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Using the Reduction Factors for Wage Types in INF 8 and INF 14

Using Reduction Factors

Use Reduction Factors for Wage Types in Infotype 0008 and 14 to indicate how the
payment of a particular wage type is to be effected on account of a particular
absence taken by the employee in the payroll period.

Difference between factors of infotype 8 and 14

Factors developed for infotype 8 take into consideration partial period change in
basic pay, the absences taken in the partial period. Whereas the factors developed
for infotype 14 take into consideration complete month and absences taken in the
month irrespective of any split in infotye 8

Factors Available as of 01.03.2011


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Old Desc
No reduction
Factor /801
Factor /802
Factor /803
Factor /804
Factor /805
Factor /806
Factor /807
Factor /808
Factor /809

Reduction with
factor /801, with
rounding 005

New Descr as of 1.3.2011

No reduction
Pay all absences, with prorata - factor /801
Pay all absences with SL full (8) - factor /802
Pay all absences with SL full (14) - factor /803
Pay PL,CL,SL(14) - factor /804
Do not pay any absence (8) - factor /805
Do not pay any absence (14) - factor /806
Casual and Sick only (8) - factor /807
Casual and Sick (14) - factor /808
Social Sec Deduction - factor /809
Only casual (14) - factor /810
Only SL (14) - factor /811
Only Spl (14) - factor /812
Reduction with factor /813
Only PL and CL (14) - factor /814
Only Pl and SL (14) - factor /815
only PL (14) - factor /816

Using the Reduction Factors for Wage Types in INF 8 and INF 14

What to do when the evaluation rule is to be changed for an

existing wage type?
1. Identify if wage type is an infotype 8 or infotype 14 wage type
2. From the above table identify the new factor that need to be applied to the
wage type
3. Change the assignment of the Reduction Factor to the wage type as of the
required effective date in the Development Server
4. Test, if results are as desired
5. Transport to Production

How to assign Reduction Factor to Wage Type as of a particular

Payroll international->Factoring-> Assign Reduction Factors
a) Select the required wage type
b) Select the Delimit option
c) Give the start date of the assignment of new Reduction Rule. This will delimit
the old assignment and display a screen where you can assign the new
Reduction Rule.
d) Assign the required rule.
e) Test
f) Transport

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