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Abolitionists Weekly
Date 6/22/1860

By: Bahra

May 22, 1856

David Chua | Zaida
Ortiz | Bahra Benjamin
| Matyos Kifarkis

Actions Speak Louder than

Words, Literally.

By Jane Smith
Blood conflict after blood conflict, Charles Sumner, 45, was at the
Senate giving his two-day speech about crime against Kansas &
blasted three of his colleagues. One of those colleagues being

After Course

The significance of Charles Sumners attack was lead directly to the

Civil War for the reason that Charles gave this speech for the reason
that so an area in the Northern states wouldnt turn into a slave used
state after 30 years of being a non-slave state. Although it did create a
hostility vibe between the two camps. Brooks became known as a hero
and was given by many replacement canes and a symbol of slave
power. Meanwhile Charles Sumner did not return to the Senate for
three years until he recovered. Sumner was a antislavery Martyr for
being assaulted for his views on the Kansas-Nebraska Act. How this
couldve been avoided could be said from both sides. For Sumner, he
made the mistake of putting his own colleagues on blast, this couldve
been avoided and wouldnt have led into a attack. As for Brooks he
made the mistake of getting involved. Of course it was for the sake of
defending his kin, but no need for getting physical.

The age of chivalry has gone; the age of humanity has come.
-Charles Sumner
Address and company name goes here.

By Zaida Ortiz

Uncle Toms Cabin

is the best known book right now for how
they explain slavery and the cruelty they go through.African
Americans are being used as slaves in the South. This book
specifies on African slaves that whites are using. And the reactions
of the Whites was not a very good reaction. Harris Beecher Stowe
has talked to Abolitionists Weekly how her whole idea of writing
this book is to make a point go through and convince people that
slavery is not a good thing. She told us that her whole idea was to
have a slave that had escaped to show us how its really like inside
the homes of those who really have slaves & how they treat them,
like animals.
Bestselling book right now in
the 1852 that will convince you
more of how slavery can be so
cruel and evil.

Many of the slaves

that survived they
survived because they
ran away many others
were still on sale
ready to be bought.

The book
Uncle Toms Cabin
is a great way to tell people and
show them and get the word out to STOP slavery now! Slavery is
not a good thing and of course I think many people that will read
the book will understand and have a more open mind to this topic
and will be against it. My opinion or other people's opinion or just
by saying something will not do much or help slaves as much just
that they know that we are with them the whole idea is for us to do
something about it and speak up so it stops and doesn't happen
again. And realize what's really going around us and in this world
that we might not have any idea of. Your also not giving people the
right for anything you're taking there whole freedom. We all as a
nation should be helping them not making them worse and giving
them more work. Probably if each and every one of us made our
work, our own job we wouldn't have slaves and we wouldn't be
talking about this and taking off your time to read this and convince

David Chua

Fugitive Slave Laws?

OH MY GOD. Fugitive Slave Laws allowed people to capture and
return runaway slaves. In 1793, the Fugitive Slave Act let local
governments to capture slaves and return them to their owners.
Also anyone who tried helping the slaves would have some sort of
punishment. There was a resistance in 1793 for law that passed it
in 1850. Then added more to the law, runaways and people who
helped got even worse punishments for trying to help slaves. They
were the most controversial laws in the 19th century, and a lot of
Northern states passed it to find a way around them. Both laws
were repealed in 1864.

What I think...
WELL, youre taking people away from there freedom! They escape
from the horrible act of slavery and you take them back after all
that they went through? No way. If more people would stop being
lazy and did their own work, and not use slaves, it wouldve been
avoided. If the abolitionists really wanted it to stop they wouldve
made it more viral and protested more in peoples property who
had slaves. All the white people now have slaves to do their
bidding and all blacks were removed from their families.

By: Matyos

Elections Of 1860

Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was the Republican
candidate for the presidency in


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