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Index :
1. Tittle .... Pag.: 1
2. Index Pag.:2
3. Tourism into the Estuaries ... Pag.:3
3. 1 Activities . Pag.:3
3. 1.1. Visits at Puts... Pag.:3
3. 1. 2 Coastal Fishing ... Pag.:4
3. 1.3 Fishing Day Pag.:5
3. 1. 4. The Esturies sloop Joaqun Vieta .. Pag.:6
3. 2. Visit .. Pag.:7
3. 2 . 1 Castro de Baroa . Pag.:7
3. 2 . 2 Beach of Las Furnas Pag.8
3. 2. 3 Marea, Seafaring Memory Museum at Porto do Son .... Pag.:9
4. Tourism Outside the Esturies Pag.:10
4. 1 Route of Wrecks in Muros Pag.: 10
4. 2. Seafaring Experience . Pag.: 11
4.3. Sea Museum of Noia . Pag.: 12
4. 4. The way of the Salting Pag.: 13
4.5. Life in Port Pag.:14
4.6. Sea School .Pag.: 15
4. 7. Net Manufactures of Porto do Son Pag.:16
4. 8. Cetaria Arnela . Pag.:17
5. Sports .. Pag.:18
5.1 Real Club Nutico de Portosn Pag.:20
5.2 Mergullo Compostela .. Pag.:20
5. 3 Nalu Pro enter Pag.:23





Consist on

At muros :

Visits at Puts

What are the puts? The puts or mussel-beds, are square structures that are
used for the cultive of mollusks, especially of the mussel (this is, en la multi-culture
o miti-culture)

*The cultivation of mussel, the work of the "percebero" and the

experience of the sailor.
You can set sailing from the port of Muros, towards the zone of the structures of mussels
cultive (puts). There, they take you in an engine boat and they teach you with the help of a
guided visit the traditional method of the mussels cultive, near the coast.

Sistamares, 18, Muros, La Corua


Galicia Seadventure (ir a socio)

Contact Information

981 827 795 - 639 712 670


All the year (depending on the weather).


If the conditions are good


8 / pasenger


The bookings are made by phone. The boat capacity is limited to 6 persons (minimum 5

At Porto do Son :

Coastal Fishing

A Sailor Experience.
This project by Coastal Fishing is motivated and developed by the Cofrada de Pescadores San Andrs de
Portosn ( an association of sailors).
During these activity you can observe the buoyancy ships of Portosn, to observe the in situ *, the activity of the
daily that carry out the profesional sailors,they obtain natural recourses of highest quality. The maneuvers can be
observed in the harbor, as well as the handling of the tolos, the loading and uploading of fish and the auctions of
the merchandise.

* In Situ : It is a latin expression meaning in real time, and its usually used to designate a phenomenon
observed in the place you are, or a handling executed in the same place.


Portosn, Porto do Son, A Corua


Porto Celta (ir a socio)


616 593 014 - 981 766 650 - 664 860 661


De 1 de junio al 15 octubre, de lunes a viernes. Excepto festivos.

En condiciones meteorolgicas buenas


Axexo: De 18.30 h a las 24.00 h. Alborada: De 01.30 h a 08.00 h.


25 /passenger


The timetables can vary according to fishing circumstances. The bookings are made
by phone, e-mail or Rural Over. The Price includes a sandwich, coffee and a bag of
fish if theres an important fish capture. Capacity is between 2 and 6 people
depending on the type of boat. Children under 12 years are not allowed. The boats on
which the activities take place comply with all the requirements and necessary
certificates to carry out these one. All participants must take the corresponding

Fishing Day

*A Nice Day of Fishing and Beach*.

Its about an activity in which you spend the day onboard of a ship with profesional seamen incharge of the
fishing. After the workday, the merchandise can be tasted in someplaces near some of the most beautiful
beaches of Muros and Noia.


Portosn, Porto do Son, A Corua


Porto Celta (ir a socio)


616 593 014 - 981 766 650 - 664 860 661


Del 1 de junio al 15 de octubre.


In good weather conditions


40 /Passenger. Minimum 10 passengers


Sport fishing courses are given to children an hour a day

during one week or also an intensive course giving the total
of five hours during a weekend.

The Esturies from the sloop Joaqun Vieta

* To sail like a seaman in a ship of 1916 in the old style

Its about the same activity but carried out in a fishin boat with historical value.


Ra Rosala de Castro 10, Noia, La Corua


Balandro Joaqun Vieta (ir a socio)



All the year under booking


Programmed dates with individual tickets online.

For bookings of a complete day, to determine by the customer (maximum of 7
hours between shipment and disembarkation.

With good weather conditions

2 hours on land / 3hours on the sea. Possibility of adjusting the hours of the visit.

6 without sailing

9 with sailing.
Maximum group: 30 children without sailing. With sailing: ask in the information


Theres the possibility to include in this route a concert of "Habaneras" in charge

of the boat crew.

At Porto do Son :

Castro de Baroa
Its a natural historical heritage consisting of houses dating back to the Iron Age typical of the coastal
areas of ancient Galicia. It is situated in a small peninsula that goes into the sea. It is structured from a
complex defensive system, with a first line of trench and wall that protects the isthmus, followed by another
line that delimits the enclosures and reaches monumental characteristics. Here is found the main entrance
with the access stairway. In the interior, and gathered in three platforms, are found more than thirty
architectural structures, with a circular or oval shape.

From Porto do Son take the Road C-550, (towards Ribeira). After 4,5 km you arrive to Baroa. On the right
theres a signpost of Castro de Baroa and you take a way which is beside the Bar "O Castro" that goes
down to the shore and takes you directly to the archaeological site.

Accessibility: Walking
Distances to Cities:
Santiago de Compostela: 52 Km
Lugo: 159 Km
A Corua: 114 Km
Ferrol: 147 Km
Ourense: 177 Km
Pontevedra: 88 Km
Vigo: 122 Km

Distance Means of Transport:

Airport: 62 Km
Bus Station: 16 Km
Train Station: 52 Km

Beach of Las Furnas:

A Virgin beach: with rectilinear shape and a base of white color sand.
A windy beach with moderate waves: It has got a natural swimming pool among its slaty rocks called (Furnas).
Its a dangerous beach because there are strong currents and swell, that is why it is necessary to obey the
rules established by the security members. From this beach, we can take a long walk and get closet o the
lagoons of Xuo. It has got surveillance service during the Summer (Proteccin Civil), Daily Cleaning, regular
bus line, with a bus stop at 300 metres distance (in Xuo).

Accessibility: Walking, by car or by bus.

Localization: Porto do Son, A Corua

Marea, Seafaring Memory Museum at Porto do Son

*Visit the museum shows varieties of la Ra de Muros and Noia and
the area of Porto do Son and their fishing.
This museum is dedicated to all the employers that dedicated professionally to the ras, that are
lost slowly and also to their costumes.
It has got excellent photos and pieces.
The Marea Museum offers to the visitors an exhibition of different professions related to Porto
do Son and the ra of Muros and Noia. All this enriched by oral testimonies of people who lived
and worked in Porto do Son. Between these representative professions are: Nets manufacturers

*, salting *, canning industry*, Fisherman, shellfish gatherers...

*Net manufacturers: women that fabricate the fishing nets.
*Salting: Activity that consists of covering sea products with salt to prolong their preservation.
Normally: women are in charge of this work.

Information Desk:
In the same building, sharing the premises with the museum, is found the Tourism Information
Desk. Come and get informed about different tourist resources that Porto Do Son offers to you.





At muros :
Route of Wrecks in Muros
Accompanied by a guide, you will know about the stories and legends that merged in reference to the shipwrecks
invading this coast.


Ra Pescadeira 27, Muros, La Corua Informacin de

contact Number: 981826260 - 639720631


Seafaring Experience
* One more in the Fish Market
Instructive visit to the Fish Market of Muros and sea the auction, Ice Factory and the Weighing Area. Moreover,
you can see the port environment and the tasks carried out there.


C/ Porta da Vila, 16, Muros, A Corua


981 826 143 - 981 826 198


All the year, except days 20th June, 16th and 17th July, 1st of November, 24th and
31st December and 1st of January


16.00 h - 17.00 h -18.00 h.

Adults: 5 / passenger

Children (Up to12 years): 4 / passenger

Groups (more than 15 persons): 4 / passenger

Minimum grups of 10 people
Bookings during the mornings in the Fishermen cooperative, in the afternoons in

the Fish Market.

At Noia:
Sea Museum of Noia

* Offers a visit to a collection of the sea-life richness in the Ras

of Muros and Noia.
The small Sea Museum of Noia is located in the historical area of Noia and offers an example of
all the interesting and curious aspects of the Sea-Life in the Ras.


Ra Malecn de Cadarso 17, Noia, La Corua

Information Contact



Open during all the year


All the mornings from 11:30 h to 13:30 h.

Minimun groups of 10 people


Guided Visits all the days calling: 645 912 621

At Porto do Son :
The way of the Salting

*Salting : Activity that consists on recovering sea products (mainly fish) with salt to prolong its
preservation. This is normally done by women..

*Sea and Industry go hand in hand with you.

In the same village of Portosn, you can start visiting the archeological rests of old salting shops, an activity
formerly practiced by the Celts.
It can be verified visiting a building of an old emblematic salting factory with singular architecture and wide rear
galleries where big places to salt the fish.
Finally, you can visit a modern industry of freezing, where a proper method of preservation is explained and the
differences between the present and the traditional systems of freezing are shown.


Portosn, Porto do Son, A Corua

Contact Information

616 593 014 - 981 766 650 - 664 860 661


All the year. Tuesdays and Fridays.


From 10.00 h to 12.00 h.

Adults: 6 / passengers

Children (from 6 to12years): 5 / passengers; up to 6 years, free

Groups (more than 15 people): 5 / passenger


Duration of approximately two hours

Life in Port

* Visit to the Port.

The route begins in San Andrs Fishing Cooperation (Portosn), where they explain its functions and
Once in the port, you visit the Ice factory and the plant of the Net Manufacturers where they show you the
tasks carried out.
Then, in the deck of different ships, they show you how to distinguish its parts and the use of the main
tools to sail.
Once in the Fish Market, you can attend the auction. Finally, you can go to the Nautical Club of Portosn,
to learn about the different ships, the categories of sport sailing and the terminology used in this kind of
The symbiosis existing between the sport sea activities and the professional one remains proved.


Portosn, Porto do Son, A Corua

de contacto

616 593 014 - 981 766 650 - 664 860 661


Todo el ao. Martes y viernes.

Adultos: 6 / pasajeros

Nios (de 6 a 12 aos): 5 /pasajeros; hasta 6 aos, gratuito.

Grupos (ms de 15 personas): 5 /pasajeros.


Duration aproximada de la visita 2 h.

Sea School

*Learn the professions of the sea people.

This is a 100% instructive excursion.
Present topics such as the evolution experimented by the fishing methods, the concern about the
environment or the development of a sustainable fishing. Different traditional fishing tasks can be carried
out like the one of the Nets manufacturers (redeiras) *. You learn to make marine knots, to not lose
orientation in the sea, the traditional fishing arts or to recognize and measure the different fish species
typical of the Ras.

*Net manufacturers: women that fabricate the fishing nets.


Portosn, Porto do Son, A Corua

Informacin de contacto

616 593 014 - 981 766 650 - 664 860 661


Del 1 de junio al 15 de octubre.


2 /pasajeros. Mnimo 15 pasajeros

Net Manufacturers of Porto do Son

*Learn beside these women the manufacturing of

fishing nets.
*Net manufacturers: women that fabricate the fishing nets.

Avenida Galicia 71, Porto do Son, La Corua

Informacin de

646 593 841 - 609743713


De lunes a viernes. Cerrado del 7 al 11 de septiembre, el 24 y el 25 de

diciembre y festivos.

De 8:00 a 12:00 h y de 15:00 a 21:00 h.

Duracin: 30 min.



Grupo mximo: apto para grupos grandes. 25-30 nios/nias por


Venta de artesana elaborada por las redeiras. Pago en efectivo

Cetaria Arnela*
*Hatchery situated near and connected to the sea,
where crustaceans are grown up for consumption

AC-550 10, A Arnela, La Corua


981 767 164 - 629 862 190


Open all the year. Except Saturdays afternoon, Sundays and holidays.

From Monday to Friday from 09:00 h to 14:00 h and 16:00 h to 20:00 h.

Duration: 30 min.

Free Visit.

Envo de encargos (portes): hasta 4,5 kg: 17 ; de 4,5 a 9,5 Kg. 21 ; de 9,5 kg. A
14,5 Kg.: 26 (precios con iva incluido)



These are the principal sport companies that take

advantage of the high quality resources of Noia y
Muros estuaries to give courses:

- Real Club Nutico de Portosn

Localization :
42 45' 46.79'' N

8 56' 54.19'' W

Nautical Charts
415A, 4151

This marine, situated in the port of Portosn, is provided by all the
necessary services and facilities.
Its a privileged environment, The Estuary of Muros-Noia, constitutes
an incomparable sailing framework of all the fishing villages that
surround it, namely: Portosn, Porto do Son, Muros, Noia, O Freixo ...

Situated in the estuary of Muros-Noia, Portosn is the nearest port to
Santiago de Compostela.

Sailing :
Land Marks: Montelouro (a high mount with two peaks at the north of the estuary).
Risks / Dangers: Bajo Mioteira, it must be avoided especially when the tide goes out.
Dominant Winds: In Spring in the North/North east. During Winter Southwest/West.

School of Sailing :
The Sailing School of the Real Nautical Club of Portosin emerges
thanks to the founding members of the entity and their love for the
sea. Through the years, it underwent an evolutionary process through
which it has grown and professionalized.
The sailing School is located in the premises of R.C.N. Portosn with
a sailing area between the port of Portosin and Creba Island.

Calendar and Schedule:

The Schedule for customer service is of 24 hours by email:
The rest of activities is planned during the year depending on the
following :

Weekly Schedule: From 10:00 to 18:00.


School Activities.


Service to Students /Yatchsman.


Projects Planning.

Weekend Schedule: From 10:00 to 18:00.



School training


Begginers training (Slight sailing and Cruise).


Yatching Team Training. (Optimist, 420)


Local Yatching, Regional, Qualificcation (Cruise, Optimist 420)



Yatching Team Training. (Optimist, 420)


Local Yatching, Regional, Qualificcation (Cruise, Optimist, 420)

In Summer (High Season):

- Week Schedule: from 10:00 to 14:00 and
16:00 to 20:00.

Sailing School Courses.

Initiation, Advanced. (Light sailing, Cruise)
Yatching Team Training.


- Weekend Schedule: from 10:00 to 18:00.



1. School training
2. Initiation Training
2. Yatching Team Training. (Optimist, 420)
3. Local Yatching, Regional, Qualificcation (Cruise,
Optimist, 420)
1. Yatching Team Training. (Optimist, 420)
2. Local Yatching, Regional, Qualificcation (Cruise,
Optimist, 420)

- Mergullo Compostela (Compostela Diving)

About the Company:
Our company started in 1999 by a perfect duo: Carmen
Sieira, in charge of the comercial part and Marcelino
Gonzlez in charge of everything related to the sea: teaching,
excursions, trips.
Diving among what we do, we dedicate our time to teaching,
selling diving material, supervising the oxygen bottles and
repairing equipments.
Where? At the epicenter of Galicia: Santiago de Compostela
Any milestone? We are the first dive center authorised to
supervise oxygen bottles used in diving.
Our shop open to the public is in the capital of Galicia. Here you
can find diving and submarine fishing equipment, apart from our
repairing workshop. All you need to merge in the deep sea, we

have got it in Mergullo Compostela!. We only sell brand

material, and for this, we are oficial representatives of brands
like: Tecnomar Aqualung Technisub Cressi Spetton- Suunto
Sporasub Beuchat Coltri sub.
For our sea excursions, our facilities are in Porto do Son. There
you can find the diving school: You can take courses about
diving and excursions. We have a boat of 14 metres
length which will make you enjoy each dive.

Center :
In the Diving School MERGULLO COMPOSTELA: We give quality courses on diving.
Our certificates, of the SSI Organization (Scuba Schools International), are recognized
all over the world. We have a team of experienced diving instructors who live this as
their great passion.

The Centre is located in Porto do Son and has got great facilities where you
can enjoy diving during all the year. In the building you will find all the necessary
to begin your immersion. You only have to get ready and start with us.
We organize courses beginning from Initiation to Monitor where we teach you
how to enjoy completely this passion. Our training develops knowledge and
skills, but the only way to get experience is to dive. So, what are you waiting
We consider it necessary to take the time to develop the right skills for you to
become a safe diver. One of our instructors will teach you everything you need
to start. Your guide will learn all the necessary skills and get to feel completely
comfortable with the equipment used during your first underwater adventure.
The courses you can do with us are:
Submarine Fishing Course
Open Water Driving
Advanced Open Water Diver
React Right
Stress & Rescue


Dive Control Speciallist


About the Company, Trip of Driving :

We organize diving trips every weekend of the year.
For this we have a boat of almost 14 meters long, designed specifically for diving.
Furthermore, our facilities are also provided freight service air and Nitrox bottles,
equipment rental, locker rooms with showers, toilets and a place to sweeten
Departures are from the dock of Porto do Son, 50 meters of our facilities and we have
dives for all levels.
Bonds have equipment rental, cargo tanks and boat trips.
Please check our price list.

Ship for the Trip:

To make your dives as comfortable as possible, we have a boat of 14 meters in length,
which has been designed specifically for diving.
Our boat is without a doubt, the best boat in Galicia for diving, because of its size, ease
of travel, to equip and to enter and exit the water.
Boarding takes place at our facilities in Porto de Son.
After the dive, you will have changing rooms with showers and a place to sweeten your

- Nalu Pro Center: Canoeing and Sailboat

Professional Pionering Center :
After years working very hard to give the best of us, we have become a school of
reference at national and European level. Thanks mainly to the quality of our training,
the professionalism of our specialized equipment and the diversity of disciplines
Registered in the R.E.A.T. (Registry of Companies and Tourist Activities of the Galician
regional government), we have all the necessary permits for the development of our
We are officially recognized as a professional center for the Federations.
We belong to the IKO (International Kite-boarding Organization) and we are a certified
by the Galician Sailing Federation School.
The Carnota NALU Pro Center is a school, but also a shelter and we have all the
permits for the development of our business.

We also have highly qualified instructors with extensive experience and certified by the
federations and monitors the environment and managers of leisure time for additional
activities and camps.

What are They?

We are not a company active leisure, not a surf camp, nor a school of water sports. We
are all that and more because NALU Pro Center is the largest professional water sports
center of Galicia, forming every year around 800 students in a lot of disciplines: kite
surfing, surfing, body-boarding, windsurfing, sailing, paddleboard, kayak, kayak
You may be wondering where we are ... Well ... it's time to choose because we have
four centers: our original headquarters in Playa Aguieira (Porto do Son) and three other
schools: the beach Caldebarcos (Carnota), on the beach of Discharged (Redondela)
and Playa San Francisco (Muros). Discover our great facilities here.

Meet Expectation :
Born in 1998, with the aim of responding to an increasing demand, with a clear
methodology based on the overall safety of sports practices, the quality of training for
both beginners and advanced and enjoyment of our customers.
Because, what is really important for us is to meet your expectations.

Information sources
In this Webs

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