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Final Project Annotated Bibliography

Cite: Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1952. Print.

Summarize: Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist writer, one who argued against the poor
slave treatment in the South and portrayed that in her literary classic Uncle Toms Cabin. This
book is one of the most famous abolitionist pieces that really helped to open they eyes of the
nation to the injustices of slavery.

Assess: This is definitely a useful source because it was a critical piece in the abolitionist
movement during the Civil War. It is one of the older texts in my bibliography but it is used as
reference from the past, where we can compare certain traits of the movement from then and
now. This source is biased because it is written from an abolitionist point of view. The goal of
this source is to rally support for the abolitionist movement.

Reflect: This source was definitely helpful to me because it was a good reference source from the
days of the abolitionist movement during the 18th and 19th century. It helps to shape my argument
because it is a comparison for quality of life back then and now. It has not changed how I feel
about my topic, but instead made my feelings stronger.

Cite: Robles, Frances. "Officials Say Klan-Member Guards Plotted to Kill an Ex-Inmate in
Florida." The New York Times. The New York Times, 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 09 June 2015.

Summarize: This is a news article from April of 2015, one that covered a Klu Klux Clan attack in
Florida. This is an important article to my argument, because it shows that there are still negative
feelings and negative people that still exist.

Asses: This is a useful source because it is oft-overlooked piece in every day news that actually
has significant impact. It may not be as famous as some of the other sources in my bibliography
but it is still important. This information is reliable because it came from the New York Times.
This source is objective because it is a news story and those are typically objective. The goal of
this source is to report a news story.

Reflect: This source was helpful to me because it is a current day news piece that talks about
things still happening today. It helps to shape my argument because it is a comparison to modern
day racism. It has not really changed my viewpoint on my topic because it shows that there is
still hatred and people like the KKK in the world

Cite: King, Martin Luther. Strength to Love. New York: Harper & Row, 1963. Print.

Summarize: Strength to Love is a compilation of sermons by Martin Luther King Jr. that are
focused on combating racial segregation. This book was a powerful tool in the abolitionist
movement because it heavily advocated the peaceful protests that King preached on.

Assess: This book is an important and useful source because it was a very influential work of
literature in during the abolitionist movement in the sixties. Although it is not a current source, it
still remains useful because of its relevant ideas. This source is biased because it definitely does
not support racial segregation but it strongly advocates an abolitionist view.

Reflect: This source was definitely helpful to me because it was a good source written by a very
influential man. During the abolitionist movement of the sixties, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
played an important role in abolishing racial segregation. It helps to shape my argument because
of the many things that Dr. King wrote about and stood for.

Cite: Selma. Dir. Ava DuVernay. Perf. David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson, Carmen Ejogo, Tim
Roth, Oprah Winfrey. Paramount Pictures, 2014. Film.

Summarize: This film is a modern take on the abolitionist movement of the sixties, featuring
actor portrayal of Martin Luther King Jr. and many others. This film is a seemingly more realistic
spin on the movement itself and focuses on the struggle of the people involved in the movement
and not just the movement.

Assess: This source is definitely helpful because of its relevance in todays society. In light of all
the racially charged incidents that have been occurring lately, this movie was a reminder to the
nation that racial segregation and racial bias is, and always will be wrong. This source is biased
because it is meant to be an anti-segregation piece. Although it does not directly address issues
prominent today, it is still a relevant source.

Reflect: This source was definitely helpful because its powerful themes and images in the movie
itself present a small idea of what it would have been like to be in the abolitionist movement of
the sixties. It helps to form my argument because it is considered historical and the things that
the characters go through may very well be what happened back then.

Cite: "Louisiana: Killing at K.K.K. Initiation." The New York Times. The New York Times, 11
Nov. 2008. Web. 09 June 2015.

Summarize: This is a story that was published in the New York Times that focused on a
seemingly arbitrary death at a KKK initiation. The people at the KKK initiation were so crazy
that they ended up killing someone they were trying to initiate. This article looks at the people in
American who still hold on to old fashion beliefs, not ready to move on to the present and the
new era with the new thinking we have.

Asses: I believe this is a useful source because it still technically counts as a current event.
Although it was now seven years ago, it is more relevant than something that happened 25 years
ago. In 2008, we were already pretty advanced, but it is sad to think that such ignorant people
still existed in the new century, one that brought about positive change. This source is unbiased
because it is a news report that looks into things with an objective standpoint.

Reflect: This source helped me because it was more evidence for the fact that even in the modern
day era, we still need to address certain issues and certain people that carry out old fashioned
ideas. America claims to be over racism, but if there are still people that exist like this, it means
that racism is truly not over. It helps to form my argument because it is evidence for my point
that things are still in ever need of improvement.

Cite: Malcom X. "The Ballot or the Bullet." The Ballot or the Bullet. Cleveland. Speech.

Summary: This is a speech made by Malcom X, who was not an advocate of the peaceful
protests that Dr. King and many of his colleagues preached. Malcolm X instead advocated that
Black Nationalism would lead to fixing the problem of racial segregation and as long as the
African American community stood up for themselves they would overcome this trial.

Asses: This is a good source for my project because it brings a different view to the one that was
heavily advocated as the favorite for the civil rights movement. Malcom X and his ideals brought
a different kind of idea to the civil rights movement, one that seemingly opposed everything
King and his colleague advocated, but it attracted many people nonetheless. This source is biased
because it is a speech to rally for their cause but it brings good evidence nonetheless.

Reflect: This source was helpful because it brought adversity to a movement that was seemingly
united on its home front when in actuality there were different viewpoints that made the
movement unique. Ideas such as the ones presented by Malcom X were what made the
movement have internal issues and make some of the oppositionists confused. It helps to form
my argument because it looks as some of the ulterior motives by the African American protest
movement leaders such as Malcom X.

Cite: "Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]." Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.].
Martin Luther King Jr., n.d. Web. 20 June 2015.

Summary: As the face of the peaceful civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. always
advocated his ideals of peaceful protest. As such, when he was arrested following the march in
Birmingham, he wrote a letter in response to people who tried to warn the black community that
such protests were dangerous. This letter stresses the need for such protests that prove that the
African American community would do whatever it took to prove they were peacefully

Asses: This source is definitely a good source to use because it brings yet another source that
shows that the African American community was willing to do whatever it took to prove that
they were going to win their personal freedom. This factors in to my research because it shows
that the forefathers of the African American community sacrificed their own personal comforts
for the betterment of the future of their kin. This source is biased because it is explaining a point
of view that at the time the white segregationists did not understand.

Reflect: This source was altogether useful because it made a point for the strength and the will of
the African American community in their time of struggle. It is important because of the cause
and effect chain, as the effects of this letter directly led to a change in the civil rights movement
which benefited everyone. It helps to form my argument because the effects of this letter are
tangibly reviewed as effective.

Cite: Robert W. Kelley. Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington. Photograph..
Washington D.C., United States of America.

Summary: This is an image from the March on Washington featuring Martin Luther King Jr. with
a couple of the protestors linking arms. This is to show the unity in which they back their cause.
In the picture it is not only African American men, but there is white men with them as well,
showing that the movement is not limited to the African American race.

Asses: This picture is a powerful statement because it shows the unity in which America stood
against the injustice that was the segregationist movement. This factors into my argument
because the picture is an icon. This source is unbiased because it displays protest in its rawest
form, one that doesnt suggest anything except equality of life.

Reflect: This source has definitely been influential because it is such a factor for the rich history
of the civil rights movement. Understanding the civil rights movement helps to formulate an
argument for the correct treatment of the arguments nowadays. People who still live in ignorance
must be shown the truth.

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