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EDUC 6820 Project Proposal


Essential Skill:

Communication and Collaboration

Skill Level: Beginning/

Intermediate/Advanced (choose


Grade Level:



Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standard(s),

Objective(s) and Indicator(s):

Language Arts



Social Studies


Technology Standards
Utah Educational Technology
ISTE*S Standard(s)


Project Title:

Mystery Skype

Project Summary:

Each student will be given a 3x5 card with a particular US state listed
Students will research and create a list of identifying characteristics about that specific state

Work to be done:

(geographic location, landforms in and around that state, climate, natural resources, economy,
population, political, religious). The teacher will give students Culture Grams (state information
booklets) and fill-out-sheets to guide their study. Students will also use the Internet to
compare information from Culture Grams to see similarities and changes that have occurred
since publication.
Using ideas from the information researched, the class will construct yes/no questions that
could be used to determine the location of an unknown place. These questions will be
universally used for this experience.
As a class, the teacher will demonstrate inquiry and deductive reasoning by using a pre-made
example. The teacher will go through the process of asking yes/no questions about the
unknown state.
The teacher will utilize physical maps and a journal to write down the sample responses. After
all questions have been asked, the teacher will use the information provided to research and
logically narrow the search to find the unknown state based on the clues given. (The students
may not guess the state until all questions have been asked and journals have been filled out)
Students will find a partner and repeat this process using the assigned US state they have
previously researched.
Students will repeat this process with another student
The teacher will then host a Mystery Skype call with another class at an unknown location.
Each student in the class will have designated roles (Greeter, Questioner, Filter, Answerer,
Runner, Google Mapper, Wall Map, Lead thinker, Supervisor, Note Taker, Reporter)
Student fill out sheet
Sample inquiry questions
Journal sample
Job role descriptions
Mystery Skype video example

Preparation (What knowledge do Teacher will have a sample study sheet filled out for students to see
you need to complete the
Technological knowledge of Mystery Skype
project? How will you acquire
this knowledge?):

What is the BIG idea I want my

students to walk away with?

Compare geographic and cultural differences among groups of people now and those from

(This is describing the

instructional value of your
project. What will your students
learn? What skills will they
acquired through this project?)

Students will learn about people who live in different states and how culture differs even

Statement of Need (Why does

this project need to be done?):

Students will learn the value of learning about other people and cultures
Students will be able to compare states from early America to today

(Describe what void this project

will fill for your students, your
curriculum, your lesson,
yourself. You should not just
recreate content that is easily
found on the web.)

Communication with others is a lost art. Students will be able to communicate with face to

early America

Utilize technology to research a topic

among people in the United States

Students will be able to learn effective research techniques to find important information
Students will communicate with people from other places

face via Skype. Students need to connect to the social studies curriculum on a personal level.
Helping students see real-world connections with social studies will help them see the value of
learning about our past and connecting it to our future.

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