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Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod



shading in
Be able to

GLO: Communicate- Students will use expressiveness in their use of elements

in the making of images
GLO: Investigate- Students will select and identify line, value, and texture in
the natural and man-made environment for image making.
GLO: Record- Students will record single images and simple units
Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions:

Students will understand that

Students will keep considering

U1 How to create texture and shading in

a drawing.
U2 How to work both collaboratively and
individually through art projects
U3 The fundamental skill of gridding an
art project.

1. What is the relationship

between tactile and visual
2. How do artists transfer what
they see into what we see?
3. How does gridding affect the
realistic qualities of your
4. How does gridding enhance
proportions and realism?
5. How do murals interact with
public space?


Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Students will know

Students will be skilled at

How to apply the basic skills theyve

learned to the final project.
The importance of individual
success and collaborative success.


Use strong, definite lines that

suggests energy and clarity of

2. Create texture as the character of a

surface. Understand that it can be depicted
in drawing by the arrangement of lines and
3. Create value in drawing and realize it is
affected by the qualities of surfaces and the
qualities of light
4. Describe that planes and forms are one
of the purposes of drawing
5. Understand that Characteristic qualities
of a person or object can be emphasized by
the quality of line used in an image.

together a

6. Create unusual combinations of shapes

and understand that they can suggest the
invention of fantasy or mysterious images.
7. Create lines that vary in direction,
location, quality, emphasis, movement, and

STAGE 2 Evidence
Performance is judged in
terms of - Critique

Participation- class
discussions, project
work, experimenting with
texture and shading,
taking risks in their final
Completion- proper use
of techniques, clean
Creativity- showing a
sense of individualism in
their final project

Assessment Evidence
Students will need to show their learning by: Showcasing
their drawings in a final critique and explain the
elements involved. Students will explore the individual
and collaboration aspects of this lesson.
Transfer Task:

Transfer Task: Students will show their learning by review of

topics they already know, group discussion about key terms
introduced, creating and replicating their own texture and
shading (hands-on), practicing the fundamental skill of
gridding in art, and practice in piece together a final art
work to be displayed for an audience.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Unit Rationale
Digital Connectivity Culture
In this day and age students and teachers are fascinated by technology. At times it
could be considered the only way to get some students attention. I have learned
this throughout school, which has encouraged me to incorporate technology in my
Drawing unit plan. First and for most, it is important in art for students to be
exposed to encounters. These are real artists that are related to the subject matter I
am teaching. I have given the students an opportunity to explore these artists
through slides as well as videos. By showing them these artists through technology,
my hope is to give them inspiration and motivation for their own artworks.
I believe that just as important as new digital technology, is traditional technology.
There are times in my Unit that I use primarily my voice to communicate instruction.
I use this as a strategy at times to be quick, and avoid distraction. I find when doing
art it is easier to understand when the task is recognizable. For example, students
may understand a specific technique better if I were to personally demonstrate it
rather than showing them a video.
Most students have access to computers at home. If there is the slim chance that
one does not, I have arranged to have access to the library computers. Also, the
school is equipped with trollies of computers that are readily available at most
In my unit I have been sure to include both male and female artists. My classroom is
filled with both genders, so it is only right of me to include both perspectives. I
struggled with finding pictures that would work for the mural project that would
appeal to all the students. I have taken a more neutral approach by choosing
recognizable locations, and cross-curricular images to meet the needs of both
genders. I have been sure to avoid stereotypical views of gender in my planning to
eliminate any ideas of only teaching to one gender.
Only having 6 weeks in the classroom, it is a lot to fit in. I found it hard to tie in
aboriginal aspects because of the time constraint. Although this is the case, I have
chosen to include a picture of Medicine Hats landmark; the worlds tallest teepee.
Time permitted, I plan to have conversations about where the teepee originated
from, and what the symbol of it means. During orientation I learned there are hardly
any aboriginal students in the school. Rather, the biggest population of ethnic
background are children from Sudan. I have made a clear observation, and plan to
learn a few things about their culture in hopes to form a relationship with them. I

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
have started to look up art that is popular in their home country, and may
incorporate some of the aspects in to the lessons I have already created.
Social Class
My school is considered a Fine Arts school. This means if parents want to put their
child in to the Fine Arts stream they pay extra each school year, but there are still
normal art option classes available for all students. In theory, the way the school
works, is the fine arts students get the better art materials and projects because
their parents have paid extra. Although I understand why it is this way, I did not feel
comfortable creating a lavish, expensive unit for the Fine Arts students, and leaving
the others with the not as fun lessons. Instead, I chose to differentiate the
instruction, difficulty and assessment methods. Both the grade 7 Fine Arts and the
normal stream option art have the same activities but the level of degree is
different. This will help all students and families to recognize all students get to
participate in art activities. If students are struggling with a specific skill set, or
perhaps the medium they are using, I have allowed work periods that are dedicated
to me helping them, and am open to students changing their medium.
The pictures I have chosen for the mural project, are those of which relate to them
on some level. I have chosen a picture of graffiti, something that theyve been
working on already. Also, for one of the other pictures I have chosen a Canadian
theme that relates to their Social Studies unit. The picture includes many symbols of
Canada in a funny context. My teacher has suggested the picture, and knows the
students will appreciate the end product. It is important in teaching Junior High art
to choose projects that you know students can achieve, and be motivated to do so.
They want to be happy with their results, as well as the teacher!
21st Century learning
I have been sure to incorporate the knowledge, skills, and attributes found under
21st century learning in both my unit plan, and the way I plan to teach. I have
thoroughly used the program of study and listed outcomes to design my unit. I
realize that the curriculum is a guide, and that outcomes are to be met. Although
there are specific outcomes to meet, I am prepared to analyze, and respond to
many variables that may come my way in the midst of teaching. Every student is
different, and it is my job to teach them in the best possible way for them. These
means I do not ignore their differences to make my job easier, but to embrace
them, and incorporate several different learning styles. I have also allowed for
different projects that meet students preferences. For example; there are both
individual and group portions included in my unit planning. I believe at this age it is
important for students to be able to work individually as well as be able to work
collaboratively through art.
I understand as a pre-service teacher the value and importance of short, medium
and long term planning. I have completed the most amount of planning I can do for
this particular unit but I realize there will be bumps along the road. Students are not
going to finish projects and task perfectly as planned, so I have created smaller
lessons that they can be working on continuously. I know that everything in a

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
classroom cannot be planned so I have made sure to have a battery of classroom
management strategies to use at the appropriate times when necessary.
Lastly, I have designed a specific unit assessment plan that allows students to show
me what they have learned in several different ways. I have included both
summative and formative assessments and variety of both in my planning. The
assessments I have created correlate directly with the outcomes I have chosen to
meet. This proves that my assessment is authentic, something that is important in
21st century learning. As always, both my students and their parents have full
access student assessments.

Lesson Summary
In this Unit, students will have the opportunity to explore drawing in an
interdisciplinary way. The end project will be a large drawing piece that fits together
as a mural with their classmates. Before students start the final project, I have
designed lessons that will help them succeed in their final piece. Outcomes found in
the Program of study include ones that have ties to texture, line, gridding, shading,
and collaboration. Students have a chance to practice, and master these basic skill
sets so they have them for their art career.
Students will explore with mainly graphite, and perhaps some charcoal. Students
will have the opportunity to explore frottage, a type of rubbing, in turn they will
practice creating texture form the rubbings they have done. This allows for students
to interact with different textures, and ponder the relationship between tactile and
visual textures.
The main Encounter for this unit is Chuck Close. I have found several examples of
his work that fit well with all of the different lessons. This unit branches on to the
following painting unit that has been started at the bottom of this unit. Students
would look at chuck Closes art once again, but with a different medium, paint. They
would explore deeper into how Chuck Close creates his paintings and replicate a
rendering of their own using the same methods.

Methods of Assessment
Students will be assessed on the activities through each lesson. Each activity
provides scaffolding for the lesson after it, and of course for the final project. I have
designed both formative and summative assessment portions for this unit. First is
an interest inventory that tells me more about the students so I can design lessons

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
that interest them. I have been sure to add in multiple opportunities for observation
and conferencing as students are working. Appropriate feedback will be given to
help students strengthen their skill sets and progress. I will continue to formatively
assess with things like exit slips and reflections. These assessments are just as
important as the summative assessments I have incorporated. Students will only be
graded on their smaller texture assignment, the final big project and a class
discussion/critique of the drawing, and piecing together the mural process. Students
will be expected to participate in the installation building and the discussion to
Rubric Below is for the final project.

Interest Inventory

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
1. What is your given name? Do you have another name or a nickname you

2. What subjects do you like the most in school? Check all that apply.










Outdoor Ed.

Nap time



3. What subjects do you like the least in school? Check all that apply.










Outdoor Ed.

Nap time



4. Are you apart of any teams, clubs, or organizations in or outside of the school?

5. What do you do in your free time? List lots of example

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

6. What do you like to read? (Genres, novels, magazines, comics, etc.):

7. What is on your list of favourite movies or TV shows?

8. Art involves all kinds of materials. What materials do you like to work
with? Check all that apply.

Pencils /

Film / Video

Pastels Chalk
& / Oil

Acrylic Paint



Paper / Paper


Needle &




From the above list, circle the materials you would like to work with more.
From the above list, strike out the materials you dont like to work with.

9. Out of the main Art Genres what are you most interested in?
(Sculpture, Painting, Drawing / Illustrating, Photography, Film / Video, Ceramics,
Sewing / Knitting, Mixed Media eg. Collage.)

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
10. Ask me a question! Any question!

Check list for final Project

In your final drawing does your drawing include:
Varied texture, or minimal? List what kinds (smooth, rough, etc)
Multiple areas with shading? List what materials you used
Connects with classmates on either side
Does your piece line up with the people near you? Explain how you did this.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Lesson summary 1- Texture
The focus of this lesson is to allow students to practice the fundamental practice of
creating texture with graphite or charcoal. Students explore the process of frottage
(also known as rubbings) in this lesson plan. From the texture they create, they will
have to re-create the same qualities using only pencil, erasers, and perhaps
smudging tools. Students will explore the different ways artists create texture, and
discuss the relationship between tactile and visual texture.

Lesson summary 2- Shading

The focus of this lesson is to introduce students to shading and blending. Students
explore how light affects the shadow on a simple object, and the steps of creating
shadow accordingly. After students apply graphite or charcoal for the shadow areas,
they will have the opportunity to use chalk to highlight the light sections of the

Lesson summary 3- Gridding

The focus of this lesson is to allow students to become familiar with the artistic tool
of gridding. They will learn how to measure effective, and how to design a grid on
the picture they plan to replicate, and also on the medium they choose to render
the image onto. By teaching gridding students will understand proportions and
accurate rending due to the systematic process. Students will explore in discussion;
how gridding affects the representation of their original picture and if they believe
gridding is an effective tool for rendering images. Encounters include Chuck Close,
an artist known for the gridding process.

Lesson summary 4- Mural mosaic

The emphasis on this lesson are all of the aspects of the previous lessons, with
added collaboration. Students will take part in a mural mosaic where they each get
a portion of an image that appears to be abstract, and they must render if using the
grid system. Students will have a sense of ownership in this project because their
final product is going towards a class whole. Specific picture were chosen according
to curricular ties, and recognizable locations.
Lesson Summary 5- Painting
Students in Grade 8 have the opportunity to explore the same gridding methods in
lesson 3 using watercolor paint as the medium. Students will have the opportunity
to experiment with warm and cool colours, and what moods they create on their
own, and when they are together in a painting. After the preliminary assignment
students will have the chance to take a closer look at Chuck Close and how he
combines gridding and painting in his artwork. Students will have the opportunity to
create a painting using the same characteristics as Chuck Close.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Name: Ms. MacLeod
Grade/Subject: Grade 7
Unit: Drawing and Murals
Date: March 2, 2015

Lesson 1: Texture
Class length: 3x50 minute periods.

GLO: Investigate- Students will select and identify line, value, and texture in the
natural and man-made environment for image making.
SLO (concepts):
C. Texture as the character of a surface can be depicted in drawing by the
arrangement of lines and marks.
Learning objectives:
1. Students understand how to create texture from found objects
2. Students understand that texture varies
3. Students understand how to render the textures they find
Assessment methods:
1. Students will create textures from found objects
2. Students will produce various texture
3. Students will produce renderings of the textures they find, and
demonstrate blending techniques.
Key terms: Texture, visual texture, pattern, value.
Materials: drawing paper- 2 sheets, soft-black drawing pencil, scissors, glue
stick, eraser, ruler.
Teaching Strategies: explanation of keywords, show examples, demonstration,
class discussion, hands on experience.
1. Collect objects that have texture, some examples include: bottom of shoes,
leather, tiles, tables, leaves, the floor etc. Make sure there is a variety of
textures available for the students to rub.
2. On one sheet of paper, make a variety of texture rubbings (the bottoms of
shoes work great!). Make sure each one is at least 2 square.
3. Introduce the word frottage
4. Cut a 11/2 square opening in a piece of card stock (I like to fold an index
card in half and then cut a 3/4 x 11/2 opening on the fold). Use this as a
template to trace several squares over your rubbings.
5. Frottage is another word for rubbings.
6. Then, cut out the squares you traced and glue them down in a vertical column on your 2nd piece of paper (or the next page in your sketch book).

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
7. Now, use your square template to draw a square across from each of the rubbings that you glued onto your paper.
5. Finally, use the same pencil you did your rubbings with to duplicate each
rubbing onto the empty square across from it. Try to match both the pattern
and the values as closely as you can. You can use a kneaded eraser to lift out
small areas of lighter value. (Important: Make sure you use the same kind of
paper and the same pencil for your copies as you did for your rubbings!)
When youre finished, it should be hard to tell which the original is and which
the copy is!
8. Have students practice techniques like shading and blending. Have a
demonstration of how to effectively blend and shadow. Use soft erasers, and
Questions for discussion:
What are some ways that artists create texture?
What is the relationship between tactile and visual textures?
How do artists transfer what they feel into what we see?
What are some techniques that are used to create texture?

Clouds appear soft and cottony. The sky behind is smooth. There are three steps
to create smooth skies with clouds.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
a) Lightly crosshatch with an HB pencil.
b) Blend smooth with the chamois.
c) Erase out the cloud formations with the white eraser

impression of
capture the
objects in the water.

Water- Use a
rocking motion to
create the
water. They
diamond shapes
reflection of

Chuck Close

Compare the process of making texture with frottage,
compared to pencil and eraser
What was easier, and why?
What dies texture add to our renderings?
5 mins for clean up

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Name: Ms. MacLeod

Grade/Subject: Grade 7
Unit: Drawing and Murals
Date: March 2, 2015

Lesson 2: Basic shading

Class length: 2x 50 minute period.

GLO: Investigate- Students will select and identify line, value, and texture in the
natural and man-made environment for image making.
SLO (concepts):
B: Value in drawing is affected by the qualities of surfaces and the qualities of light
Learning objectives:
1. Students understand the basic principles of shading
2. Students understand light affects where shading takes place in a
Assessment methods:
1. Students will display techniques of shading in their work
2. Students will understand the relationship between light and shadow.
Key terms: Light, shadow, shading, angle
Materials: drawing paperTeaching Strategies: explanation of keywords, show examples, demonstration,
class discussion, hands on experience.
1. Put a white egg on a white piece of paper.
2. Use a lamp as your light source, and minimize the amount of ambient light
(make the rest of the room dark, but light enough to be able to work).
3. Draw the basic shape of the egg
4. Take charcoal and start lightly shading in where you see the dark spots

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Questions for discussion:

How does light affect the shadow of an object?

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Why do artist include shadows and shading in their art work?

Look at the womans leg. What does it tell us about the light in this picture?
Where is the light coming from, how do you know?
Is the light source shown on this painting?


Did you find creating shading easier than texture?

Why is shading important in art?
Exit-slip on shading and texture combined.
5 mins for clean-up

Texture and Shading Exit-Sip

1. What tool

Name: Ms. MacLeod

Grade/Subject: Grade 7
Unit: Drawing and Murals
Date: March 2, 2015

Lesson 3: Gridding
Class length: 2x 50 minute period.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
GLO: Communicate- Students will use expressiveness in their use of elements in
the making of images.
SLO (concepts):
D. Strong, definite use of line suggests energy and clarity of images.
Learning objectives:
1. Students understand how to create an effective grid
2. Students understand the importance of accurate measuring
3. Students understand that gridding promotes proportion of a
Assessment methods:
1. Students will create a grid with
2. Student will create an even, accurately measured grid.
3. Students will create a rendering in proportion to the picture they
have chosen.
Key terms: Measuring, ruler, centimeters, grid
Materials: Paper, ruler, pencil
Teaching Strategies: Review Key terms, show students images of gridded works,
demonstration, class questions, hands on experience with the materials.
1. Where does gridding a picture originate from?

2. The grid method is an inexpensive, low-tech way to reproduce and/or

enlarge an image that you want to paint or draw. The grid method can be a
fairly time-intensive process, depending on how large and detailed your
painting will be. While the process is not as quick as using a projector or
transfer paper, it does have the added benefit of helping to improve your
drawing and observational skills

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
3. I will have a picture example that is 10x14 and they will be replicating the
same size grid on a 10x14 piece of paper.
4. First I will measure the height of the picture and make marks at 1 inch

5. Each square is 1 square inch. To draw this grid, put your ruler at the top of
the paper, and make a small mark at every inch. Place the ruler at the
bottom of the paper and do the same thing. Then use the ruler to make a
straight line connecting each dot at the bottom with its partner at the top.
6. Now place the ruler on the left side of your paper, and make a small mark at
every inch. Then place the ruler on the right side of the paper, and do the
same thing. Then, using your ruler, make a straight line connecting the dots
on the left with their partners on the right.
7. When student finish the grid on their original picture, they will do the same
measurements on the paper they have been given. Encourage students to
draw the grid line as LIGHT as possible to make erasing easier at the end.
8. Some students may find it helpful to number the columns and letter the rows
to keep things straight as theyre rendering their picture.
Questions for discussion:
How does gridding affect the realistic qualities of your rendering?
How does gridding enhance proportions and realism?
Do you think gridding should be used for all renderings? Why or why not?
Chuck Close is a renowned for his highly inventive techniques of painting the
human face. If you look close his paintings are a grid with each individual square
painted to make a whole.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Lewis Lavoie (Canadian artist) - Lewis Lavoie is a visual artist from St.
Albert, Alberta Canada. Lewis is the inventor of the unique Mural Mosaic concept
of uniting hundreds of artists together through their artwork into one unified
image. Lavoie is a renowned children's illustrator. He has gained international
attention for his live performance art creations which he has showcased in front
of crowds of thousands.

Do you prefer gridding as a way of drawing.

Do you feel like it helped with proportions of your rendering? How so
5 mins for clean up

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Name: Ms. MacLeod
Grade/Subject: Grade 7
Unit: Drawing and Murals
Date: March 2, 2015

Lesson 4: Mural mosaic project

Class length: 6x 50 minute periods.

Record: Students will record single images and simple units
Communicate: Students will use expressiveness in their use of elements in the
making of images.
Investigate: Students will select and identify line, value and texture in the natural
and manmade environment for image making.
SLO (concepts):
C: Describing the planes and forms is one of the purposes of drawing
B. Characteristic qualities of a person or object can be emphasized by the quality of
line used in an image.
C. Unusual combinations of shapes can suggest the invention of fantasy or
mysterious images.
E. Lines can vary in direction, location, quality, emphasis, movement, and mood.
Learning objectives:
1. Students understand the technical competencies and individual
2. Students understand how to apply visual information to paper, and
understand critical skills, and to have control in their renderings.
3. Students understand the importance of colloboration
Assessment methods:
1. Students will show their technical abilities and individual insights.
2. Students will apply visual, analytical and critical skills and develop
control in their drawing.
3. Students will work collobrativley to complete this project.
Key terms: Mural, grid, cooperation, participation,
Materials: Ruler, pencil, eraser, smudging techniques.
Teaching Strategies: explanation of keywords, Mini-lecture on history, show
examples, show encounters, demonstration, class discussion, hands on experience,
teamwork and cooperation.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
1. Talk with students about where murals came from
There have been murals on walls throughout the world for as long as
there have been people on Earth. People scratched them, carved
them, etched them and painted them. The history of murals and
mural painting is rich and varied, from the prehistoric cave paintings
at Lascaux, France, to the celebratory and ceremonial murals of
ancient Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia, Greece and India.
2. A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other
large permanent surface. A distinguishing characteristic of mural painting is that the
architectural elements of the given space are harmoniously incorporated into the picture.
3. Videos:
The city of murals:
3-D art and murals:
4. (before lesson)- Have a picture chosen. Make sure it is a picture
filled with as much detail as you can find. You need to know how
many students are in the class so you can divide the picture
appropriately. Before you print your picture, figure out the math of
dividing. It will be easier for your students to divide a picture into a
grid if you make the measurements an even amount. Once you have
drawn the grid on your image (I suggest on the back of your image)
you need to number each square. I know kids are smart, so I would
skew the numbers in a pattern that only I knew. Do at least two of
these, for your own back up. Students lose things, and you need to
be able to refer back to the original picture.
Hand out the now abstract pieces of the image to your students.
Give them 2 minutes to switch with a partner if they choose to do so.
When the pieces of the image are finalized to a specific student,
have a class list and write down the number beside their name. This
helps with organization and allows you to display the artists name
by their work with the final image.
(examples of previous student works)

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Grade 7 class- This image was chosen in context to the social studies unit
they are currently working on (Fur trade)

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

(Theres a good chance these pictures have been changed Janice)

Grade 7 Fine arts- I chose this this picture for the Grade 7 fine arts because of
the location and the skill level of the detail is significant. Once the final
project is finished, they will recognize the location which will create a sense of
accomplishment, and ownership.
5. Once everything is pre-prepped, explain to students how the project works.
(Before you hand out the pieces). Use your skill set of gridding from lesson
three to grid the picture they are given, and their paper.
Before student move on, they MUST have their grid on both their
image, and their paper by me. Once they get the pass, they may start
rendering their image.
Students are to use their skill sets of shading, and texture from the
previous assignment in their mural portion.
Questions for Discussion:

What is a mural?
How do murals interact with public space?
Do you think murals are an individual project, or collaborative?
How do you think our drawings will change when the picture is put together?


Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Chuck close

Famous KUNAMOKST Mural Mosaic at the Galiano Inn on Galiano Island!

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod
Name: Ms. MacLeod
Grade/Subject: Grade 8
Unit: Drawing and Murals
Date: March 2, 2015

Lesson 5: Gridding, with paint

Class length: 4x 50 minute periods.

GLO: Communicate- Students will use expressiveness in their use of elements in

the making of images.
SLO (concepts):
D. Strong, definite use of line suggests energy and clarity of images.
Experiment with colour effects on compositions.
Learning objectives:
1. Students understand the concept of gridding effectively.
2. Students understand the difference between warm and cool colors
and the way they come across to the audience.
Assessment methods:
1. Students will show their technical abilities of gridding.
2. Students will apply their knowledge of warm and cool colors in their

Key terms: Warm, cool, colors, gridding, mood, feeling, systematic

Materials: Ruler, pencil, eraser, smudging techniques.
Teaching Strategies: Review of terms, demonstrations, exploring mixing paint
(hands on), discussion, and observation.
1. Students have been introduced to the color wheel and its compontents
already. We will reiview things like, primary, tertiary, complementary and
then warm and cool
2. Short 10 minute discussion about the moods certain colours evoke.
Discussion will follow of:
What moods do warm colours create?
What moods do cool colours create?
Look at the Starry night.

Drawing Unit Plan (Murals)

Grade 7
Lacey MacLeod

Van Gogh uses warm and cool colours but the colors in this rendering are
3. Introduce Assignment.
4. Then we would explore warm and cool colours and do this project with water
Same gridding lesson as above.
Review on mixing watercolor paints.
Students can design their own drawings, or grid a picture they wish to
Examples used are the minimal work! I want to see more in depth
designs. If we decide as a class, we may change the medium, perhaps
oil pastel or acrylic paint.

*Time permitted, we will move into acrylic, and take a look at Chuck Close.
Students would be asked to do a small panting in the same method Chuck
Close uses.

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