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2015 Devotions


Four keys:

1) Caring Conversation = highs & lows

2) Devotions - listed here as one word focus and theme for quiet time, Bible Study, and Spiritual activity
3) Service = review current day and plan for the next
4) Ritual - listed here

Day 1
July 24

Depart ?
5 hr. ride
300 mi.
Supper on own

Focus & Theme Bible Study - Activity - Ritual

Focus Acquaintance (getting to know one another & our procedure)
Theme Friendship: getting to know each others family, work, hobbies, passion and
sharing our vulnerability, i.e. naming something we fear and hope for on this trip both
discussed in the vehicles and shared with the group

Bible reading: Mark 11:1-25 Jerusalem & the Temple

Our Saviors, Activity: Four Keys (do in small groups) 1) Caring Conversation = high & low of the
Albany, MN day; 2) Devotions = intro to the Bible Study; 3) Service = plans for the next day &
cooperation needed; 4) the following ritual:

Ritual make the sign of the cross on each others forehead and declare The Lord bless
you and keep you on this trip and bind us more deeply to one another on this trip

Day 2
July 25

Depart 6:00 AM
12 hours
800 mi.
Laurel, MT

Focus Amazement (sharpening our awareness of creation)

Theme Creation: notice the changing terrain; take in the beauty and uniqueness as we
travel; share the most amazing thought or observation you had

Bible reading: Mark 11:27-12:40 Questions of Jesus

Activity: Fears, Hopes & Surprises share your fears & hopes for this trip and what has
already surprised you

Ritual make the sign of the cross on each others forehead and declare The Lord bless
you and keep you on this trip, protect you from ____, and lead you to enjoy ___ . If time parents tell story of their childs joining the family (wonder of it), and give thanks

Day 3
July 26

3 hrs.
110 mi.

Theme God: (30 min. quiet time) direct your mind to adore God in what you see: share


Bible reading: Mark 12:41-13:37 Temple Life

Activity: Wonder share how and/or that for which you praise (adore) God

3 hr. hike
Boulder Creek

Day 4
July 27

Focus Adoration (how great is our God)


what you see that most reminds you of God (may bring the item)

Ritual - The Lord bless you, open your heart and mind to take in all the wonders of this

Focus Acceptance (willing to face and deal positively with things we do not like)
Theme Self: (30 min. quiet time) observe and think of what describes you, your gifts,
strengths, and longings (may bring back an object)

Base Camp?

Bible reading: Mark 14:1-25

Activity: Trust share limitations you have (body, mind, emotions, spirit) and how you
will grow your acceptance and use of those limitations for good

Ritual The Lord bless you and keep you and lead you to face all lifes challenges in the
confidence of Gods love and care.

Day 5
July 28

Base Camp

Focus Apology (admitting how we hurt & annoy others)

Theme Barriers: (30 min. quiet time) let your mind wander on what annoys, disappoints,
and blocks you from God, others, life, and your own self

Bible reading: Mark 14:26-52 Jesus Promise, Prayer & Arrest

Activity: Confession of sins confess & ask forgiveness for what has hurt the group or
someone specific to which the group responds, In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven

Ritual bless each other: Your Creator says call Him Father live boldly! Jesus died for you
you are forgiven! The Holy Spirit is poured out on you live with boldness!



Day 6
July 29

Base Camp

Focus & Theme Bible Study - Activity - Ritual

Focus Appreciation (notice and bring out the best in others)
Theme Appreciation: (30 min. quiet time) let your mind wander and bring back a
memory or object that describes your greatest joy

Bible reading: Mark 14:53-15:20 Trials before Priests & Pilate

Activity: Affirmations people one at a time sit with their back to the others and the
group talks about that person saying only positive things

Ritual blessing: God loves you; I love you; you are a great gift to me and always will be!
Day 7
July 30


Focus Action (claiming your greatest High & Low and Gods love & call of you)
Theme Calling: (30 min. quiet time) let your mind wander on the sights and events of the
day & week & where/how God is leading and working in your life; what describes your goals
or dreams of what you want to be, do, or become (Gods call)

Bible reading: Mark 15:21-16:8

Crucified, Died, Buried, Raised!
Activity: Transformation name 1) something you learned/gained on this trip, and 2)
how you will apply that in your life

Ritual The Lord bless you & keep you always; the Lord be your strength and assurance
Day 8
July 31

Hike out
Showers &
lunch at
4 hrs.
250 mi.
Buffalo, WY

Day 9
Aug 1

Theme claim it: implant in your mind the greatest joys and learnings of the past week;
contemplate specific ways that you will live your life differently as a result of this trip, and
how you will think of yourself, connect with God, & relate with others.

Bible reading: Gospel of Mark

What strikes you most in Mark?
Activity: Community state your 1) greatest praise of God, 2) appreciation of others, 3)
new action you will incorporate into your life, & 4) covenant with the group

Ritual The Lord bless you & guide you in all your pursuits; the Lord lead you & show you the
way; the Lord challenge & discipline you that you grow in love, service & in using your gifts.


Focus Always (that the bonds formed on this trip stay with us always)
9 hrs.
Theme do it! Reflect on the support you need to reach Gods call working in you .
550 mi.
Bible reading: Mark 1:1-8:26 Three Sabbaths Emphases + John B & Feeding
Devils Tower? Activity: Follow up share 1) your greatest high and low of the trip; 2) the new action you
Wall Drug
Sioux Falls, SD

Aug. 2

in all difficulties; the Lord strengthen you and guide you to _____ .
Focus Accountability (naming how we will change our lives)

8 hrs.
480 mi.

will seek to incorporate into your life; 3) your desire to covenant together when and how the
group will follow up with support & encouragement during the next three years; and 4) in a
circle prayer at the end give thanks to God for the trip & petition God for your action
Parents: You now have seen and know / that I will move mountains for you! /
But I have seen and know that you are strong and able! / As a result of this trip /
I have seen and know Gods guidance and keeping / and I hereby promise: /
you will always have my love / and you will always have my prayers; /
and above all, I entrust you into Gods guidance and keeping!
Youth: I now have seen and know / that you will move mountains for me! /
And I have seen and know that I am strong and able! / As a result of this trip /
I have seen and know Gods guidance and keeping / and I hereby promise: /
I will always receive your love / and I will always treasure your prayers; /
but above all, I seek Gods guidance and keeping!

Focus Again (repetition is the way to make something stick)

Bible reading: Mark 8:27-16:8 Passion Statements & Passion
Theme promise! Choose what you most gained from this experience and claim what you
will do (practice, activity, person) to make it stick in your life.
Activity: Conversations use the time and direct the conversations on the ride home to
reflect and brainstorm about what you most appreciated, learned and gained from this trip;
what you need to do to incorporate it into your life; and what change or commitment you will
practice to make it so.
Ritual I give thanks to God for you and for this trip. Know that as long as I live that I
will always love you. And above all, I pray and trust Gods keeping you.

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