Instructions For Peer Review 1

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Instructions for Peer Review #1

Part 1
As you read through the paper use the comments function to:
note parts that are working really well and explain WHY
note parts of the paper where you, the reader, feel confused and
explain WHY
note parts of the paper where you, the reader, are unsure about or
disagree with a point the author is making and explain WHY
Ask the author questions that can help them push and develop their

Part 2
At the end of the paper write a brief (1 paragraph) Readers Report. See
if you can address any questions from the authors cover letter. Beyond
that some things to consider are: What is your overall impression of the
draft? Can you identify a crux or authentic question at the heart of this
analysis? If so, what is it? Is there a thesis that answers this question? If
so, what is it? If not, what might it be? Is the author using enough
description of/evidence from their chosen media object? Do you have any
specific suggestions for the author on how to improve this analysis?

Resist the urge to edituse the comments function instead!
Resist the urge to focus on grammar/spelling/punctuation. While it
never hurts to point out these mechanical issues, at this stage in the
writing process they are not nearly as important as the work
happening at the level of ideas and argument!

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