internal pressure (As calculated previously) 1,837 Tal 10,140 psi ‘The aeaation of trees tthe ottom head bak shown that the sexe onthe windward sid in operating condidon goremn and the stfect of the weight in tient Theor thot Yrs caolon it can be see tht he ee 140 pt doesnot exceed the allowable stiest13,348 Pol Thus the selected 090, in, thick plate is satisfactory. Be a ‘Stress in the shall at 40 ft. down from the top of the tower, Plate thickness 0.25 in. Stress due 1 wind. x xD, xX =v xE=M, Shell 30. 3.5 x 40-= 4,200 x 20 = 64,000 Plaform 30 x Bilin. = 240 x 36= 8,640 Ladder” 30 x 36 lin. f= 1,100 x 19 = 21,660 “Taal Moment M, = 114300 8. 2M, 12 x 118.300, BM 2K 114.300 Lg 5 s Rat 18,125? X 3.14 0.25 ue Stress due to internal pressure (As ealouled previously) 1,837 psi Tat 77.153 pst ‘The 0.25 in, thick plate for shell at 40 ft. distance from top of the tower is satisfactory. No further calculation is required on the same reason mentioned above. 374 WEIGHTS The tables on the following pages show the weights of different vessel components made of steel. All weights are calculated with the theoretical weight of steel: 1 cubic inch = 0.28883 pounds. To obtain the actual weight of a vessel, add 6% to the total weight. This will cover the overweights of material which comes from the manufacturing tolerances and the weight of the weldings. ‘The weights of shells shown in the tables refer to one lineal foot of shelllength. ‘The weights tabulated in columns headed by “IS” and “O.S.” are the weights of shell when the given diameter signifies inside or outside diameter. ‘The weights of the heads include: ‘A. For ellipsodial heads: 2 inch straight flange or the wall thickness, whichever is greater. B. For ASME flanged and dished heads: 1% inch straight flange. ©. For hemispherical heads: 0 inch straight flange. ‘The weights of pipe fittings made by different manufacturers show in many cases considerable deviations, which reflect manufacturing differences. The weights of pipe fittings shown in these tables refer to the products of Ladish Company. All dimensions in inches. All weights in pounds. WALL THICKNESS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS ua" sie" SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD os. [etur|r.ap.|uemis| 1s. | 0. [evur|F.ap.|ieMs| aif 2] is] af a] 39 [ 2] | 26 36] 28] 19] as] as] as] 3s] 2 | 35 az] 33] a3] a6] sa] sz] a1] 2] 46 49] 41] 23] 46 | 61] so] si] 3s] 38 sz] 47] 3s] so] se] 66] ss] a3] 7 ss] ss] a] os] rm] 2] 69] si] ss 63 | 62] a7] sr] si} 79) 78] se] 101 6s | 70] ss] os] ss] s6 | a7] 0 | 119 | 78] 62] 110] 94] 92 | 100] 78] 138 | 89] ro] 126 | 11} 99 | 14] a7] iss. a4] 100} 80] 143 | 108 | 106 | 129] 100 | 179 go} 113 | so] tor | na] ria | 14a] ar | 202 9s] 128 | 98] 180 | ia | 119 | 160] 123 | 226, soo } 139 | 110 | 201 | 128 | 126 | 177] 138 | 256, ros | 136 | 120 | 222 | 134] 133 | 19s | 150 | 279 uit | res | ast | 24s] an | 139 | 214 | 163 | 307 127 | ats | 168] 320 | 161 | 139 | 285 | 210} 400 143 | 270 | 210 | 404 | 182 | 179 | 3si | 263 | 506 ts9 | 330 | 257] 498 | 202 | 199 | 434 | 322] 624 17s | 398 | 309 | 602 | 222 | 219 | s20 | 386 | 755 tat | 4s3| 36s | 717 | 243 | 239 | 98 | 4s6 | 897 207 | saz | 421 | 40 | 263 | 259 | 69s | s32 | 1052 223 | 624 | 492 | 974 | 283 | 279 | 06 | 614 | 1220 239 | 723 | ss6 | i118 | 303 | 299 | 925 | 702 | 1399 2ss | 820 | 637 |1272 | 324 | 319 |1050 | 796 | 1592 an | 922 | 710 | 1435 | 344 | 339 Jr1s0 | 896 | 1796 287 |1031 |-801 | 1608 | 364 | 359 ]1320 | 1001 | 2013, 303 |1150 | 383 | 1792 | 385 | 379 | 146a | 1106 | 2242 | 319 |1285 | 984 | 198s | aos | 399 | 1622 |1230 | 2484 | 33s [1445 | 07s | arse | 425 | 419 |1820 | 1344 | 2738, 381 |1590 ]1186 | 2401 | 446 | 439 | 1990 | 1482 | 3008, 367 |1730 | 1286 | 2628 | 466 | 459 }2160 | 1607 | 3282 5 | 383 | 1880 | 1406 | 2856 |_ass | 40 |2350 | 1758 | 3573 376 377 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS. SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD ‘SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD os, [etur|rapuemis| 15. [o.s, [ecuw|r.ap.[uEmis| a] af x] a{ wp oo] s] as | 18. [os. [erur[rapuems| 1s. | os. [eLur|rap. 2] sol 47[ 33f 22[ 32] se] sa] ar] 26 4 se} ss) 42] 2) 43] 67| «3! 49] 33 | se} as] se] ss] ai} 63] 44) os te] 65) 63] sol as] ss} a] 73} o1| a1 sz| 70] 47] 75] 100] 93} 7a] sa] as 18 | m1 6| 42{ 70] s6| 2] m1] sz s3{ ar} so] 94] 112} 10s} 91] 67 | 106 2 | 82} 79] 70} 52] as} 95) 91) as] ot roa} 97} 70} 11s | 124] 117 | 109 | 78 | 131 n go} s7| 82) 61] 103} 10s} i} 97] 7 ua | io} st | 139 | 136 | 129 | 124 | 91 | as7 2 | 98] 95) 94] 70) 122| 114) 110] 109] a2 12s | 12s | 94) r6s | 14s | 141 | 143 | 107 | 186 26 | 106) 103 | 105} 82] 143] 123] 119] 122] 97 136 | 140 | 110 | 193 | 160 | 153 | 162 | 124 | 213 2 | ina] rin] 21] 94) 166} 133] 129] 141] 109 tas | 161 | 128 | 223 | 172 | 165 | 181 | 140 | 252 30 | 122] 119] 137) 10s] 190} 142] 138] i60| 122 1s7 | 182] 140 | 255 | 184 | 177 | 205 | 157 | 288 32 | 130] 127, 154] 121] are} isi | 148] 180] 141 168 | 206 | 161 | 290 | 196 | 189 | 231 | 181 | 327 34 | 13s] 13s!] 173 134] 263 | 161 | 1s7] 191 | 156 178 | 230 | 178 | 327 | 208 | 201 | 259 | 200 | 369 36 | 146] 143 | 192] 247] 272] 170] 166) 224) 172 189 | 256 | 196 | 366 | 220 | 213 | 288 | 220 | 413 38 | isa] isi] 213] 16s] 303] 179| 176] 248) 192 200 | 283 | 220 | 407 | 232 | 225 | 319 | 247 | 459 40 | 162] 159] 234] 180/ 336] 189] 18s] 273| 210 ai | 313 | 240 | 450 | 244 | 237 | 352] 270 | sos 42 | 170] 167| 257] 196] 370] 198] 194] 300] 229 an | 343 261 | 496 | 286 | 249 | 386 | 294] s60 48 | 194] 191] 331] 252] 482] 226| 222] 386 |. 295 2s3 | 442 337| 646 | 292 | 285 | 497 | 379 | 728 s¢ | ais} ais| 41s] 316] 609] 254| 250] 484 | 368 ass | ss3| 421| ars { 328 | 321 | 622 | 473 | 919 60 | 242| 239| sos} 3a6} 751] 282] 278) s92| 4s0 66 | 266| 263 610| 463] 907] 310] 305] 711} s40 317 | 677] s24 {100s | 364 | 357 | 762 | 578 | 1123, 349 | 513 | 6171216 | 400 | 393 | 91s | 694 | 1368, 72 | 290] 287] 718} 547] 1079] 338] 334] 842] 639 78 | 314] 311 | 836| 638] 1265] 366 362] 983] 74s 84 | 33 | 335 | 965 | 737] 1466 | 394] 391] 1136 | 860 381 | 962| 730 |1443 | 436 | 429 |1083 | 820 | 1626, 413 | 1124 352 |1692 | 472 | 465 |1266 | 958 | 1906 445 | 1298 | 983 |1960 | sos | soi | 1460 |1106 | 2209 90 | 362] 359 Janio| 842] 1682] 422] 419] 1298] 983 477 | 1484 | 1124 | 2248 | saa ] 537 {1669 [1266 | 2533, 96 | 386 | 383 [1260 | 955] i912] aso] 447] 1473 | nis 09 | 1683 | 1274 | 2557 | sso | s73 |1894'}1433 | 2880, 10r | 410} 407 | sia | 107s | aise | 478 | 475] 1658 | 1254 sai | 1894 | 1433 | 2884 | 617 | 610 |2131 |1612 | 3249, 108 | 434 | 431 | 1982 | 1202 | 2418 | 506} 503 | 1854 | 1402 573 | 2119| 1602 | 3232 | 653 | 646 |2384 |1802 | 3640 114 | 45a | ass | 1760 | 1335 | 2694 } 534 | 531 | 2061 | tsse 605 | 2355 | 1780 | 3599 | 69 | 682 | 2650 2003 | 4054 638 | 2571 | 1968 | 3986 ] 72s | 718 | 2892 |2214 | 4489 670 | 2890 | 2165 | 4393 | 761 | 754 }3034 }2635 | 4947 120 | 482 | 479 | 1950 | 1476 | 2984 | 562 | 559 | 2249 | 1722 126 | s06 | 503 |2170 | 1624 | 3288 | soi | 587 | 2530 | 1894 702 | 3340 | 2372 | 4820 | 797 | 790 | 3660 J 266s | s4z7 734 | 3460 | 2588 | 5266 | 833 | 826 | as77 [2911 | 5930, 766 | 3760 | 2813 | 5732 | 869 | 62 | 4240 ]3165 | 6454 132 | 530] s27 | 2490 | 1779 | a608 | 619 | 61s | 2790 | 2075 138} 554 ssi | 259s | 1928 | 3942] 647 | 643 | 302s | 2268 144 | 579 | 576 |2820 | 2110 | 4292 75 |_671 | 3300 | 2461 USSU) ae 378 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS 379 | LS. | 0.8. |ELLIP|F.&D.|HEMIS] 1S. | 0.5, |ELLIP| F.4D. 3a" 13s" SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD os, [eLur|r.ap.[Hemis| 1s. | 0.s. [eLur|F.xp, [wets] 90] 70] 48] e7] a] 97] v6] 53 73 we] ss] 60) 90] 128] 114] 95] 67] 98, 122| sos) 74) 116} 146) 132] 113] 82] 126 138} 126] 92] 145] 163] 149] 136] 100] 158 is] 14s] 108] 77] 130] 166] sz] 17] 193 170} 171] 126} 213] 198] 184] ss] 137] 232, ree] 193] 14s] 252] 21] 201] 209] 160] 275, 202] 216| 165} 295] 233| 219) 234] 182] 321, ais] 261| 187] 340] 250] 236] 261| 412] 370 234] 274) 2t6| 389] 267/283] 308) 234] 423 2so| 309] 241) 442] 285] 271] 335] 261] 480 266| 345| 267] 497] 302) 288] 378] 289| sai 282| 393 294) ss6] 319] 30s] 42s] 323) os 298 425 330] 61s] 337] 323] 470/357] 672 314] 469) 361| 684] 354] 340] 508) 391] 743. 330] sia] 393] 753] 371] 357] 67] 425) 818 378] 662| sos| 979] 423] 409) 729] s47| 1063, 426] 829] 631] 1234] 47s] 461] 911] 683] 1340 474| 1015| 772| 1520] $27] 513] 1107] 836] 1650, s22| 1220] 926] 1835] 79] 565] 1337] 1003] 1991 s70| 1443] 1085] 2179} 631] 617] 1564] 1186 618| 1685| 1277] 2554] 683] 669] 1835] 1384 666| 1947] 1475] 2958] 735] 721 | 2120] 1597 ‘7n4| 2226] 168s] 3391] 788] 774] 2433] 1825 763 | 2525 1911| 3835] 840] 826] 2757] 2070 811 | 2842] 2150] 4348] 92] 878] 3103] 2329] 4716 859| 3178| 2403] 4870] 944) 930] 3457] 2603} s282 907|.3533| 2671] 5422] 995] 982] 38s4] 2893] sasi 955| 3856| 2952] 600s | 104s | 1034) 4204] 3198 | 6511 1003 | 4243] 3248] 6616] i100] 108s] 4614] 3518] 7174 1051 | 4655| 3558] 7257] 1152] 1138] soso| 3854] 7869 1099) sosz| 3881 | 7928 | 1204] 1190] $522] 420s} asso 1147| s6s0| 4219 | 628 | 1256 | 1242 | 6067 | 4571 | 9356 eA to L WALL THICKNESS | WALL THICKNESS piaM 7/8" _ ase" | ouam. v vue" vesseL) sei HEAD SHELL HEAD vesseL| SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD ts. | os. [evur|rap[uemts| 15. | os. [evuir|r.a.|HEmts| Jos. evur|rap, ts. | os. 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Ts nou 70? | 180 a 150 bs. 300 Ibs : ta-| sR. SE SHE | sup |weuo Xe sup |wex [,OX¢- An GHP | NEBR |WetD | suinp| stuns] A | NEP | WELD | tivo | stuns (cont) ¥ c ! x 2.0] 1.0 » % | 10| 20 20) 10] 15| 20 % 15] 20 20) 10) 25} 3.0 3.0] 2.0] oh 1 20| 25] s0| 20] 1.0] 30] 40| 100) 40) 20 1| 25] 25] 100] 30] 10| 45] 50] m0] 60] 20 627| 416 4 1 390 | 590 We so] 40] 120] 3.0] 10] 65! 70] 170] 7a[ 55 1200} 780 404 | 940 2 | so] 60/ 160] 40] 15] 70] #0] 190] so] 40 1692 | 1128 | a pase aes 2% | 80] rol 2.0] 70] 1] 100) 120] 200] 120] 70 2940} 1954 3 | 9.0] 11.8] 240) 9.0) 1.5] 19.0] 16.0] 36.0) 160) 7.5 3% | 110] 120] s10| 1.0] s5| 160] 200] 480] 2.0] 75 4 |.a20] 60] 470] 170] 40] 210] 250) s40] 270] 28 5 | 130] 200} 57.0] 200] 60| 260] 34.0] 860| 35.0] 8.0 6 | 180] 240] 770] 260] 6.0] 35.0|'45.0/108.0| 0.0] 118 | & | 0] szo|r0s | a0] 68] 500] 700] 150 | 10] 80 1100 10| 37.0] s8.0|150 | 70.0] 15.0) 77.0| 99.0) 218 |127 | 38.0 a oe 12 60.0] 85.0; 215 | 110 15.0} 110 |142 | 289 | 184 } 49.0 14| rrojsis [eer fas | 220/164 [ase | sez | 236 | 620 Te | ssojiaz jase |avo | 10/220 [eae |aze | 507 | ono S| 18 |120 ave [20 | 410/260 |s05 | 493 | s90 | 01 123 30 1228 a0 20 fase sts fara | so}ses {378 | o7s | az | 205 1950) 1285 22 | 159 333 69.0| 433/429 ‘594 | 157 za |ni0 aso fant | 10[490 [sas | 025 | 758 fava 26 | 298 470 |s98 | 98.6] 552 [ors | ex0 | 50 |239 so [ss 600 Jos1 | s12.0] 779 [ese |1130 | 140s |307 Sia 396 397 WEIGHT OF FLANGES WEIGHT OF FLANGES: e Tse se w xe I SIZE | SUP |NEEP| WELD ouino|ssuos] AP |SEBR |ELB | ino stuns Site | Sup |etD INBLD ax | runs] SYP | NEL |eLD | au stuns ji 3.5} 4.0] 11.0] 4.0] 20) 3.5! 40] 11.0] 40) 20 1 rol 8.5] 15.0] 9.0] 7.5; 8.5) 15.0] 9.0} 6.0 | 45| 55/ 14.0] 60] 20) 45) 55] 140] 6.0] 20 1%! 10.0] 10.0} 18.0) 10.0 10.0} 10.0) 18.0] 10.0} 6.0 aU 65} 8.0| 17.0] 8.0) 3.5| 65] 8.0] 17.0] 8.0] 3.5 % 14.0| 14.0] 23.0] 14.0] 14.0] 14.0 23.0] 14.0} 9.0 2h 12,0] 14.0] 29.0] 15.0! 7.5] 12,0] 14.0] 29.0) 15.0) 8.0) hh 36.0 36.0] 65.0) 35.0] 19.0] 36.0] 36.0] 72.0] 35.0| 19.0 3 15.0} 18.0} $6.0] 20.0) 7.7] 15.0! 18.0] 38.0} 20.0] 8.0) 3 31.0] 29.0] 72.0] 32.0] 12.5] 48.0] 48.0] 4.0| 48.0] 25.0 5 $1.0] 39.0] 90.0] 44.0] 12.5] 63.0] 68.0) 128 | .68.0) 195 5 83.0] 86.0] 143 87.0] 33.0] 132.0] 132.0] 195 | 142 | 60.0 6 89.0] 49.0) 115.0) 61.0] 19.0] 80.0) 73.0] 158 86.0} 30.0 6 }108.0| 110.0] 199 | 113 40.0) 164 | 164 | 235 | 159 | 76.0 16 253 4 416 | 398 | 114 | 866 | 481 | 564 | 527 | 152 16 459 | 685 | 670 | 619 | 199 eI 1250 |1385 |1300 | 570 18 |si0 [sso {481 | soe | 139 | 476 }5s (ese | 668 [198 18 | c47 | 024 | 019 | s90 | 290 | 2S frses 2760 [r760 | 270 24 589/630 | 799 | 936 | 274 | 876 | 977 fio [1175 | 365 24 — {aso faro7 |1775 |2099 | 687 |ss25 |s180 |3625 |is60 SSS 398 399 Manco Sundard anger WEIGHT OF FLANGES SHEET STEEL ay Tage ern alice Gapvex oe meee ence = wei aL Ed pp aga foc parton of ticnon det at a |x SAP [zee [RBS ors oka Ri aviaiows sale ah erat a pp Mate] Te Ts] Mla ie] tbe % 7.0} 8.9] 70) 34 Nowber [PU] Sue ot _| Number || See | Sear x] so! so) | 100] 5 + ar ame Pea | a | ap | orcs | en 1) Ba fans | ain | 2) iy | Se | as Me lfern crepe cee ces $ | jon | some | timo | | ey | somes | tase é | Bo) toe | tao | | fay | Some | a 1%4| 18.0] 20.0] 30.0] 18.0] 9.0) 7 1793 052083, 7.000 B 0209 0060764 87500 - i | ise | aoe | taro | 3s | atm | toon | 2S * 0-0) aze-o| se-0| ae Olea 9 1495, 043403, 62500 a 0164 0047743 68750 2 | seol 42a} sso] soa} 210 & | tbs | aoe | san) 3 | Sie | eae | Sen | ams | Bea | sto) 3 | ai [deme | Sam a | ssa} sza} 250] sso] 270 2 | ie | ee] ino | 3 | om | Ses) ee Be aerd |psooe| ee ta] ef eee eases 3 | 83.0) 94.0] 125.0) 86.0] 37.0 4 01807 021701 31250 | 2 0097 0028212 40625 x s | oo | sum | ius | 3 | te | same | Son et eeae [paren le zon et | re foe | ese 4 |ig7 [ise | 185 | 133 | "61 0 0538 015625 2.2500 5 0075 0021701 31250 2 | Sm | tise | daw] S| sey | mam] ee 5 olesienleslle s | ae | tao tom | 3% | fe |S) Zee glove lore lose lowe |e S| aS | com | i] | a | et) ee 8 485 | 576 | 600 | 533 | 232 GALVANIZED SHEET ; 10} o25 jis jaso hio2s | ss8 ate | one | rose | rms [BRET car | come | one | ree (RAS 12 soo hs fisso face | sxz Se | |e ae) SLE |e ae . ; BE [SS [ee [ee | Be oe [oe | ck a a 112.5 | 7.03125 | 048828 | .1681 a 245 | 1.53125 1.106340] .0366 6 > | tas lems [omer | ts | 22 | 205 tots [amese Se & | ‘as [emus ome) ue | as | as [ime [amesl ans 18 W 82.5 | 5.15625 | 035807 | 1233 mM 18S | 1.15625 |.0080295| 0276 0 | fas [tss| ian | To | | es [nus faoners| aor & | as [Samus | aoay| ane | ae | cs. owas |anie| tr 2 WY sts (sanas| az | ons | 2 | ts | ans [ase] sue | as |asers| at | one | | bs | suas [n| at cad 16 425 | 263625 | o1se4s | 0635 | 29. 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[82 tent |e 16a | 1802 Tee | ste 406 407 WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR PLATES WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR PLATES | SESE SSE sls z Ele 1 sie Ba | UR | i Aes iB ile a rieate re eres eq | Peepers 1 aT [alg le|ele(s/ a] a 3 ale 1 ve [i i. 118 12] BB 18 i | 8 ia a a | eee Tas Yas | 1 | aT |e [1 | ee & [Eee el slslele 2 be [Ble we [es Pe i | | ABABA 2 BEE eee ee ie He (i881 | B12)| | LB UUs HU | Bs 1 [as eae vas ea eset & [12] |e 3 8 33 line sow | 3 | tags | teas |i | ese | Isis | Iss | rz PRE R/S lalale AE i) SB | Bele 821818 818 BIS | Ls 18 Ls 1 TS | fe i terete tar ral aaa Sow | dor | be | 38 FH & tea [line|| 4 |] se | a | 50 13 | aed | 1613 | U7 | tas | 20 | 89 me eee ee ee a re) | | | Ble Pareles nyg_| 213 | ee | 355 4 aL jos Juia7} |} |L Ss | ats | 58h i377 [asia | 62 |1790 {1327 | anes | zs eae a yee | es By | 38 [38 [38 2 A bas [1139 too | aa | See 1s | 14s | see | ts | es | 210) |Z i eee eee] a ere Le | ale Paes BBLS TESA BTS HR [bs L818 2/8 EE LER a Tele PaaS aE fy | 32 38 | 8 % ss [tose] | |] te | ae | St eat | ar 183 | ee | 2s | fu | 2 fe 2 )Be e/a eee Te | |B | Be dees BLE LB Lees 8] HBR | Let | i | [8 | 8 ee se ees ee Sea | Bae | doe | tor Ea A tt || oem | 496 | 607 4519 | 1600 | 1809 | 1674 | 2125 | 2a7e | dan BBB BBB Be | |e |e eae AEE ETS EIeT ELS BN | (BLL HAS 8 |) 408 409 WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR PLATES WetcHTs IN POUNDS WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR PLATES ‘WEIGHTS IN POUNDS (re ee Te De Te De [eT whe [e [meee TR eR PH PTT [106 2001 | 2188 | 2344 | 2500 1H eg | 999 | 1249 | 1038 ‘747 | 2956 | 3246 | 3496 | 3746 | 3995] tbs | das | es | 2 Be | 18 |S | 1S |e Sra | Bis | | He | | Ba 107 “2070 | 2228 | Zags | 2547 35, ‘760 | 014 | 1267 | 1521 ihe ‘ox | 2 |S | ia (8 1 2108 2595 136 TH? 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| ss |i | Sat | Ha tary | 106) 55 | ats | ns | Te 1a | 105 55 | sm 73 [es Teas | ee 50 |i | sate | 72 | Feo is | 10 68 | 85 | Fst | ate 195 | Ms 5 | eat | Fst | 7580 WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR PLATES Weis 1 PoUNoS om DTT = Teas | 1550 | uz 304 toes | 780 | ans i Shoe | Yeo | 17 By, iad | 0 | 860 1% 77 | Tes | ate a fait | 13 | sas By 32 | | sae 14 1280 | Tao | eat ry as 1s 138, 6 138 1, 135 1 18 1s Ie 20 j | a2 413 | WEIGHT OF BOLTS | ‘With square heads and hexagon nuts in pounds per 100 WEIGHTS OF OPENINGS ass eee me tae | % [| % [4 [4] % To % To 1 [aK TK NOZZLES | 238] 611] 13. 4.1 | 38.9 ‘With ANSI Welding Neck Flange and Reinforcing Pad ty | aH Sl Bs Te eure ib | BS) Gas) (BE Bs wun : ee 3.73| 8.99] 174 314 143, Be | EB) RB) BY) be 1B | og 2 ea F oaltca led eat aia 2 aaa eee 5175] 135 | 25. 44:0, 98.; 181 237 4 25 40, 60 15 105 6.42| 15.1 | 28. 48.2 107 lg9s | 254 8 65 110 178 260 380 | Salis | Ba | a) eae Pe anet » | ws | ome | oss | ew | yaa] 188 | 3k8 | Sh te as | Bb B ws | Bo saat | ATS | 3 |S) AL BB we | ons | so | os | aes | Saal 182 | age | eB] 884) BT [1a | 386 | Soe i sa 610 ss | 1879 | | fe | SHES | Be) ee ie iB | ae) ae NOZILES | 10.1 | 23.3 | 432 708 | 106 | 151 | 208 208 " With ASA Welding Neck Flange, Reinforcing Pad, Blind Flange | 104 | 24.0 | 44 729} 109 | 156 | 209 215 35 ‘Studs and Gasket (Table for Quick Reference) Hig | | ee) oie |b aR | die | St a aa 117 | 27.0 | 49.8 alg] iat [172 | 2b 303 | 387 150 300 600 900 1500, aaa | gag | ger) vee | ame fe | a | ast $ ae eee te ee BAL HOUR VE |b [RE | Bb | 8 of om | oe | ae] S| ae va uals jae |g lus | au | ae tens ee eee ee Ba |i 1b | 15 ase | 8 @ eof | troo0tt | reo aso tet acca HELE am) | BR | | 88 | oes B | to | tes | Sooo | ita | so 929 |148_|.218 | 304 | 402 | 520 | 656 SCREWED COUPLINGS ittonal e 4 * 1 2 26 3 414 WEIGHTS OF PACKING Pounds Per Cubic Foot SIZE RASCHIG RING PALLRING | INTALOX L cenanic | SARBO* [cannon _| ERO" roast % 60 133, 46 - $4 6) ot 94 50 4 38 15 an 4s 4 132 K 56 2 37 128 %| 30 82 34 “ % 4 rf 2 39 n 30 5.80 4 1 n wm] 46 eo 31 3g a 49 4 26 475 a ws] 46 2 a 37 n 4 40 a 3) 37 25 2B 37 Ml 425 all ‘The data condensed from the technical literature of the U.S. Stoneware Co, ‘The weights of carbon steel in percentage of other metals: Stainless Steel 105%, Copper 120%, Aluminum 37%, Monel or Nickel 115% WEIGHTS OF INSULATION POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT CALCIUM SILICATE Rs FOAMGLASS 9.0 MINERAL Woo 8.0 GLASS FIBER. 48 FOAMGLASS 10 For mechanical design of vessel add 80% to these weights which covers the weight of seal, jacketing and the absorbed moisture. ais SPECIFIC GRAVITIES METALSOPR Nace Swe “ap Gieeait —O cp Sebo. --.7834 MISCELLANEQUSSOLIDS Bist nn Methyleyelohexane 0.7740, PR, Beceem OR Ate atl 4} Brass: BOC ,20Z oa 8,60 Taunt ee DATS at | Metse NS 7, Hgupseare alt es 8e tay [Recht = eae Bee anh Ute =i : GH col pure 3 fee mig Soares mh Sone a Cte 33 ron die ma Catose is Sheree Coa Bien B Fea Coase Suing eam a — Kemer. srw a | Megs “os ot a Gi paid ioe Mate Graig Nate php an 98 Gyn Belong Mead eee ong Ole 898 te es ig ge AN Ral Ae a Sr: Matias) Reeieasl "AM =H ss 72) Pees mon Myo = Wel Maced Oe Mew Helen SS SR ti Mon ts = $e ee 18) Pep Hams 2 Tepid Oe Rete ht ngs SNL Wit Qe hese Wet ee ar =i | aca MT ea 10S p Sind wena i aaa Weel 088 f sei ji eH HYDROCARBONS 60/60°R. GASSES 32°F. Soapstone eons 27 | ethane ron 3564 Alt ~ YOO SUlphat nn nnvsnnnees 20 | Bees csiny eine San A (Gisele hen | mre) Tyres | Nepentane — 96310 Cabendinde 4 SRS ccadan ate nae eats |emetipemane oon 0659 ES a cried tense | Semethyl pentane 0,5689 Bibylese. ‘Specific gravity of gases is the ratio of | Lainie Shore inkencmetnrat (Meee A Baas lesledeutatats einen Tada pe isfotots Peet Seep pec dine dnt ene ‘ers | Tdimetyeplopenine 0.7382 fase EXAMPLE: Tie weight seni fct sipeolee GtexOo=a GS a7 a6 VOLUME OF SHELLS AND HEADS { VOLUME OF SHELLS AND HEADS Cyndie! SHELLILIN, FT 2:1 BLL HEAD® TD. | ASME &D HEAD® THEMIS. HEADY fessel We. of | of of a " vesel cure | oa. | om | Was four] oa] om [War | | [veel eam] om | ou )wac pour.) on | om | wncr Ib. Ib. in, . Ib. |b. 2 08 so} 014 49 o1 | o98.| 002 | 817 121 0.08] 058 | 001 | 483) 0.26| 1.96] 005 | 16.34 wh unl aol ote] er | o2| 13s] 00s | 1298 ve | o1| 038 | 002 | 783) 042| a1] 007 | 2595 16 | 14| 104] 025] 87 | 03} 232] 006] 19:37 16} o19} 145) 003 | roe} o62| 404] or | 38:74 18 18 | 132] 031 | 110 | 04} 330] 008 | 27.58 18 | 027] 208 | o0s | 17.0] 088} 6.61} 016 $5.16 2% | 22 | 163| 039] 136 | o6| ass] on | 37s to) car| 280 | aor | 233) 121] sor] o22 | 7596 nm | 26 | 197| oa) ies | os | Gos] o14 | sos 3 | 030 398 | 009 | 31a9{ 161 1207] 029 | 10027 me 3 BS\ os 196, 1a 783 '| 0.19 | 65.37 4 065] 4.86 0.12 | 40.49 2.09| 15.67] 037 | 130.7 6 37 27.6 | 0.66 230 13 9.96 | 0.24 | 83.11 26 082| 6.14 OAS} S1AS 166 | 19.92} 0.47 | 166.2 B 43 320} 0.76 267 17 | 1244} 0.30 | 103.8 3B 110| 821 | 0.20 | 6840} 3.33| 2488} 0.59 | 207.6 30 49 36.7} 087 306 2.0 | 15,30} 0.36 | 127.7 30 130] 9.70 0.23 | 80.81 4,09 | 30.60] 0.73 | 255.4 32 5.6 418 | 0,99 349, 25 | 1837] 0.44 | 155.0 32 1.64] 1230} 0.29 | 102.5 4.96| 37.14] 0.88 | 309.9 34 63 47.2) 112 394 309) 2227) O53 | tes9 4 188 | 14.10 | 0.34 | 117.5 5.95 | 4454) 1.06 | 371.7 as | 71 | sae | i26] a | 35] 2647] 063 | 2201 3e | 21s) 1eio | o3e jisea | 707) sage | sac | an 38 19 | ss9| 140} 492 | 42/ 31.09) 0.74 | 2595 38 | 275] 2060 | o49 | 1716 | 831] 62.19] 148 | 519.0 40 a7 | 653 155| sas | 48 | 3627| 086 | 3026 40 | 307| 23.00 | oss jin. | 9.70| 7253] 1.73 | 605.3 | 96] m0| im| cr] so} 4198| 100 | aso4 2 | 3st) 2150 | os [221 | a2) e897) 200 | 70027 48 126 | 940) 224} 784 |) 84} 6267) 149 ) 5239 4g | saz|3e30 | oot [3194 | 16.76 | 1253 | 298 | 1046 se | 139 | 1190] 283] g93 | 119 | s923| 212 | rae Se | 230] sean | 130 |4s49 } 2396] 178s | 42s | 1986 60 19.6 | 146.9] 350] 1226 163 | 1224 2.91 | 1021 60 | 10.08] 75.40 | 1.80 | 628.2 32.73 | 244.8 $83 | 2043 66 23.8 | 177.7 | 4.23 | 1483 ‘21.8 | 162.9 3.88 | 1360 6 13.54 101 241 | 843.9 43.56 | 3258 | 7.76 | 2719 2 28.3 | 2115 5.04 | 1765 | 28.3 | 211.5 5.04 | 1765 2 17.65 132 3.14 | 1100 56.55 | 423.0 | 10.07 | 3530 me | 332 | 282] S91} 20m | 389'| 2889 | Gao | 2000 te) mos2| ter | age | 391 [7190 (sore | 1280 | se 84 | 385 | 2879] 685 | 2402 || 44.9 | 3359 | 8.00 | 2802 4 | 2847| 213 | 5.07 | 1775 | 89.80 | 671.7 | 16.00 | S606 90, 44.2 | 330.5 7.87 | 2788 $5.2 | 413.0 984 | 3447 90 | 35.56 266. 633 | 2216 | 110.4 | 826.2 | 19.67 | 6895 96 50.3 | 376.0] 8.95 | 3138 67.0 | $01.3 | 11.94 | 4184 96 |) 42.51 318 757 | 2649 | 134.0 | 1003 | 23.87 | 8368 toa | 567 | aaca | 1011 | 352 | 803 [eots | 142 | sore soa | s2ts| 390] 929 | 3249 | 1608 | 1208 | 28.02 | tons7 108 ] 636 | aso | 1133] 397 | ose | 138 | 1700 | s9s7 tos } cose) 236 | roae | 30 [ioo9 | 142 | 3600 | 11914 tis | 703 | S302 | 1262 | 4s | 1122 | e298 | 2000 | 7006 tra | rage ast | isi2 | 4590 |2oes | 1619 | 3998 | 14012 120 78.5 | 587.5 | 13.99 | 4903 |) 130.9 | 979.2 | 23.31 | 8171 120 | 84.35 631 | 15.02 | $257 } 261.8 | 1958 } 46.63 | 16343 126 86.6 | 647.7 | 1542 | s405 || 151.5 | 1134 | 27.00 | 9459 126 | 9732| 728 | 17.33 | 6068 | 303.1 | 2267 | 53.98 | 18919 132 | 950 | s109 | 1693 | 5932 | tza2 | 1303 | 31.03 | 10876 132 | 108.7 | 813 | 1936 | 6773 | 348.5 | 2607 | 62.06 | 21752 18 | ses9 | m0] 1830] ease isos | 1489 | sae ) i2sae toe |iz0 | 950 | zaeo | rots [aver | aye | oa1 | zass6 vat | tis | saso | ante | tooo | 2262 | 162 | 029 | tan tat [19 | sos | 2635 | ozte [asc | see | onsr | 2a Volume win dhe aight Ngee 0 nuded ‘volume within he aight Nagel not Incuded Li PO 418 419 PARTIAL VOLUMES IN HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS. PARTIAL VOLUMES IN HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS COEFFICIENTS (Cont.) ‘Partial volumes of horizontal cylinder equals total volume x coefficient (ound from table below) =I EXAMPLE, HORIZONTAL CYLINDER D« 10 ft,,0in, H=2.75 ft. L= 60 ft, Oin. TOTAL VOLUME: 0.7854 x D? x L Find the partial volume of the cylindrical shell Total volume: 0.7854 x 10? x 60= 4712.4 cu. ft, Coefficient from table: H/D = 2.75/10 .275 Refer to the first two figures (.27) in the column headed (H/D) in the table below. Proceed to the right until the coefficient is found under the column headed (5) which is the third digit. The coefficient of 0.275 is found to be 223507 Total volume x coefficient = partial volume 47124 x 223507 = 1053.25 cu. ft. x. ft. multiplied by 7.480519 = U. 8. Gallon a, ft, multiplied by 28.317016 = Liter (COEFFICIENTS O1at79 ‘Doct isa? “01s bie? 10250 vost Be5zR ebbee é mgr ongea4 doit ase athe Tn 1269 “Dade aon og 243909 s44ui0 ‘insogo ‘derae iaraao iasbi2 100007 “iaviog “sa00 ‘Hess “Istt50 46g sa7700 398814 100009 249 uriia ‘aust oot attora “aizxea isaay tates Bisse “Zietes Ziser) aot eras “Suan “user duis autres Bains Biaia Bae ost Gsstol “Buon “Beoel Soe owe aes amino tions “Dats isass 2eouoe eres ssi “Howes eitis 20s) asuase assenn tema 256195 aseaae oust? 251087 mmegs ‘aezis ‘Secsor Gorsse Seoteo Sono Qitiae rosie Stowae seed 7 = 2 a 2 3 a ; ne Aan quo a ¢ eee eee z oe ee Se ee 8 oe BE 2s Be fe pee see se z so eae gue a 3 2 =] ‘8 gaois 30100 fe tSiain seas ‘tateo8 em trio ia HaO413 a se a a at USGS 420 PARTIAL VOLUMES IN HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS COEFFICIENTS (cont,) i feete eee ste et eee een vee eT acs arome “Sim gra aTsos graeme arese ara ‘route ‘sreros ‘oat Srrans Steve? vos “ores uote? “SRS saree .o304T soso geser3 ss0st Serie ‘Sa Seoent Sure Sonat ‘teed “mot ‘Goats sour Sunsee ass) Sa re “Senso seven: vt? Soenis jos Soar foat2 ‘Seoion “amsrl coors) Woeea Son EE : i Z Eo PARTIAL VOLUMES IN HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS. (Percentage Relation of Diameter to Volume) Sse 80 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL DIAMETER 1004/5 .o- ES i | Wa a1 m2 a3 Paral volumes of lipsodal eas and spheres equals ao total volume X coefficient (found from table below) ‘Two 2s! Btipacidal EXAMPLE: . Heads on Horizontal D=10R,0in —-H=2758 Nem 1 partial volume of ellipsoidal beads of a “Total Voss da6is p? Find the partial volume of (2) 2:1 ellipsoidal beads of horizontal vessel. The total volume ofthe two heads: 0.2618 x.D?=0.2618 x 10=261.8 cu. f TL eat cone HID=2.15N0=.295 ‘Two 2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads on Vertical Vessel Referrto the frst two figures (27) inthe column headed “Total Volume:2.0944_D° _(H/D) in the table below. Proceed to the right until the ‘coefficient is found under the column headed (5) which A Qa) is the third digit. The coefficient of 275 is found to be ‘Sphere 185281. Total Volume: 0.5236 D? Total volume x coefficient = partial volume 261.8 x 185281 = 48.506cu. ft, ‘cu. ft, multiplied by 7.480519 = U.S, Gallon 4. fh multiplied by 28.317016~ Liter PARTIAL VOLUMES IN ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS AND SPHERES: COEFFICIENTS (Cont)| PARTIAL VOLUMES IN ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS AND SPHERES Wm ot 7 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 ‘COEFFICIENTS moi? 3 4 $s @ 7 8 9 ‘00000000 000003 00012 000027 -on04 000075 000108 060146 00018 toazeD ‘01 001298 000360 000429 000503 _000s~S- o00668 000760 000857 .000960 001069 02 001184 001304 001431 001563 001700 ‘oois44 001993 002148 002308 002474 103 002646 002823 003006 O03195 003389 “n03589 .003795 004006 004222 “oo4ses 104 904672 004905 005144 005388 005638 00$895 006153 006419 .006691 006968, 95 007250 007538 007831 008129 08433 008742 009057 009377 009702 010032 (96 010368 010709 11055 011407 011766 012126 ‘o1z493 012865 (013243 013626 07 014014 014407 014806 015209 015618 016031 016450 016874 017303 017737 108 018176 018620 019069 019523 019983 020447 -Sa0eI6 021390 021869 022383, 09 022842 023336 05835 024338 04847 025360 025879 “onsto2 026930 _O7T462 10 028000 .07ase2 029090 029642 030198 cHO760 031326 931897 032473 033053 1.033638 034228 034822 035421 036025 036633 037246 .O37H6S 038486 039113 “12 639744 040380 041020 041665 042315 012969 043627 044290 _o44958 945630 13045305 046987 017672. 048362 049055 _O497S4 OSO4ST -OSTI6H 051876 082592 4053312 059037 054765 055499 056236 056978 OS7I24 058474 9s9208 059987 15060750 061517 052288 063064 053843 064627 _O5S415 066207 067003 967404 16 068608 069416 070229 071046 071866 072691 OT3SI9 074352 0TS189 oTeDRD 17 T6874 977723 OTASTS 079452 080292 081156 082004 _ORz89T 083772 ‘gHAGS? “18 085535 086424 087315 096210 089109 090012 090818 091829 .O92743 093660 “19 -994582 055507 036486 097369 098305 095245 100189 101136 102087 103042 20 104000 104962 105927 106896 107869 10RE4S 109824 10808 .111784 112784 21213778 USTTS “L1S7I6 “1N6reD 17187 “118798 119813 120980 121852 122876 22 “123904 126938 “125970 27008 “128049 1129094 “130142 151193 “132247 133305 23134366 135430 136498 137568 138642 139719 140799 141883 142569 144059 224 “145152 “MGQ4B “LATSST “14BA49 “149584 150663 “151774 152889 “154006 (155127 25 1S6250 IST376 158506 159638 160774 161912 163084 164198 165345 165195 26 NOTE “168804 168963 171124 172289 173456 174626 175799 176974 178153 27179334 180518. 18I7OS 182894 184086 185281 186079 187679 184882 190088 ‘28 191296 199507 193720 194937 “196185 197577 198601 199827 201086 202288 (29 2n3sz2 204959 208998 207239 208484 209730 210879 212031 213485 21474 30 216000 217261 218525 219792 221060 227331 223605 224879 226157 237 ‘31 228718 230003 231289 Dasve 238970 235163 236459 257957 230057 240359. 32 24166 240971 248290 245590 246904. 248219 249536. 250855 252177 253500 (33, 254806 256184 2574as seis ‘260149 2evésd ‘2enK22 Deat6r 268503 266847 34 Isals2 269539 270889 2mer40 273593 274948 276305 277663 DI9OD4 280386 35 281780 283116 284488 2ases3 257204 298597 289972 291348 292727 294106 ‘36 295488 296871 298256 299643 ‘Sol031 3azs21 303812 305205 30600 30796 37 309394 310793 312194 313597 ‘315001 316406 317813. 319222 320632 322043 38 323456 324870 326286 32773 “sa9122 330542 ‘381963 333586 34810 336035 39337662 339090 240519 341950 34x382 344815 346250 [347685 349122 350561 40 352000 353441 35482 396525 357769 359215 360561 362109 363557 365007 61 366488 367910 365363 370817 372272 ‘373728 “STSIBS 376644 37BI03 379563 42 381024 392486 343049 R413 386N7E es344 “380NI0 391278 392746 394216 43395686 397157 39N629 400102 AOISTS 403049 404524 406000. AOTATT 408954 44 410482 LISI 413390. 414870 416351 417833 ‘419y15 420798 “Anz281 423765 AS 425250 426735. ADHD2I 420708 ABLI9S. 432682 434170 435659. A37I48 438638 46 440128 441619 443110 444601 446093 47586 440079 450572 452066 453560 47 458054 456549 4sHD44 459539 461035 460531 A6H02R 468524 467001 468519 48 470016 ATISL4 473012 474510 476008 477507 479005 480505 492003 483503 49 485002 446501 488001 489501 491000 492500 494000 "495500 497000 498500 50 $0000 S01S00 s03000 So4sae soso00 s07500 so9000 stO499 s11999.S13499 | $14988 ‘16497 517957 519496 ‘20995 So2493 523992 525450. sa69ss S08486 ‘St Sn9ou4 ‘Sa14sh 532979 “Soay7e ‘5972 “S37469 53965 SeOMst ‘541956 ‘S43451, (53 514946 “546t0 547934. Sa94n8 “Ssovat Ss0414 555907 555399 “356590 358381, ‘St S59872 S61362 S60852 So1341 6ss30 Soraie Sossos Sroa92 STI779 ‘S73065 55 SM7S 596235 STTTI9 579202 580685 SHDI6T 583649 585130 586610 E09 ‘56 S89968 591046 552573 94000 -S95476 96951 So8425 599898 601371. 0843 ‘37 MBIA 605784 OTRS4 608722 “610190. 611656 “613122 ‘64587 616051. 617514 ‘58 618976 SOO13T 621807 603356 S24815 606272 677728 629183 630637 632090 ‘59633542 634993 636443637891 639339640785 642731 643675 64511846559 MEASURES 44 425 [rARTIAL. VOLUMES IN ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS AND SPHERES: COEFFICIENTS (Cont) mm 01? 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 AREA OF SURFACES 80 48000 59439 AS0E78 6S0515 -ASSISO SSIAS 66616 ASHOSO S048) 00910 . (Un Square Feet) 61 62338 553765 65190 65614 658037 HSE. STOTS 672297 _OTITE “erS130 ‘Te area of stright anges isnot included in the figures of the able 2 S16S44 571957 519368 S80TE SRDIBT HRSH4 54959. 685403 7H06 688207 Ousits | cytindiet | 20 asMe* | Hemie 63 630606 69208 598400 594795 "655188 697579 598969 700357 OITA 703129 Diameter | Shel per | Elipsoidsl | Flanged and | pherical | uw ‘4 7OMSI2 70589 707273 708682 710028 711403 712716 714147 TSSI6. 716884 vara |frigta Perel Be asses all pease nal as seas = 65 718050 719614 20976 720357 713695 725052 A640 T2TI6D 719111 730461 Dinches | (xD) | (1.09x D4) | (0.918 x D4) |(1.5708 x D2] (0.7854 x D2) 66 731808 733153 734497 735839 737178 Toas16 “94s! “THUIsS “RSI THB 67 asia 46s arena “Hotes “7306s 7sIT8L S086 754410 ISTH I5mD a poe a a on 68 758336 759681 764943 760245 755541 7487 T6130. Ters22 “eBTL) 769997 14 3.66 148 12s 2d 1.07 69. i122 “sss raed “Tsi21 716396 “TrG6D “TMAO THOUS TALIA THAT 16 4.19 194 Les 279 1.40 0784000 785359 786515 767 759001 23ERT0 PNSIG 79271734002 795241 ip a 24s 207 33 Ln [1 soqtre “To7min ea944 “30173 ‘s01399 ‘n2625 sosees 05063 805280 30783 20 523 3.02 256 | 436 218 [7 ‘wrod “Bogsi2 B11118 “81521 (813521 ‘sIsTI9 ‘as914 ‘s17I06 <1R295 “1982 2 5.6 3.66 3.10 5.28 2.64 [73,1666 “521847 23026 “324201 425504 “sass4s 27711 928676 830037 931196 4 63 nee Bar me a [4890382 _ASSSOS 34655 “53S 836946 ADOBE 338226 “840362 ]1o2 [ao J "1 Yio» | toe UNIT: SQUARE METER, te {1s [ios | 1s }1o* J1os |r | 10 Bf tag, decimeae dn? = O.01a? The Howe Hos Lies 1io9 Fos Fags 14 1, centimeter, em? = 0.00012 MEASURES OF BE otitetes cat = comm a ae a je Vkme [1 102 10 =| 106 1o# | 10% | 102 tie fies [Tt [ie fam ioe | ioe | ioe tet fine fiz |'T ioe foe ioe | ioe a tm fins [ioe [uo [Tio [ioe | ioe Ee tine | 108 foe [tee aos |'T [ioe | ioe als | tem | 1000 fio fies fio* |e for fice ot ued in practioe Els trimal 12 | ove [toe ios [ioe faba | ae MEASURES OF VOLUME MEASURES OF VOLUME Fe Ce UNIT: CUBIC METER, Te | [io] Pie] aoe | a ies BY Ole Ta far | [tee fae fis | toe "esl A= Oe VE YS ate [1P PP [ae jie Whites, = 0,001 taos |103 [io2 | 1 | a | aos | aoe 1 eu. centimeter = 0.000,001m? tem [toe ios Jus [aos | |i 1 cu. millimeter = 0.000,000,001m? imml109 l108 Tis Jie fos | 1 MEASURES OF WEIGHT 1,000,000 = 1 tn, « q \ [a [we [or Te [a [ae 100,000 g=1auina,q = EIS a tom eat miogaa ke BE fa fie |'t fie fae | ios [im |i Die laomt ey eh ti fies foe | "Pfam dios | ios | ioe 8 gram, de S15, | tg [10% [ioe |i2 | 1 fio fos | 108 | te ioe fics fics fos | fie lie MEASURES OF WEIGHT i 1& fios |ior fis [is fio | | to UNIT: GRAM, tae [os Liss ise Foe 103 Taos, 147 g EXAMPLE CALCULATION Ele. cenigram, cg = 0.01 8 Weight ofthe water in a cylindial vessel of 2,000 mm inside diameter and IZ miligram, mg = 0.001 g | 10,000 mam length: 3.1416 x 1,0008 x 10,000 = 31,416,000,000 man? fe | 3116 liter, 1 is \ 3116 cu. mete, | cThe weight of one iter of pure wate tthe maximum 31416 Kilogram, Kg | est (70) eqs ems ogam) 430 - METRIC SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT RECOMMENDED PRESSURE VESSEL DIAMETERS Diameter | Diameter in | Diameter | Diameter in in inches millimeters | in inches millimeters 24-30 630 66.72 1,600 36 800 78-90 2,000 42-48 41,000 96.120 2,500 54-60 1,250 126-156 3,150 RECOMMENDED TANK DIAMETERS Diameters | Diameters Diameters Diameters in API feet | in meters in API feet in meters 10 3.5 70-80 20.00 15 4.00 90-100 25.00 ey) 5.00 120 31.50 25 630 140-163 40.00 30 8.00 180-200 0.00 35-40 10.00 220-240 63.00 45-50 1250 260-300 80.00 0 16.00 ‘The recommended diameters are based on a geometric progression, called Renard Series (R10) of Preferred Numbers.” Dimensions on drawings shall be expressed in millimeters. The symbol for millime- ters, rm (no period) need not be shown onthe drawings. However, the following note shall be showin on the darawings: AL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. Dimensions above 5 digits mmllimerers may be expressed in meters(e-g. 110.75 m) Scales of Metric Drawings: enlarging the object, 2, 5, 10, 20 times reducing the object in proportion of 1:2.5, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:$00, 1:1000 * Reference: Making it with Metric, The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. INCHES TO MILLIMETERS ‘CONVERSION TABLE ~ LENGTH (neh vw | ane ve [one | [one [v2 [one [se [une | ae frsne] 2m isne ins ° IN. Uy 432 INCHES TO MILLIMETERS (con't) nna | oss ars | 1289. | s2906 RRARS 82528 ggese ageye § z ASSAR SHRRE i S| SE82 SHE 22x82 i Hoag gene suewe 35 S| S88R8 Rees sBa52 a eee 716 fe RRGSS wget 588 s| #5888 2G HERE i Ae ee i s| 3HE8e 32238 2888 i S| SHH He Ge i s a 5 1N, ey ‘CONVERSION TABLE ~ LENGTH Bease gneey aqng gages BRsey conse sgRae ea 434 MILLIMETERS TO INCHES (con't) 435 £ § i 82883 89888 8289S $9688 83983 93822 i $3883 $9892 RERRS RRREL $5892 22822 os anges geeee . ze wand aaaad q agRee 3 geepn $8955 “ nasa s: z * BAERS ASSSS : anaey 2 Ba g28a8 Gee8h - S Besse 2 | aaadd assed 3 a aageg |. gagag begat . ” ARRSS 44465 4 $8825 QeuER SAARD BRAKE TAKS geATE - 2 ~| ass3¢ deaen nneee ddese coded adaea a Ragag goage geund gevae e 8 HSs25 esse Sagaa cadaa z ¢ i BERG GRRRE E208E O9S8E eseg3 gesaE | 22899 99688 SERR2 RARER B2EE2 g98ES SSYNSVAN 3 ‘oR'PsOr eeot] esezor Josttor | rotor | scoss | is6xs | sexve - zeer sce | cevis | ctvos | ovess | voces | ustee as'oee sorsis | eruog | esos | suse | osu | evs. peree zwote | s9'669 | es'a09 | craco | 9¢299 | 09959 ores aczoo | toz6s |sctss | srocs | zv6ss | seeps uals visor | Levey [iver | sezoy | socse | cerry £0'60F osae | russe | u6's9e | iz'sse soeee eetoe oer ecese | us'epe wore sve zwiut eoost | eer opt! 1198 8sP9 coer | eree scot 6 8 t ° s ’ e t 1 ° aay aS usevor = W DST AdId TAVNOS OL SYILAW TUVNDS uss | sore | cro cece | ove | use | sve | 988 06 ere | sure | ces pore | wee | ate | sese | ceve oF sere | opee | ost sigo | zav9 | eax9 | 9659 | t0s9 on ors | utes | szz9 ores | ess | oss | e995 | wuss 08 ters | sees | soz's uios | scer | teary | ace | stov 0s usr | srr | 99e% sor | seve | cose oe op eeve | orse | cere are | soe | ec6e waz of pore | toe | sosz oeez | cere | e07 asa oz sot | cot | 6st wort | sort | sir 6760 ol vero | creo | os90 weo | «zo | 9aro | e600 | 000 ° é 2 z 2 = y = z r 2 fog ereaby Tara oven veost60'0 = 14ST SYaLaW TAVNDS O1 LATA TUvNOS: naib HRS ANA we |e | oe we | we oa = | es ee | ee | oe ee | ae = = |g ge | sx | ce ae | gs % = ge | ge | ge | EE | EE | & 2 | Be ge | ge | ge | gE] | Ce ei | a8 | oe | & w | we we | re | ee ge | xe | w: m | £8 ge | ge | ee gg | es | ee] s # | He G2 | ge | EE) | ae | ] ag i | BE | 8E BE) GE | Be | g8 | i sro 6 8 L 9 s Y € t t o oe (9,09) SaHONI O1 SUALAWKTTN 436 439 438 esse | ase | ese 06 scec | aw] wee | sree og Igo | veor] sou on 96°41 09 zest os asl oF voor | we of ovo | ere | ue oz see |: ore | eve or tre fo set | 6st ° ‘ 8 L 9 s ’ € 1 =n wom ‘Sn e9ty9TO = 2971 NOTIVD °S ‘0. OL MALT sue eesse | poese od 06 eevee coxis | srvte 19°908 08 ‘66 tose | eesuz su'992 on erisz sczve | eyez ieoe 09 eeece tyro | 29002 os ay'sat ss9at | uwzst oP E9Upt svzet | oveet | covet of LE'601 eve | svos | tous oreL oz tele svos | sees | iter oly or LOVE eat | vst | ett oe ° 6 # t 9 $ ¥ € T wore ese oars oat ESb'0 = puned 1) ‘SwY¥90D OL SaNNOd SLHOIAM ~ ATEVL NOISWAANOO 41 CONVERSION TABLE — PRESSURE, alé CONVERSION TABLE. — DEGREE af DEGREES TO RADIANS Be “Tey = 0.01745 RADIANS t ‘tines | — Sats as ii fy Hie | 1) aes | t) es A t) ae HEE | 1] SSR2 | t) deme BR] ¢ | sane dione | | oeomess |) Qoeeee si = = 71 onazirse 2.21656 #2 71 0.00203 7] Saco 39 é $) tas Hey | $) sho | 3) Gee 82/8 lcs 0 [1 | wae | 10) coon es gel? 3] bay ERs | a) See | a) Bee Hele i EB [E/E | sees 5 c pene [Ef agen |e) eee 9 f | s| 2 2| scene tense |2| core || cooe 253 i) Beat ieee |i) SERS | 2) ee SIS) s, [2] teas [| ites le] Sspes |) gwceees | 2) comcue ey 8 /_| a 2] AMS |G] GS fi) Hae 1) seme |B) sees 28 [8] es 3 BY cmiade [ih | Heese ee | S| seuss |e) emta ay gi\2f A a] yome |u| ame || seme |e] gute 2a /*| 5 7 S| IBS 13] Ieee 1B) Meee |e) Sees at 3 By ie y ihe 8218] se > | knmres [ise | Sohnerss | 38) Sousa as ‘ovoie 3 eilipy : le | tars (is| some [rl amen [ol cone gc ge} 28 lg) sue ra ea ed ert ed een \8) See Be eae al fe io | oersenae j170 | 29670597 | 30 2 ig |i ee | eee | g BS [2] Bees alae ene i jz \ 442 443, CONVERSION TABLE — DEGREE CONVERSION TABLE — DEGREE RADIANS TO DEGREES WINUTES AND SECONDS TO DECIMALS OF A DEGREE TO 1 RADIAN = 180 ~ 57-29578 DEGREES DECIMALS OF A DEGREE MINUTES aN SECONDS 1 = ; * = 2 [ma To Tine Tents | teninitn | Tienmdte. | aot i CC 1] sera seuucs | own om se oro 3 oso | 3 oss a : Sen abs Pie] gt ‘ Fa 5 pee eee 1d | osger | 10 | oooare % : gyecz | sees! oi ous | on oe o 1 | cass | 15 08s 8 ° EXAMPLES 8 of | in " 1, Change 87° 26" 34” to radian | n 2 Solution: rom table on opposite eee z 2 a 25 0.75 % te 879 = 1.518496 radians z 3 26° = 00075631 radians & a 34" = 0.0001668 radians % 080 8702634" = 1,5261683 radians n 2 3 5 2. Change 1.5262 radians to degrees 33 085 Solution: From table above 3 & | % te 1 nam = Irae i % t os = 28038" S24! a Se 0.02 19 8°45.3" 3 a 0.006 = 0020376" 3 a 0.0002 0° 0-413" | & 3 1.5262 860 83 221.4" a Z = 87926 418” 2 & % 180 | 2 z | 8 1% i s 8 60 2.00 ce fe n e 444 ou ose £ vee t ote 1 ° 269 s oso or 99 rr si r9r~ 5t9 o- gec— 809 ste oss Of rve— us Se Te OF Oop rss Se Bey oes 05-9 sis os ss yay ar is ror s9- ges oop O- Li 95- ae SL~ S65— 08 Ee9- oy 06 L9— toe oor eel WE speinw | toque Spee Or- (OF + oO)-E= od “HAE OF- (OF + od) Lu g9 “rH90 saKOG anwaunva — avast. quaiyea Saihap 0 OFRBID Nartap Woy BAOATOS T fu09 Jf “3898 J8yIO 2M ios oq) 0} 29)85 204}pI0q UI SHoquin 94, “ALON TUALVAIEWAL ~ TTAVL NOISYAANOD 446 CONVERSION FACTORS (For conversion factors meeting the standards of the SI metric system, refer to ASTM 380-72) MULTIPLY, BY, To OBTAIN. SATE : ‘Saws? | Task centineters 3937 finches Bt02%10-* | cubic Inches 2.8317 x 10-* ~ | cuble meters 6.22005, gallos, Bish Imperial 28170 ters cubic inches. tes8716 cubic centimeters cubic meters 3.145 cubl feet cubic meters = 120794 cutie yards cubic yards mon | 708659 cubic metore degrees angular ‘ovzases | radians fot pounds, "13828 rogram meters {98 wovsnn nr oas01 contiters ‘gallons, British imper 160508 ‘atic fest ‘alone, British Imperial. 120001 ‘gallons, U.S, ‘gallons, Bish Imperial. 454506 itors ONE, BB, oor “832702 alone, Bish Imperial ‘gallons, US. “3088 ‘ubic feat gallens, U.S. S| strases ters rams, metic S| 220462 10-> | pounds, avardupois borae-power, metic. horee-power, US. inches. rilnetors founds avaicupal Pounds per square inch 8 08 eae ‘square centimetors ‘square inches tons, shot. tons, shor Pounds por square fect. 98692 horee-power, U.S. 101987 hoese-pome, matic 24001 centimeters 2.20462 pounds 142004 Pounds pers Inch 62157 les, statute -20st7 gallons, U.S. 2120083 feet sos7 inches ‘93864 yards 1.60035 ‘lomoter 3.20083 x 10-» | toot a9g7x tot | notes ‘eograms Iclograms per 9, meter Kelograms por 9. contr degrees angular 1550 ‘square inches ‘square centimeters square yards square Kilometers ‘square meters alograns pounds pounds tons, long tone, snort 447 PART IV. DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES Stress and Strain Formulas. 448 Properties of Sectiois - 450 Center of Gravity. 432 ‘Beam Formulas 455 Design of Welded Joints 458 Example of Calculations 461 Bolted Connections. 463 ry w Es Fa 4 ° 2 = Ee a

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