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Nationalism is the most important cause of World War I

Nationalism is the most important cause of World War I.

Mr. Phillip Henderson
Pitiporn Prachayamongkol
Mahidol University International Demonstration School

Nationalism is the main factor for starting World War I because nationalism is something
that stimulate people to love, respect and proud in their nation, history and culture. Nationalism
defined as a group or nation who love in their culture, belief in their traditional, language, and
their independence. Nationalism was found in every nation. There were two kinds of nationalism
in 19th century which are people wanted their independence and the power of nation needed to
dominate other country. Nationalism is the most important cause of World War I because the war
started from nationalism in Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Germany and France.
The World War I began by conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. On June 28 1914, Arc
Duke Francis Ferdinand is the crowd prince of Austria-Hungary and the princess Sophie were killed by a
Serbian assassin. A Serbian was ordered by the Serbian nationalist organization called the Black Hand
while stayed in Sarajevo. Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia-Herzegovina and obstructed gathering
between slaves and Serbian. A Serbian tried to gather with Bosnia-Herzegovina which under control of
Austria-Hungary. As well as Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in the final week of July, 1914. This
showed that Serbia loved their country so they wanted to expand their territory and wanted more
powerful. As above related to the document1 said Large areas of both Austria-Hungary and Serbia were
home to differing nationalist groups, all of whom wanted freedom from the states in which they lived.

In 19 century, Nationalism of Germany happened by the time that conflict between

Germany and France. In addition, Germany was nationalism because of the loved their people
had for their own nation. Germany didnt want to attack France in the first place because France
allied with Russia and Russia was known for their powerfulness but Germany wanted to defend
themselves from France. They believed that the best defend is to attack. All of attacking;
Belgium and France was done by the loved of Germany had for their own country. Germany
didnt have interest in attacking Belgium but because of Germany cant fight directly to France
so Germany decided to go pass through Belgium to France. First, Germany easily went through

Belgium and trespassed to France. Germany almost got Paris and French governor were so
afraid, they emigrated from Paris to somewhere south. But one French commander decided to
fight back to Germany and it was so powerful that it reduce the Germanys troop back. And the
Great War happened after that incident. This showed that Germany was so nationalist to defend
their own country by attacking France first. The document 8 said Germany was to pay for the
damage caused by the war. As this quote related the World War I ended by Germany signed the
Treaty of Versailles.
Lastly, the Franco-German war. This war is another cause of World War I. This war
started form the conflict between the second France Empire and the kingdom of Prussia.
Germany had involve in this war by giving military strength and supported Prussia. Moreover,
other small state helped Prussia such as Bavaria. At last, Prussia won the wars against France.
Because of this war, it made France needed to give away the land named Alsace and Lorraine to
Prussia and some part to Germany. Later on, France declared war on Prussia because after the
long conflict between countries, they were a conflict in the discussion of the deposition of
Isabelle II between the King of Prussia and French ambassador. This cause a serious tension
between France and Prussia. France decided to assemble a troops and declared war only with
Prussia but later on, Germany decided to take Prussia side. According as showed that France
fight with others even they dont have much chance of winning but theyre doing it because of
the pride they have for their country because they lost with Germany before and they wont even
give up before they even tried to fight for their country.
To conclude, nationalism is the important cause of World War I. As the above, every
nationalism love their nation and can do everything for their nation or independence. The
importance is everyone are not doing for themselves but for their nation. On the contrary,

nationalism is the pride for their nation and if theyre not powerful enough or they are not
satisfied about the power that they have, they would conquer others and make themselves
powerful as they satisfies.

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