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Annotated Bibliography

Torras, Carme. "Robbie, The Pioneer Robot Nanny: Science Fiction Helps
Develop Ethical Social Opinion." Interaction Studies: Social Behavior And
Communication In Biological

And Artificial Systems 11.2 (2010): 269-

273. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 26 Apr. 2015. Torras explores in

this article the idea that the view on robots cannot be

black and white.

They are neither completely good nor completely evil. Science fiction plays
an important role in educating the population on the advancement of

and specific roles of humans and robots and the overlap of

those relationships are

discussed in this article.

Klass, Morton. "The Artificial Alien: Transformations of the Robot in Science

Fiction" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol.
470, Robotics: Future

Factories, Future Workers (Nov., 1983) , pp. 171-179

Published by: Sage Publications,

Inc. in association with the American

Academy of Political and Social Science Stable URL: Found on jstor database, Klass's
article discusses how society's view of robots has changed over time. This
can be seen in how robotics

are portrayed in science fiction. As robots have

become more advanced, the more they

have become similar to humans,

and with this factor comes rising risk of danger.

Aronson, Louise. "The Future of Robot Caregivers." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 19 July 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2015. Found on the New York

Time's site, this article is about

robots as caregivers in general. The

author deals with patients and believes that any

pros about robotics

taking care of people far outweigh the cons. Robots can do so many
things that humans are not able to do, so therefore their use would be
a benefit to


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