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R, Rebeca. 1950s Housewife to Womens Activist: Betty Friedan Youtube.

Youtube. May 19,2010. Web. June 19, 2015

This is another short work of protest with Betty Friedan, she was one of the
famous activists of the 1950s, who came to change the way women thought. The
feeling of being incomplete and the discontent of the womens role made many
housewives to question and find the answer to why they felt so empty. Many
women during the 1950s shared the same sentiment. They wanted to be
productive; they felt that by being home success was never going to come their
way. Women came to realize that in order to fulfill their full potential they had to
do something besides being a housewife. Betty came to influence the thought of
those women who for a long time wanted to socially be involved. Women felt that
having children was not all they wanted to pursue. Bettys movement led to a
social change, she contributed the equal rights for women.
This ladys work deserves to go in my project because it talks about the influence
of this famous activist during the womens liberation movement. Women are now
free to choose what they want to do with their lives. We go to school. Work, and
still manage to be housewives. There are still some limitations we face like pay
difference at work.

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