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Kinematics Group Test

1. The diagram below shows a toy car (.5 kg) on a track with various heights. Fill in
the chart for each position given in the diagram.

2. In Physics terms, what is the difference between speed and velocity?

3. A tiny creature named Elsa was standing on top of a building ready to jump. She used 4500
Joules of energy to get to the top of the 45 meter building. What is the mass of the creature

4. A rubber-band is pulled back on your finger, released, flew through the air and landed

on the ground 20 feet away from you. Describe the energy transformations that take
place during this process and how it all started with the sun.

5. Whats the difference between a vector and scalar quantity?

*Bonus(+1 point): If 1 inch = .025 meters, and 1 hour = 60 minutes, convert 50 meters
per second to miles per hour.

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