Three Strategies To Improve Online Courses

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Three Strategies to Improve Online Courses

Online coursework has increasingly become an important alternative to students in

higher education; yet, our recent research suggests community college students
(particularly males, ethnic minority students and those with lower prior GPAs) perform
more poorly in online courses than they do in face-to-face courses.
What might be some potential strategies to help these underperforming groups succeed
in online courses?
1. Better Development of Online Learning Skills
First, the typical online course may require a set of skills in addition to those required
in traditional face-to-face classrooms, such as technological skills, self-directed
learning and time management. These may represent a strong challenge to many
students, particularly those with poorer academic preparation. Therefore, colleges may
need to provide more active support to students to help them understand the types of
skills required for successful online learning, and to explicitly help them develop those
2. Stronger Connection between Students and Instructors
In addition, research indicates that connecting with a faculty or staff member who
encourages the student and shows interest in his or her learning can make a big
difference in these students confidence, motivation and performance in class. Yet,
students often experience low levels of interpersonal interaction with their instructor in
online courses. Thus, colleges may need to provide more support for online faculty, to
help them learn how to guide, support and connect with students in the online context.
For example, in a recent study, we found that online instructors who posted frequently,
invited student questions through a variety of modalities, responded to student queries
quickly, solicited and incorporated student feedback and (perhaps most importantly)
demonstrated a sense of caring created an online environment that encouraged
students to commit themselves to the course and perform at a stronger academic level.
3. Greater Attention Paid to Creation of High-Quality Online Programming
Finally, it is worth noting that specific course design features and pedagogy that have
substantial impacts on successful online learning remain largely unknown. While many
online learning quality rubrics exist, there is little empirical evidence thus far
establishing a clear link between specific aspects of course quality and concrete
student-level course outcomes. Accordingly, it might be beneficial for colleges to
observe high-quality online courses (i.e., those with consistently strong learning
outcomes, even among high-risk populations), identify the types of strategies leveraged
in those courses and explore how to systematically share those strategies with other
online faculty to encourage stronger student learning and performance outcomes
across the entire online learning environment.

Top Benefits of Online Education

In the past decade, online education has significantly increased in

popularity among students of all ages. This is mainly because taking
courses at online schools and universities offers clear benefits over taking
courses at conventional educational facilities. Here are some of the top
benefits of online education.
1. First off, students are given the opportunity to choose from various
schools, programs and courses which are not available in the area where
they live in. This is especially beneficial for those who live in rural areas that
only have one or two educational facilities, which most of the time, offer
limited course and program options for students.
2. Another benefit of taking online courses, and probably the most popular
one, would be that it offers flexibility to students. Because they can attend
classes and courses whenever and wherever there is a computer and access
to the internet, they can easily plan out a schedule that would work for
them. Because of the flexibility offered by online learning, not only
undergraduate students, but also individuals who already have full-time
jobs or other commitments are able to take supplementary courses and
even earn their college degrees online.
3. Online learning allows a more student-centered teaching approach.
Because every student has his or her way of learning that works for them,
getting an online education may help in ensuring that each lesson or
material is completely understood before moving on to the next, which in
turn, could result to better learning.
4. Online course materials can be accessed 24 hours a day every day. This
means that students can easily read and review lectures, discussions and
other materials relevant to their course. There are some students who find
it a bit difficult to understand spoken material in a typical classroom setting
because of a number of distractions, boredom or tiredness. Because they
can simply access the material online once they are prepared to learn,
students are able to take in and understand the material a lot better.
5. In an online setting, a student is marked present if the student has
actually participated in the classroom discussion. This encourages students
to interact, increasing the diversity of opinion as everyone, and not just one
or two students, is given the opportunity to share their thoughts.
6. Online education offers a lot of savings because there are no additional
costs for transportation and accommodation. Online education programs
and courses also cost a lot cheaper than courses that can be taken in a
traditional school.

7. There are also plenty of online course offerings and education programs
that offer the opportunity to students to connect with the most renowned
professors and lecturers in the world.
8. Making use of the tools and resources available in the internet to attend
classes, research information and communicate or interact with other
students can help in learning the skills an individual needs in order to adapt
with the present and future technology that is used in the business world or
in the industry he or she is interested to work in.
9. Students who are taking online classes can also socialize, interact and
discuss things that are not related to the course through "chat rooms"
which are usually offered by most online institutions.
10. Because online instructors usually come from different locations across
the globe, students are exposed to knowledge shared by the instructors
which cannot be learned in books. The different personal backgrounds of
online instructors also allow them to teach students different perspectives
on how class concepts can be applied in actual business situations (in the
case of students taking business courses).
11. Students of online courses are also given the chance to talk with their
instructors whenever they want to. Through online chat, email and
newsgroup discussions, students and teachers can discuss concerns related
to the material without having to wait for office hours.
12. Lastly, more and more schools and universities are starting to offer
online education to students. This gives even more options as far as online
education programs and courses are concerned, allowing students to choose
those which they think would best help them in achieving their personal and
educational goals.

Piracy, IP Crime, Copyright Infringement

Online education or online learning is the term that refers to the concept of
taking educational courses over the internet. The courses which can be
taken can cover a wide range of topics or subjects, audiences and prices. In
recent years, online education has become more and more popular
primarily because of the numerous benefits that it offers to both students
and educators, including efficiency, accessibility, stability, technology and

From the perspective of the educator, he or she can record course lectures
and then just reuse them as needed. The recurring cost would only be for
marking and moderating the communication of the students. This
significantly reduces staff time and cost, and even improve the whole
teaching process as the educator provides the structure of the course, and
possibly assisting the students whenever necessary, while the students are
encouraged to exert more effort on understanding and learning about the
course materials.
From the perspective of the student, he or she can complete coursework
from any location without having any time restriction to access the lectures
of the course. Course materials are also readily available online, allowing
him or her to study at his or her own pace. Also, it can offer the student a
lot of savings compared to taking the course at a conventional education
facility, as he or she no longer has to travel to class or to campus and most
of the course materials are already included in the fee.
There are basically two ways of accessing online courses: open and
restricted access. Open access allows anyone who has a computer and an
internet connection to view the course material. This type of online
education usually does not require any interaction with the instructor. The
course material for open access courses can range from simple subjects and
topics to university level courses. This type of course enables individuals
who have a desire to learn more about a particular subject to do so without
having to go to an actual educational facility and without having to register
and take evaluations or tests to pass.
The other type of online course would be the restricted access courses.
Restricted access courses are usually limited to a specific number of
registered students. Unlike open access courses, students can interact with
the instructor and may be required to undergo evaluations upon
Because online education is largely based on making use of technology to
support an effective learning environment, more and more tools and
resources are being utilized in order to meet the needs of the students as
well as the needs of the educators and instructors. These tools would
include using mobile audio and video viewers, virtual classrooms or online
conferencing, digital collaboration, course management software, social
media websites and other programs and software that are able to enhance
the whole online learning experience.

The advent of online education has truly revolutionized the learning

process. Today, individuals from all over the world, regardless of their age,
location and physical and financial capability, are now given the opportunity
to learn and study about a wide range of subjects and courses, helping
them achieve their educational goals.
If you are interested in taking online courses for an internet mba degree,
however, it is important to first evaluate your needs and the specific
benefits that online education can provide you. Although online learning
does offer plenty of advantages, it might not be the best option for some.
Once you have decided that it is something that you can actually commit to,
be sure to take your time in reviewing each of the schools online that are
offering the courses you want to take. Through doing this and by focusing
on your education goals, you would definitely be able to make sure that you
would be getting the most out of your whole online learning experience.

How to Choose the Best Online Degree Program for

With the rise in popularity of online education programs, the number of
individuals looking into getting their degree online has also increased.
However, because of numerous options that are now available online as far
as courses and degree programs are concerned, it is important that you are
able to make the best choice. Here are some tips on how you can choose
the best online degree program.
1. First, make sure that getting an online education is right for you. Keep in
mind that although online learning definitely has advantages, it is not for
everybody. Be sure that you are comfortable in studying your lessons
without having personal interactions with your instructors and other
students, although you would still be able to communicate with them
through online chat rooms and discussion boards, depending on what your
online college or university is offering.
2. You would then need to do your research on online colleges and
universities that are offering the online degree program that you are looking
for. An important thing that you need to check would be if the school is
accredited, particularly if you are planning to transfer your credits to a
conventional college or university later on. Check the facilities, tools and
resources that each online education program offers and assess if they are
sufficient for what you think you may need.

3. After narrowing down your choices for potential online degree programs,
you may want to check how effective these programs are. Try contacting
some instructors as well as students who have taken or are taking the
4. Ask the online school if they have available technical support round the
clock. Because you would be working over the internet and on the online
system that the school has, it is important that you would be able to get
support or assistance whenever you need to. This would make sure that you
would be able to access course materials or log on to virtual classrooms
when needed.
5. You should also get a list of all the requirements needed for you to enroll
in the online degree program. This includes transcripts and other
documents that you might have to submit prior to enrollment. Also, if you
are planning to get your graduate degree online, you might need to take
some tests or evaluations to get qualified for the program.
6. Since you would be working on your computer throughout the duration of
the online degree program, it is also essential that you have a computer
with software that would be compatible with it. You might need to sign up
with an internet service provider that would be able to provide you with
uninterrupted and fast online access.
7. Before registering for an actual online degree program, it might be a
good idea to try out a simple course to give you idea of how it works and to
help you decide whether it is something that you can commit to.
Through making a careful assessment of your needs and educational goals,
researching on the online schools and education programs available, as well
as checking your current qualifications and credentials, you should be able
to choose an online degree program that would help you get the most out
of your online learning experience.

A History of Online Learning

Online learning or online education is actually a broad term that can describe a learning
environment which is electronically supported. Some of the applications and processes which
are involved in online learning would be web-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities,
computer-based learning and digital collaboration. Generally, course content or course materials
are delivered over the internet or through other forms of multimedia. Online course programs
can either be self-paced or led by an instructor.

The origins of online learning began around the same time computers began available for
personal use, although back then, course programs and degree programs were not yet easily
available. Eventually, many educators and educational institutions started looking into offering
education programs online. Some of the earliest online courses offered were those that were
developed by the British Open University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology and the
University of British Columbia. Over the years, more and more methods and approaches were
developed to enhance the whole online learning experience, which resulted to a significant
increase in students preferring to get their degrees online.
Online learning is also referred to as CSCL or computer-supported collaborative learning. This
is because taking online courses revolves around the concept of group or collaborative learning
where a variety of instructional methods are developed to require or encourage students to work
together as they learn new lessons and tasks. This can be seen in the different tools available to
students such as virtual classrooms, online chat, discussion boards and even social media or
social networking sites, which all allow them to interact with one another.
Today, online learning continues to be popular because of its numerous benefits. First off, it
offers convenience for individuals who want to continue or finish their studies but do not have
the time to attend classes in a traditional classroom setting. By taking online classes, a student
can easily create a schedule which would allow him or her to study while still being able to
attend to his or other commitments. Another benefit is that taking up online classes is much
cheaper as there are no transportation costs and other costs which are associated with taking a
course at a conventional school, college or university. Online learning also offers accessibility
since course materials are readily available online whenever the student needs them.
Although there are still some who say that online learning is not as good and effective as
learning in a traditional classroom setting, it can actually be a better option for some.
Depending on the learning style and pace and self-discipline and motivation of an individual,
getting an online education could easily offer a learning experience that may even be more
effective than attending classes at a brick-and-mortar educational institution.
If you are interested in taking online classes or an online degree program, make sure to weigh
out all your options, as far as the school and course offering are concerned. Also make sure that
you are prepared to be motivated and disciplined enough to commit to the whole concept of
learning online, which would ultimately allow you to achieve your goals.

What to Consider Before Taking an Online Course or Program

Before signing up for an online course, there are several considerations that
you need to take. If you are planning to enroll into an online college or

university, read on for some pointers which could help you make a wise
1. The first thing that you need to consider would be if you have the time.
Do you a full-time job? Are you a stay-at-home parent with young children?
Do you have many other commitments that you need to attend to for a
large part of your week? Although the two of the primary benefits of getting
an online education is accessibility and convenience because a student is
able to take classes at his or her own pace, it is important you would be
able to allot adequate time to your studies. If you think that you are leading
a busy lifestyle but are interested in taking an online course, make sure
that you would be creating a schedule that would allow you to focus on your
studies as well as attend to the other things in your life.
2. The second would be to assess whether you have enough discipline and
determination. Again, because online learning allows you to be free to
create a schedule that would be convenient for you, you should make sure
that you are disciplined enough to accomplish the things that you need to.
It would be helpful to avoid distractions when it is your schedule to study
and to allot time for relaxation and doing extra-curricular activities which
could enrich your learning experience even more.
3. You should also consider the cost of attending an online program.
Although it is generally cheaper to take a degree program online than at a
traditional college or university, if you know that you would be needing
financial aid to pay for your tuition, you could start going through your
4. Before enrolling, you should also conduct a thorough research on the
school you are interested in. Check its accreditation with the appropriate
department or organization to be sure that it is not just another diploma
mill online. You could also look for reviews that other students and
educators have written about the school.
5. Lastly, compare the benefits of taking the course you want online and the
benefits of taking it in a traditional school setting. Do you think you would
be exposed to the same opportunities online as you would at a traditional
college or university? Are there any resources or tools which would be
available online than at a brick-and-mortar educational facility?
6. If you are planning to take an online course to be qualified for a job at a
certain company, you might want to check with their human resources if
they recognize an online degree with the school you are planning to enroll

7. Lastly, evaluate your learning style. Do you feel you would be able to
take online classes and understand the material without having your
instructor looking over your shoulder or discussing the lesson in actual class
setting? If yes, then getting an online degree might be your best option
since you would have the freedom to learn and apply the material your own

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