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Jeb Bush <>

'Paul Bradshaw'
8/12/2000 2:28:10 AM
RE: GM Commission

i will suggest some of these things to Mel and Steve.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 3:40 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: GM Commission

I thought the first meeting went well, although most of the participants had that kind of first-date
tentativeness. Mel Martinez challenged the group to be bold, and Steve Seibert gave a very
good speech at lunch calling for dramatic reform. It's interesting to see the dynamic caused by
some of the commissioners who have never been inside players on this issue. They either say
nothing or express pretty novel ideas. You'll note that none of today's newspaper clips
deride the commission for a lack of appreciation of classic "public interest" issues.
That's because a majority of the vocal commissioners (most notably Charles Lee) very clearly
support the Growth Management Act.
Yesterday's meeting was primarily devoted to 1) introductions, 2) administrative matters, and 3)
building group familiarity and cohesion. No clear concensus emerged on where the commission
should be headed. I suggested that Seibert's speech would be a good jumping-off point since it
called for three significant changes, including simplifying the GM process and increasing
planning at the local level.
I think that at the next meeting the group needs a crash course on the existing GM process. It
is clear that a third to a half of the members have no clear concept of the current law or how it
is implemented. At the meeting following that they need to articulate their goals for the group's
work, and then we need to meet those goals in subsequent meetings.
Bottom line: room full of bright, earnest people struggling to get it right. That's OK. This is
going to be a struggle, but success is possible.
Mel Martinez did a good job. He seems to have a good sense of when to tighten down in a
meeting and when to let people run. I think the message he needs to get is that during the third
meeting (which I think is a 2-day event), he needs to define a limited number of goals for the
group and start to move toward them. I would suggest:
1. Boosting intergovermental coordination at the local level. (Listed in Seibert's speech.)
2. Eliminate the DRI process when this is achieved. (Make it soon.)
3. Limit the state to reviewing comp plan amendments that implicate compelling state interests.
4. Empowering citizens at the local level to enforce the law in a way that protects local and
regional interests.
Thanks for the opportunity to work on this. It is cool.


Jeb Bush <>

'Paul Bradshaw'
8/18/2000 11:33:16 AM
RE: GM Commission

thanks. I have all three of my kids home and i am in hog heaven.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 7:34 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: GM Commission
It's my understanding that you will be addressing the GM Commission before they're next meeting. Sally and I will be
vacationing then, so I can't attend. Here are a few things you might want to think about mentioning, though, because
they haven't gotten much play yet:
1. For decades Florida has taken a negative approach to growth management. Government has focused the
attention of thousands of talented planners on how they can best prohibit people from living in rural areas.
Accordingly, these very talented people have created a huge bureaucracy with byzantine regulations to accomplish
this. But what if they had channeled their energy and ingenuity to make urban areas more attractive so that people
would simply choose to live there? We need to re-orient the process in a more positive way.
2. Part of the effort to make urban areas more attractive should be to continue to build a green infrastructure in those
areas. Florida Forever should be perpetuated (it was, after all, your creation), and even more of its funds should be
directed toward urban areas.
I hope all is going well.


Jimenez, Frank <JimeneF

11/2/2000 4:12:51 AM
RE: Lost Cause

It's on my list for tomorrow. We were on the one-yard line with a great settlement that everyone (DCA, DEP, Lost Tree, the City and the Town) could live with and that would have
provided for cleaner water than presently exists, but the AG blew it up at the last minute. Normally clients control litigation, but here the AG did not consult his client (the Board of
Trustees). I'm surprised to hear that Lost Tree sued DCA (and would ask Paul to double-check that), since Lost Tree's lawyer wrote Cari Roth this week and said he would sue
only if DCA did not enter its order by Friday at 2:00.
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 8:12 PM
To: Jimenez, Frank (EOG) (E-mail)
Subject: FW: Lost Cause
I would like to spend some quality time with you on this.
[Jeb Bush]
-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:43 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Lost Cause

Today Lost Tree Village suspended its settlement discussions with the state and filed a lawsuit against DCA to force the agency to enter a
final order that it has been holding for about a year. I am writing simply for the purpose of informing you of the status of the matter; there is
no action for you to take. The settlement negotiations are dead. I figured you might here about it and have some questions, so I thought I'd
bring you up to speed.
For almost a decade there have been two pending legal actions relating to Lost Tree's attempt to develop the spoil islands it owns. It has
litigated against DCA on issues related to the densities allowed on the islands and the land use policies that allow bridging to the islands. It
has litigated against DEP and the Trustees on issues related to Lost Tree's ownership of submerged lands around the islands. About a
year ago, an ALJ entered a recommended order in the DCA case finding that low-density residential development was appropriate for the
islands and that the policies banning bridges amounted to a taking of property. This is the recommended order DCA has been sitting on.
In June, Lost Tree won its suit against the Trustees and was declared the owner of the submerged lands. This case has been appealed by
the AG.
Since June, we have been in settlement discussions with DCA and DEP, seeking a global settlement of the issues. As a prerequisite to
negotiating, Lost Tree asked that it be allowed to puruse its water management district permits during the settlement talks, thereby saving
about six months of downtime if we were to settle and it could only pursue its permits after settlement. Lost Tree readily agreed that the
water management district permits could become effective only if the settlement occurred at the state level.
Unfortunately, an automatic stay of the trial court order went into effect when the State appealed the trial court decision. As a result, the
water management district was reluctant to consider the permit because of the stay. Lost Tree moved to partially vacate the stay for the
narrow purpose of allowing permitting to proceed. Although this was agreed to by DEP staff, the AG's attorney refused to follow DEP's
direction, and she filed an objection to the motion, effectively killing Lost Tree's ability to pursue permitting until the appeal is resolved in
about a year.
Understandably, I think, Lost Tree has had enough. DEP can't seem to control the attorneys on the State's side, and Lost Tree is tired of
the pattern that has emerged: enter into good-faith settlement discussions and get hosed after everybody leaves the room. So, today it
sued DCA, and this matter will be resolved through litigation. I suspect that Lost Tree will win, and the State will end up with far less than it
would have gained through settlement. It's unfortunate, since we had worked out all the broad features and most of the details of a
settlement that should have been acceptable.


Jeb Bush <>

'Paul Bradshaw'
5/26/2000 1:32:17 AM
RE: Growth Management Commission

are you sure you want to drop your developer clients? What of Lost Tree and the others that come after?
-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 3:55 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Growth Management Commission

Tomorrow I'm submitting my application to serve on your Growth Management Commission. Here's my pitch: I know I
understand the current regulatory framework, and I think I understand where you want to move state government. For
two years, I ran the division in DCA that implements growth management, I worked as a land use attorney in that
agency, and I've represented local governments, developers, and environmental groups against DCA for many years.
I've given hundreds of lectures and speeches on growth management issues. And having experienced all this, I think
the system needs to change in a way that responsibly empowers citizens, and not the state, to protect what are
fundamentally local interests implicated by local planning decisions. Given that the current system causes an
enormous drain of resources without producing much quantifiable good, I think we need to do it now in a way that is
simple and decisive.

Incidentally, I have one developer client, Gary Morse. If I'm selected, I'll withdraw from representing him. I don't have
any other clients with an interest in the Commission's work.


Jeb Bush <>

1/11/2001 1:40:06 AM

thank you David.

-----Original Message----From: SSG [mailto:ssg
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 1:45 PM

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you - and wishing you well with
the civil rights commission testimony. I still find it amazing that
minority leaders refuse to acknowledge all that you and your programs have
done to reach out, include, find common ground, and build bridges. You have
been the better man through all this, I continue to be amazed by your
commitment. Stay strong Governor, you're the best!


SSG <ssg
2/8/2001 6:46:08 PM

This may be an odd way to pass on a compliment, but I thought you would
appreciate it:
Last January, I was hired to represent three companies before the Housing
Finance Corporation. My assignment was interesting: to assist the agency
in passing good housing law during the legislative session and to assist the
Executive Director in moving that agenda through the board. I didn't work
on any individual projects for these clients, just a broad mission to help
get better processes and laws. A nice white hat mission for three great
Two of my clients have just told me that our work last year was well worth
it. However, they do not plan to renew our contract because they don't need
any more help. In other words, Kaplan has made the place fair, accessible,
simplified, etc.
Despite the fact that it means a revenue loss to our company, and I hate to
lose good clients...... I'm thrilled that it also means that you are
accomplishing what you set out to do - making government less complicated,
more efficient, and more honorable. And that Mark Kaplan is seen for what
he is, an honorable guy, in a tough job - making good decisions. I know all
you ever hear is people bitching about everything - but in so many large and
small ways, the revolution is succeeding. Damn the torpedoes, full speed

All the best Governor,

David Rancourt

PS - Please don't hesitate to ask if I can ever help with anything.


Chris Dudley <dudley
4/5/2001 8:55:32 PM
FW: PROTEST RALLY Tuesday @ 11:30 (4/10) at Florida Capitol against the Raid on Forever Florida Funds from the Florida Legislature.

-----Original Message----From: Wayne Bertsch [mailto:wbertsch
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:42 PM
To: Steve Birtman; Sean Stafford; Scott Keller; Chris Dudley; Jon
Bussey; Joe McCann; Erik Kirk; Eric Thorn; James Kotas; David Ramba; Dan
Pollock; Chris Clark; Anthony Dimarco; Agustin Corbella
Subject: FW: PROTEST RALLY Tuesday @ 11:30 (4/10) at Florida Capitol
against the Raid on Forever Florida Funds from the Florida Legislature.

-----Original Message----From: Audubon discussion list for Florida

[mailto:FL-GENERAL@LIST.AUDUBON.ORG]On Behalf Of eugene stoccardo
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:29 PM
Subject: PROTEST RALLY Tuesday @ 11:30 (4/10) at Florida Capitol against
the Raid on Forever Florida Funds from the Florida Legislature.

Please, join many others April 10 for a protest at the Capitol against
the raid on Preservation 2000 (P2000) funding by the Florida
legislature. Currently $100 million of the $ 300 million for P2000 has
been removed by the Florida Senate. The House is wavering on this and
it appears very likely that they might go along with the Senate. WHY?
Rumors have it from Tallahassee, the Florida Legislators don't believe
we in the environmental community care since they have not heard an
overwhelming opposition. WE NEED TO RESHAPE THEIR THINKINGhence a good
old-fashioned protest on the steps to the Capital.
If the legislature is successful on raiding this year it sets a very bad
precedent for the future. We can bet they will be back next year to
raid again. The environmental community worked very hard to pass
Amendment with a majority of 73% of the
citizens of Florida saying YES to the establishment of Forever Florida,
the successor program to P2000. Since we all know how well growth
management is being implemented by our local governments, the only way
to conserve land is to BUY IT!!!! A one-year delay can be enough to lose
the opportunity of buying many thousands of acres of irreplaceable land
in our beautiful state. Further, this raid jeopardizes the Everglades
funding match from the federal government. So on Tuesday join many
others to help SAVE THE P2000 program.
When: April 10, 2001 11:30 AM
Where: On the Steps of the Capitol
What to Bring: Signs, banners, and a car full of friends. Try to wear a
green shirt.
If you plan to go Please Contact Sue Mullins (TNC) Phone:
or email: smullins
by 5 pm the day before
(4/9). This is important she needs to know approximately how many folks
coming (were going for at least 200). After the protest you will be
encourage to pay a visit to your representatives.
If you can't be there, please Call, or Fax or Email your representatives
in the House and Senate and the Governor NOW and tell them how you feel
about this situation. For information about how to contact your
representative or senator, go to or call,
Eugene Stoccardo


McFadden, Liza <McFaddL

5/24/2001 6:13:41 PM
RE: Research on your Mom's favorite issue.

Yes. Barbara Palmer has been publishing in family literacy for as long as I
have been in the field (15 years). Her focus is teaching and research - she
does not do much training - but has been advocate in this field for many
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 1:19 PM
To: Liza McFadden (E-mail)
Subject: FW: Research on your Mom's favorite issue.

do you know her?

-----Original Message----From: SSG [mailto:ssg
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Research on your Mom's favorite issue.

My wife Regan is about to finish her PhD in reading and language arts at
FSU. Her major professor Dr. Barbara Palmer, recently published an article
that builds on the concept of family-as-educator, which is advocated by your
Mom's foundation.
The article reports the findings of her survey research - keeping with the
literacy philosophy of the Foundation - she emphasized that effective family
literacy programs take advantage of the nature of family relationships. She
sampled effective family literacy programs across the U.S. and found that
each included storytelling as a vital component. With storytelling,
children influence parents just as much as parents (and grandparents!)
influence children. The article has actually gotten a little bit of
mainstream press interest as well.
All neat stuff - and most remarkably - I believe my wife has found the only
registered Republican faculty member in the FSU Education Department!
I thought you might want to send Dr. Palmer a quick e-mail telling her to
keep up the good work. If so, her e-mail address is palmerb
Hope you are well. Been a rough couple of weeks, but you have handled it
all with remarkable class. Florida is lucky to have you - I'm lucky to have
you as a friend. We're here for anything you may ever need.


Jeb Bush
Kathleen Shanahan
12/21/2001 11:56:57 PM

I woul hope that bcbs would accept our latest offer. It is a good one.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (


Jeb Bush
'T. K. Wetherell'
Arduin, Donna (OPB) (E-mail)
1/5/2002 2:15:19 AM
RE: Pat Thomas

Thank you T.K.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: T. K. Wetherell [mailto:wetherell

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 10:23 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Cc: Debra Austin (E-mail); Tim Moore (E-mail)
Subject: Pat Thomas

Now that the rush of the Holidays are over I wanted to thank you and your
staff for your help and understanding of the Pat Thomas issue during the
past special session. I am convinced that the project will not only improve
training options but also be very cost effective for the State. Thanks for
your support. I hope you and your family had a great Holiday Season.



Jeb Bush
'Mark Busse'
Kathleen Shanahan
Brian Yablonski
1/17/2002 11:11:33 PM
RE: SOS draft 1/17 1:00 pm

I would like the final draft so I can print out and spend some time on it.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Mark Busse [mailto:markdbusse

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 6:08 PM
To: Jeb Bush; Kathleen Shanahan; bradshaw
Subject: RE: SOS draft 1/17 1:00 pm




Governor -Kathleen wanted to review this draft before I incorporated/addressed Brian's notes. I am still
cutting out the jokes and cutting down the tax reform stuff. That will be done within the next two
The facts have been signed off by Greg. Essentially we are now at the stage where this speech
is final when you're happy with it, sir.
-- Mark.
Jeb Bush <> wrote:
i need to know when the final draft will be done and then this process gets shut down and I start reading. thanks.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Mark Busse [mailto:markdbusse

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:50 PM
To: Kathleen Shanahan; bradshaw
Cc: Jeb Bush
Subject: SOS draft 1/17 1:00 pm




This is the latest reformatted draft given to the Governor this afternoon. I talked to Paul
and I will now bring this project in for a landing.
Still needed are:
1) CeeCee Lyles photos for graphics (coming from Ft. Pierce Police Dept. PIO)
2) "F" school specific success story. (coming from Brewser/ Cheryl)
3) Addressing the notes still imbedded in the text. (New jokes here, cut this down there,
4) Greg must sign off on the graphics so far (all others are welcome to view in my office,
I cannot email them)
The Governor has SOS prep time on Saturday but he doesn't want a lot of people at the
mansion, just the draft.
On Monday at noon (confirmed with Tara) we will do a tech run-through in the House
That's all I got for now.
-- Mark

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Doster, Brett <brett.doster

Jeb Bush
1/24/2002 10:05:35 PM
RE: nanotech article

Chief, thanks. This new tech era gets me fired up. I was just reading an article the other day about scientists being able to
create molecular based computers that will be able to be inserted into cells that will "tell" our bodies how to fight off cancer
and other undefeated diseases. Truly amazing.
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:29 PM
To: Brett Doster (E-mail); Turbeville, Greg (E-mail)
Subject: FW: nanotech article

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:31 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: nanotech article

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Wednesday January 23 9:50 PM ET

HP Says Atom-Sized Computer Chips a Lot Closer

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hewlett-Packard Co.(NYSE:HWP - news) and University of California
scientists have patented a process they said on Wednesday would eventually help turn out powerful
computers which fit on the head of a pin with room to spare.
Scientists need to shrink computers to make them more powerful, but the technology of putting circuits
on silicon, the basis of current computer chips, is reaching the natural limits of the wafers to hold
circuits, turning up the pressure for a breakthrough.
Computer makers like International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM - news) and HewlettPackard -- with its University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) partners -- are racing to develop
nanotechnology, which is based on parts a few atoms wide.
HP said it was ahead on designing a complex nanochip as well as the parts and could be making
nano-computers smaller than a bacterium, able to be weaved into a shirt, in the next decade or so.
The new patent was key to a play to commercialize nano-chips by building factories to produce them,
and lab experiments had proved the concept -- although they used components much bigger than the
nanowires a few atoms wide.
The patent announced on Wednesday covers a process to pack a number of different functions into a
single nanochip by dividing the chip into different zones where independent calculations could take
Previously, HP had figured out how to use chemical processes to make grids of nanowires a few
atoms thick and to place molecules at the intersections of the wires.
They also figured out how to manipulate the molecules to block or let electricity pass through, which is
the basic operation at the heart of a microprocessor and proved that the nanochip could work.
The newly-patented process could break the huge grid into smaller zones by using electrical charges
to make ``cuts'' in the nanowires. HP compares it to breaking up a city street grid into neighborhoods
with alleys and cul de sacs that have operate independently but are linked by major thoroughfares.
The performance improves because a single chip can do a number of things. ``It is not really a
question of speed -- you are always going real fast -- but a question of how many things you can pack
together,'' said HP scientist Phil Kuekes, a computer architect on the team which was awarded the
It is relatively cheap and easy to make big batches of nano-chips, but the tiny grids tend to have
imperfections. HP's solution is to discover the defects of a chip after it is made and then, using the
nano-cutting technology, to customize them.
``We see a future where the chips will come out and no two chips will be identical. Each one will be
customized for a particular function,'' said HP's Stanley Williams, the chemist in the group. UCLA
professor James Heath was the third member of the team.

Current computer chip design software could be used to design chips and adapt for their
imperfections, and manufacturing costs would be dramatically cut, HP said.
That cost savings would be achieved even after an investment in supercomputers needed to test the
chips and then design and program them, HP said.
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Jeb Bush
1/31/2002 10:11:40 PM

we will appoint before your meeting.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher [mailto:Thrasher

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:10 PM
To: Jeb Bush

thanks for lunch. It was great to visit. By the way my next FSU BOT
meeting is Feb 14. It would be good to have our new board member by then
if possible. JET


Thrasher <Thrasher
Jeb Bush
2/15/2002 9:36:39 PM

Thanks for appointing Andy Haggard. He made it to our board meeting . Hope
you have had a good week . See you at the President-Speakers Ball next
week!! JET


Jeb Bush
Chris Dudley
2/18/2002 8:50:43 PM

I say we pass then. give me a call.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Chris Dudley [mailto:dudley

Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 9:09 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: RE: ACE

According to Mary Palmer, we raised enough to cover this year's awards which occur in March during
ACE day. The scholarships costs $24K/year. She is concerned for next year (2003).
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 12:47 PM
To: dudley
Subject: Re: ACE

Do you know how much was raised and how much is planne to go out this
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (


Jeb Bush
Brown Brewser (E-mail)
4/3/2002 2:00:57 AM
FW: Door Number 3 fup

we need to discuss this idea and determine its cost.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:37 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Door Number 3

Okay, here's an unvetted idea in its rawest form:

The Big Idea: Why not be hugely vocal in your support of the pre-K amendment
initiative, but say that in order to make it realistic we need to give all
pre-K kids an opportunity scholarship?
The Political Riff: This is a down-the-center pitch to women who love the
idea of universal pre-K availability. This is a Republican pitch because it
makes vouchers ubiquitous in our schools. (Read on.) This might cool the
ardor of the unions for this amendment.
The Spin: Pre-k is important to the emotional and scholastic growth of our
kids, particularly the most vulnerable ones. (Not a stretch.) Opportunity
scholarships are necessary because 1) we don't have the public school
capacity to house pre-K kids, and we won't by 2005 when the amendment takes
effect; 2) parents should have the ability to place kids in existing pre-K's
near their homes or offices; 3) the pre-K niche that is currently being
well-served by the private sector.
The Details: Change the law so that if a kid gets an opportunity
scholarship, he gets to keep the scholarship for his entire public school
career. Thus, all kids using one in pre-K get a scholarship for their
entire public school careers. The ultimate Trojan horse. Competition
pervades the system; children get smarter; we all arrive at education
nirvana; and everyone wins the canned ham, the luggage, and an
all-expense-paid trip to Puerto Vallarta.
The Catch: $
What thinks ye?


Jeb Bush
'Paul Bradshaw'
Brown Brewser (E-mail)
4/3/2002 2:03:26 AM
RE: Door Number 3

Pre K as defined by this ammendment is Pre K run by the public schools. It is not day care. The costs are probably $1 billion . I might
be wrong and we are trying to figure it out so I could support it. Keep the big ideas going.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:37 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Door Number 3

Okay, here's an unvetted idea in its rawest form:

The Big Idea: Why not be hugely vocal in your support of the pre-K amendment
initiative, but say that in order to make it realistic we need to give all
pre-K kids an opportunity scholarship?
The Political Riff: This is a down-the-center pitch to women who love the
idea of universal pre-K availability. This is a Republican pitch because it
makes vouchers ubiquitous in our schools. (Read on.) This might cool the
ardor of the unions for this amendment.
The Spin: Pre-k is important to the emotional and scholastic growth of our
kids, particularly the most vulnerable ones. (Not a stretch.) Opportunity
scholarships are necessary because 1) we don't have the public school
capacity to house pre-K kids, and we won't by 2005 when the amendment takes
effect; 2) parents should have the ability to place kids in existing pre-K's
near their homes or offices; 3) the pre-K niche that is currently being
well-served by the private sector.
The Details: Change the law so that if a kid gets an opportunity
scholarship, he gets to keep the scholarship for his entire public school
career. Thus, all kids using one in pre-K get a scholarship for their
entire public school careers. The ultimate Trojan horse. Competition
pervades the system; children get smarter; we all arrive at education
nirvana; and everyone wins the canned ham, the luggage, and an
all-expense-paid trip to Puerto Vallarta.
The Catch: $
What thinks ye?


Jeb Bush
4/17/2002 1:20:05 AM

i spoke to Tom twice, McKay twice and Lisa tonight. the fear of the lord has been struck. Let us speak
in the morning.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher [mailto:Thrasher

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 3:57 PM
To: Jeb Bush

Just got off the phone with Lisa. She pretty much said the same thing as
King did . They would do the DOR deal. She said they don't have the votes to
do anything else. She said John does' t want anything althought she did
bring up the issue of vetoes of member projects. She want to help and said
she would call me . As we closed she said John was calling.... JET



Hightower, Mike <Mike.Hightower

Smith, Steven
Jeb Bush
4/19/2002 7:50:37 PM
FW: Embargoed for 4 p.m.
HMO Fines 1.xls

though no one likes being in the news, it show the system/legislation that
was put into place two years ago IS "if it ain't broke (and is
working),(Special Session) don't fix it (again)"!!!!
-----Original Message----From: McCabe, Patrick
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:37 PM
To: Hightower, Mike; Curran, Rick; Stambaugh, Beth
Subject: FW: Embargoed for 4 p.m.

Here's the subject release.
-----Original Message----From: Gilliard, Joni
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:36 PM
To: McCabe, Patrick; Stambaugh, Beth; Joseph, Charles
Subject: FW: Embargoed for 4 p.m.

Joni J. Gilliard
Legal Affairs



-----Original Message----From: Tami Torres [mailto:TorresT

Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:32 PM
To: Gilliard, Joni
Subject: FW: Embargoed for 4 p.m.

> -----Original Message----> From: Tami Torres

> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:58 PM
> To: 'joani.gilliard
> Cc: 'randy.kammer
> Subject: Embargoed for 4 p.m.
> Joani - Per our discussion. Let me know if you have any questions.
> Tami Torres
> Communications
> Florida Department of Insurance
> <<hmopromptpay.doc>> > > <<HMO Fines 1.xls>>

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its subsidiary and
affiliate companies are not responsible for errors or omissions in this e-mail message. Any personal
comments made in this e-mail do not reflect the views of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.


Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

Jeb Bush
4/23/2002 12:40:00 PM

I saw the article about you wrestling with the telecom bill issues. The
drop-dead date for the telecom bill is tomorrow. I don't know whether it's
going up or down, but either way, some advance warning to me would be really
helpful. That way I can order champagne or send in the grief counselors.
I hope all is well.


Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

Jeb Bush
4/23/2002 8:25:31 PM

So I'm thinking grief counselors might be the way to go.



Jeb Bush
'Paul Bradshaw'
Charla Sasser (E-mail)
Pam Dana (E-mail)
Arlene DiBenigno (EOG) (E-mail)
Kathleen Shanahan (E-mail 2)
Wainwright, Tara (EOG) (E-mail)
4/25/2002 1:09:20 PM

I would love to meet with Mr. Logan. Tara or Charla will be in touch.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw

Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:48 AM
To: Jeb Bush

Thanks for the call last night.

As I mentioned, I'd like to schedule a meeting with you and Don Logan, the
president of Time, Inc., to discuss issues relating to their operations in
the state. Please let me know if this is okay.
I hope all is well.


Jeb Bush
5/14/2002 11:06:00 PM
FW: I've been thinking ...

Let us discuss
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Tue May 14 13:47:12 2002
Subject: FW: I've been thinking ...
This looks interesting.
Hope all is well.
-----Original Message----From: Stephen MacNamara [mailto:steve
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:12 AM
To: Paul Bradshaw
Subject: FW: I've been thinking ...

Stephen R. MacNamara
Tallahassee, Florida 32302

or <mailto:steve


-----Original Message----From: Michael Heekin [mailto:heekin

Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:06 AM
To: Stephen MacNamara


Subject: I've been thinking ...

Some time ago, you mentioned that the State Technology Office was having troubles after its director
got into legal troubles. I just saw a piece about the STO on the Internet, and unfortunately, it looks like
things still are not on a firm footing.
As you know, since I co-founded and later left WebMD, Ive been living the good life in Atlanta, but the
Boy Scout in me still wants to do something to make a difference. I wonder if I could be helpful at the
STO on an interim basis, say for the next six months, to put things in order there and implement Jebs
vision for how that operation should be run. I think hes on the right track in wanting to capture
economies of scale, coordinate and rationalize the disparate elements of the states IT infrastructure
and leverage the Internet to increase citizen access and efficiencies in government operations. (As we
used to say back at WebMD, Ive drunk the Kool Aid.) But he needs someone there who can make it
During my time at WebMD, I planned and managed key strategic relationships with many of the key
players in the technology industry and raised over $1 billion in private strategic investments. I
modestly think my experiences could be very helpful in structuring an office that looks and runs like a
private technology company.
If Jeb had someone over there on an interim basis, he could take his time finding the right person for a
permanent appointment, in a less politically charged situation. (By the way, you may recall that Ive
also had experience handling sensitive Tallahassee situations efficiently and with minimum wake.)
If you think this is not totally crazy, let me know. I could run down to Tallahassee some time and talk
about it with whomever you think would be appropriate.
PS: I'd work for a buck a year, if that's legal.


Jeb Bush
6/7/2002 11:07:24 PM

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: SSG [mailto:ssg

Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 11:57 AM
To: Jeb Bush

Congratulations on a successful budget process this year. I want to
especially thank you for your consideration of the Godwin bill. I
understand and respect your concerns with the bill and wanted to thank you
for giving us a chance to see you. I also want to apologize for pushing
too hard as we left the office on the other topic(s) - I know the enormous
pressure you are constantly under and should know better when enough is
enough. Thank you for your continued friendship and for all you do for our
great state. All the best.
David Rancourt



6/28/2002 3:08:57 PM

I say Absolutely!!!
Great Idea!
I can't offer detail without studying the issue but in general terms I think this is a great opportunity. I am sure DOH could do
the leg work/ logistics in terms of operating the loan repayment program..
Loans & Loan repayment (pay back existing loans with low interest "Jeb" loans) strategies are very beneficial although their
direct impact on the shortage is somewhat delayed. They influence individuals to choose nursing school over the
alternatives....More nurses in the future (when they graduate).
If structured properly it can also help with retention. Bcos we can ask for commitment to practice in Florida as part of the loan
Would the bond pool also allow you to offer "relocation to Florida" loans to out of state nurses willing to relocate to Florida in
say the next year? This
Could have an almost immediate impact on actual numbers of Nurses in Florida. In theory the loan would be low interest,
would cover the costs of relocation and would be paid back using earnings from working as a nurse in could have
significant National interest.

-----Original Message----From: Dana, Pam <pam.dana

To: Neasman, Annie <Annie.Neasman
Agwunobi, John <j_agwunobi
CC: Shanahan, Kathleen <Kathleen.Shanahan
Sent: Thu Jun 27 19:24:37 2002
What say you on this?
-----Original Message----From: Dana, Pam
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:21 AM
To: 'rancourt

-----Original Message-----

From: Jeb Bush []

Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:40 PM
To: Dana, Pam; Shanahan, Kathleen
Cc: Turbeville, Greg; Yablonski, Brian; Branker, Laura; Horne, Jim; Wilson,

I love the idea on a limited basis. Maybe we can add some value to this with
an Orlando like program. this would be a good summer roll out.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.
-----Original Message----From: Dana, Pam [mailto:pam.dana
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:06 AM
To: Jeb Bush; Shanahan, Kathleen
Cc: Turbeville, Greg; Yablonski, Brian; Branker, Laura; Horne, Jim; Wilson,

I have a Federal bonding pool in my shop (First Florida Finance Bond Pool)
which could be utilized to provide low interest repayment (1%) student loans
to Nurses, Teachers, or other high impact/high demand occupations (e.g., IT
students). While normally I use that bonding pool to fund econ dev projects
like International Paper cleanup or Water Desalinization Plant in Tampa, the
bond pool has been used for student loans in the past. Please note: I have
never utilized the entirety of the bonding pool allocation (which comes to
me each year in January and must be expected by November). The allocation
is about $200M this year. I expect to provide some bonding allocation to a
few econ dev projects prior to November...but also expect to have at least
$100M remaining.
I have been talking to a firm called EdSouth--brought to my attention by
Thrasher, Rancourt, and Wetherall--that can set this up this loan pool
immediately and call it whatever we want. Those graduated nurses/teachers
that stay and work in Florida, repay loan at 1% rate. EdSouth is required
to validate where they work so to ensure proper repayment rate. If they
choose to go to another state to work, their repayment rate jumps up to the
rate any other student would pay (7 to 9%). It would seem to me that this
Nurses/Teachers Lending Pool would compliment nicely the Nursing Housing

FYI, while EdSouth is now in Tennessee, they are interested in setting a

physical presence/office in Florida .
Secretary Horne (and his team) consider there to be a need for such nursing
low interest repayment loans and like the use of the bond pool in this
manner. See below.

-----Original Message----From: Lanny Larson [mailto:Lanny

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:34 PM
To: 'pamella.dana
Cc: Georgia McKeown

Secretary Horne asked me to follow-up on a conversation he had with you
regarding the Nursing Forgiveness Loans. The attached provides some
background on the loan as well as the scholarship program and, in
particular, demand versus funding / revenue levels. As you can see there are
about 1,200 candidates on the waiting list for the loans right now. Please
give me a call at
and we can pursue this further.


Jeb Bush
7/31/2002 1:29:47 PM

Thanks. I didn't say that you did. I said that horne thinks so.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Wed Jul 31 08:57:50 2002
Sally called me this morning, irate over the fact that John Thrasher had
called Horne about the Infinity issue. Here's the deal: We don't represent
Infinity, and we haven't for probably six months. No business relationship;
no money changing hands. We were hired to help them with Charlie C., and
when Infinity awoke to the futility of that mission, we were cut.
However, I remain personal friends with Tom Lynch, and he asked me as a
favor to check on the status of his contract with DOE. I asked John
Thrasher to do that because he is usually the best at getting Horne on the
phone; a task that is sometimes difficult. If Horne thought Thrasher had
somehow agreed to Horne's intended course of action, I suspect that was a
miscommunication. The Speaker's demeanor is usually one of agreeability and
It's my understanding that Tom has now hired Randy Enright and Will
McKinley. He has not re-hired us, nor has he indicated that he has any
interest in doing so.
Having said all this, I think the FCAT Explorer is a very valuable tool in
the mission to improve test scores. When I worked with Infinity, I saw
persuasive data that showed a strong positive correlation between the use of
the product and increases in FCAT scores. It seems to me that a major
re-direction of a successful program in a critically important area deserves
a deliberative review.
However, to reiterate my central point: We don't represent Infinity.
Thanks. I hope all is well.


Chris Dudley <dudley
3/2/2001 9:38:03 PM

Governor: We are all set for a nice luncheon on Monday. Paul helped to
organize a great event.
The ACE folks put out a press release this week that I thought was pretty
"On Monday, March 5, 2001 when the Orlando Magic faces the Dallas Mavericks
at the T.D. Waterhouse Arena in Orlando, Florida, the national anthem will
be performed by Mary Ann Douglas, a graduate of Spruce Creek High School in
Port Orange, Florida and recipient of the Arts for a Complete
Education/Florida Alliance for Arts Education's Floridas First Ladys Arts
Recognition Scholarship Award."


Jeb Bush
8/2/2002 11:42:23 AM

thank you David. I appreciate the advice. Decision to be made within the week.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: SSG [mailto:ssg

Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 7:26 AM
To: Jeb Bush

I hope you are well. I'm sure things may move at light speed on this, so I
thought I'd send along my thoughts on the recent Dept. of State issues. I
would guess that for a four month period, you are looking for a reputable
caretaker of the office who will simply run things the right way. A few
thoughts come to mind:
First, you should know that the current Deputy Dave Mann and now General
Counsel Clay Roberts will do whatever you want them to do. Continue what
they do now, run the show for a few months, or leave without comment. They
are both honorable men who respect and admire you. They have told me this,
but they did not need to. Dave is the nameless faceless bureaucrat type cut from the Pre-appointment Terry Rhodes cloth. Just good people. He
would be safe. Clay is probably a bit too famous now for the even-temporary
promotion, but he's a good man and would serve well.
Two others come to mind, Terry Rhodes and Paul thought of Ginger Wetherell.
You know them, they know government and would serve you with dignity.

I mostly worry, both for you and for nostalgic reasons, about the Division
of Elections. The guy now running things there is Ed Kast. Ed is a very
capable old Air Force Sergeant. I like and respect him and promoted him a
few times in my three years there. He has not, however, ever done much with
the public, legislature or press (other than what he learned in the past
year or two). You will need a new division director after the election
regardless so let me throw out a very "outside the box" idea:
Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Kurt Browning. I don't know that he's
interested, but when the Governor calls...... Kurt is Democrat. But only
because he was elected to office 20 years ago (at the age of 21 I think)
when that's all they had in Pasco. He asked me if he should switch a few
years ago, and I told him that doing so would indicate that it mattered as a
Supervisor of Elections and that he was asking for trouble. Kurt is as
conservative as we are, very savvy with the media and one of the best
lobbyist I've ever seen. He is also widely respected in the Supervisor
Community, very bright, and loyal as a dog. He knows the job and he also
gets the joke. He is also the best Supervisor of Elections in the country.
Sorry to be so long winded. I hope my early morning rambling has some
My kids still talk about you all the time, and get a big kick out of seeing
"Governor Jeb" on TV.
Thanks for listening. I'm here for anything.
David Rancourt
PS - Theresa Tinker and I have spoken re: the DOS reorg. Your folks are
doing a good job and are on track with good options for you. Kathleen and I
are trying to schedule a meeting soon as well.


Jeb Bush
'Paul Bradshaw'
10/9/2002 1:48:14 PM
RE: ATT meeting

would love to meet the man.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw

Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 9:06 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: ATT meeting

How's life?
Dave Condit, the VP of Government Relations at ATT, would like to meet with
you in the next few weeks for 15 minutes to hit a couple of issues that are
relevant to the company. I know you're very busy, but are you okay on me
snagging the time on your schedule to do this?
Thanks. I hope all is well.


Chris Dudley <dudley

Jeb Bush
1/31/2003 2:05:06 PM
Sallie Mae

Governor: I understand from Sally that you were concerned with the meetings we scheduled yesterday with our client Sallie
Mae and both Sec. Horne and his staff and Kathleen Shanahan. For the record, these were intended to be two seperate
meetings. Our first meeting with Sec. Horne, Larry Wood, Wayne Pierson and Dan Woodring was to discuss the details of
the privitization request and get some feedback from them on issues that need to be addressed as we move forward. The
second meeting was specifically for your Chief of Staff to address the role of the Governor in the process - the federal law
clearly assigns the role of state guarantor to that of the Governor, not the chief state school officer. As you recall, we
addressed this issue in Miami. It was never our intention, nor was it at our invitation, to have Sec. Horne and his staff, who
are equally busy, attend this second meeting. It was as much to our surprise to see a room full of the same people at the
second meeting. We appreciate the time of your staff and would never schedule a meeting just for the sake of meeting. Also
for the record, Sallie Mae is a client we have represented for nearly two years. They compensate us based upon a monthly
retainer, just like all of our clients. There are no benefits to us for additional meetings.
I just wanted to clear up any confusion and close the loop on this. Let me know if you need to discuss further.


Jeb Bush
2/5/2003 4:34:10 PM

it was great being with you. I enjoyed the company and the food!
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: John Thrasher [mailto:thrasher

Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:25 AM
To: Jeb Bush

Thanks for last night. I really appreciate it. Hope we didn't keep you too
late. I read the Ex Summary of the Malpractice Task force last night. It's
outstanding. We had our col\alition meeting today. We are not deviating form
the report . Over 50 representives of health care groups and the insurance
industry were present. We are going to have a major press conference in a
week or so to tout the report. McGill and Alan dropped by also. Let me know
if I can do anything to help.JET


Ferrera, Eli <Eli.Ferrera

Jeb Bush
2/28/2003 2:47:51 PM
FW: FSU Board of Trustees Resignation

Derrick Brooks? remember we had a discussion about him REALLY wanting to be

on this board? and you said that he would be "greatly considered" when and
if another opening came up...your thoughts? By the way he is
alumni........GO BUCS!
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:39 PM
To: Lee F. Hinkle
Subject: RE: FSU Board of Trustees Resignation

Thank you Lee. You have done great work.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Lee F. Hinkle [mailto:LHinkle

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:10 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Cc: thrasher
Subject: FSU Board of Trustees Resignation

Governor Bush, please see the attached letter.


Jeb Bush
3/8/2003 11:36:37 PM
RE: Just an Idea

you are on to something. I have stated I would support a lower grade class size effort.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: dudley

Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 9:35 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Just an Idea

I'm no great strategist, but just an idea that I read that makes sense on
class size. What about supporting an initiative that goes on the ballot to
mandate class size in grades K-3 only. It would have the effect of you
supporting a popular initiative, but limiting the scope of the cost and the
focus on the early grades, just as the reading iniative. It also allows you
to proactively support the passage of an initiative that people like, without
the incredible cost of a K-12 mandate that clearly is unreasonable. It sure
beats just simply opposing any and all class size measures.


5/20/2003 1:15:44 AM
RE: $250,000 cap on non-economic damages

I agree. sooner better than later but I am patient. King is pushing hard for his proposal but that dog won't hunt. It doesn't lower rates over the long haul.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: John Thrasher [mailto:thrasher

Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 4:37 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: RE: $250,000 cap on non-economic damages
We had a good meeting with Greg abd Alan. My opinion is that time is on your side. Skip Campbell calle me this PM to talk about a solution. I not sure he
was aware the proposal coming from the President's office. Let me know what I can do. As much as it pains me I still believe startin a med mal session
after the budget gives you the maximun leverage. JET
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush [mailto:jeb
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 6:40 PM
To: troy_tippett
Subject: RE: $250,000 cap on non-economic damages
thank you Troy. I will not accept anything that doesn't reduce insurance rates immediatly and then has the potential for further reductions. We will
work with the health care professionals and institutions this week to unveil our plan. Yes, there will be a special session.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: troy_tippett

Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 6:10 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: $250,000 cap on non-economic damages
I am writing first to thank you for your strong stance on a $250k cap on non-economic damages and your calling a special session of the
legislature to deal with the medical liability insurance crisis. As we approach what we hope will be a long term solution, I can't help but
reflect upon the other states that have recently gone through this same process. On virtually every occasion there was a great hue and cry
initially, at least in the medical press, about the success of the physicians in obtaining tort reform. But on every occasion -PennsylvaniaNevada-Mississippi-and now most recently West Virginia when the details become apparent we find that the doctors have made some
regrettable compromise and did not end up with anything that we think would be acceptable in Florida. I think it is crucial that we hold to our
position=an across the board $250k cap on non-economic damages per incident. The proposals I see floated by Sen. King and others would
either totally release the cap or increase it based on death, coma, paraplegia,(you fill in the next condition or possibly the legislature can next
year) and so on. If we agree to this expansion we are again talking about giving out more money for certain bad outcomes not because the
alleged or agreed to malpractice was any more blatant but because of the bad outcome. Furthermore we have no indication from the
insurance companies as to how these additional expansions might eventually affect rates. California continues to do well with an across the
board cap. This has been our battle cry to do like California because they have the experience and success. I don't think we should bow to
Sen. King but continue to stand tall for what has worked for 28 years in California. I very much appreciate your continuing to lead the charge
for a $250,000 cap on non-economic damages as the "Heart and Soul" of any acceptable outcome.


Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

Jeb Bush
6/18/2003 5:30:34 PM

Congratulations on the school grades. I think back to the summer of 1998 and the awesome changes that have occurred
since your press conference at Raa Middle School announcing the A+ Plan. (I use the word "awesome" in its traditional
sense; with the import the word had before it was used in pizza advertisements.) I know that behind the symbolism of those
grades is the reality of thousands of lives made better. You have achieved remarkable things, but this tops them all. You
should be proud.
Paul Bradshaw

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Paul Bradshaw <bradshaw

Jeb Bush
6/19/2003 7:24:21 PM

Dear Governor:
The CEO of Sallie Mae would like to fly down and discuss a few issues with you in a half hour meeting. The primary purpose
is to discuss the possibility of opening up a large service center in Jacksonville; clean, very high-paying jobs. They have
already added 600 more jobs in Panama City this year, making them the largest or second largest employer in Bay County. If
they chose Jacksonville, it would be a huge economic boost for the region. I'm probably not supposed to tell you this, but the
other big contender is New York state.
Please let me know if it is okay for me to get with Tara and schedule this meeting. Thanks. I hope all is well.
Paul Bradshaw

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Jeb Bush
'Hansen, Craig M'
6/20/2003 1:54:45 AM
RE: Thanks

it was a joy to do so. Merck is a great company.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Hansen, Craig M [mailto:craig_hansen

Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:16 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Cc: CHRIS DUDLEY (dudley
Subject: Thanks

Thank you for meeting with Mr. Gilmartin and myself yesterday. I know that
you are extremely busy with the Special Session and we appreciate you making
time for us.
Best of luck this week,
Craig Hansen
Manager, Government Affairs

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Notice: This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains

information of Merck & Co., Inc. (Whitehouse Station, New Jersey,
USA) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally
privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity
named on this message. If you are not the intended recipient, and
have received this message in error, please immediately return this by
e-mail and then delete it.


Stutler, Denver <denver.stutler

Jeb Bush
7/1/2003 10:05:44 PM
RE: when does it end?

SePro is a company that manufacturers and applies herbicides for weed

control for lakes and rivers
they have been working with dep and wmds for a long time (maybe more than 10
years), an rfp about two years ago went out that tried to split manufacturer
and applicator ... it has sat at dep for awhile
haven't discussed with anyone in a year or so
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 5:56 PM
To: Denver Stutler
Subject: RE: when does it end?

what is SePro.
Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Denver Stutler

Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 12:12 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: FW: when does it end?

patience is short lately

-----Original Message----From: David Rancourt [mailto:rancourt
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 11:12 PM
To: Denver
Subject: when does it end?

I would like to sit down with you for a good 1/2 hour tomorrow afternoon
(and I really need your undivided attention) on the following matters:
To review the EOG action on the past few months with regard to:
Bearing Point procurement review.
Phosphate Industry's request
Disney's HSR agenda
and prospectively discuss:
Disney and HSR
and now SePro.
I do not need a patronizing conversation. You might have an idea what this
conversation regards. I would add that save getting a retarded girl who was
raped some money from the people who not only neglected her, but forced her
back into the situation so she could be raped again, that I have NEVER asked
our governor personally for support on anything I have ever been paid for.
AND I am NOT getting paid for the work I did for the retarded girl.


Nina Oviedo <oviedon

Melissa Freedman
Kathleen Shanahan
Jeb Bush
7/25/2003 2:17:02 PM

We will call Paul for more IRS for their explanation and see what we can do about setting up a meeting.
Melissa-----lets talk about this.also probably need to clue in Janet Sena, TECO Washington person.but we need to talk
to Paul first. Thanks, Nina.
-----Original Message----From: Kathleen Shanahan [mailto:kathleen
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 9:47 AM
To: Nina Oviedo (E-mail); Nina Oviedo (E-mail)
Subject: FW:
can you process
keep me posted
-----Original Message----From: Paul Bradshaw [mailto:bradshaw
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:29 AM
To: kathleen
GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
How goes it?
A question:
I represent TECO. For several years they and other electric utilities have been relying on letter rulings from the IRS
that they are entitled to a beneficial tax treatment for their activities related to converting their plants to synthetic fuel.
Many millions were invested in reliance on this. A few weeks ago, the IRS, at least preliminarily, looks like it flipped
on this issue. This is a big deal; bad because it's fundamentally unfair to reverse positions, bad because it favors
reliance on foreign oil; bad for the natural environment. The CEO of TECO would like a 30-minute audience with
Treasury Secretary Snow to voice the concerns of the industry.
Any suggestions on how to get this done in D.C.? (This is not a veiled way to request the Governor's direct
help.) Any channel that might prove useful up in D.C.? Any chance the Florida office in D.C. could help?
Thanks. Let's get together.
Paul Bradshaw

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Jeb Bush
8/7/2003 11:22:27 PM

thank you Chris. We should be able to get this done.

-----Original Message----From: Chris Dudley [mailto:dudley
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Jeb Bush

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Thanks for your time today - sorry it was so painful. We'll get it all back on track next week. No more CEO visits
should help. However, let me know how I can help the team - even outsourced I work pretty cheap. I can always use
a new Hondo assignment.

Chris Dudley

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


John Thrasher <thrasher

Jeb Bush
8/7/2003 8:45:13 PM

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Gov - Do we still have the UM fix in the final deal on med mal? JET
John Thrasher

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


John Thrasher <thrasher

Jeb Bush
8/7/2003 9:06:14 PM

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Gov I rechecked my notes onWed High Speed Rail Authority Meeting. The Authoruty adopted a schedule which includes oral
interview from Fluor-Bombardier and Global Rail on Sept 9; EIS public heaarings in Tampa, Lakeland, Celebratyion and
Orlando-Sept22-25; and selection of a vendor and final route at its meeting on Oct 14. JET
John Thrasher

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Jeb Bush
Rancourt David (rancourt
8/14/2003 1:14:01 AM

What I meant to say was that we have finished with the legislation action for this year and I was wondering what do you
suggest that focus on for the next two or three years. What initiatives do you think we should pursue? How do you think we
should do it?
-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:04 PM
To: Rancourt David (rancourt
So, we have finished the law making for a while (there may be more clean up bills to be passed in October) and I was
wondering, if you were Governor, what would you be focusing on for the next two or three years. What initiatives do you think
we should pursue? How do you think that I should do it? Inquiring minds want to know.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.


Jeb Bush
T. K. Wetherell (wetherell
9/1/2003 10:27:43 PM
RE: Prospective

Thank you Bob. I will pass on your concerns.

-----Original Message----From: VBBOB
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 6:25 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Prospective

Dear Gov Jeb Bush...Florida State University is now being targeted in the
name of art. One of the most "vulgar" plays ever performed is to be played on
Sept 20th in the Ruby Diamond Auditorium, on campus of FSU and the name of it is
called'"Vagina Monologues". It is porn. One of Florida States' words on our
school seal is " virtue" standing for morallity.
Next, it is being brought to the school by Actress Jane Fonda, the most
visible symbol of the Vietnam antiwar movement. She epitomizes everything hated
about the movement. Protesting the policy was all right, but traveling to North
Vietnam, making broadcasts and supporting people trying to kill our troops is
unforgivable. That was collaborating with the enemy. (The information on this
play was published in the August 2003 Issue of the FSU Times, an alumni
Lastly, I cannot believe our current FSU President T.K. Wetherell is allowing
this play to be shown and it may not even be appropriate at this time with a
War being fought on terror. I know you are very busy but thanking in advance
for your assistance.
Bob Johnson, Vero Beach, Fl, FSU Graduate, Vietnam Veteran


Chris Dudley <dudley

Jeb Bush
10/3/2003 9:51:09 PM

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
In August, our client Bob Wychulis from the Florida Association of Health Plans and their in-house lobbyist at the time Steve
Macnamara had a meeting with you to discuss the implementation of SB2404 , Behavioral Managed Care. At the meeting, I
understand that you asked excellent questions regarding the interpretation of allowing or not allowing Medicaid HMOs to
deliver behavioral managed care to their own members as part of the implementation. We understood at that meeting that
you considered Rep. Murman's (the prime sponsor of the bill on the House side and key legislator in moving the legislation
forward) letter of interpretation to be the most sound and directed staff to move forward with allowing the Medicaid HMOs to
deliver behavioral managed care to their own members as is done in the District 6 Model and apply the model across the
state. Up until last week, that interpretation was still the way AHCA was proceeding with implementation. Suddenly this
week , however, it appears that position has changed and AHCA intends to move forward with Districts 2,3 and 4 without
the Medicaid HMO involvement. This will be disastrous to the Medicaid HMOs in District 2 and 4 and in particular to our
HMO client, Wellcare, who have also had similiar meetings with your staff and originally been given the same assurances.
We have the very real potential of them leaving those Districts as a result, and thus the State losing the guaranteed savings
the Medicaid HMOs already bring to those Districts. We believe that it is in the best interest of the State (guaranteed
savings and easy implementation) and the Medicaid members (high quality and patient satisfaction in the District 6 Model) to
proceed with Rep. Murman's interpretation that replicates a proven model already in place in District 6. Sorry to bother you
directly with this issue, but it is of vital conercen to us. Thanks for looking into this.
Chris Dudley

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Chris Dudley <dudley

Jeb Bush
10/16/2003 3:39:14 PM

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Thank you for appointing me to the obesity task force. I am really excited to serve you in this capacity.
Chris Dudley

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Jeb Bush
Chris Dudley
Eli Ferrera (EOG) (FerrerE
10/24/2003 9:45:39 PM
RE: Scripps

Maybe, Hondo, maybe.

-----Original Message----From: Chris Dudley [mailto:dudley
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 5:27 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: Scripps

Governor: Our friend Ed Gray from Santa Rosa whom you appointed to the school board is interested
in serving you on this new Scripps Board if possible. As you know, he runs the Capital Trust Agency in
Gulf Breeze and has years on public private financing deals. Not to mention being a very prominent
Panhandle citizen. Just curious if you think an opportunity exists. Thanks.


Levesque, Patricia <Patricia.Levesque

Jeb Bush
11/20/2003 12:21:05 AM

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 7:14 PM
To: Patricia.levesque
Subject: FW:
the % increases cc and sus seem incorrect. can we discuss on thursday?
-----Original Message----From: John Thrasher [mailto:thrasher
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:19 PM
To: Jeb Bush

GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Gov- To keep you abreast of the community college enrollement issue I wanted to offer you the following update. Their
original request that was presented to you was 83.7 million in earned enrollement grrowth was based on estimate of
between a 3% to 5% enrollement increase this year. The new esatimate that both your office and DOE are y\\using is
a 5.7% increase in enrollemet for this year. As such, if the 5.7% enrollement increase is accurate, the dollar value of
the unfunded FTE based on the 2000-2001 per FTE funding level of $4725(including student fees) is now$98,787,717.
This equates to 20,906 unfunded FTE through the end of this year at the 2000-2001 funding level.It is important to
note that we are including student fees that will be collected based o the 5.7% enrollement increas in this estimate of
unfunded FTE because your offixce is including student fees. Thus, the $98,787,717 is the total need to fund the
unfunded enrollement. Hope you are well . I am fine. Thanks for you call last week. JETJohn Thrasher

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302


Jeb Bush
'Steve Uhlfelder'
11/20/2003 2:09:22 PM

Who is CKR?
-----Original Message----From: Steve Uhlfelder [mailto:steve
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:01 AM
Subject: FW:

I understand you cancelled our meeting in December at FSU because of John's letter. I would hope you would reconsider because I think we should not
overreact at this time. This is a dispute among friends and if this becomes public everyone will be hurt. Starting a new organization especially after all the
reorganization before the BOG is never going to be easy. We support you but please don't let this escalate.
-----Original Message----From: thrasher
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 6:42 AM
To: Steve Uhlfelder
Subject: Re:

---------- Original Message ----------From: "Steve Uhlfelder" <steve

To: <thrasher
Cc: <wetherell
Sent: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:33:39 -0500
> I was surprised by your letter to Carolyn. I have made an effort to
> consult with fsu people on all the important issues before the bog.
> I tried to help with the mag lab and promote increased enrollment
> funding. I consult with larry and kathleen on issues on our agenda.
> I try to keep in touch with TK. Carolyn has proceeded with an
> active meeting schedule with the governor's knowledge . The
> constitutional amendment requires many things and thus an active
> schedule for the first year. We have delegated most of the powers
> back to the local boards. Most of the meetings are on the web or in
> tallahassee and I have told kathleen I would keep an eye out for
> anything of interest to fsu. We all are friends and believe we can
> work out any problems without a big public debate. Remember our
> critics on the other side think we are not doing enough. Who is
> going to review all these new expensive programs at other schools
> that will not help fsu and if the bog doesn't set guidelines and
> review. What about the accountability measures that are required for
> next year? The budget issues are not going to be easy the next few
> years and friends need to stick together. These bog members are
> outstanding people who appreciate the primary role of the trustees.
> I would love to talk to you about your concerns. Your good friend,
> Steve Uhlfelder
> Uhlfelder and Associates, P.A.
> Tallahassee, FL 32301

> Webpage:

> This e-mail may contain confidential material. If you were not an
> intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete all copies
> immediately. Thank you.
------- End of Original Message -------


Jeb Bush
1/17/2004 1:18:37 AM
Re: community colleges fup

Thanks JET. I will check on my thursday schedule.

-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: John Thrasher <thrasher

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Fri Jan 16 09:16:38 2004
Subject: community colleges
GFI MailSecurity's HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.
Gov- Congratulations on your announcement regarding your budget proposal for the com colleges.
We will be meeting next week to begin our efforts to ensure that the legislature follows your
recommendation. Sounds like you had an exciting week. Incidently, next Thursday, Jan 22th, FSU
plays NC here starting at 7pm. If you are interested in going let me know. Games are usually over
by9pm.Should be a good game. FSU is playing better. JET

Southern Strategy Group

Tallahassee FL 32302 <>


Jeb Bush
1/21/2004 1:49:48 PM
Re: Budget Remarks

Great news on the boe approval. Let me know when you can commit.
-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Licko, Carol A. <CALicko

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Wed Jan 21 08:28:59 2004
Subject: RE: Budget Remarks
Hi, Governor: this is an OUTSTANDING budget!!! Even the critics are having difficulty saying anything
bad about it this a.m.!! Perhaps Daniel told you, but I've already cleared the major conflicts hurdle in
my firm (much to my pleasant surprise), and submitted my request for exec. committee approval
yesterday (this should go smoothly now that the practice group signed off on it). Then Daniel and I will
talk to P. Claypool; also, i think it best that i give up one of my clients (a foundation supporting a
community college) so no issues can be raised -- the price of public service.... FYI, no one can take
issue with my background in education --i'm still have a current DOE teaching certificate, certified in
Reading, English, and administration; and 12 years in the Miami-Dade schools as a teacher, dept.
chair, and assistant principal -- almost ten years of the twelve were at Miami Northwestern in Liberty
City; and my picture still hangs in the MDPS admin. building for being Teacher of the Year --plus,
American Sr. High (my last school) won Pres. Reagan's achievement award, the first Dade h.s. to do
so. Also -- Thanks so much again for allowing us to represent Scripps; it's been one of the most
interesting, challenging, and promising projects I've ever had the pleasure to work on; David and
Rocky have been just superb; and everyone has worked so hard; now, the real work for Scripps
begins. Your speech at the dinner was one of the very best i've ever heard (my whole table thought
so!!); it was so inspiring and filled with promise, and made me remember that when i was in
elementary school i was determined to be an astronomer (the universe fascinated me so much i
actually memorized most of the time-life book on astronomy), and unfortunately decided there was no
future in the field.... Take care, Governor...and thanks again for making Florida a state we can all be
proud of!!!

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:00 AM

To: brian
Slater Bayliss; arlenedib
; brandi
; Brown Brewser (Brown,
Brewser); Licko, Carol A.; cmuniz
; Cory
; fbrogan
; gregturbeville
; jillian_inmon
; karen
; baurk
; ken
; gates-lisa
; rancourt
; sally
; sayfie
Subject: FW: Budget Remarks

Enclosed you will find my budget remarks to be given in five minutes. I

know budget day will bring back fond memories. :)
PS the charts can be found on our web site.
This electronic message transmission contains information from the
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use of the contents of this information is prohibited.
If you have received this electronic transmission in error,
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From: Jeb Bush

To: Slater Bayliss
Brian Yablonski (brian
Brown Brewser (Brown, Brewser)
Cory Tilley (Cory
Elizabeth Hirst (lizhirst
Frank Brogan (fbrogan
Frank Jimenez (frankrjimenez
Hayden Dempsey (dempseyh
Jillian Inmon (jillian_inmon
Katie Muniz (baurk
Lisa Gates (gates-lisa
Rancourt David (rancourt
Sayfie, Justin (sayfie
Date: 1/27/2004 9:29:26 PM
Subject: FW: Today's Healthcare Speech
Attachments: 27.6 Health Care - as delivered.doc

Fyi alumni, this is our first salvo with the health care issue.
-----Original Message----From: VonBorstel, Melanie [mailto:Melanie.VonBorstel
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:29 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Cc: Hampton, Betty
Subject: Today's Healthcare Speech

Governor - as we discussed, I have incorporated your notes from the healthcare speech and reverted to small
font format. The resutl is attached.
At Alan Levine's request, I'll forward a copy to Dr. Medows, Mary Pat Moore
(AHCA Chief of Staff), Secretary White, and Dr. Agwunobi. I'll also
forward this final version to the LG and her staff.
<<27.6 Health Care - as delivered.doc>>


Jeb Bush
2/12/2004 6:31:49 PM
Re: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush fup

You guys can send.

-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: VonBorstel, Melanie <Melanie.VonBorstel

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Thu Feb 12 13:05:25 2004
Subject: RE: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush fup


Governor -- are you forwarding to the church directly or would like us to

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 2:55 PM
To: VonBorstel, Melanie
Subject: RE: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush fup

Are these your own words? Very, very nice.

-----Original Message----From: VonBorstel, Melanie [mailto:Melanie.VonBorstel
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 12:44 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: RE: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush fup

Governor -- Pasted below for your review are the scripture assigned, the
devotional based on those passages, and the prayer.

Your comments are welcome. We need to forward a final submission by

Gospel of John, Chapter 17
20 "I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who
will believe in me through their message,
21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are in me and I am
you, may they also be one in us, so that the world may believe that you
sent me.
22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, so that they may be
just as we are one.
23 I am in them, and you are in me. May they be completely one, so
the world may know that you sent me and that you have loved them as you
loved me.
24 Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am and
see my glory, which you gave me because you loved me before the creation
of the world.
25 "Righteous Father, the world has never known you. Yet I have known
you, and these men have known that you sent me.
26 I made your name known to them, and will continue to make it known,
that the love you have for me may be in them and I myself may be in
Many of us have had the privilege of accompanying a loved one or friend
through the final days of their earthly life. Hearing a terminal
diagnosis often creates a flood of feelings and fears, a rush of
memories, and sometimes recognition of unfulfilled hopes and unconquered
goals. Yet for many, the final weeks and days of life produce a simple
clarity as the noise and urgency of yesterday's compelling distractions
fall away. Loved ones are reassured and brought close, precious
possessions are lovingly assigned to just the right persons and final
affairs are put in order. If you've experienced this with someone you
know immediately that you have been witness to something sacred.
In our reading today, we find Jesus gathered with his intimate friends
as he faces his impending destiny in the cross. He is putting his final
affairs in order. The intensity of his purpose and the closeness of

these final moments combine to produce a profound clarity in his

dialogue with the Father. In these final moments we find Jesus praying.
He is praying for his disciples and he is praying for us. "Just as you,
Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us, so the
world may believe you have sent me." If we are ever to dare to distill
the purposes of God in a single statement this must be it. God is
inviting us to union, to relationship, to himself, to each other. In
accepting that invitation, we join ourselves to him and to his cause as
we respond with our lives to his calling. Then, in union with him as we
make real his purposes in the world, we become for others the only
irresistible evidence of his presence in our world.
Father, in your mercy and loving kindness, you invite us to yourself.
Create in us the desire to seek you daily and in gratitude depend upon
your grace and providence. Help us respond to your call by giving
ourselves to others so that our work may advance your kingdom and
reflect your care for all people. We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and
ever. Amen.

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []

Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 6:27 PM
To: John E. Thrasher
Subject: RE: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush fup

I will do it.
-----Original Message----From: John E. Thrasher [mailto:thrasher
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 4:05 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: FW: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush

Gov- The attached is from my minister at Orange Park Presbyterian.If you

can do this I would be appreciative. If not I understand. Hoope you are
well I know how busy you are. JET
-----Original Message----From: Ann S. Canady [mailto:ACanady
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 2:28 PM

]On Behalf Of John E.

To: 'thrasher
Subject: FW: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush

The church needs to receive the devotional by February 16 either in a
Word document or in the body of an e-mail to eliminate retyping!
----- Original Message ----From: Tim Roberts <mailto:timr
To: jthrasher
Cc: Pam <mailto:pam
> Maddox ; Sirjhigson
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: Lent Devotional by Govenor Bush


Dear John,
I hope you are having a fantastic week. It was good to see you and Jean
Sunday. Thanks for being willing to request that Govenor Bush
personally write a small devotional to contribute to our OPPC Lent
devotional entitled "A Daily Walk with Jesus." The task is simple.
Below is the Bible text from which he is to write a short (one or two
paragraph) devotional reflection. Then, he is to write a short prayer.
So, here is the format:
1) Bible passage: John 17:20-26
2) Reflection
3) Prayer

If he can send it to me (timr

or Pam (pam
e-mail or as a word document, that would be great!

> ) at the church in an

I hope these are clear enough instructions. If not, please call me at

the church

Thanks very much!


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prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
return it to the sender immediately.


Jeb Bush
Lucy Hadi (lucy.hadi
2/10/2004 9:58:32 PM
FW: fup

Let us discuss asap.

-----Original Message----From: Chris Dudley [mailto:dudley
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:17 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Cc: Brad Thomas

Governor: In 1999, you directed DJJ to establish a single contract for the runaway and truant youth
program known as CINS FINS. For the first time, we now have some standars contracts and uniform
accountability requirements. Today, with opposition from all of the statewide providers, the
Department has stated it intends to go back to the district by districy system and eliminate the
statewide contract. I do not understand, with all the great results that you have achived with juvenile
prevention, that we would undue the program. The providers certainly remain committed to finding an
alternate solution. Since 1999, this is one of the few programs that have proven successful for your
administration with positive press and positive outcomes.

From: Jeb Bush

To: steve

Date: 2/13/2004 3:06:14 PM
-----Original Message----From: Durden, Shelisha [mailto:shelisha.durden
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:47 AM




~Department of Community Affairs Secretary brings environmental, local government expertise to
TALLAHASSEE- Governor Jeb Bush today named Colleen Castille as Secretary of the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP). Castille currently serves as the Secretary of the Department of
Community Affairs (DCA). She will begin her new duties as DEP secretary on February 27.
"As Secretary of DCA, Colleen has proven her ability to effectively lead and address some of our
state's most daunting challenges. Her dedication, experience and passion will be integral in
continuing the progress we've made at the Department of Environmental Protection. I'm pleased she
has agreed to serve, and I know she will be an exceptional secretary for this important agency," said
Governor Bush.
Under her leadership DCA continues to offer technical assistance to local governments and residents
while supervising community growth, environmental assessment, disaster planning, community

From: Jeb Bush

To: Slater Bayliss
Brian Yablonski (brian
Brown Brewser (Brown, Brewser)
Charles Canady (CANADY12
Cory Tilley (Cory
Elizabeth Hirst (lizhirst
Frank Brogan (fbrogan
Frank Jimenez (frankrjimenez
Hayden Dempsey (dempseyh
Jillian Inmon (jillian_inmon
Katie Muniz (baurk
Lisa Gates (gates-lisa
Rancourt David (rancourt
Sayfie, Justin (sayfie
Date: 3/2/2004 1:39:29 PM
Attachments: 2004 State of the State - Remarks Prepared for Delivery.doc
embargoed until 11 am. Melanie deserves a lot of credit for a well crafted speech.

Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to the
public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications
may therefore be subject to public disclosure.


John E. Thrasher <thrasher

Jeb Bush
3/25/2004 4:35:02 PM

Gov_ Just a thought. Jean and I are hosting Dudley and Barb Goodlette and
Bill and Katie Posey for dinner after the ball starting at around 8PM at
the Cypress.WE would love to have you and the Frist Lady. I am also checking
with Pruitt to see if he is available.We would get you out by 9:30 to


John E. Thrasher <thrasher

Jeb Bush
3/29/2004 6:44:18 PM
CON stuff

Gov- I heard you are meeting w/ Al Stubbfield this afternoon. Last Friday
Ken Pruitt amended the gereral reform bill (SB 2606) in Senate
Appropriations to subject hospitals in what was termed in the amendment
"low-growth" counties, to the full requirments of the CON law,including
adminiastrative and judicial appeals, when seeking to add acute care beds.
The admentment was developed by lobbyests for Baptist Hospital of Pensacola
to prevent Sacred Heart from adding acute care beds.The amendment,
however,impacts only Escambia and Pinellas Counties. The effect of this
"carve out" is that all hospitals in Escambia and Pinellas who need to add
acute care beds would be subjected to the expense and delays of the CON
process while hospitals in the other 65 counties are allowed to add beds as
needed. I assume Alan has briefed youn on this but wanted to add my
observations... JET


Jeb Bush
'R Medows'
4/9/2004 10:42:17 AM

I think people are not happy with their insurance and naturally, the governor is partially to blame.
-----Original Message----From: R Medows [mailto:rmedows
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 1:08 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: RE:

It may also be helpful for pollsters to differentiate between health care in general (insurance, access,
prescription drugs, med mal, patient safety, new technology, research, etc) vs medicaid
I doubt too many governors nationwide will receive "favorable" rating for Medicaid after a year or more of
tight budgets and headlines about Medicaid cuts
>From: "Jeb Bush" <>
>Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 06:19:51 -0400
>Not bad news. we will work on passing meaningful health care reform and
>letting people know about it.
>I hope you and your have a joyful Easter time.
><< FL404Part3.doc >>
Watch LIVE baseball games on your computer with MLB.TV, included with MSN Premium!


Jeb Bush
Thrasher, John
4/23/2004 12:25:55 AM

Sandy's deal is not going to work, even though it is a fair thing possibly. Wekiva is great.
-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John [mailto:Thrasher
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:09 PM
To: Jeb Bush

Since I'm on a roll I thought I would I would try one more issue. Murman is still trying to get the rate reduction for the
dd folks removed..she said she talked to earlier. Sounds like we should take what we got and declare victory! I am in
the rotunda waiting for the house to take up Wekiva. I have been working with your staff and enviros to pass this good
bill JET
Sent from my GoodLink Wireless Handheld (

From: Philip Chen <pchen

To: Jeb Bush
CC: John Thrasher
Date: 4/26/2004 2:01:00 AM
RE: Local Biotech Company awarded prestigious International Honor but turns
Attachments: Ltr to Governor.doc
Dear Honorable Governor Bush:
I deeply appreciate your time and attention on this RFP matter. I am
also grateful to receive responses from Mr. Levine. While I am in total
support of the goals and the reasons provided by Mr. Levine and in
agreement that a radical and innovative reform in Medicaid laboratory
services is necessary, my industry colleagues and I do not believe the
approaches taken by the RFP will achieve such goals.
Herein please allow me to briefly reiterate the key problems of the RFP
and the reasons they will hurt the biotech/biomedical community. I
would also like to suggest proven alternatives that can achieve the
goals of cost saving while promoting evidence-based medicine without
risking the quality of, and access to healthcare. Some of these
alternatives can be implemented immediately.
1. Single vendor for Medicaid will promote a monopoly in the industry.
Physicians do not want to use different laboratories based on individual
patient's insurance. The exclusive vendor for Medicaid will become the
dominant, if not the only, vendor for the entire state. It is the reason
while Medicaid is only a small portion of my business, the lack of
ability to service Medicaid beneficiaries will severely reduce our
ability to market and will lead to the demise of companies like ours.
2. Such consolidation of the industry is inherently in conflict with the
state's initiatives to attract new biotech companies. As I have
mentioned in the previous letter (attached), clinical laboratories are
essential components in translational biotechnology.
3. The single vendor approach used in the RFP financially encourages
vendor to restrict access in underserved areas, especially when there is
no established performance specifications (as detailed in an 18-page
inquiry I submitted to AHCA). This will shift workload toward more
costly hospital- and physician office-based laboratory and clinical
services, eliminating a significant savings the contract intends.
4. The fundamental flaw of the RFP is its global percent fee schedule
reduction. This approach is prone to abuse and financially encourages
inappropriate utilization, which has been THE key problem in the

outpatient laboratory services (Please see Alternative solution #2

below.) This will likely increase, rather than reduce laboratory
5. The terms in the RFP lack the necessary quality and performance
assurance and increase redundant administrative infrastructures for both
the vendor and AHCA. While Mr. Levine is correct to point out that I
can put together a statewide network with my colleagues, I strongly
believe that the execution in accordance to the RFP will require the
winning vendor to bring substandard quality and access to patients while
increasing the cost of service delivery.

**Proven Alternative Solutions and Models**

1. In the 2000 Institute of Medicine Report "Medicare Laboratory Payment
Policy - Now and in the Future", the first of the 12 recommendations
promotes a Relative Value-based fee schedule. Using the suggested
method, my initial review found an estimated $1.7M saving (5% of total
lab expenditure) can be achieved by simply appropriately adjust fee
schedule for less than 20 tests. This can be done immediately without
an RFP. (I will provide details of this analysis to Mr. Levine.)
2. Various studies have shown that 20-40% of outpatient laboratory tests
performed are redundant or inappropriate. My laboratory has been
targeting this problem using published approaches for utilization review
and applying evidence-based disease management. We have achieved a 16%
reduction in test utilization per patient visit when compared to last
year and to the national average. Other institutions such as Harvard
Medical School have also achieved significant utilization control using
similar approaches. Many of these evidence-based methods can be
implemented with a simple mandate to vendors. (I will share with Mr.
Levine on the details of these implementations.)
3. In the Central-Florida based Primary Care Access Network, the results
of a RFP and joint efforts between physicians and laboratory to control
utilization achieved $1.3M savings in laboratory expenditure last year
for its 14 clinics. While some of the approaches may not be applicable
to the Medicaid program, many concepts can be applied.
4. In a pilot project involving 1,777 employees at Polk County School
Board, the combination of appropriate laboratory biometric screening,
disease management and risk assessment achieved $456 reduction per
capita direct annual medical/pharmaceutical expenditure. Again, several
concepts can be applied in the Medicaid Program.
5. As Mr. Levine mentioned, providing physician immediate access to
laboratory results, coupled with electronic order entry, will promote
standardized evidence-based medicine and improve cost efficiency in
overall healthcare delivery. These efforts can be implemented with
specification mandate without the risks associated with a single vendor

contract. While I agree that electronic connections with 160

laboratories are not manageable, I believe natural attrition in vendor
numbers will occur if Medicaid issues electronic connectivity
specifications with a mandate for compliance. Such approach has been
successfully used in Medicare and Medicaid claim submission processes.
6. Evidence-based medicine requires continuous experimentations with new
innovative methods. This requires practice diversity and is not
possible in a single vendor environment. Multiple vendors providing
services for Medicaid will ensure a healthy environment for peer
comparison and learning.

**Action Requests**
On a personal note, my family is here in Florida and Cognoscenti has
enjoyed building numerous partnerships with the regional medical and
business development communities. We have been told unofficially that
we are the "poster child" for the region's biotech industry development.
We would very much like to stay and maintain such status. I respectfully
plead for your examination on the RFP and its impacts on healthcare
delivery and industry development.
Should you decide it is appropriate to allow members of the industry to
partner with Mr. Levine and AHCA to evaluate for better alternatives, we
are committed to timely solutions and implementations. I can be reached
at 407-963-3322 (cell) at any time.
Respectfully submitted,
Philip Chen, MD, PhD
Cognoscenti Health Institute
Orlando, FL 32826

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush []

Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 6:29 AM
To: Thrasher, John
Subject: FW: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious International
Honor but turns disappointment
For guidance to your client.

-----Original Message----From: Levine, Alan [mailto:Alan.Levine

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:43 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: RE: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious International
Honor but turns disappointment

More time spent creating an innovative solution would seem to be to be a

better business plan than the one he's choosing. Other labs are
this time putting proposals together. Thus, this is going to be a
terrific business opportunity for someone who is forward thinking. He
hasn't asked my advice, but if he did, I'd suggest he link up with other
labs and put a proposal together. A $35 million opportunity is on the
table for an innovative company.
As for the statements about the government bringing substandard care???
absolutely absurd. All we have done is ask the industry to put their
best foot forward to see what new ideas are out there. if the ideas
aren't useful or don't lead to a quality product, then we won't contract
with anyone...
the entire purpose for doing this is to
A. IMPROVE quality by having lab results reported through medicaid to
the physician PDAs so that the docs have instant lab results combined
with their prescribing. This will ultimately save both alot of money in
prescription drug costs...and improve care by giving doctors real-time
prescribing tools and using evidence based medicine. How does Dr. Chen
propose to do this with 160 different vendors???
B. By having the lab values communicated through the PDAs, Docs can see
if the drugs they are prescribing are having the intended effect...thus
reducing wasteful prescriptions. Again, evidence based medicine.
C. Save money on the actual cost of labs.
Dr. Chen's lab does $5 million in revenue, and medicaid only makes up,
if i remember right, only $200,000 or so of his revenue (i will double
check in the morning). His statement about this putting him out of
business is difficult to comprehend or believe.
The big players in medicaid are really LabCorp and Quest. In terms of
dollars, they have the most to lose.
The idea of using our leverage to get the best deal for the taxpayers is
not new. Most, if not all, of the HMOs use either single or limited
multiple source labs. I do not know of ONE Managed care organization
that lets 160 providers in.

Any providers that can't embrace the future are hanging on to a broken
and failing system. Unfortunately, failure is the hallmark of that
business plan.

-----Original Message----From: Jeb Bush

To: Thrasher, John
Sent: 4/22/2004 7:33 PM
Subject: RE: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious International
Honor but turns disappointment
I am for the lowest price with the best outcome with the highest
assurance of both. this is for all parts of Medicaid and other parts of
government. If not, we will have to raise taxes or cut services to
-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John [mailto:Thrasher
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:21 PM
To: Jeb Bush
Subject: FW: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious International
Honor but turns disappointment

Gov- I know you gave thoughtful consideration to the conerns of the lab
community. Dr. Phil Chen is one of the most knowledgeable individuals I
have met. I wish you could talk to him to get his prespective before he
makes a decision to relocate his company. JE T
-----Original Message----From: Philip Chen [ mailto:pchen
Sent: Thu Apr 22 12:16:55 2004
To: Thrasher, John
Subject: FW: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious
International Honor but turns disappointment
I want to let you know that this morning I have sent the following email
to Darrell Kelley, CEO of Enterprise Florida. He has already talked to
the Chief of Staff at Governor's office and received some immediate
response. I am in the process of producing economic arguments for him.
I am not sure if it would be appropriate for you to contact the Chief of
Staff on this. I solely respect your assessment on this. THANK YOU for


all the help and guidance!!

-----Original Message----From: Philip Chen [ mailto:pchen
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:43 AM
To: 'jdkelley
Cc: cdykes
; Tom O'Neal (Tom O'Neal)
Subject: Local Boptech Company awarded prestigious International Honor
but turns disappointment
Dear Darrell,
It was nice to see you again in Tallahassee last week. As I have
mentioned, Cognoscenti will be awarded as the Incubator Client of the
Year in the Technology Company category at the International Conference
in Atlanta on Monday hosted by the National Business Incubation
Association. As requested, I am attaching the press releases regarding
this award for your review. In addition, Cognoscenti will be honored
with this year's "Quality" Award by the Florida Health Care Coalition
tomorrow. Last year we were also named the Health Care Hero in the
Innovation category by the Orlando Business Journal. As a two-year old
start-up, we have created more than 60 jobs (from 7 two years ago),
reached profitability with $5M annual revenue and continue to enjoy a
double-digit monthly growth. We are exceedingly grateful for the
support from the UCF Technology Incubator and enjoyed the opportunities
to partner with Metro Orlando EDC and your office to help build a
biomedical and biotech industry in Florida.
We should be totally thrilled with these recognitions and be
celebrating. We are. However, a recent RFP released by the Agency for
Health Care Administration on Medicaid laboratory services will put us
out of business. The ill-prepared RFP will bring substandard healthcare
to the community and will not reduce healthcare expenditure. These are
not just claims, but well-studied subjects published by Institute of
Medicine and numerous prestigious medical journals. Despite warnings and
protests from the entire clinical laboratory industry, physicians,
patient advocates, large corporate employers, national collegiate and
professional organizations, the governor's office yesterday announced
its intention to proceed with the RFP. I have personally invested a
large amount of time and efforts, working with my colleagues, trying to
"work with the system" to help the policy makers to understand the
serious problems this can pose on the entire healthcare delivery system.
Obviously, we were unsuccessful.
As the result, on Monday at the award ceremony in Atlanta, instead of
celebrating and thank all the supporters, Cognoscenti will formally
announce its intention to look for a better environment outside of
Florida, cease all in-state expansion plans and sell its 14-acre site at
the Central Florida Research Park. The reason will be that the state

government imposes inconsistent and unreasonable policies leading to an

unpredictable and dangerous environment for emerging biomedical and
biotechnology companies operate in. This announcement is not meant to
embarrass the government or the state, but to use the opportunity to
find better partnership and environment for the future of Cognoscenti
and to warn fellow industry colleagues to consider government policy
stability as they select sites for their expansions or entrepreneurial
Personally, I would like to share with you that when I decided to come
home to Florida and let go job opportunities at two of the most
prestigious academic medical schools in the country, I was committed to
bring higher quality of healthcare to my home town and to create a new
paradigm in community-based laboratory medicine. I anticipated many
hurdles and difficulties from the market space, competitions and
business development. I however, have never imagined that I would be
forced by the government to participate in a plan that will bring
substandard care to patients, especially one that will not achieve the
cost savings it intends. I was appalled that the government can ignore
unified objections from the entire healthcare delivery system and
proceed with an unsound plan. I can no longer consider the government a
decent partner in delivering healthcare in our community.
I am deeply sorry that I have to share with you this supposedly good,
but now tainted news.
Philip Chen, MD, PhD
Cognoscenti Health Institute
Orlando, FL 32826


Jeb Bush
10/25/2004 2:22:44 PM
Re: NRA past president Marion Hammer nominated/FL Women's Hall of Fame

Thanks for the recommendation.

-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Rancourt, David <Rancourt

To: <>; Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Mon Oct 25 10:10:17 2004
Subject: FW: NRA past president Marion Hammer nominated/FL Women's Hall of Fame
I recently learned of Marion Hammer's nomination to the Florida Women's Hall of Fame. You likely have many great
names in front of you for this prestigious award, so I thought I would contact you via this rather informal e-mail and humbly
suggest that an honor such as this could not fall upon a more suitable recipient than the Second Amendment's greatest
living champion, our own Marion Hammer.
I know you know Marion, so I will dispense with all the usual reasons that so many will suggest to you. I will simply say
this: Never in my entire professional career have I encountered someone so willing to stand up and be counted than
Marion Hammer. I happen to share her passion for our Bill of Rights, so it is perhaps easier for me to support her, but I
know this as well - even those who oppose her on this issue respect her advocacy and her tenacity. It is not advocacy
prone to compromise, advocacy for the sake of convenience - it is pure, it is passionate and it is oozing of sincerity.
Marion Hammer gets it, she means it and she does it - whatever "it" may be for her.
Florida, indeed our nation, might be a different place were it not for Marion Hammer and her unyielding support of her
beliefs. Freedom should not be subject to compromise, and Marion Hammer has made sure of it that Americans never
lose sight of that. Other paths may be easier to take, but if they are not the right path for Marion, they will not be taken. I
thank God each day for Marion Hammer - and would be thrilled to see her honored in such a way.
May God Bless you and your family and continue to guide you all in your stewardship of state and nation. Take care and
be well.
All the best,
David Rancourt


Jeb Bush
aThrasher, Johna
5/10/2006 10:32:57 PM

Charlie Bronson is the man.

-----Original Message----Froma Thrashera John [mailto:Thrashe
Senta Wednesdaya May 10a 2006 6:19 PM
Toa Jeb Bush
Cca Fritz.behrin
Subjecta FW:
Gov- I will be happy to follow up with approprite person. Thanks. Hope you are well.
-----Original Message----From: Fritz Behring [mailto:Fritz.Behring
Sent: Wed May 10 17:35:45 2006
To: Thrasher, John
Commissioner Thrasher:

Any idea who I should contact in Govs Office to encourage some additional restrictions on burn permits issued by
Forestry Department. We have a couple of these fires under way in Clay and it is causing concern among neighboring
property owners.



Jeb Bush
'Corr, Chris'
Celeste Lewis (celeste.lewis
Patricia Levesque (patricia.levesque
6/8/2006 12:23:40 AM
RE: Request for Recommendations

thank you Chris. This is an important job and I am looking for someone special. I appreciate your recommendation.
-----Original Message----Froma Corra Chris [mailto:Chris.Cor
Senta Wednesdaya June 07a 2006 8:30 AM
Toa Jeb Bush
Subjecta FW: Request for Recommendations
Jeb Im not sure if Dr. Trainer was at Bolles when your son attended, so Im not sure if you know him. He is
concerned about the issues associated with the Student Athlete Recruiting Task Force and is seeking
appointment. He is a very thoughtful, methodical and principled leader and I am absolutely certain that if
appointed he would consider the issue from all sides with the best interests of all in mind.
I loved the Weekly Standard covera I predict a whole bunch more positive recognition over the next few
months as you wind down your second term. I cant believe it has been 8 years.
Best to you,

Froma Trainera John [mailto:Trainer

Senta Tuesdaya June 06a 2006 4:58 PM
Toa Corra Chris
Subjecta RE: Request for Recommendations
Many thanks, Chris. I greatly appreciate your help, and am pleased that you would recommend me to the
Governor. I had heard that I was being considered, but was not aware of this request coming from his office.
I have been told that he will be appointing the chair of a state-wide Task Force to look into newly proposed
regulations from the Florida High School Athletic Association. Those regulations have been proposed as a
result of recruiting violations by some schools, but they would have a very negative impact on many schools
that do not recruit athletes, including (and especially) boarding schools like Bolles. There are clearly problems
that need to be addressed, but this is not the best approach. A number of us are anxious to address the
problems, and are hoping to find a better approach to solving them than the current proposal offers.
I was told that I was nominated for this because I honestly see the merits of both sides of the debate. Any
assistance you might offer to my candidacy would be appreciated. The results of this work will have an
important impact on The Bolles School.
John E. Trainer, Jr.
President and Head of School
The Bolles School
-----Original Message-----

Froma Corra Chris [mailto:Chris.Cor

Senta Tuesdaya June 06a 2006 3:26 PM
Toa Trainera John
Subjecta FW: Request for Recommendations
Dr. Trainer just FYI. I received this request from the Govs office and responded as you will see
below. I dont know if it will help, but wanted you to knowa
If you would like me to help encourage it in any other way, please let me know.
Best wishes,

Froma Lewisa Celeste [mailto:Celeste.Lewi

Senta Tuesdaya June 06a 2006 1:50 PM
Toa Corra Chris
Subjecta RE: Request for Recommendations
Thanks so much, Chris.
-----Original Message----Froma Corra Chris [mailto:Chris.Cor
Senta Tuesdaya June 06a 2006 1:30 PM
Toa Lewisa Celeste
Subjecta RE: Request for Recommendations
Celeste I strongly recommend John Trainer. Thanks for the consideration.

Froma Lewisa Celeste [mailto:Celeste.Lewi

Senta Tuesdaya June 06a 2006 1:03 PM
Toa thrashe


Subjecta Request for Recommendations

The Governor will soon fill a vacancy on the newly created Student Athlete Recruiting Task
Force. Below are the five applicants for this appointment, please provide comments or
recommendations as quickly as possible. Thank you for your assistance in the appointments
Jimmy Conner
Lake County School Board Chair
Lake County
John Trainer
The Bolles School
Duval County
Dra Charles Fielding
North Florida Christian School
Leon County

Dra Howard Ga Burke

Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools
Leon County
John Wa Greene
Clay County Schools
Clay County
Repa Bob Henriquez
Hillsborough County
Alex Rizo
Hillsborough County

Celeste Lewis
Director of Appointments
Office of Governor Jeb Bush
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or
from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may therefore be subject to public


Jeb Bush
'Thrasher, John'
6/13/2006 11:21:30 PM
RE: HB 1361

I have not been briefed on the bill. I have gotten Kevin's and Don's letters but beyond that, I await the review by the policy
-----Original Message----Froma Thrashera John [mailto:Thrashe
Senta Tuesdaya June 13a 2006 6:45 PM
Toa Jeb Bush
Subjecta HB 1361

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John

Sent: Tue Jun 13 18:42:41 2006
To: Thrasher, John
FW: Speaker: ANy update on the Governor's Position on HB1361?

From: Thrasher, John
Sent: Tue 6/13/2006 10:17 AM
Subject: FW: Speaker: ANy update on the Governor's Position on HB1361?
Gov- I know you are probably still busy with the latest storm but I had understood from Betty tyhat you were going to
be briefed tomorrow on HB 1361. The enclosed article , while good does not completly give the substantial arguments
that Kevin Mccarty provides to you his letter to you of June 6th. We have two clients that are concerned about this
bill.There are many aspects of this bill that are good and have been properly vetted with the DFS and OIR.
Unfortunately, ther were many aspects of this final bill that were never properly heard in committee and were quitely
placed in for final passage, specifically the provisions dealing with free insurance in Section 2 and the provisions
dealing with Discount Medical Plan Organizations in Sections 9-15. While I care deeply for my good friend Don Brown
I dont think he contemplated these provisions when he introduced the original bill. Kevins letter is compelling. Thanks.
From: Dudley, Chris
Sent: Tue 6/13/2006 8:38 AM
To: Thrasher, John
Subject: Speaker: ANy update on the Governor's Position on HB1361?
Official opposes medical plan bill
Sarasota Herald Tribune, 6/13/2006
View article on Sarasota Herald Tribune <>
Last-minute additions to a bill now awaiting Gov. Jeb Bush's signature could weaken state oversight and leave

consumers more vulnerable to fraud involving discount medical plans, Bush's top insurance official said.
The bill would eliminate some of the consumer protections established just two years ago, Insurance Commissioner
Kevin McCarty said in a letter to the governor.
aThe Office has concerns with several of the changes made this year that remove these protections to consumers who
buy these products,a he said.
The changes to Florida law would come as state officials launch their second investigation in Southwest Florida of the
fast-growing but controversial health plans.
Discount medical plans offer subscribers access to doctors, dentists, hospitals, labs and other services at lower prices
in exchange for up-front fees.
But consumer groups call them scams that rip off their buyers and prey on low-income families who can't get traditional
insurance. The Consumer Federation of the Southeast and the Florida Consumer Action Network both came out
opposing the bill last week.
In 2005, a Sarasota-based discount medical plan, Suncoast Home Care, shut down abruptly, leaving clients with
nothing to show for their fees -- usually thousands of dollars.
And last week, state regulators accused two Sarasota insurance agents of defrauding 44 seniors by selling them a
misleading discount home health care plan.
Some clients believed they were buying insurance, the state complaint said, a common criticism of consumer
watchdog groups.
Two years ago, Florida adopted a law preventing the discount medical plan organizations -- known as DMPOs -- from
billing themselves as insurance.
The bill on Bush's desk would allow DMPOs to bundle other services with their health plans, and charge more for
hospital and doctor services.
Both changes would make discount plans look more like health insurance policies -- aexactly what the consumer
protection provisions of the original DMPO law were designed to avoid,a McCarty said.
The bill also would eliminate the requirement that DMPOs file audited financial statements each year and says the
state can investigate DMPOs only if the commissioner has reason to believe the organization is breaking the law.
aIt appears that these amendments may have been filed to circumvent regulatory fines and administrative action,a
McCarty's letter says.
McCarty was traveling and could not be reached. An Office of Insurance Regulation spokesman said he could not
elaborate on that statement.
In the past, though, McCarty's office has championed tougher regulations on DMPOs. In April, he issued a statement
praising the legislature for the 2004 law on discount medical plans.
The state had been receiving more than 1,000 complaints a year, but that had fallen 70 percent since the law passed.
And the law's tougher licensing requirements drove some abad actorsa out of the state, he said, with the 60 plans
operating in Florida before the law dropping to 38. The state lists 45 licensed discount medical plans today.
Bush's staff requested the department's analysis of the bill, which is the Legislature's main insurance revision for the
Bush spokesman Russell Schweiss said Bush has received the letter but hadn't reviewed it yet. He received the bill
Monday and has 15 days to act on it.
The bill's provisions for discount medical plan organizations were almost literally eleventh-hour changes.

Online Florida Legislature records show H.B. 1361 was born Feb. 28 as a three-page House of Representatives bill
addressing debt cancellation on life insurance policies.
The bill was amended several times in April and May and gradually became the main insurance vehicle for the
On May 5, the last day of the session, Sen. Bill Posey, R-Brevard, added the amendment with the provision for
DMPOs and other insurance issues. The Senate passed the bill 39-0 that day.
The bill went back to the House, which heard the bill and the DPMO amendment at 10:20 p.m. and voted to approve
the bill 116-1 the same minute.
McCarty's letter said the DMPO provisions were never reviewed in a House or Senate committee review, McCarty
John MacIver, a Posey spokesman, said that's standard late in the session as lawmakers try to finish their work. The
amendment's terms are good for both consumers and plan operators, he added.
Because the plan operators are not insurers and do not pay claims, they don't need to prove solvency and should not
have to provide audited financial statements, MacIver said. That saves each plan operator about $30,000 a year.
Increasing the rates paid for access to doctors and hospitals means more of them will sign onto discount plans, giving
plan buyers more providers to choose from, he said.
MacIver said the decline in complaints shows the need for less regulation. aThe idea that people are trying to fleece
the consumer is blown out of proportion,a he said.

Froma Dana, Pam <Pam.Dana

Toa Taff, Bo
Kaplan, Mark
Stutts, John
CCa Jeb Bush
Wainwright, Tara
Datea 6/16/2006 2:22:06 PM
Subjecta RE: I.D.E.A.L. meeting request with Gov
I have met with them too. Small defense contractor with a technology
they want to get out on the market. Sort of like an Aeroclave. The
principal/co-partner used to be in IT business--Harold Gubaninsky.
John, please work conduct online search, as well as reach out to Orlando
EDC, to vett this company and its current status. Let me know what you
learned and whether you feel it a good visit for the Governor.
-----Original Message----From: Taff, Bo
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 9:52 AM
To: Kaplan, Mark; Dana, Pam
Cc: ''; Wainwright, Tara
Subject: RE: I.D.E.A.L. meeting request with Gov

I have seen their technology; it appears impressive.

My recollection is that they are UCF grads, have received some DARPA
funding, and are fighting for survival amid the big defense contractors;
i.e., trying not to get absorbed or run over.
I have requested the Metro Orlando EDC (Ray Gilley's shop) give me their
take on the business.
-----Original Message----From: Kaplan, Mark
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 9:31 AM
To: Dana, Pam; Taff, Bo
Cc: ''; Wainwright, Tara
Subject: I.D.E.A.L. meeting request with Gov
Pam & Bo The folks have requested a meeting with the Governor.
What do you think?
- Mark

-----Original Message----From: Anderson, Oscar [mailto:Anderson

To: Mark Kaplan
Below is some information about I.D.E.A.L. Technology and its new
product called STRIKE. This group of self-described alinux geeksa have
invented a truly amazing handheld device to snoop around in any
electronic media in a matter of minutes. The folks in OTTED (Bo and
Wayne) have seen it and so has Eli Rodriguez (in Orlando).
This company is the poster-child for the Governor's Economic Development
IDEAL is a high-tech company, located at a University Research Park,
with less than 20 people, and funded through an Army Small Business
Innovation and Research grant. IDEAL is exactly the kind of example the
Governor could use in his State of the State speech.
Attached, you will find a project/product aslicka about IDEAL's
counter-terrorism / intelligence gathering device named STRIKE (System
for Triaging Key Evidence). The STRIKE is a portable, easy-to-use
digital media acquisition and analysis tool for use by Special
Operations Forces, Law Enforcement Officers, Homeland Security
Personnel, and other members of the Intelligence Community. Using
STRIKE, operators can rapidly extract data and analyze information,
in-field in real-time, from captured devices and media, including USB
keys, SIM cards, cell phones, PDAs, and hard drives.
press release:
recent writeups:
I appreciate your help on this. These guys will be happy to come to
Tallahassee at any time if we can get some time on the Governor's
calendar to demonstrate their product. I have told them that this will
not be a fishing expedition for state dollars and they have assured me
that they just want to show the Governor a demonstration of the product.
I will be happy to furnish you any additional information if you need
it. Also, I can have someone from the company email the Governor
directly asking for a meeting if you feel that would be helpful. Let me
know... Thanks, Oscar


Jeb Bush
'Thrasher, John'
6/21/2006 12:46:03 AM

thank you John. I have not been briefed but I do have concerns.
-----Original Message----Froma Thrashera John [mailto:Thrashe
Senta Tuesdaya June 20a 2006 8:41 PM
Toa Jeb Bush
Subjecta FW:

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John

Sent: Tue Jun 20 20:35:31 2006
To: ''
Gov- hope you are well. Its been a hard week for Gallagher folks... I think on Monday I had delivered to your office.
Copies of some of the complaints that have been filed against DMPOs along with an OIR presentation against
DMPOs. One other part of the bill that concerns me is the part that deals with afreea insurance,where insurance is
rolled in to the price of a product,like a cell phone, and there is no specific mentionof it on the consumers monthly
bill....there isalso no way to opt out of the insurance as it is just part of the price... Last year you signed a bill that
requires insurance companies to send to their homeowners the specifics of a policy... In fact the law mentions that the
policy must be bolded etc. Clearly the language was intended to give the policyholder info about how much the
insurance costs.... HB 1361 run dirwctly contrary to this.... Have you had a chance to talk to staff or Kevin. We are
willing to help Don pass the parts of the bill he started with. Sorry to be so long .
Sent from my GoodLink Wireless Handheld (


Jeb Bush
9/19/2006 9:06:20 PM

Thank you David. If we can schedule something, I am happy to meet. If that can't be arranged, kent would meet with you.

-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Rancourt, David <Rancourt

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Tue Sep 19 15:54:50 2006

I thought Id reach out to see if you think it would be worthwhile to sit down for 10-15 minutes later this week to discuss the Joshua
Creek tract. There is some history and other facts that were not discussed today that may (or may not) be relevant in your
assessment. Given the short notice of the issues that arose, we did not feel it was appropriate or possible today to try to resolve
things in the meeting.

My purpose is not to make the case for any specific agreement, but merely to ascertain if additional information would make it
worthwhile to continue discussions on this piece of property. I am happy to arrive alone or to have my client from Lakeland with me
at the meeting if that would be beneficial. That is your call of course, as well as if you are interested in sitting down at all. I would
appreciate the opportunity, but will understand if you have made your decision. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

David Rancourt


Jeb Bush
Raquel Rodriguez (Raquel.Rodriguez
10/24/2006 4:17:14 PM

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John [mailto:Thrasher

Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:08 AM
To: Jeb Bush

Hope you are doing well.Question: are you making the 1DCA appointment for Judge Irwin before you leave office. My friend
Richard Townsend who was in the final mix for the last 1DCA appointment may go again.
Sent from my GoodLink Wireless Handheld (


Jeb Bush
10/31/2006 2:13:01 AM
Fw: PBS&J Settlement Discussions

Let us discuss tomorrow.

-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Thrasher, John <Thrasher

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Mon Oct 30 17:58:10 2006
Subject: FW: PBS&J Settlement Discussions
Gov- I asked John. Zumwalt the president &ceo of PBS&J to brief me on the points we discussed with
you on Friday. What follows is his response. Again thanks for you consideration of this matter.
-----Original Message----From: Zumwalt, John B [mailto:JBZumwalt
Sent: Mon Oct 30 15:07:45 2006
To: Thrasher, John; Rancourt, David
Cc: Corporate Board; Vrana, Donald J
Subject: PBS&J Settlement Discussions
John/David... my observation on some observations.
Hopefully, our lack of humility as a company is a misconception. However, we do consider any such
perception a serious one; there are two sides to every coin. To paraphrase an e-mail from Bob
Paulsen, our Chief Operating Officer and former Director of Transportation for PBS&J.

"One of the things that became crystal clear to me on Friday when we met with Lowell and other
FDOT staff was the total unappreciation they have for the dedicated service our staff has given to the
Department. The quality of service we consistently deliver to the Department is without peer. During
periods of crisis, including the Salt Creek bridge disaster and the response to a number of hurricanes,
we have consistently demonstrated that FDOT is not just a client, but it is the client. Our people
consistently place the needs of their families as a second priority to the needs of FDOT. Just ask our
Turnpike staff that manned the Service plazas during the hurricanes of 2004. This attitude of total
client service pervades beyond the senior leadership. It is evident with our CADD operators, our
survey rodmen, our construction inspectors. None of them want to let FDOT down. It is not about is about doing the right thing."
PBS&J appreciates and holds dear the professional relationship we enjoy serving the many Districts of
FDOT and other Florida agencies. We have earned high grades for performance throughout the
system because of what Bob Paulsen points out above. Our people take pride in their company, their
work and their clients; this should never be construed as lacking humility. I have never worked with a
better roll-up-the-sleeves group than with the employees and hard working culture that we enjoy today.
If we are viewed otherwise, my sincerest apology is offered and a new tone from the top will be sent.
Don Vrana, PBS&J's new Chief Financial Officer along with Greenberg Traurig (corporate legal
counsel) and Holland & Knight (legal counsel to PBS&J's independent Audit Committee) had worked
with the Department of Justice for several months on a settlement methodology that estimated a fair
and reasonable reimbursement amount to all PBS&J's government clients. When we presented this
model to FDOT in August it calculated a refund of about $8M including interest for the 2000-2005
FDOT came back with a revised model with their own calculations that initially showed $17.5 million,
but allowed contract exclusions that brought the number down to $13.8 million. PBS&J and counsel
worked with FDOT's model and pointed out areas where it didnt accurately calculate the
reimbursement -- from a formula standpoint. After FDOT changed the model for the calculations we
brought to their attention (and that they agreed with), FDOT issued a revised model (without contract
exclusions but allowing for the capped Turnpike rate) on October 10th that calculated a refund of
$12.6 million. When PBS&J met with them later that week, we presented changes that the external
auditors had made to PBS&J's restated financials which resulted in FDOT's model being reduced to
$11.1 million, which we (PBS&J and the FDOT auditors) all agreed to after FDOT auditors had a
discussion with PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
When we met with Lowell the following day, he stated that he did not agree with one of the
adjustments that PriceWaterhouseCoopers made and we agreed to this last second change that took
the amount to $11.5 million for the years 2000-2005. The remaining amounts were $300k for pre-1999
and $650k for cost reimbursable for 2006 bringing the total to 12.45 million. We did try to negotiate
down the Admin G&A component as well as the amount that lump sum contracts should be adjusted,
but FDOT allowed no adjustment for these items. Effectively, we agreed to everything FDOT proposed
and then some.

In mid-2005, PBS&J made a voluntary disclosure to the US Department of Justice and Florida's
Attorney General under the False Claims Act and Statute. Since that time, PBS&J has been "open
book" with our clients, employees and friends of the firm. We have spent more than $20 million in selfinvestigation to determine the extent of refunds to our clients and restatement of financials to our
shareholders, the employees of the company.
Our goal is to be a model for the right thing to do when a firm determines it has a problem and
voluntarily reports. To add a severe penalty to a firm that self reports would send a strong message to
the industry to not self report thus defeating the purpose of voluntary disclosure and doing the right
In our case, the people responsible for the scheme to misappropriate money and conceal the theft on
our books are about to be sentenced for their crimes. What remains are 4,000 hard working
employees and their families, 1500 of which are in the State of Florida. These are the folks that I worry
John B Zumwalt, III, PE


Winn, John <John.Winn

Jeb Bush
11/16/2006 1:30:53 AM

Holy cow! Very descriptive.

John L. Winn
Department of Education


----- Original Message ----From: Jeb Bush <>


Sent: Wed Nov 15 20:17:27 2006

Young people don't like us. Who can blame them?
John Naughton electrified last week's Society of Editors conference when in a passionate personal polemic he savaged
newspaper coverage of today's youth. Here's what he said ...
Sunday November 12, 2006
The Observer <>

The novelist William Gibson coined the term 'cyberspace', and he's as sharp as a razor. He also said: 'The future is already
here: it's just not evenly distributed.' As it happens, I think he's right and I'm not sure it's good news for those of us who work
in the newspaper industry. Because if the future is already here, then the only inference one can draw is that our industry
hasn't been paying much attention to it.
For example, take the problem of declining newspaper circulations, and specifically the related problem of what we might call
'biological leakage' - the fact that the average age of newspaper readers is going up: from 51 a few years ago, to 54 now.
Although the aggregate (online plus offline) readership of papers, like the Guardian and The Observer, that have embraced
the web enthusiastically seems to be bucking that trend to some extent, the sad fact is that young people don't read papers.
Now, given that people are living longer and we have more and more old people, a cynical editor might say that these ageing
readers will see him out. In the long run, as Keynes observed, we are all dead. But in any other industry, the discovery that
your potential future customers weren't interested in buying your product would prompt an investigation into whether there
was something wrong with the product. But what one hears - still - from the newspaper industry is that there's something
wrong with the customers. And what one finds, on closer examination, is that the industry seems determined either to insult
or to ignore them.
Just imagine for a moment that you're a British teenage boy. You're struggling to grow up, to find out who you really are. Your
parents' marriage has broken up. Your Dad's long gone. You're either under pressure to perform in school - SATS, GCSEs
etc - or you're in a sink school that is threatened with closure, where the Head's off having a nervous breakdown and the only
instruction you get comes from frightened supply teachers. You're threatened with an Asbo if you congregate with your
mates. You get banned from shopping centres because you wear a hoodie. The only adult role models available are thuggish
older lads who are in the same boat as you. You carry a knife not because you are violent, but because you're scared witless
most of the time you're out on the street.
And if, by any chance, you happen to find one of our newspapers on the pavement of that street and you start to read it, what
do you find? You are likely to read spiteful, biased, inaccurate factoid-based journalism that portrays you as a hateful,
terrifying, anti-social, petty criminal that society would be better without. Plus a lot of garbage about celebrities, liposuction,

conquest shagging and footballers' wives. And - ungrateful wretch that you are - you decide that, no, you're not going to shell
out 50p to read that stuff.
But then we say: 'Aw hell, no: that's not the kind of reader we're after. That sort would never buy a newspaper anyway. [Well,
they might buy the Sport when they're a bit older.]' No - what we're after are the coming generations of respectable kids who
will get GCSEs and A-levels and value the great journalism to which we are all so pompously committed. They are the future.
Well, they are indeed the future. And they're already here. So what do we know about them? Quite a lot, as it happens.
Today's 21-year-olds were born in 1985. The internet was two years old in January that year, and Nintendo launched 'Super
Mario Brothers', the first blockbuster game. When they were going to primary school in 1990, Tim Berners-Lee was busy
inventing the world wide web. The first SMS message was sent in 1992, when these kids were seven. Amazon and eBay
launched in 1995. Hotmail was launched in 1996, when they were heading towards secondary school.
Around that time, pay-as-you-go mobile phone tariffs arrived, enabling teenagers to have phones, and the first instant
messaging services appeared. Google launched in 1998, just as they were becoming teenagers. Napster and
launched in 1999 when they were doing GCSEs. Wikipedia and the iPod appeared in 2001. Early social networking services
appeared in 2002 when they were doing A-levels. Skype launched in 2003, as they were heading for university, and YouTube
launched in 2005, as they were heading toward graduation.
These kids have been socially conditioned in a universe that runs parallel to the one inhabited by most folks in the media
business. They've been playing computer games of mind-blowing complexity forever. They're resourceful, knowledgeable and
natural users of computer and communications technology. They're Digital Natives - accustomed to creating content of their
own - and publishing it. (Remember the motto of YouTube: 'Broadcast yourself!')
They buy music from the iTunes store - but continue to download tracks illicitly as well. They use BitTorrent to get US
editions of Lost. They think 'Google' is a synonym for 'research' and regard it as quite normal to maintain and read blogs (55
million as of last night), use Skype to talk to their mates and upload photos to Flickr. Some even write entries on Wikipedia.
And they know how to use iMovie or Adobe Premiere to edit videos and upload them to YouTube.
Now look round the average British newsroom. How many hacks have a Flickr account or a MySpace profile? How many
sub-editors have ever uploaded a video to YouTube? How many editors have used BitTorrent? (How many know what
BitTorrent is?)
And while some of our teenagers' interests coincide with ours, many do not. Here, for example, are the top blog tags on
Technorati last night: Bush, careers, college, comedy, Congress, death, Democrats, elections, Flickr, gay, Halloween, Iraq,
Microsoft, money, Republicans, Saddam, Ted Haggard, vote, war, breaking-news, tagshare, YouTube. Some you'll
recognise. But you won't see much about many of these in the papers.
These are the future, my friends. They're here and living among us. They're not very interested in us, and I'm not sure I
blame them. The best we can hope for is that one day they may keep us as pets.
This is an edited version of a talk given at the Society of Editors Annual Conference, Glasgow, 6 November 2006
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials
regarding state business are public records available to
the public and media upon request. Your e-mail
communications may therefore be subject to public disclosure.


Jeb Bush
12/14/2006 1:45:28 AM

Let us do it.
-------------------------Jeb Bush
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law.
Most written communications to or from state officials regarding
state business are public records available to the public and
media upon request. Your e-mail communications may
therefore be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----From: Rancourt, David <Rancourt

To: Jeb Bush <>
Sent: Wed Dec 13 14:13:37 2006

Im excited to report that after 2 long years, the greatest medical education facility project going is about to land on your desk. The lease and agreements for
the new BRCH facility and FAU/UM Medical School project are all in order and seem to have passed muster with the Cabinet Aides from a briefing Tuesday
and the Aides meeting today. I know you have discussed this project with Dick Schmidt and are aware of its incredible potential, so I wont add any more to
that great story.

Next Tuesday Chairman Schmidt, CEO Gary Strack from BRCH along with FAU Board Chair Sherry Plymale and President Brogan will be in town to attend
the Cabinet meeting where, pending your approval and the members of the Cabinet, this exciting project will finally be underway.

BRCH and FAU have asked me to do what I can to help them memorialize this exciting occasion. They will have a photographer and videographer present
to capture the vote and comments and want to do all they can to honor you and the members of the Cabinet for your role in this tremendous project. If at all
possible we would all greatly appreciate it if you might be able to visit with this group in your office prior to the beginning of the Cabinet meeting. I know it
would mean a lot to them if they can say hello in a more private setting than just in the formal Cabinet meeting. I have mentioned this to Kent Perez and will
follow up with Mark Kaplan and Betty as well. This is truly one of the most exciting projects Ive had the pleasure of working on and one that will reap
rewards in medicine and education for years to come. The leaders of these organizations would love the chance to say hello and thank you personally if you
are available that morning.

I look forward to hearing from you Governor. All the best to you and your family for a blessed holiday season.

David Rancourt


Jeb Bush
'Rancourt, David'
12/15/2006 4:31:27 PM

thank you. My lips are sealed.

-----Original Message----From: Rancourt, David [mailto:Rancourt
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 10:41 AM
To: Jeb Bush
Thanks so much for making time to see the BRCH/FAU team next week. They are looking forward to it.
One issue of which I wanted to make you aware: The $75M gift to the Hospital by Dick Schmidt has not yet been
made public. You were kind enough to call last month to congratulate Dick and the BRCH Board for which they were
very grateful, but they have not yet made a public pronouncement of the gift and are trying to keep it under wraps for a
big announcement later. I wanted you to be aware of that just in case. Thanks again Governor.
Best wishes,
David Rancourt

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