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. Phillips, Wendell. From Shall Women have the right to Vote?

Ed Zoe Trodd.

133- 138. Zoe trod. American Protest

Literature. United States of


Harvard University,

2008. Print.
Child, Maria Lydia. From Women and Suffrage. Zoe
Trodd 139-143.

The main arguments from these two selections are to protest,

demanding equal rights for women in the United States. These
selections make arguments in regards to the discrimination and
humiliation women faced during the 1800s. This form of protest
asked to claim the right to all means of education. Stating that
womans duties should not be limited to a roof with four walls.
Sentencing women to isolation only damages the self; not
granting the sole right to freely exercise their individualism.
I chose these two sources as my main argument. It deeply
explains the feelings and grievances of all females living in a
century where they basically had no voice at all. Their dignity
had been walked over, as they had no voice and not rights to
give an opinion. This is one of the sources I feel very positive
about, since it comes from The American Protest literature book,
which includes a great collection of works of protest.
These sources have been of great help, because I have
understood and sympathize with their anger and painful life. If I

had lived during that time, I would have become one of the
activists. I firmly believe that we all have the right to choose
what we believe in. I could have not been able to endure such
living hell, being deprived of my rights.

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